MINUTES OF THE LONG LAWFORD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 14th JULY 2015 IN THE MEMORIAL HALL, RAILWAY STREET, LONG LAWFORD Present: Chairman Cllr. Mr S Jones Ms D Groves – Clerk Cllr. Mrs J Slack BCllr. Mrs S Bragg BCllr. Mr D Poole (SJ) (DG) (JS) (SB) (DP) Cllr. Mr J Steed Cllr. Mrs P Wyatt Cllr. Mr D Goodwin CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke (JSt) (PW) (DG) (MO) Action 01 02 03 04 05 06 Welcome and Apologies for absence Meeting was opened at 7.30pm. Cllr. Mr Jones welcomed all those present. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mr Fletcher, BCllr. Mr Ellis and PCSO Mr Inman. CCllr. Mrs O’Rourke left at the start of the meeting, due to personal circumstances. To Receive Police Report No police report received due to PCSO Inman on leave. Council were made aware of a burglary which had taken place in Livingstone Avenue. 2 crimes reported by the Parish Council, graffiti on Skatepark and smashed pane of glass at the co-op bus shelter. To Invite Members of the Public to speak on matters of concern Mrs East wished to thank all those who helped with weeding the flower beds in King George Park. Particular thanks go to Gerry, Sarah, 2 football players and referee, Borough Councillors Mrs Bragg and Mr Poole, big thanks to Jackie for hours of hard work and to the Parish Council handyman, Mark for giving up his Saturday to work all day and especially for disposing of bags of weeds. Well done to all. A resident commented knocking down the bus shelter at Round Avenue would be a waste of money. ASB warnings have been given out; there has been no trouble since. Resident commented that police presence has slipped in the village, there is a lot of congestion outside the School; buses are a problem. Suggestion for the Borough Council to knock down the garages and use space as a car park. Cars are parking illegally along Holbrook Rd, School side. Suggestion of organising a walking bus. Illegal parking to be highlighted to PCSO Inman. To Receive Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or other Interest None declared. To Approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 9th June 2015 It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs Slack, seconded by Cllr. Mr Steed that the minutes of 9th June be accepted as a true record, 3 votes in favour, 1 abstention due to absence from the meeting and 1 further abstention. Post meeting note: Item 5 of minutes of 9th June, it had been incorrectly recorded that Cllr. Mr Fletcher had proposed acceptance of minutes of 12th May. Minutes should read that Cllr. Mr Steed had proposed that the minutes of 12th May were accepted. To Receive progress reports on outstanding items not covered later on the Agenda a) Attendance by PC handyman to provide a progress report – Handyman was welcomed to the meeting. Following his attendance in April, bulk of his time has been spent on landscaping; extra hours have been spent mainly reducing the height of planting from the 16 flower beds. It should be noted that there has been significant and fast growth due to the perfect growing conditions this year. 2/3 full van loads of Wood chippings have been collected, loaded and distributed from the Kent and have replenished some areas; however, it continues to be a perpetual battle to keep the flower beds looking as neat and tidy as possible. Given the framework of parameters and the increased footfall in the park; it should be noted that there has been a significant improvement; Mrs Walding and Mrs East were thanked for their help and knowledge imparted. Weed spraying has been carried out and things that shouldn’t be there are gradually being taken out, particularly elderflower which is prevalent. The programme of reducing the number of flower beds continues (the decision as to which flower beds are turned into grass banks remains with the handyman). Grass cutting/strimming – there is a set contract re the number of cuts/strimming which doesn’t change throughout the season regardless of growth. There has been no reduction in the level of service provided; there has however been unprecedented growth due to the recent weather which can result in a detrimental look to the park. Hedges – Branches growing/protruding from the hedge inside the park are being cut but the hedges will need professional pruning back in the later part of the year. Littering – litter increases during the School holidays on top of the ever increasing amount of litter, last month 1020 tonnes of litter was disposed of; the majority from King George park. DG 790 07 The annual play inspection is due to take place which highlights the benchmark for what is acceptable; very little damage has been done to the equipment which is encouraging. Top soil/grass seed will be purchased to repair goalmouths (in-situ) and to infill areas at the skatepark; in an attempt to prevent current picking at the safagrass on the banks of the skatepark. The wood on the multi-use games areas (MUGA’s) at King George and Lawford Heath, together with the roof of the bus shelter opposite the co-op need oiling to protect/preserve the wood; the intention is to set up a spraying system using handyman’s own equipment together with the generator to oil the wood in order to cut down on the number of man hours this would otherwise be required to complete the task. b) Decision re bus shelter grant to provide a bus shelter at Tee Tong Rd – grant has been declined, informed that the main reason; bus shelter proposed is too expensive – for info. c) Skatepark retention of final payment – Clerk has sent pictures and asked Wheelscape to address outstanding snagging issues (email mid-June) – Clerk has now met on-site with Director of Wheelscape, Mr David Wood, to determine what needs doing; very positive meeting; skatepark defects will be repaired during 3 days commencing 14th July by a dedicated team now set up for this purpose. Post meeting note: repairs have been inspected and carried out to a high standard allowing for the final retention payment to be made. d) X 2 copies of renewal contract for the use of the Pavilion by FOLLY dated and posted on 10th June including a self-addressed stamped envelope for return to the Parish Council of a signed copy – copy not yet received – for info – Cllr Mr Jones to chase up e) Signed copy of renewal contract for the use of the Pavilion and pitch in King George Vth park for 2015/16 by the Football Team has been received – for info. f) New information obtained re ownership of bus shelter @ Round Ave Community Centre – The Parish Council to make a decision on the future of the shelter in light of this new information – Following discussions, it was proposed that the bus shelter to remain as it is for the foreseeable future; the Parish Council are happy to allow the Police do their job and deal with any ASB, if there are further problems in the future, Parish Council can look at possibly installing Perspex windows, proposed by Cllr. Mr Jones, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Wyatt, 5 votes in favour. Clerk to inform RBC and to request quotes for the continued fortnightly cleaning thereof. To Receive Borough/County Council Reports a) BCllr. Mr David Ellis has been appointed as Armed Services Covenant Liaison Officer for RBC – to liaise between the Council and ex service personnel to ensure fair treatment is received in cases where offences are committed – for info. DG SJ DG Borough Councillors report July 2015 Earl Craven Community Forum: Police have agreed to continue to patrol Long Lawford although it was not made a priority for the quarter. 4 CPN’s have been served (community protection notices). A resident had also asked Cllr Bragg to raise the issue of speeding on the Rugby Road (between Back lane and Townsend Lane). The Police agreed to bring speed cameras to the area to check. Details of the celebrations for the Rugby World Cup were presented by RBC. Veolia residents liaison meeting: Mr Yarrow the Manager has left for a competitor. WCC planning officer gave details of the application to extend the working hours of the street sweeping plant. This is to help with backlog due to teething troubles and is likely to be needed annually as the winter sweepings have to be left for the leaves to rot before being processed. No lorry movements during these extended hours. Environment agency reported that there had been issues with the asbestos cell coverage and there had been leakage from the perimeter gas wells. Both have now been resolved. Waste being landfilled had increased and a new cell would be started in the autumn. The area along the ling lane straight is to have its final landscaping. Next meeting 2.30pm on 3rd December. Highway: Coalpit Lane is to be closed for refurbishment at the junction with The Fosse on Sunday 26th July Several reports of foul smells coming from Pig Farm were received on 21st June (when it was warm and sunny). Please report any future incidents to the community wardens on 791 0800 0968800 or the environment agency. RBC have arranged Pet Days and there is one at Long Lawford at the park on Tuesday 18th August 12-3pm.There will be free micro chipping, advise on barking and behaviour. Quotes for bus shelters have been obtained and funding applications are proving difficult as Veolia and Sita Trust do not fund bus shelters. CEMEX Community Forum has been discontinued. Cllr Bragg is waiting for a reply from Mr Southcott with regard to the benevolent fund which is for local funding. Full list of the summer funding sources has been obtained by WCAVA and is being pursued where appropriate. The County Councillor grant fund application closes 21st August. Details of the SMART summer activities for children can be found on the RBC website. Cllr Sally Bragg and Cllr Derek Poole b) BCllr. Mrs Bragg provided quotes for proposed bus shelter at Judge Close; 2 m x 1.3m ½ ended panels with perch seat – popular in rural locations £2,569 inc. delivery & VAT. It was agreed for BCllr. Mrs Bragg to ask for a contribution from the County Councillor fund on behalf of the Parish Council in the sum of £1,000; the Parish Council to pay the balance. 08 09 BCllrs. Mrs Bragg and Mr Poole left the meeting at 8.32pm Management/Finance & Administration a) Neighbourhood Plan update – Cllr. Mr Jones informed that services to print the questionnaire had been obtained for free and various companies who provide survey/questionnaire services had been spoken with. Following discussion, it was proposed that a sum of £299 be paid to obtain the services for the provision of the on-line questionnaire. Proposed by Cllr. Mrs Slack, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Wyatt, 5 votes in favour. b) County Councillor grant information received – Clerk has spoken with County Councillor Mrs O’Rourke where it was agreed an application can be made by BCllr. Mrs Bragg on behalf of the Parish Council for a contribution towards the proposed bus shelter at Judge Close (see 7b) above). Recreation Grounds a) To consider the replacement of broken pane of glass @ co-op bus shelter – Following discussions and based on the amount of money being spent on replacing glass at this bus shelter, it was proposed by Cllr. Mrs Slack, seconded by Cllr. Mr Goodwin that the handyman be asked to remove the symmetrical pane of glass next to the smashed pane and keep it as a spare; 4 votes in favour, 1 against. b) To consider the purchase of oil for the treatment of the MUGA’s in King George and Lawford Heath parks including the roof of the co-op bus shelter. It was proposed that up to £200 be spent on the oil for the required treatment of the wood, 4 votes in favour, 1 abstention. c) To consider the professional pruning of the boundary hedges in King George Park, Cherwell Way and Lawford Heath – outside of bird nesting season. Clerk was requested to obtain quotes for consideration at September meeting. 10 11 Transport, Highways, Drains and Street Lighting Cllr. Mrs Slack reported a St light that was not working in Chapel Street. Clerk to report to WCC To Receive Details of Financial Matters a) To Approve the monthly payments (List circulated at the Meeting) DATE CHQ NO. ISSUED FOR 9.6.15 2651 Pest Control Lawford Heath 9.6.15 2652 Chairman’s Allowance 9.6.15 2653 Petty Cash 14.7.15 2654/5 Confidential 14.7.15 2656 HMRC 14.7.15 2657 LGPS 14.7.15 2658 Telecoms 14.7.15 2659 Petty Cash 14.7.15 2660 BT CCTV 14.7.15 2661 Audit SB SJ DG DG DG DG TOTAL £100.00 £350.00 £350.00 £660.82 £824.63 £75.00 £300.00 £64.44 £181.50 792 August 14.7.15 14.7.15 14.7.15 14.7.15 14.7.15 14.7.15 14.7.15 12 2662/3 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 Confidential HMRC LGPS Telecoms Petty Cash BT CCTV E.ON St Lighting £660.82 £824.63 £75.00 £300.00 £64.44 £1,745.70 It was proposed by Cllr. Mr Goodwin, seconded by Cllr. Mrs Slack, 4 votes in favour, Cllr. Mrs Wyatt against to accept the accounts for payment. To Receive Details of Planning Matters New Applications 1. R15/0687 – Erection of a single storey front and rear extensions, including a canopy link to main dwelling and conversion of outbuilding to an ancillary annex to the main dwelling. 8 Steeping Rd. CV23 9SS No observations 2. R15/0262 – Erection of Use Class B1 office building in place of implemented permission R12/1094 dated 30th August 2012 The Acre, Lawford Heath Lane, CV23 9EU No observations 3. R15/0261 – Variation of condition 1 of R12/0057 to extend temporary permission for a further 3 years. The Acre, Lawford Heath Lane, CV23 9EU No observations Approved Planning Applications 1. R15/1031 – 19 Livingstone Avenue, approved with conditions 13.7.15 Refused Planning Applications None 13 14 Signed: Mr S Jones Chairman Other Planning None To Receive Information on minor matters and items for future Agenda a) Following a report received via Cllr. Mr Steed from a resident regarding illegal parking surrounding Cherwell Way, PCSO Phil Inman has traced the car and the owner will be contacted. Football Club Manager has also been informed who will once again speak to all Managers to ensure that parking is addressed with all parents and visitors. Apologies have been received from the Football Club who remain very grateful to the Parish Council for the use of the pitch at Cherwell Way. b) Councillors continue to be contacted regarding the state of the churchyard; the churchyard maintenance is not the responsibility of the Parish Council. c) The fete will take place on Saturday 19th July. Help is needed to set up gazebos etc. from 8am onwards d) The Parish Council will hold a stall at the fete to explain/inform about the Parish Plan/Neighbourhood Plan Date and Time of the Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th September at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Railway Street, Long Lawford. Meeting was closed at 9.03 pm. ……………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………………. 793