SYLLABUS BCN 4753: Construction Administration and Economics Fall (2008) 8/26 – 12/12 Updated 8/25/2008 Instructor: Office: Class Hours: Office Hours: James J. Sorce, MBA Building 50, Room 2304 4:30pm – 5:45 pm TR 3:30pm – 4:30 pm TR Telephone: (904) 620-2759 Fax: (904) 620-2573 Cell: (904) 703-5189 Email: I. Textbooks And Other Readings Required: Florida Contractor’s Manual 2004 edition The textbook should be available at the UNF bookstore, College Book Rack or the other one. Recommended background readings: The Wall Street Journal ENR the Construction Weekly Useful and highly recommended websites: II. Course Objectives: Provide an understanding of the Business Plan preparation. Provide an introduction to the current economic context of the construction industry. Provide practice in written and oral communications, and a group project administration. Provide an opportunity for participation in the design/delivery of a community service project. Enhance Internet literacy. Provide an understanding of the importance of effective resource allocation. III. Expected Outcomes: The student will gain: An understanding of how to prepare a Business Plan for a construction enterprise. Knowledge of the relevant terminology and the resources available to aid in an effective preparation of a business plan for a construction enterprise. An understanding of the current economic context of the construction industry. An understanding of the allocation of resources in the context of a construction enterprise. An understanding of the environment and conditions that construction companies operate under. The ability to locate market opportunity and an understanding of competitive advantage. Experience in working with others through team projects and presentations. An awareness of the role and importance of community service. Enhanced skills related to using the Internet as a reliable reference source. Enhance personal communication skills, both written and oral. IV. Course Requirements Prerequisites: Principles of Macroeconomics and, Principles of Microeconomics, or Equivalent. Marketing (not required but recommended). 1 V. Evaluation and Grading Learning Methods: This course will include instructor-led discussions, guest industry lectures, oral presentations and written reports of research by both individual and group efforts. Students will earn grades according to the following scheme: Points 10 20 Company Overview Mid-term Business Plan/Scenario Idea/Feasibility Research Strategic Plan Nature of Business Financials and Sources of Money Marketing Strategy Location and Other Issues Peer Evaluation Individual Presentation Final Group Business Plan Final Exam Total Points 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 150 Note: Student’s final grades will be assigned based on the plus/minus system. Also, all grades given pertaining to the Business Plan/Scenario will be multiplied by the peer evaluation percentage to determine final grades. Attendance policy: BCM Departmental Class Attendance policy (effective date January 9, 2006): “Attendance of classes is mandatory. Students must attend 86% of all classes in order to receive a passing grade.” BCM classes meeting once a week cannot be missed more than two times in order to receive a passing grade. If you are going to miss class you must notify me in advance of the class by telephone or email to receive an “excused absence.” An “excused absence” will only be given for an illness or family emergency, which is supported by written documentation. Attendance will be noted at the beginning of the class period. Two late arrivals will be recorded as an unexcused absence. Continued tardiness will result in a reduction of final grade. VI. Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are due. Late assignments will not be accepted and the student/s will receive no points for that assignment. Construction Company Profile and Industry Environment Overview This is an individual assignment. Each student will choose a construction company listed on the ENR top 400. This list can be found on the Internet. I have provided the link above. Each student will be required to submit an 6-8 pages (double spaced) overview. You will need to Include financial data and ratios, history, industry overview, market potential, leadership information, and economic environment. This will also include a detailed recommendation as to where company efforts should be focused and where resources should be cut. You will need to include a complete evaluation of the environment that your company operates in. This will also include, but not be limited to, looking at the company’s competition, the nature of the resources utilized by your company, and how governmental regulations affect the industry. Special attention should be focused on what drives the cost in the industry that your company operates in. You must include references at least 6 viable sources. These sources must be cited in the text or a reduction in grade will result. 2 Business Plan Development & Presentation This will be a group assignment. Your management team has been given the task to develop a subsidiary of your company to capture a new opportunity in the construction industry. The opportunity will be your choice. The opportunity will need to be outside of the realm of the main company’s current operations. You will need to develop this company in a location outside the current service area of your company. Each student team will develop a complete company plan including all aspects of setting up a business and make a 30-minute oral presentation to a panel of industry professionals. Treat this as a development of an entirely new company. The teams will need to develop a Mission, Vision, and Goals, identify and research the opportunity, select a business strategy and develop a complete business plan. This company will be separate from the main company. However, all funding for the venture can come from the main company. All numbers in financials must include references. Your team will be required to handout a summary of the plan to your classmates on the day of your presentation. You will choose a company that someone in your group did a profile on for the last assignment. Please contain all information in an orderly fashion in some kind of folder to turn in for a final business plan. Documents due: Idea/Feasibility Research Strategic Plan Nature of Business, Market and Competition Financials, Projections, Employment and Sources of Money Marketing Strategy Location/Legal Issues, Insurance Final Business Plan Due dates for each document are located in the Fall 2008 Tentative Schedule on the next page. There will be a sign-up sheet passed around in class to establish groups. VII. Academic Integrity: UNF places high priority on, and strives to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity while protecting the rights of students and faculty. Should any instructor find evidence of cheating, plagiarism, or other inappropriate assistance in work presented by a student, the instructor should inform the student of the action to be taken" (UNF current Catalog). At minimum, the action I will take for any incidence of violation of academic integrity will be an F (failing grade) in the course and dismissal of the student committing the violation from the class. IX. Students With Disabilities If you have a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which may require any accommodations or auxiliary aid(s), please contact and register with the UNF Disability Resource Center (located in Honors Hall 10/1201; phone: 620-2769). Please refer to UNF's Disabled Services Program Student Handbook for more details about the Disability Resource Center. X. Classroom Etiquette Students are expected to remain polite during classroom discussions. Even during heated debates, you must treat your instructor and classmates with respect. Violation of this policy will result in a reduction of your class participation grade that, if the violation is significant enough, could result in a failing grade for the class. For example, you should not make derogatory remarks about your classmates’ ideas. Instead, explain why you think they are wrong, backing up your viewpoint with sound analysis and refraining from personal attacks. Another example is being quiet while someone else (including your instructor) has the floor. 3 BCN 4753 Fall 2007 Tentative Schedule 8-26-06 Tuesday 8-28-08 Thursday Syllabus, projects, papers, goals, and expectations Dubai 9-2-08 Tuesday 9-4-08 Thursday Chapter 1 Chapter 1 9-9-08 Tuesday 9-11-08 Thursday Chapter 3 Financial Management Chapter 3 Financial Management 9-16-08 Tuesday 9-18-08 Thursday Chapter 3 Financial Management Chapter 3 Financial Management, Individual Company Overview Due 9-23-08 Tuesday 9-25-08 Thursday Construction Environment Construction Environment, Idea/Feasibility Research 9-30-08 Tuesday 10-2-08 Thursday Chapter 4 Risk Management Chapter 4 Risk Management 10-7-08 Tuesday 10-9-08 Thursday Chapter 4 Risk Management Strategic Plan Mid-term review 10-14-08 Tuesday 10-16-08 Thursday Mid-term Exam Wal~mart 10-21-08 Tuesday 10-23-08 Thursday Chapter 5 Labor and Employment Chapter 5 (cont’d) Nature of Business, Market and Competition 10-28-08 Tuesday 10-30-08 Thursday Chapter 5 (cont’d) Guest Speaker, Financials, Projections, Employment and Sources of Money 11-4-08 Tuesday 11-6-08 Thursday Chapter 2 Licensing Chapter 2 Licensing Marketing Strategy 11-11-08 Tuesday 11-13-08 Thursday Holiday Chapter 6 Workman’s Compensation, Location/Legal Issues, Insurance 11-18-08 Tuesday 10-20-08 Thursday Chapter 6 Workman’s Compensation Guest Speaker 11-25-08 Tuesday 11-27-08 Thursday Presentations Holiday 12-2-08 Tuesday 12-4-08 Thursday Presentations Presentations, Final Business Plan Due 12-11-08 Thursday Final Exam 3:00 – 4:50 4