Dragonfly Classroom Curriculum Plan
Theme: Building Relationship Week of : April 30 th - May 7 th , 2012
(Self awareness, self concept, effective social
& interpersonal skills, self-regulation, awareness of others.)
Mathematical Concept
Learning (Beginning counting, participation in counting rhymes or songs, filling & emptying, patterns & sequence, understanding of daily time sequence, beginning shapes, sorting.)
(Naming & labeling, recognition of signs, songs, books, & rhymes, scribbling, naming scribbles.)
Motor Learning
(Large and fine motor learning)
Take children on a wagon ride and point out the things/ people that we see, and then ask children what they saw.
Take children on a walk, and then collect leaves for art projects.
Take children to visit the Ladybugs and Honeybees (building relationship)
Encourage children to take turns/ share
Encourage friends to bake/cook in the kitchen area, and then share
“food” with our friends.
Practice counting from 1- 5 (English, Spanish & French)
Reading counting books
Count how many leaves we have on hand
Fill & dump sensory items
Stacking blocks, cubes, cups, etc.
Line up cars, blocks, books, etc.
Read alphabet books
Help children identify friends by name
Points out what friends are feeling, and then imitate friend’s feelings
Observe out what our friends are doing, and then join in
Sing children’s favorite songs
Sticker art/ Stamp art
Painting with shaving cream/ Painting with leaves and flowers
Racing with friends and teachers (Ready, Set, Go!)
Play Ring Around the Rosie with friends and teachers
Water play/ water the plants
Practice throwing, kicking, bouncing balls with friends.
What happened
During wagon rides, we stopped by to look at paramedic and first aid classes, tennis players, dancers, older kids playing, bike riders, busses, and etc. When we saw the sprinklers in actions, I informed the children that they were looking at the sprinklers watering the grass, and then asked what they saw… Evelyn replied “wawa,”
Sophie said “aqua,” Hannah responded “water,” while Debby observed. Matias asked to go into the Honeybees classroom for music class, so we went in with Oviyaa, Kathryn, and Lucas. We had fun with our Honeybee friends and teachers making our own music! Kathryn shared the tennis ball that she found with Lucas!
Sophie made some “eggs and bread,” then shared with friends and teachers!
Dragonflies counted 1-5 while washing hands, and going up the steps. Debby enjoyed reading counting books, and then shared it with Coltrane. During a walk, we stopped by to pick up some leaves, and then counted it together. Debby, Evelyn, Elliot enjoyed filling and dumping sand, and also helping teachers make sand castles. Friends also enjoyed filling and dumping pasta and water
(outside). Lucas, Sophie, Oviyaa loves lining up the colorful plastic chairs, then engaged in pretend play to ride the train! Lucas also enjoyed lining up transportation toys together, and then allowed friends to join him. Coltrane joined Lucas, then decided to make his own set!
Friends enjoyed listening to stories, and also reading on their own.
Mireille, Kathryn, Sophie and Hannah enjoys calling out their friend’s names! Mireille stated “Oviyaa sad, crying,” then gave
Oviyaa a hug! Sophie and Lucas noticed that his friends were having fun dancing and laughing, then joined in and laughed out loud with friends. Lucas pretended to cry, then looked at himself crying in the mirror, and then laughed at himself! Matias requested for Wheels on the “bus” song. Oviyaa and Mireille requested for their favorite song, “Patty cake.”
Dragonfly friends enjoyed the shaving cream & food coloring art and also the painting with leaves and flower art. All Dragonflies love racing with each other and friends… Mireille, Matias and
Kathryn followed teachers to say “Ready…set…go” before blasting off! Dragonfly friends enjoyed playing Ring around the Rosie with each other, and also with the Honeybee friends and teachers!
Friends enjoyed playing with squirt bottle and water in the bucket fun. Friends enjoyed playing balls (throwing/bouncing/kicking) at the tennis court!