Reorganization Meeting - St.Paul`s Evangelical Lutheran Church


February 8, 2007

A special reorganization meeting of the Congregation Council of Saint Paul’s

Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ardmore, Pennsylvania, was held on Thursday, February 8, 2007, at 7:15 pm in the Meeting Room. The special meeting had been called at the regular meeting of the Council on January 4, 2007.

Present were Senior Pastor Harry W. McDowell, Associate Pastor Julie K. DeWerth,

Libby Anderson-Hoyer, Robert J. Ertner, William G. Frey, William A. Henderson, Jr., Barbara

G. Keyser, Bonnie M. Legreid, Elizabeth E. McCoid, Louise M. Pierce, Denette P. Stetler, and

David L. Wilson, Jr. Absent: Christine C. Fritton and Judith A. Zucker.

Pastor McDowell opened the meeting with devotions and welcomed everyone to the

Council table. Council members introduced themselves.


Pastor McDowell chaired the meeting until the president was elected, after which he presided.

The ecclesiastical ballot is used for election of officers. As each office is under consideration, members write the name of the person they prefer on blank ballots, which are then tallied. On the first ballot for an office, a unanimous number of votes for one person is required for election; on the second ballot, 80%; on the third ballot, 60%; and on the fourth ballot, a majority of votes for one person is required for election. Using this procedure, an election was conducted for the offices of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and financial secretary with the following results:


Vice President



William G. Frey

William A. Henderson, Jr.

Barbara G. Keyser

Robert J. Ertner

Judith A. Zucker Financial Secretary

President Bill Frey handed out a set of guidelines that last year’s Council formulated, describing Council’s commitments to God, the congregation and each other. He also circulated an invitation from Bishop Claire Burkat to a workshop on February 24 on the topic of What

Council Members Need to Know.


Council members, other than the two financial officers, were assigned to chair a committee after indicating their committee preferences. After assembling a committee and having a meeting, if the Council representative wishes not to serve as Chair, a member of the

Committee can be designed Chair or Co-Chair.


Committee assignments were announced, as follows:


Christian Education



Louise Pierce

Elizabeth McCoid

Barbara Keyser

Bill Frey

Parish Activities


Libby Hoyer

Bill Henderson

Social Ministry

Staff Personnel

Denette Stetler

Christine Fritton


Worship and Music

David Wilson

Bonnie Legreid


Bill Frey announced that two volunteers are needed to serve as delegates to the synod assembly on May 4 and 5.


Bank Resolutions

Citizens Checking Account

RESOLVED: That an account be maintained with Citizens in the name of Saint

Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church and for the use of this organization for general purposes, that this organization enter into such agreements with Citizens as Citizens shall require in connection with such accounts; that this organization enter into, conform to and be bound by Citizens’ Rules and Regulations, as amended from time to time and available in its branches; and that Citizens is further authorized to make payments from such accounts upon presentation of checks or orders to pay duly signed by officers with the following titles as indicated:

Check withdrawals of $7,500 or less require signature of one: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer.

Check withdrawals in excess of $7,500 require signatures of two: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer.

Janney Montgomery Scott, Inc.

Operating Money Market

RESOLVED: That the Janney Montgomery Scott operating money market account be closed and all funds transferred to the Vanguard operating money market account Withdrawals in excess of $7,500 require signatures of two of the following: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer.


Vanguard Group of Mutual Funds, Money Market Accounts

Endowment Fund

RESOLVED: That withdrawals must include one signature for checks

up to $7,500 and two signatures for checks in excess of $7,500, signed

by any of the following: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer.

Capital Campaign Fund

RESOLVED: That withdrawals must include one signature for checks

up to $7,500 and two signatures for checks in excess of $7,500, signed

by any of the following: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer.

Perpetual Care Fund

RESOLVED: That withdrawals must include one signature for checks

up to $7,500 and two signatures for checks in excess of $7,500, signed

by any of the following: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer.

Vanguard Operating Money Market Fund

RESOLVED: That withdrawals must include one signature for checks

up to $7,500 and two signatures for checks in excess of $7,500, signed

by any of the following: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer.

A motion was made—

To approve all the above resolutions pertaining to banks.

Seconded and, on vote taken, the motion carried unanimously.

Gifts of Securities.

RESOLVED: That the Treasurer is authorized to sell and shall sell

gifts of securities made to Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church as

soon as possible. If the gift is designated by the donor for current

usage, the proceeds shall be deposited in the Vanguard operating

money market or Citizens’ checking account at the treasurer’s


If the gift is designated by the donor for the Endowment Fund or

Perpetual Care Fund, or Capital Campaign Fund, the proceeds from the

sale of the gift shall be deposited in the appropriate money market

account until otherwise invested in securities on the decision of the

Investment Committee.


If the security is not designated by the donor, the proceeds from the

sale of the security gift shall be deposited as follows: a. the first $5,000 into the Vanguard operating money market fund and b. the excess, if any, over $5,000 into the Endowment Fund

The decision to reinvest any proceeds not designated by the donor or

under the terms set forth above to the operating money market

accounts in the church’s name shall be made by Saint Paul’s

Investment Subcommittee following the investment objectives of the

Endowment Fund, Perpetual Care Fund and Capital Campaign Fund as

set forth by them.

A motion was made—

To approve all the above resolutions pertaining to gifts of securities.

Seconded and, on vote taken, the motion carried unanimously.

Legacies and other donor-undesignated gifts

Cash or other assets convertible to cash received for the benefit of the church from sources not described under Gifts of Securities above shall be deposited as follows: a. the first $5,000 into the Vanguard Operating Money Market Fund

and b. the excess, if any, over $5,000, into the Endowment Fund

A motion was made—

To approve all the above resolutions pertaining to legacies and other donor-undesignated gifts.

Seconded and, on vote taken, the motion carried unanimously.


Council Meeting Date: According to By-Laws of the Constitution, B3,03, the

Council must decide upon a regular monthly meeting date (must be held by the

10 th).

RESOLVED: That the regular meeting night of Congregation Council be held the first Thursday after the first Monday of each month, to be called to order at 7:15 pm.

Seconded and, on vote taken, the motion carried.


Proposed Amendments to the Constitution: Bill Frey gave a report about the status of efforts by the Task Force in 2006 to propose amendments to St. Paul’s Constitution.

Council Roster Sheet: A sheet was circulated for Council members to include their phone numbers (including work number, if it can be used, and cell phone number), fax numbers and e-mail addresses.

Mailboxes: They are located in the church office, below members’ names. They should be checked at least once a week. Bills need to be promptly verified at source of order and given to the treasurer with member’s OK, initials, date, and committee and/or category to be charged.


New members received keys to the church and office.

Pictures: Denette Stetler took pictures of the new members.

Reports to Council: Committee chairs were asked to e-mail reports of all meetings to other Council members, the pastors, and the two office secretaries by the day before the monthly Council meeting, at the latest. It should be noted which committee members are present and absent.

Notebooks and Committee Minutes: New chairpersons were instructed to ask the

previous chairperson for at least a year’s worth of papers and minutes in order to

acclimate themselves to the activities that preceded their arrival to the Council


Committee Membership Consideration : Membership directories were distributed.

Committee chairs were asked to e-mail to President Bill Frey, Vice President Bill

Henderson, and the pastors their proposed committee lists within two weeks.

Members of the congregation who are asked to serve on a committee should be reminded that they can serve on only one primary committee, although they can be on a subcommittee of another committee. New members can be added to committees at any time.

Louise Pierce volunteered to look over the Time and Talents surveys and relay information to Council members, who could possibly glean some people for their committees from the information.

Bonnie Legreid suggested a restructuring of the committee format, whereby members might serve for a limited term and then be replaced by new members. She suggested this idea for future consideration.


Reports: Some committee chairs and the financial officers had sent reports of their monthly meetings to the rest of Council. No reports were discussed at this meeting.


Discussion of building space use and security: Due to the recent burglaries at the church, members were asked to be aware of locking up when they are the last to leave the building.

Correspondence: There was none.

Calendar: The calendar was circulated for the addition of meetings and activities.


Thursday, March 8, at 7:15 pm in the Meeting Room.


There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved—

That the meeting be adjourned.

Seconded and, on vote taken, the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at

9:20 pm following the Lord’s Prayer.


