Lakeview Heights Tennis Club Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, October 1, 2006, at 12:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse, Anders Road Present: Margaret Bradbury Joan Galley Anthea Booth Chris Jolly Rieko Webber Cindy Akenclose Rosie Schaich - President - Vice-President - Secretary - Treasurer - Social Convenor - Social Convenor - Club Pro Regrets: Marc Greenberg Betty Ann Ehasoo Dave Van Trump - Past President - Membership - Tournament Director The minutes of the AGM held on October 2, 2005, were read and approved. Joan Galley/Tony Stewart President’s Report Margaret reported on the activities of the past season. 7 fun tournaments were held, only one cancelled due to rain. She thanked the members of the Executive and also Jon, the beer man; Gerry, the handyman/locksmith; Mike who helped with nets and advice; Herman, who cleaned the courts; Kelly Davis for his suggested charity tournament with the Mission club, which unfortunately was unable to be held due to conflicts with other tournaments; Marc and Rosie for ball machine clinics. She congratulated Rosie and her family and other club members for their success in various area tournaments. Margaret reminded members of the tennis code of conduct noting that bad behaviour and inappropriate language will not be tolerated There will be no increase in adult fees next season; however, an increase in family membership fees will be requested. The club website is an added bonus for the club, and thanks were passed on to Judy Muchowski for its design and set up, and to Chris Jolly and his colleagues for donating the technology to make it happen. The website will be updated and early in the new year tournament dates will be available. Congratulations to this year’s club championship winners: Men’s Doubles Ladies Doubles Mixed Doubles Men’s Singles Grant Stanley/Gerry Toye Rieko Webber/Cindy Akenclose Elena Audy/Jerry Cass Still to be completed At the completion of the President’s report, Joan Galley gave a vote of thanks to Margaret for her good work as President. -2Treasurer’s Report Chris circulated the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the year ended September 30, 2006. Equity at year-end is $13,891.98. He noted the Irrigation District lease has increased from $500 to $1,000. Two large capital purchases were the ball machine and a new beer fridge. It was suggested that a higher interest rate on GICs and elimination of bank charges be explored. Chris confirmed that the club is not required to file a tax return. Rosie presented a recommendation that an increase from $85 to $90 in the annual family membership for 2007 be made to recover the cost of junior T shirts. Sylvia Woolley/Raz Ianculescu Approved Chris was thanked for his presentation and the statement as presented was accepted. Chris Jolly/Dieter Grieser Approved Social Convenors’ Report Cindy thanked everyone for their assistance during the year. Tournament Director The May men’s and ladies doubles matches were cancelled due to rain. Rob Aldgren and Katrina Telos won the Mixed “A” tournament, and Reiko Webber and Willie Jung won the Mixed “B” tournament. Men’s and mixed nights had good turnouts and fun tournaments usually saw all 8 courts in action. Membership There are 134 adult members and approx. 80 junior members this season. The membership form for 2007 will be revised. Club Pro Rosie noted that she had 54 juniors taking lessons this season. Dave assisted with a junior camp. 44 juniors were involved in the junior tournament, the most ever. Ladies night had 6-7 courts in action. She noted that the ball machine is a huge asset to the club but has not been used as much as she had hoped. The sign in book will be left on the machine and members are asked to ensure they sign it when using the machine. Members were also asked to notify one of the Executive if the machine malfunctions so that repairs can be made immediately. NEW BUSINESS 1. 2. 3. 4. An amusing email “goodbye” from Forbes Leslie, who has moved to Victoria, will be posted on the notice board for all members to enjoy. Approval to purchase a new net was received at a cost of approx. $400. Sue McVeigh/Irene Buchheim Approved Approval to purchase 1 scoreboard and 5 brackets was received for an approx. cost of $100. Rosie Schaich/Joan Galley Approved Approval to purchase a court sweeper at an approx cost of $800 was received. Jack Rekis/Fran Mann Approved -35. 6. 7. A recommendation to construct either a storage structure near court 1 or a ramp to facilitate moving the ball machine was made. The new Executive will explore these options with the Irrigation District. Jon received approval to continue the Tuesday and Thursday nights table tennis during the winter. He will continue to look after the beer fridge until the spring when Raz Ianculescu will take over. They will receive free membership as do members of the Executive Committee. Tony Stewart suggested that provincial funding for the club be explored. He agreed to chair a sub-committee comprising Bryan Lakusta and John Webber to look into this. ELECTIONS The Nominating Committee represented by Sylvia Woolley gave her report. All members of the current Executive expressed their willingness to serve for a further year with the exception of Reiko and Cindy. Jean Austin has volunteered to act as Social Convenor with a sub-committee comprising Shenoh Mockenski, Marcia Thiessen, Sylvia Woolley and Irene Buchheim. Nominations from the floor were sought for each position, there being none, members of the 2006/07 Executive Committee were approved as follows: President: Vice-President Past President Secretary Treasurer Tournament Director Membership Social Convenor Adjournment: Margaret Bradbury Joan Galley Marc Greenberg Anthea Booth Chris Jolly Dave Van Trump Betty Ann Ehasoo Jean Austin 1:20 p.m. Sue McVeigh/Dieter Grieser Approved