CEU Alumni & Friends Association CONSTITUTION Preamble We, the alumni of Central European University, adopt this Constitution in order to establish and guide the CEU Alumni & Friends Association. CONTENTS ARTICLE I – NAME ARTICLE II – GENERAL STRUCTURE & DEFINITIONS ARTICLE III - MISSION ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP ARTICLE V – THE CEU ALUMNI COUNCIL ARTICLE VI – THE EXECUTIVE BOARD ARTICLE VII – SPECIAL COMMITTEES ARTICLE VIII – ALUMNI CHAPTERS ARTICLE IX – ADOPTION & AMENDMENTS ARTICLE I – NAME The association shall be known as the CEU Alumni & Friends Association (hereinafter referred to as the CEU-AFA). ARTICLE II – GENERAL STRUCTURE & DEFINITIONS The CEU-AFA shall operate as a network of local alumni chapters and individual alumni. The CEU-AFA shall have a four-tier structure consisting of the following bodies: a.) Alumni Council: the highest decision-making body of the CEU-AFA; b.) Executive Board: the executive body of the CEU-AFA; c.) special committees: working groups formed by the Alumni Council to take responsibility for specific activities of the Association; d.) chapters: local groups of CEU alumni. ARTICLE III – MISSION The Association shall serve to establish and enhance a mutually beneficial, enduring relationship among alumni, and between alumni and the University. The Association shall promote the CEU’s values and mission. More specific goals shall be as follows: a.) Networking The CEU-AFA shall support networking among individual alumni and alumni chapters, and between the alumni and the University, helping them all to enhance the interests of alumni and the wider University community. b.) Recruitment The CEU-AFA shall assist in the University-led recruitment process, for instance by promoting and distributing admissions material, organizing information sessions at local universities or organizing pre-departure orientations, in accordance with CEU’s policies concerning recruitment. c.) Publicity & Communications 1 The CEU-AFA shall utilize the Internet and other media channels to enhance communication and effectively fulfill its mission. All communications published by the CEU-AFA and its chapters, whether in print or electronically, shall carry a standard disclaimer clarifying that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of CEU. d.) Services & Benefits CEU-AFA members shall be eligible for a wide range of services and benefits, which shall promote communication, networking, continuing education, and recreation in the alumni community. These services shall be provided by the University and/or local alumni chapters. The Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) shall publish an annual portfolio outlining benefits and services. e.) Career Exploration The CEU-AFA shall assist its members in career development and placement. The CEUAFA, the AAO, and the Student Advising Center shall jointly administer the Alumni Mentor Program, providing both ad hoc career consulting services and mentoring. f.) Fundraising & Community Service If approved by the University or upon University’s request, fundraising projects may be initiated to serve the interest of the University community. These projects may be campaigns or fundraising events for scholarships, awards, or other legitimate purposes. In accordance with the mission of CEU, the Association may also offer community service coordinated by local alumni chapters. ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Types of Membership a.) Regular Members: alumni. Any CEU graduate* is by definition an alumnus/ alumna, and is eligible for benefits offered by the CEU-AFA. b.) Associate Members: former CEU students who have not graduated from the University, as well as individuals or friends willing to support the Association and act in accordance with its mission. c.) Honorary Members: other individuals whose active participation or regular donations have resulted in major development of the Association or the University. Section 2. Further Aspects of Membership The AAO shall issue CEU-AFA membership cards to eligible individuals. Local chapters’ membership policies (if any) may differ from those of the Association, but shall by no means contradict or limit the membership criteria or members’ rights and privileges stated in Section 1 of this Article. Section 3. Nominations The Alumni Council shall award Honorary Member status upon recommendation by alumni chapters. The Executive Board may approve Associate Membership status upon request of the Applicant. ARTICLE V – THE CEU ALUMNI COUNCIL Section 1. Purpose The CEU Alumni Council shall be the highest decision-making body of the CEU-AFA and shall be empowered to undertake and regulate any action on behalf of the Association. It shall have all power necessary and consistent with this Constitution to carry out its activities and those of the Association. The Council may amend this Constitution, adopt its own standing rules of procedure, select members of the Executive Board and special committees consistent with this Constitution. Section 2. Composition The CEU Alumni Council shall be composed of the following voting and non-voting members: a.) voting members i) one representative of each local alumni chapter, who shall be a regular member of the CEU-AFA; * CEU students that fulfilled all the requirements of a certificate program prior to a program was accredited shall be regular members. 2 ii) the CEU Alumni Affairs Officer; and b.) non-voting members i) chairs of committees; ii) the CEU Vice President for Student Services, or his/her designee; iii) a representative of the CEU Student Council; iv) a representative of the faculty, nominated by the CEU Rectorate. In addition, the Council shall have the right to co-opt further individuals as non-voting members, including but not limited to alumni volunteers and contact persons not represented by a chapter. Section 3. Meetings The Alumni Council shall determine the dates of its meetings. At least one meeting shall be held each year (Regular Annual Meeting). Extraordinary meetings of the Council may be called upon the written request of the Executive Committee or at least half the voting members of the Council. Virtual meetings or teleconferencing may be used when appropriate. The Council shall maintain minutes of its meetings, and these minutes shall be available to all CEU-AFA members upon request. Section 4. Voting Procedure A quorum of the Alumni Council shall consist of half the voting members, plus one. Council decisions shall require a simple majority of voting members present, except as specified in Art. X. Section 5. Terms of Service The members of the Council, as provided in Section 2 of this Article, shall serve one-year renewable terms, beginning with the first regular annual meeting of the Council. Apart from ex officio members, Council members may not serve more than three consecutive terms. First inaugural meeting of the Council shall be convened by the AAO and based upon the list of local alumni groups and contact individuals registered with the AAO. ARTICLE VI – THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. Purpose The Executive Board elected by the Alumni Council shall be responsible for the co-ordination and management of the Association’s day-to-day activities, and shall report to the Alumni Council. Section 2. Composition and Voting There shall be five Board members. Four shall be Council voting members, of whom at least one shall be resident in Budapest, and the fifth shall be the Alumni Affairs Officer ex officio. The members of the Board shall be elected annually by the Alumni Council upon consultation with CEU. A quorum of five shall be required to make decisions; voting shall be by simple majority. Section 3. Correspondence Each alumnus/alumna may contact the Board in writing, and the Board must consider, and respond to, this correspondence within reasonable time. ARTICLE VII – SPECIAL COMMITTEES Section 1. Purpose For the purpose of effective planning and implementation of CEU-AFA programs, the Alumni Council may form committees, which may include but need not be limited to those listed in Section 2. Each committee shall report to the Executive Board. Committee membership shall be open to all members of the CEU-AFA. 3 Section 2. Structure a.) Recruitment & Admissions Committee This committee shall assist the University to implement its recruitment and admission policy. b.) Publications & Public Relations Committee This committee shall assist the University to evaluate its editorial policy and content of alumni publications. It shall also be responsible for maintaining and updating the CEU-AFA’s web resources. c.) Career Network Committee This committee shall be responsible for implementing the Alumni Mentor Program and other career-related programs for current students and alumni. d.) Development & Fundraising Committee This committee shall help to promote University-led development activities, and coordinate alumni fundraising drives. e.) Reunions & Events Committee This committee shall plan and coordinate reunions and other major alumni events. ARTICLE VIII – ALUMNI CHAPTERS Section 1. Purpose Chapters are self-organizing local alumni communities. Alumni groups provide a structured vehicle through which alumni foster links among themselves and with the University. The chapter network allows the University to extend its visibility and influence beyond campus. Section 2. Chapter Establishment & Maintenance Chapters may have different goals and aims, but these goals and aims shall be consistent with the mission and principles of the CEU-AFA stated in this Constitution. The Alumni Council shall recognize an alumni group as a CEU-AFA chapter on the basis of the following criteria: a.) a sufficient number of graduates in the area to form a chapter, as determined by the Alumni Council; b.) a core group of willing individuals who shall take the organizational initiative and help sustain it; c.) at least one annual reunion and regular networking activities; d.) participation in any of the following University-led activities: fundraising, recruitment, public relations, and other activities aimed at the enhancement and support of the University. The Council must provide reasons for its decisions and suggest alternatives should it find a chapter’s establishment or continuation unviable. A negative decision shall not preclude an alumni group from reapplying. ARTICLE IX – ADOPTION & AMENDMENTS Section 1. Adoption This Constitution shall come into effect upon review and approval of the CEU Planning & Budget Committee and upon approval by a simple majority of all CEU alumni voting in a referendum. Section 2. Amendments Any member of the Alumni Council may propose amendments to this Constitution. The Alumni Council may amend this Constitution by a three-fourths majority vote of voting members present at the Regular Annual Meeting of the Council, provided that a written copy of the proposed amendment is endorsed by the CEU Planning & Budget Committee and submitted to the members of the Council at least one month before voting. 4 CEU Alumni & Friends Association Constitution CEU Alumni Referendum Ballot Name (First / Last): Graduation year (s): CEU academic department (s): Contact address: Contact phone number: E-mail address: I vote to adopt this Constitution for the CEU Alumni and Friends Association. YES NO 5