Minutes from the PTA meeting held on 19 October 2015

Minutes from the PTA meeting held on 19th October 2015
Sandra King
Deborah Osborne-Walker
Sonia McGinnes
Odette Moore
Urszula Tompsett
Sarah Bushell
Zoe Magni
Mary Richards
Mrs Turner
Maggie Gibbs
Matthew Hunt
Arantcha Sagredo Hunt
Val Woods
Kirsty Penfold
Apologies for absence: Natalie Evans
Rita King
Bobble McLoughlin
Donna Leek
Corrina Fitzpatrick
Nellie Flores
1. Minutes of the last meeting – Approved. Sandra requested that a
file be held in Reception, as this was a requirement of the Constitution,
with a record of all minutes. Mary will organise this. It was also raised
whether the minutes could be added to the website and Mrs Turner
was almost certain that this would be possible and requested that we
should forward a copy to Mrs Purdey Sandra to confirm the email
2. Treasurers Report – Deborah informed that the following:
Current bank status - £7,066
Recent events funds raised:
Harvest- £111 – a cheque will be forwarded to Cafod once it has
been signed by the signatories. Mrs Turner has requested that a photo
be taken of the presentation of the cheque with some of the children
as a record of the event.
Syria - £186 from the Table Sale, £133 from the Infant Cake Sale
and £136 from the Junior Cake Sale organised by the School
Council. Therefore total raised for Syria £455. A cheque has already
been given to Mrs Lucani.
Frozen Fridays – a total over £317 over six weeks. Sandra gave
special thanks for Deborah for co-ordinating this. Also, we should note
that the children in Badgers on the last Frozen Friday were delighted
with their ice-creams which were donated to get rid of all stock from
the freezer.
Quiz Night – A total of £425 was made.
This brings a total of over £700 from Term 1 and it was decided that
£1,500 can immediately be handed over to the school in order to fund
the purchase of new books for each classroom up to a value of £100
per class. The school will ‘top up’ the remainder.
Deborah also reported that she is going to try and keep the
noticeboards updated with totals of monies raised so that everyone can
be aware of the fundraising that is achieved during the year. Mrs
Turner suggested that we should use the texting facility as an
additional means of communication.
With regard to the Constitution and Charity Status we are still waiting
confirmation which will probably be a few weeks yet.
3. Fireworks 6th November – This was the main topic of the evening
and is covered is the accompanying Plan. Crucially, many more
volunteers are required. There is notice going out in bookbags this
week so hopefully there will be a positive response to this.
Sandra has chased for the tickets in order that they can go on sale.
Deborah re-iterated that each ticket needs to be numbered before they
are released otherwise we will have no idea of telling how many have
been sold. We also need volunteers to help sell tickets in the
playground w/c 2 November.
Slow cookers are required on the evening to help keep food warm
(approx. 10 needed). Stewards should bring torches where possible.
Mrs Turner to provide high viz.
Sarah Bushell is going to try and put together a map/plan in advance
of the event in order that people are fully aware of what is available
and where! Mrs Turner to supply plan of school.
4. Events Calendar
Phil the Bag – Deborah is organising the flyers and bags to go out
tomorrow (20 October) to be returned full on Tuesday 3 November.
Disco/Cinema Night – Postponed until the New Year
Craft Afternoon – Paint a Plate - We hope for this to take place in
the lead up to Advent – perhaps w/c 16/11/15? To be confirmed.
Children’s Quiz Night – Postponed until the New Year
Parents Bingo – Postponed until the New Year
DVDs & Photos – There are some issues with consent for some of
the Reception pupils. Mrs Turner requested that someone give her the
details in order that she can telephone the parents and rectify.
URGENT We also need a volunteer to video the Reception Christmas
Performances on the 10th and 11th December. John, who has
previously done this, has always had to use his annual leave in order to
do so, so it might be nice if we could get another person to help this
year? Anyone?
Summer Fayre – although this is some time away, we have
potentially scheduled the date as 18th June. Odette to check that this
does not clash with anything at St Richards and Urszula will check the
council calendars.
5. Infant Class Representatives
Natalie will act as a ‘feeder’ to the representatives where necessary:
RA – Odette Moore
RB – Matthew Hunt & Sydney Yeoman has also offered to assist.
1A – Claire Hermon
1B – Sonia McGinnes
1C – Angela Kitcher
2A – Sarah Bushell
2B – Natalie Evans
Nursery – Deborah Osborne-Walker
6. Road Safety – Rita King is going back to Brian Banks re a proposed
7. Any Other Business – Mrs Turner asked for volunteers to help serve
Christmas Lunch:
Infants: Wednesday 16 December – Mary, Zoe, Sonia, Odette &
have volunteered so far.
Juniors: Thursday 10 December – Sonia, Odette & Urszula have
volunteered so far.
The PTA has offered to supply the crackers and table cloths etc. for
both schools.
Please come forward if you can help.
Needed Val Woods has also requested that we save and pass to her
any wrapping paper, used or otherwise, which we may have. She
needs it in preparation for the Christmas Fayres. It doesn’t even
matter if it has tape on it! Please leave at office in a labelled bag for
8. Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday 18 November at 7:30 pm in the
new Staffroom. All welcome.