Circuit 19 Juvenile Justice Council

Circuit 15 Juvenile Justice Board
2011-2013 Officers
11/20/2012 Special Board Meeting Notes
Dr. Barbara Gerlock
7716 Spring Creek Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Elise Johansen
Cathy Anaya-Wolf
Welcome and Introductions
Meeting called to order at 12:04 pm.
Adoption of agenda - Moved to adopt by Cathy Anaya-Wolf second by Leo Fisher –
Statutory Members
New Business:
1- Draft letter to the Secretary on Proposed legislation regarding Boards and
Councils (attached)
Last night Barbara Gerlock received the new proposed legislation. After reviewing the new
draft, the letter now presented may not work. She asked if the Board would like to have a
new letter developed that incorporates the new legislative recommendations.
State Attorney
Peter Antonacci
Lynn Powell
Debra Coltun
Barbara Gerlock outlines some of the changes to the draft such as: it keeps the name and
collapses Boards and Councils together; membership will be from 21-22 members; each will
have a strategic plan due by December 2014 and would be revised each 3 years. See new
mandates read by Chair Barbara Gerlock.
Past Chair
Jay Bonner
Public Defender
Carey Haughwout
Barbara White
Schnelle Tonge
Chief Judge
Peter D. Blanc
Cristy Altaro
Voting Members
Cathy Anaya-Wolf
Marcia Andrews
Dr. Seth Bernstein
Angela Clarke
Joyce Conway
Steven Craig
Major James Cummings
Mike Edmondson
Chap. Leo Fisher
Dr. Barbara Gerlock
Elise Johansen
Kara Justi
Capt. Pat Kenny
Melissa McKinlay
Brenda Oakes
John Sherman
Clay Walker
Cathy Anaya-Wolf mentioned that she had a concern that the Secretary was to determine the
final selection approval of the members of the Board and asked why? If the Councils are
suppose to be comprised of members of the community then the vote and approval needs to
come from the community and not the Secretary.
Barbara Gerlock mentioned that she did not see anywhere what the process was for the
Chair? Who picks the board chair? How is that determined?
Leo Fisher stated at the Local Advisory Boards should help in the process of electing the
Barbara Gerlock as the group, do you want me to modify the letter identifying certain issues
or that the circuit board should be more of a community driven initiative with board input?
Leo Fisher stated that we need to hang on to people who want to work on the board as
volunteers and who has an interest in children.
Barbara Gerlock stated that prior to the December 18th date, she will have a new letter and
forward to Board prior for review and input.
2- Request for focus groups prior to Secretary’s visit to Palm Beach County,
December 18, 2012 (attached)
Barbara Gerlock after receiving some feedback from community representatives concerned
with the date of the Secretary’s meeting, she sent to Fiermon Johnson, III a request to see if
there is a possibility of changing the date due to the holiday. Also, the focus groups are
supposed to happen prior to the Secretary coming to Palm Beach County.
Barbara Gerlock asked what the intent of the focus groups was. Paula Friedrich – The focus
groups being presented are for the purpose on how to enhance communication between youth
and law enforcement. There is a study in Pennsylvania that the Secretary is using as a
guideline and she will be citing that study when Secretary presenting her road map. Law
Enforcement is putting together focus groups. Eugene from Tallahassee is helping to put
11/20/2012 Special Board Meeting Notes
these events together. In Palm Beach the focus groups need to be prior to December 18, 2012. Paula
Friedrich did mention that she sent to the PAC & LC an invitation to assist putting this together.
Cristy Altaro, Chair of the PAC spoke to Paula Friedrich on the phone regarding these focus groups
and she will like to assist with this and help with committee and Board.
Leo Fisher asked if there was a Venue for the secretary’s road map town hall meeting? Paula
Friedrich mentioned that she does not know, for now the location is still pending. Road Map meeting
will run from 6-8pm (See plan)
Paula Friedrich stated that the tentative dates for hosting the focus groups were December 5, 2012 or
December 14, 2012. Leo Fisher asked: what are the expectations and what does that look like? Paula
Friedrich mentioned that the school district police and the law enforcement agencies of other
municipalities in the area. Those who are dealing or counseling the youth. The other locations could
be the Boys and Girls Clubs who currently have contracts with DJJ or use the Youth Empowerment
Centers. Look youth to participate of varying ages - 15-17 years of youth. There is a need for a
Barbara Gerlock – Looked at the question for Law Enforcement and Youth and given everything we
have done in this community to foster a relationship among all parties. She is difficult with some of
the questions are asked to be confrontational not situational and does not enhance relationships. Leo
Fisher– What about an open dialogue.
Barbara Gerlock did speak to some of the law enforcement and they have difficulties with the
questions. Barbara White has this been used before in focus groups and what happened.
Eugene (Tallahassee & Gainesville) – both focus groups were positive - the questions are a
framework but not to be stated verbatim. They are supposed to be a guide for the moderator.
Barbara Gerlock how was this advertised? Eugene is build as an opportunity for youth and law
enforcement to build a relationship. They reached out with Law Enforcement, Boys & Girls Club,
Neighborhood Youth Groups, Probation, etc. They had about a group of 20 adults & 20 youth
attend the meeting.
Barbara White who else was present at the focus group? Eugene – there were some staff from
DJJ, rep from Boys & Girls Club (site). There were not too many other outside people. Barbara
Gerlock – asked who served as the moderator. Eugene responded that in Tallahassee it was a
community person who serves young men and in Gainesville – Peace Institute Member that
Barbara Gerlock– what type of report is required. Eugene – the kids will fill out a survey then a
few weeks later there will be a focus group held. Thereafter, the information will be compiled
and used to help design on models on how to help the youth.
Barbara asked that the timeframe is difficult and she feels that it may need to be extended.
Eugene mentioned that he is willing to help and he can come down to assist Paula Friedrich with
putting this together.
Barbara Gerlock mentioned that there is a request to postpone the Secretary visit to the
beginning of the year. Palm Beach County is a large county and they need to look at how to
narrow the area in order to assure that the kids identified will be the ones interacting with the
law enforcement officers in the room.
Paula mentioned that she has been assigned to coordinate the event. Cristy Altaro and Barbara
White said they would help. Cathy Anaya-Wolf recommended Barbara Chieves to serve as the
Barbara Gerlock - The group will be about an average around 25 kids - Northwood Youth
Empowerment Center. Cristy Altaro stated that the invitation should go out to all law
enforcement. Paula Friedrich stated that she can send it to the Law Enforcement Council and
they can send out the information.
11/20/2012 Special Board Meeting Notes
Cristy Altaro – send a flyers to the Law Enforcement Council and they will send it out and
someone can go speak to them.
Paula Friedrich – dates look at the week of the 10th of December seems to be better.
Cristy Altaro – December 13th there is a meeting at the JAC for youth and those kids can be part
of the group as well. Barbara Gerlock asked Paula Friedrich to look at schedule and talk to
Barbara Chieves. Public noted that this will be some discussion between Cristy Altaro, Paula
Friedrich, and Barbara Gerlock will be meeting to discuss the meeting. Angela Bess mentioned
that there were 125 youth present at the Tallahassee meeting.
3- Secretary’s “Roadmap” Community Meeting December 18, 2012, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Palm Beach Lakes as the Venue – Major Cummings
Barbara asked who should be invited. Angela Bass is confirming with Mr. Cummings Palm Beach
Lakes or Palm Beach Central are the 2 locations being considered. Leo Fisher - who sends out the
invitation and DJJ media office for communication? Eugene all invitations are coming out of the
Secretary’s Office. He is not sure who they are working with locally and will get the information
back to Barbara Gerlock. Barbara Gerlock – asked how many people are being invited. Eugene asked
for a crowd of up to 400 people. Barbara Gerlock – are translators being provided? Eugene will look
at into it and get back to Paula Friedrich. Barbara Gerlock - Needs to look at security?
Items from the floor
Leo Fisher – Requested donations (Gift Cards, food, etc) for the holidays for the youth at the
Detention center.
Leo Fisher also wanted to thank Seth Bernstein for postage for the Christmas card, John
Sherman and the Food Bank for the Turkeys.
- PAC will be on Monday November 26, 2012 at 1pm – life time of consequences & Legislation
- Program Committee, Tuesday, November 27, 2012
- Expansion meeting Wednesday, November 28, 2012
- Civil Citation/JDAI Thursday, November 29, 2012
Adjournment 1:05pm