President Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman called the annual membership business meeting to order. She introduced herself and the 2007 officers: Bob Kellam,President-
Elect, George Quigley, Vice-President; Brenda Bernhardt, Recording Secretary;
Madeline Collier, Corresponding Secretary; and Barbara Walters, Treasurer. She thanked the 2007 conference committee chaired by herself, and Erv Evans, NCSU, members Bob
Kellam, Wake County and George Quigley, Cumberland County.. Counties that helped prepare the conference were Wake, Johnson, Durham, and Orange. NCSU was also given recognition for the facilities. With this conference NCMGVA has attained a membership of over 500 members. Upcoming conferences will be held in: 2008,
Brunswick County; 2009, Iredell County; 2010, Onslow.
Mailings were made to association members regarding three items of business. The first item was a proposal to increase association annual dues. Bob Kellam led with the proposal to increase Association Annual Dues to $10.00 effective January 1, 2008. Prior to that date members would be able to renew at the old rate for up to 3 years from their current expiration date. Gloria Polakof, seconded the proposal. Assoication membership unanimously accepted the proposal.
This is the third year NCMGVA has presented Outstanding Volunteer Awards.
Two awards were presented this year. Cindy Lauderdale, Hort Agent, Wilson County had nominated Karen Blume, Wilson County Master Gardener for the award. Cindy spoke on Karen’s achievements and why she nominated Karen for this award. Barbara Walters,
Master Gardener, Onslow County had nominated Brian Wheat, Onslow County Master
Gardener for the award. Barbara spoke on Brian’s achievements and why she nominated
Brian for this Award. The President presented both awards.
Revived bylaws were the next item on the agenda. All NCMGVA members had received a copy of the revisions. Jim Coughlin of Durham County proposed that we accept the revision of the NCMGVA Bylaws. Louise Romanow of Wake County seconded. Association members unanimously accepted the newly 2007 revised bylaws.
Seventeen counties participated in the 2007 Garden Landscape Design Contest. 174 votes were cast. Appreciation certificates were awarded to Catergory A (less than 100 active MG members) to the following counties: Craven, Onslow, Nash, Wayne, and
Rowan. Iredell County was the 2 nd
place presenter and Pitt County was the 1 st
place presenter. In Catergory B (more than 100 active MG members): New Hanover and
Guilford received certificates of appreciation. Wake County was the 2 nd
place presenter and Dare County was the 1 st place presenter. Bob Kellam showed appreciation to
Madeline Collier and suggested that similar conference presentations will be made. The name Madeline Collier Garden Landscape Design Award should become an annual event.
The slate of officers and nominating committee to be elected as proposed by the nominating committee was presented by Aloma Lemasters. They are as follows:
President: Shirley Waggoner-Eisenman, Brunswick County; President-Elect: Bob
Kellam,Wake County; Vice-President: George Quigley, Cumberland County; Recording
Secretary: Brenda Bernhardt, Iredell County; Corresponding Secretary: Gloria Polakof,
Moore County; Treasurer: Barbara Walters, Onslow County; Nominating Committee:
Brenda Carter, Wayne County and Aloma Lemasters, Iredell County. Aloma Lemasters moved the slate as presented, the motion was seconded by Madeline Collier. The slate was unanimously accepted by the association membership.
The business part of the meeting was adjourned. Wanda Oates of Wake County followed with raffle items as a part of the conference.
Respectfully submitted: Brenda Bernhardt
NCMGVA Recording Secretary