Parent Council Meeting – 19th March 2012

Mr A Gray
Mrs K Mathie
Mrs J Collins
Mrs A Telfer,
Mr D Clark
Mr I Boyd
Mrs J Aitken
Miss E Magee
Parent Council Member
Parent Council Member
Parent Council Member
Parent Council Member
Parent Council Member
Teacher Representative
Head Teacher
Mr P Cordiner, Mrs H Weir, Mr S Baird, Mrs S Krus, Mrs J Foster, Mrs G Caldwell, Mrs J Moore
(Eco Committee)
The Vice-Chairperson opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
1. A letter was received from Kilwinning Academy acknowledging the £100 donation given
for the Transition Fund.
2. The February edition of “Backchat” magazine was received from the SPTC – this was
made available to all members.
An acknowledgment was received from Mrs McAtee following the presentation given on the
occasion of her retrial from her role as Senior Clerical Assistant. Mr Gray expressed his thanks to
Mrs Collins for undertaking this on behalf of the Parent Council.
Parent Council Membership
Mr Gray advised that Mrs Weir has submitted her resignation from her role as Treasurer due to
personal reasons. A brief discussion took place regarding filling this vacancy and it was decided
that Miss Magee would take over the responsibilities of Treasurer in the interim. It was agreed
that Mr Gray would email absent members to ascertain if anyone wished to take over this role.
Miss Magee advised that there was no report to submit. A discussion took place regarding,
replacement clerical staff, level of clerical support which has been greatly reduced and
subsequent responsibilities which were now having to be carried out by the Head Teacher until
the situation is resolved. Miss Magee also advised that this is affecting the number of staff who
are available to answer telephone calls.
Mr Gray advised that there was no up-date on litter bins, litter pickers or trophy as Mrs Moore, a
member of the Eco Committee, was unable to attend the meeting. However, Mr Boyd and Miss
Magee were able to feedback following their meeting with Tom Armstrong, NAC. Discussion took
place regarding the proposal to erect a bottle greenhouse and it was highlighted that such a
construction is proving problematic in other schools where this has been established. It would
seem that there needs to be a high level of maintenance with such a construction and results
regarding growing plants/produce have been poor. Further discussion took place regarding the
possibility of erecting a glass greenhouse with the discussion focussing on safety, size, cost,
suitable site, possible vandalism and overall benefit to the children. During this discussion
members attempted to clarify the criteria for attaining “green flag” status. Members were also
keen to establish whether the main focus should be recycling materials or “growing your own”.
Miss Magee was able to advise on a number of points, however, it was agreed that she would
speak to staff involved with the Eco Committee and report back at the next meeting.
Discussion also took place regarding other alternatives such as using poly tunnels or cold frames
and it was decided to look into cost, quality, maintenance, durability, size, location etc and
feedback at the next meeting. Miss Magee advised that there is a gardening club within the
school at the moment with children accessing raised beds in order to grow produce. Mr Boyd
agreed to contact Tom Armstrong, NAC to gather information. Members also requested
clarification re the deadline for submission to the appropriate body and Miss Magee advised that
this was the end of March, with possible visit taking place towards the end of term in June.
However, she advised that this is a very busy time for submissions and it may be that this would
not go ahead until August/September.
Another area discussed was alternative sources of funding and Mr Gray advised of a website,
ERS, where other schools have accessed funding for litter pickers, litter bins etc. Also raised was
the Community Grant fund from NAC and Mrs Collins advised that funds were received from this
source previously for a public address system and bingo machine. The possibility of applying for
funding from the National Lottery was also discussed.
Mr Gray advised that he had received an enquiry regarding litter in the area surrounding the
school and whether the school or Parent Council is engaged in any activity to address this.
Miss Magee advised that children do carry out litter picking as part of the Eco Committee;
however, there is currently insufficient equipment to enable children to do this safely, without
proper litter pickers. Miss Magee also highlighted that most of the litter around the school area is
generated by the wider community. She informed about “clean up week” where children, together
with people from the community, would be involved in a clean up exercise – this also comes
under the umbrella of “Keep Scotland Beautiful” and “Spring Clean 2012”. Discussion also took
place regarding the possibility of netting or mesh being positioned at the bottom of the school
fence where litter tends to accumulate at ground level.
Mrs Collins advised that there was not a great deal to report this month; however, she reminded
members that the “Bags to School” initiative ends on the 20th of March. She advised that the
main focus at the moment was the BBQ to be held in May – she reported plans are well
underway with a letter hopefully going out to parents before the Easter holiday break. Mrs Collins
advised that the Valentine Disco raised a total of £432.43. Plans are also being formulated for
the P7 Leavers event.
Mr Gray advised that, as previously discussed, members should submit any contributions to Mr
Cordiner who has agreed to co-ordinate the production of the annual newsletter.
Mr Gray raised the topic of hygiene within the school kitchen following an enquiry from a parent
regarding this matter. He informed that this was an enquiry regarding hygiene practices in the
kitchen specifically relating to dried-on food on trays used by children. A brief discussion took
place and Miss Magee advised that she has no responsibility in this area and suggested that
anyone who had concerns regarding this matter should initially contact Shirley, the Catering
Manager or alternatively the Operational Manager, NAC, Joyce Dickie. Mr Gray advised he
would feedback this information to the parent concerned.
No report submitted.
The next meeting will take place on Monday 23rd April 2012 at 7pm
Act as interim Treasurer
Miss Magee
Email absent members re filling role of Treasurer
Mr Gray
Clarify criteria re “Green Flag” status
Miss Magee
Contact Tom Armstrong, NAC re poly tunnel, cold frames etc.
Mr Boyd
Feedback to parents re litter and kitchen hygiene
Mr Gray
Collation of PC Newsletter
Mr Cordiner