I love summer! It’s my favorite time of the year. There are just so many things to do. My three favorite summertime activities would have to be Sewanee tennis, seeing my friends, and being free. Sewanee tennis camp is right now the only place I want to be. I get to see my friends a lot more often than I do during the school year. Relaxing and just being able to do what I want to do all the time is one of my favorite things. I just started going to Sewanee Tiger Tennis Camp and it is already my favorite place to be! Just imagine tennis 8 hours a day with your best friends and amazing food and at night bowling, or a dance that was crazy, or casino night and even going to the movies. It’s like a dream to me. Rooming with my best friend was m favorite part. The best tennis coaches are there to help us. We only got to stay for a week though. Sewanee is up in the mountains so it was very peaceful and not too many cars. Tennis is one of my three favorite activities. I absolutely love seeing my friends over the summer! Theres no stress and I can be so much more social in the summer. One of my favorite things to do with my friends over the summer is go to the Lake House and just swim and hangout and drive the boat. Another thing I like is having a few friends over and having a bonfire. I love going to the pool with friends we always have an amazing time. My last favorite summer activity is just being free. I love waking up each morning at like eleven and going down stairs to watch tv and no one telling me to do my homework, such a great feeling. There is no stress over the summer, there’s some but not much. Being able to do what I want all day is like heaven to me. I could keep going on and on but Sewanee tennis, friends, and being free are my top three favorite summer activities! Summer is the only time that can do all three of these things, that’s why it is my favorite season too. CARTER- THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY. WHERE ARE THE DETAILS? YOU HAVE THE IDEAS ABOUT WHICH YOU CAN DO THIS. FOR EXAMPLE, WHEN YOU SPEAK OF GOING TO THE LAKE HOUSE, WHY NOT DESCRIBE THE SCENERY? WHAT CAN YOU SEE? SMELLS? FOODS- DO YOU GRILL OUT? GET SUNBURNED? THERE ARE PLENTY OF THINGS TO WRITE ABOUT IN DETAIL. KEEP THIS IMPORTANT THING IN MIND: YOU WANT TO MAKE THE READER FEEL AS IF SHE IS THERE WITH YOU. MAKE WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND ENJOYING APPEALING TO THE READER. By tomorrow, Tuesday, May 21, I want you to make corrections as outlined above and what is written in red. From there, we will move to the grammar, but you will have to fix these things first. You will be using this same paper to work on grammar. I need to see these corrections first. Turn this paper in to me between 7-9 tomorrow night as well. Work hard on this since we must use it for further instruction. Don’t just jot something down and move on.