Held on Sunday 6 April 2014 at 11.30 am in the Parish Room
Present: Revd Anthony Peabody, Mr Antony Aitken, Mrs Ursula Aitken, Mr Robert
Astor, Mrs Diana Bagshaw, Mrs Nancy Beabey, Miss Irène Bokitko, Mrs Penee
Chopping, Miss Ros Coulson, Mrs Sylvia Davies, Mr Giles Dereham, Mrs Nora Frith,
Mrs Shelagh Frost, Ms Dorcas Green, Mrs Pam Hazelden, Mr Peter Hazelden, Mr
Andrew Hyde, Mrs Marion James, Mr Philip James, Mr Bill Jones, Mr Anthony
Morley, Mrs Jenny Peabody, Mrs Lotte Plant, Mr Peter Plant, Mr Gareth Price, Mrs
Sheila Price, Mr Ron Ponting, Mrs Rosemary Sanders-Rose, Mr Peter SandersRose, Mrs Elisabeth Shaw-Brookman, Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman, Mr David Smith,
Major John Steeds, Mrs Gill Tallett, Mrs Rosemary Wallace, Mrs Tess WatsonSmith, Mr Nick Whiteley, Mrs Pat Willoughby.
Apologies: Mrs Jean Barlow, Mrs Carrollanne Lindley, Mr Simon Lindley, Mrs Penelope
Pilkington, Mr Ian Pilkington, Mrs Barbara Young.
Annual Meeting of Parishioners
1. Election of Churchwardens
The Revd Anthony Peabody welcomed everybody and said that it was good to see so many
people. He thanked Mr John Steeds for serving as Churchwarden and said that we valued
his wisdom, experience and tact. John is now standing down but is to remain on the PCC.
The Revd Peabody also thanked Ms Dorcas Green for her time and service over the last
Ms Green is happy to serve again and was proposed by Mrs Tess Watson-Smith and
seconded by Mrs Gill Tallett. All in favour.
Miss Ros Coulson is happy to serve as Churchwarden and was proposed by Mrs
Rosemary Sanders-Rose and seconded by Mrs Pat Willoughby. All in favour.
Annual Church Meeting
1. Minutes of Meeting on 14 April 2013
Miss Ros Coulson thanked everybody for attending. She asked for comments on the
previous minutes which had been circulated. These were proposed by Mr David Smith
and seconded by Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman. All in favour.
2. Election of PCC Members
Mrs Fiona James has decided to stand down from the PCC. Mrs Diana Bagshaw will write
a letter of thanks to her. Mr Bill Jones wishes to stand as PCC member and he was
proposed by Mr Gareth Price and seconded by Mr John Steeds. All in favour.
Mr Simon Lindley is happy to serve as Treasurer and was proposed by Miss Ros
Coulson and seconded by Mr Antony Aitken. All in favour.
Mrs Diana Bagshaw is happy to serve another year and was proposed by Mr Giles
Dereham and seconded by Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman. All in favour.
Mrs Tess Watson-Smith and Mr Antony Aitken are happy to stand again as PCC members.
Mr Antony Aitken was proposed by Mrs Penee Chopping and seconded by Mr Giles
Dereham. Mrs Tess Watson-Smith was proposed by Mr David Smith and seconded
by Mr Bill Jones. All in favour.
Mr Giles Dereham asked if the Rev Alison Jones’ name should appear on the list of PCC
members. The Revd Peabody said that both she and the Revd Lovell were members of the
PCC by reason of their license. Her name will be added.
3. Election of Deanery Synod Representatives
Mrs Jenny Peabody, Mrs Judith Jones and Mr David Smith were the appointed Parish
Representatives at the beginning of the year. Following Mrs Judith Jones’ death, Mr Peter
Hazelden was appointed. All are happy to serve again. They were proposed by Mrs
Penee Chopping and seconded by Mrs Elisabeth Shaw-Brookman. All in favour.
4. Report and Election of Sidesmen
Mrs Pat Willoughby reported that she has an excellent team and thanked all sidesmen for
their commitment and enthusiasm. They are reliable, cheerful and welcoming to the
congregation. Mrs Fiona James would like to step down and Mrs Willoughby recorded her
thanks to her. Mrs Margaret Griffiths-Eyton has agreed to take her place on the 4th Sunday.
Mrs Willoughby would like to propose that Mrs Sheila Price be elected for the coming year
on an ad hoc basis. The following are happy to be put forward for re-election: Mr Antony
Aitken, Mr Guy Betts, Miss Irène Bokitko, Ms Dorcas Green, Mr Peter Hazelden, Mr David
Pearse, Mr Gareth Price, Mrs Elisabeth and Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman, Mr Roger Taylor,
Mrs Pat Willoughby.
These were proposed by Mrs Diana Bagshaw and seconded by Mrs Gill Tallett. All
were in favour.
5. Annual Report
Mrs Diana Bagshaw thanked Mrs Jenny Peabody and the Revd Anthony Peabody for their
input to her first Annual Report. She also thanked Mr David Smith for his help in pulling it
all together. Diana highlighted the sterling efforts of the small Fund Raising Team under
Mrs Penee Chopping who prepare lovely food for us at our Fund Raising events. The fête
was the best ever. Diana also noted the arrival of Mrs Alison Jones and family into our
Parish and the death of Mrs Judith Jones, our previous secretary. The report was
proposed by Mr Peter Hazelden and seconded by Mrs Rosemary Sanders-Rose. All
in favour.
6. Financial Report
In the absence of our Treasurer, Mr Simon Lindley, Mr David Smith stated that our Parish
Share had dropped slightly last year. He and Mr Lindley continue to work well together and
are modifying the computer system. The Financial Report is set out according to the
Charities’ Commission standards. There were no questions.
7. Appointment of Independent Examiner
Mr David Smith proposed that Mrs Franny Mills, who has undertaken this role for the
last 3 years, continue as our Independent Examiner. She was seconded by Mr
Antony Aitken. All in favour.
8. Report on Electoral Roll
Mrs Jean Barlow was unable to attend the meeting. Mrs Diana Bagshaw read out the
report. The roll was revised this year and two names were removed: Mrs Marion Burnett
and Mrs Judith Jones. 3 names have been added and our numbers now stand at 105. Mrs
Barlow wished to record her thanks to Mrs Jenny Peabody and to Mrs Pat Willoughby for
their help producing the roll. Miss Rosalind Coulson wished to thank Mrs Barlow.
9. Report on Parish Magazine
Mr and Mrs Shaw-Brookman took over as editors last year. They have kept the format
used by Mrs Judith Jones and the magazine continues to be popular. Mrs Elisabeth ShawBrookman thanked her regular contributors. She also thanked Mrs Jenny Peabody for her
hard work each month and Mr Gareth and Mrs Sheila Price for distribution. The magazine
made a profit of £371.22 last year. A sum of £8000 was transferred from the Magazine
account to the PCC bank account, a worthy result of hard work by Mrs Jones. Mrs Jenny
Peabody found a new local printer at short notice when the old one closed. The cost of the
magazine may have to rise next year as print costs are increasing. Mrs Elisabeth ShawBrookman stressed the importance of receiving articles from us.
10. Report on Fabric, Goods and Ornaments
Mr John Steeds noted that minor repairs had been carried out including a small patch of
plaster in the chancel ceiling, a window in the porch and tiles replaced on the roof. We
have installed an excellent microphone, speaker and hearing loop amplifier system. John
recorded his thanks to Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman for this work. Our next Quinquennial
Inspection is due in 2015 and Mr Jeremy Bell has been appointed as architect. He has
inspected our church and advises monitoring of the chancel roof slates and to keep the
water channels free of debris. He believes the chancel roof will need attention soon. He
believes the church is in good shape considering its age. Mr Steeds recorded his thanks to
Mr Nick Whiteley, our retiring architect, for so many years of advice. There was a round of
applause. Mr Whiteley said he was pleased the church is in good hands.
11. Church Wardens’ Report
Ms Dorcas Green thanked the Revd Peabody for organising and taking our services. All
attending our services are given a warm welcome. Plurality with Burghfield has continued
and we have welcomed the Revd Alison Jones, our training Curate. The Revd Anthony
Peabody has worked tirelessly for us, not only the excellent Sunday worship but Bible
study, organising our music, and talks which enhance our spiritual well-being. There is
increasing uncertainty about the future and talks with the Bishop are taking place. We have
embarked on our Mission Action Plan and look forward to taking this forward. We have a
confident and enthusiastic team who will work together to ensure the future of the church.
Deanery Synod Report
Mr David Smith said that the Synod had met 3 times during the year and at least 2
representatives had attended each meeting. David is a member of the Synod Standing
Committee and had attended 3 meetings. Topics under discussion include the Deanery
Mission Action Plan, suggestions on Highlights and Successes, Challenges, Ministry and
Mission, Prayer, Stewardship, Fundraising, Discipleship, Children and Young People,
Outreach, Learning, Training and Sharing. In June discussions were held on Parish Share
and in October the new Archdeacon, the Venerable Olivia Graham, gave a talk. The
current Lay Chairman is standing down after 9 years and Mr Smith is putting himself
forward for the post. Mr Smith has now completed 12 years on the Synod. Mr Giles
Dereham asked what would happen if our numbers dropped below 100. David said that
numbers are based on the previous year’s figures.
12. Fund Raising Report
Mrs Penee Chopping thanked Mrs Diana Bagshaw for her work on raising the number of
subscribers of the 100 Club. There are now 113 members. Last year the Fund Raising
Team raised £6,267 including the income from the fête. She thanked Mr and Mrs ShawBrookman for their work in co-ordinating the fête. Forthcoming attractions include a concert
in May, a summer Family Lunch at the Steeds’ House, Harvest Lunch and an Autumn Quiz.
Mrs Tess Watson-Smith and Mrs Beverley Mulrooney have joined the team. In future the
Fund Raising Team will have its own petty cash for purchases of items for events and will
keep its own records for the Treasurer.
13. SUN School Report
Mrs Gill Tallett said that there are 105 children on the roll and a large waiting list. Mrs
Williams has a dedicated and enthusiastic team of teachers and Mrs Tallett would like to
thank them for their commitment to the school and the spiritual wellbeing of the children.
SATS results were excellent. Mrs Williams, head teacher, has decided to retire after 15
years at school. Mrs Tallett thanked the Governors who take an active part in school life
and welcomed Mr Giles Dereham and Mrs Tess Watson-Smith on to the governing body.
She also thanked the Friends of the School for Fundraising and the small team of parents
who carry out maintenance to the school. Mrs Tallett and Mrs Williams run a Christian
based school Club called Explorers which is popular. Around 15 children attend this club.
The school is pleased to develop its link with church and a joint evening is planned with the
PCC this month. The children support many Church events.
14. Lay Vice Chairman’s Report
Miss Ros Coulson said that she had not chaired any PCC meetings last year. She wished
to record thanks to the Revd Anthony Peabody for maintaining the spiritual life of the
Church and to Mr David Smith and Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman for their work as Sacristans.
She thanked the Churchwardens, the Secretary and the Treasurer for their hard work. She
also thanked each member of the PCC and stressed the importance of the role. She
thanked Mrs Pat Willoughby for organising the sidesmen, Mrs Penee Chopping for all the
Fundraising, the Governors who work hard at school, the Synod Representatives for their
work and wished Mr Smith well in the forthcoming election. She wished to thank Mr and
Mrs Shaw-Brookman for editing the magazine, Mrs Nancy Beabey for flower arranging and
Mrs Sheila Price who arranges the cleaning rota. She thanked Mrs Pat Willoughby who
takes care of the altar linen, Mr Gareth Price who looks after the churchyard, graves and
grass cutting. She thanked Mr Antony Aitken, the Revd Peabody and Miss Julie Howell
who are so thoughtfully developing our Mapping Process.
Miss Coulson noted our Strengths and Weaknesses. Outsiders comment that there is a
sense of spirituality and peace in our church and we must try not to lose this. We are
grateful to be financially sound. Miss Coulson stated that the Bell legacy stands at about
£120,000. She asked if the PCC should consider protecting this money by moving it into a
trust. A discussion followed and Mr Peter Plant proposed that the PCC should
investigate the benefits and dangers of moving the money. All were in favour of this
proposal and this will be taken forward at the next PCC meeting in June.
Miss Coulson noted that we are not attracting younger people to our worship and we may
wish to consider changing our services to suit them. We might consider a Sunday
afternoon service and we could look at working with the children at Ufton Court. She noted
that we are holding special events such as the Rogation walk which may attract outsiders.
The Future
Over the last few months it has become apparent that relationships within our plurality with
Burghfield church have become very strained, and particularly that relationships within the
ministry team were at a low ebb. Both sets of Churchwardens have had meetings with the
Bishop to look at our future. The Bishop proposed a series of meeting with the Ministry
team and both sets of Churchwardens, but it was felt by our Churchwardens that these
meetings would not be very fruitful. No answer has been given by the Revd Gill Lovell as to
what will happen after January 2015 and there was an air of uncertainty and threat over our
future. It is felt that plurality is not working out to anyone’s advantage, and one of the
possibilities was that it should be dissolved. We would then move into a period of
interregnum. We need to be mindful of the implications of such a break and much concern
was expressed as to the position of our Curate, the Revd Alison Jones.
Revd Anthony Peabody said that his licence will finish at Easter and he expects that the
Bishop will give him Permission to Officiate (PtO) after this date. The agreement between
the Bishop and the Revd Gill Lovell is that he will continue to officiate at Sulhamstead until
January 2015, when he will cease public ministry. If plurality is broken circumstances will
change and the Churchwardens will be responsible for arranging cover for the services.
Anthony also said that his relationship with Revd Gill Lovell has had its ups and downs and
he is finding it difficult to maintain positivity during this time.
Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman noted that this situation must be dreadful for the spiritual welfare
of the Revd Peabody. The Revd Peabody replied that it was the spiritual welfare of the
Parish which was paramount, not his.
Mr John Steeds commented that it would be sad if plurality were to end after all that has
been achieved. Recent disagreements have caused much friction of which the Bishop is
aware. John has worked for 15 years as Churchwarden with 3 Bishops, 2 Archdeacons
and 3 priests at Sulhamstead. He noted that we have a resilient, faithful and hardworking
team and thanked us for our support to him and to the church.
Mrs Tess Watson-Smith asked what will happen to the Revd Alison Jones. She is licensed
to both parishes and it would appear that she would remain so after her Priesting. Her
deployment is up to her training Incumbent and we cannot influence this. The Revd
Peabody said that he felt sure that Alison would love to work with us. Mr Peter Plant asked
what will happen to Alison after her training has finished. The Revd Peabody said that she
will be much sought after due to her many gifts and would almost certainly move on to a
responsible position in another parish..
Questions were raised regarding financial ties to Burghfield. Miss Coulson said that this
would be an issue for the future. Mrs Rosemary Wallace asked who owned St Peter’s
House. This belongs to the diocese. Mr Steeds added that Bishop Stephen Cottrell had
promised, in writing, that the building would be for the use of Sulhamstead and Ufton Nervet
parishes. Mr Anthony Morley asked why we were put in plurality originally. The Revd
Anthony Peabody said that few parishes are stand alone, as he understood the legal
situation, especially small parishes like our own. We are already a United Benefice
although now we have only one active church. The possibility was raised that, in the future,
we could link with another rural parish. Mr David Smith noted that the chance of another
plurality would be unlikely. Mrs Pat Willoughby asked what the recent difficulties had been.
The Revd Peabody replied that the Monday morning prayer meetings had broken down,
clergy meetings have been cancelled and communication is poor. He is saddened by this
situation. Mr Peter Hazelden asked if a temporary suspension of our plurality would be
possible but the Revd Peabody thought not. Mrs Rosemary Sanders-Rose pointed out that
it was a sign of strength to admit when things are wrong and that the situation must be
difficult also for Mrs Jenny Peabody and for the PCC. Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman felt that the
majority of parishioners would be relieved to see the plurality dissolved. Mr John Steeds
felt that we should write to the Bishop and ask if the Revd Peabody could continue with us if
willing. The Revd Peabody pointed out that if the plurality was broken, then it would be the
responsibility of the Churchwardens to provide cover for Sunday services, and that this
could include the Revd Peabody if they wished, along with any other priests they wished to
invite to officiate. Mr Andrew Hyde suggested that we could present our strengths and
weaknesses to the Bishop.
The feeling of the meeting was that a vote might be taken at this point to determine the
wishes of the APCM. The decision was preceded by a period of prayer, so that any
decision would be led by prayerful thought and consideration for the future.
Mr Mark Shaw-Brookman proposed that the PCC should investigate the dissolution
of the plurality. This was seconded by Mr Bill Jones. 33 hands were in favour and
there were 4 abstentions.
Mr Antony Aitken suggested that we should not be bound by any decision yet but explore
the best options for going forward and put pressure on the Bishop to make the right
decision for us.
Mr Bill Jones suggested a vote of confidence in the Revd Peabody continuing to lead
our worship. This was seconded by Mr Gareth Price. All in favour.
Finally it was resolved to send a copy of these minutes to the Bishop with a covering
The meeting closed at 1.30 pm with a prayer.