Bacteria legume residues
Uum Umiyati
Weed Science Lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of compounds residues
generated by Vigna radiata cultivars Sriti and Mucuna pruriens on nitrification bacterial
The design used was factorial randomized block design with four replications,
treatments used are two different soil types (Inseptisol (a1) and Vertisol (a2); Two Kinds
of Produce legume residues (t), and two types of weed management (g).
Results showed that Vigna radiata L. cultivars Sriti and Mucuna pruriens affect
nitrifying bacterial populations, thus affecting the availability of nitrogen in the soil
causes the N available N is not available to weeds that are living together. Causes of
organic nitrogen content on weeds less than the organic nitrogen content in Vigna radiata
L. cultivars Sriti and the content of Mucuna pruriens increases. Total population of
nitrifying bacteria is influenced by soil type, causing the number of nitrifying bacterial
populations between species and Inseptisol vertisol different.
Key Word : Vigna radiata , Mucuna pruriens, Allelopathyc, nitrosomonas and
nitrobacter, N organic content.
In broad outline of world agriculture, the plant consists of weeds (Weeds) and
plants (crops) are always co-exist but in a different position, namely the one desired and
the other is not desired. Life with the plants will always lead to a relationship called the
associations because each plant will utilize the genetic potential to dominate its
environment in order to grow better. Associates in plants can lead to positive effects such
as mutualism, ie, if plants are to each other live together and mutually beneficial. On
another occasion plant associations can also result in negative effects, ie, known by the
term competition and residues.
The phenomenon of residues includes all types of chemical interactions between
plants, microorganisms, or between plants and microorganisms (Einhellig, 1995).
According to Rice (1984) and this interaction include inhibition pemacuan directly or
indirectly, a compound formed by an organism (plants, animals or microbes) on the
growth and development of other organisms. chemical compounds that play a role in the
mechanism called alelokimia. alelochemical effect is selective, in influence the types of
other organisms (Western, 1996).
Producing legume residues are class Vigna radiata, Vigna unguiculata, Phaseolus
vulgaris and Mucuna pruriens. While gramine-producing plant residues such as Oryza
sativa, Triticum sativum, Zea mays, Sorghum bicolor (Chou, 1986). Chemical
compounds produced by Vigna radiata is a C-glycosyl flavonoid flavonoid. Rank these
compounds can inhibit the activity of nitrogen, which resulted in population and activity
of bacteria nitrosomonas nitrifying bacteria is low and therefore the land would be lack of
Other situations can cause inhibition of flavonoid microorganisms associated with
nitrogen-producing plants, by inhibiting the formation of NH 4 + that will be used other
plants for germination and growth. Research conducted by Rice (1984), suggests
phenolik content can inhibit the oxidation of NH 4 + to NO 3 -. But the opinion delivered
by Bremner and McCarty (1993), phenolik in soil can enhance the instability moved
NH 4 + caused inhibition of bacterial activity nitrosomonas.
Research conducted by Nilsson et Al., (1993) in that the extract of Empetrum
greenhouse hermaphoditum seen reducing mycorhizal infection in pine seedlings. Intake
nitrogen by Pinus sylvetris germination decrease with increasing E hermaproditum
extracts and in extreme environmental conditions.
Compounds alelokimia generated by Mucuna including flavonoids, galic acid and
L-Dopa. Compounds L-Dopa have in seeds of Mucuna has been used as a cure for
Parkinson's disease, whereas the flavonoids as well as isoflavonoid produced by Vigna
radiata L can suppress growth of bacteria in the soil ( Eilitta et al., 2002).
The addition of organic material concentration can increase microbial activity,
which will spend all of the nutrients in the soil. Effects of toxic residues could not be
separated from the effects of soil microbial activity. (Inderjit and Foy, 1999). Therefore,
research must be done to determine determine the effect of compounds residues
generated by Vigna radiata cultivars Sriti and Mucuna pruriens on nitrification bacterial
Time and Place Research
This research is a field experiment in order to determine the effect of plant residues
contributing to the population of bacteria and nitrobakter nitrosomonas. The field
experiment was conducted in Cirebon regency, Central Java Brebes of the Month
February - October 2008. The experiment included two orders of Inseptisol and Vertisol
soil, each environment is arranged according to randomized block design (RBD) factorial
with treatments of two legume species (t), and weed management (g) consists of two
treatment was repeated four times.
Material and Experimental Equipment
Seeds of Vigna radiata L. cultivars Sriti and Mucuna pruriens (surly), and
other. Observations made in the field and tested in the laboratory of land, including:
Calculation of bacterial populations and nitrobakter nitrosomonas using selective media
from Ford. Unit to calculate the amount of soil bacterial populations are CFU (Colony
Forming Units) observed at the age of 56 days after planting, the soil was taken at around
rhizosfer roots of plants and weeds. The content of N-organic, Mucuna and weeds, the
observation was made during planting 42 DAT for Vigna radiata L. cultivars Sriti and 56
DAT for Mucuna plants.
Nitrosomonas and Nitrobakter bacteria population on the Order Land Inseptisol
and Vertisol
Vigna radiata L. cultivars Sriti and Mucuna is a plant that has the ability to
chemically interact with the production of secondary metabolites issued environment
through root exudates, which can directly affect the growth of other plants and can
indirectly affect soil properties, nutrient status and soil microbial activity or population
(Orcutt, 2000).
Soil organisms can be grouped into microflora (bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and
algae) and soil fauna. Bacteria are the most dominant organism with a population of 10 8
-10 10 per gram of soil. Airasi and soil with good drainage is a good environment for
microorganisms to perform the necessary gas exchange for his life, as well as land
preparation and drainage repair airasi soil (Inderjit and Dakshini 1994).
The more surface area a soil particle, the greater the role of these particles in
regulating chemical and biological soil properties, namely its ability to bind water and
nutrients, as well as the density of soil organisms Accordingly, the presence of
microorganisms in the soil clay fractions more than the other fractions , so in Table 1, see
the amount of bacterial populations nitrosomonas and nitrobacter on Vertisol land more
than land Inseptisol.
Nitrosomonas and nitrobacter bacterial population in the area planted Vigna radiata
L. cultivars Sriti (t 1) less than the total bacterial population and nitrobakter nitrosomonas
on land that is planted Mucuna pruriens (t 2). That situation shows that the larger Vigna
radiata L inhibite against weeds and the availability of nitrogen for other plants (Blum
.Tabel 1. The population of bacteria Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter on the Order Land
Vertisol and Inseptisol
No. Treatment
Ordo Vertisol Order Vertisol
Ordo Inseptisol Order Inseptisol
t 1 g 1 80, 70 X 10
61, 70 X 10
52, 10 X 10
37, 20 X 10 6
t 1 g 2 54, 60 X 10 6
52, 40 X 10
46, 00 X 10 6
36, 10 X 10 6
t 2 g 1 154, 70 X 10 6
138, 70 X 10 6
50, 00 X 10 6
46, 30 X 10 6
t 2 g 2 159, 00 X 10 6
49, 50 X 10 6
153, 30 X 10 6
101, 10 X 10 6
Source: Soil Microbiology Laboratory, Padjadjaran University, 2008 t1 = Vigna
radiata L cultivari Sriti; t2 = Mucuna pruriens ; g1 = bergulma; g2 = no weeds
At the time of shortage of nutrients needed for growth, Vigna radiata L. cultivars
Sriti or produce secondary metabolites such as C-Glycocyl alelochemical Flavonoids,
through root exudates released into the root zone by microorganisms reorganized into
HCOO - and CN -, will be used as a source of energy for soil microorganisms, causing
increased microbial activity and increase the amount of CO 2 in soil and reduce the
amount of O 2. The situation is affecting the growth of bacteria nitrosomonas that require
O 2 for ammonia oxidation activity. (Dixon, 1983). Plant Mucuna alelochemical which
produce L-DOPA (L-3, 4 - Dihydroxyphenyl alanine) that can inhibit bacterial
populations nitrosomonas which causes oxidation of NH 4 + to NO 3 - becomes
With the type of clay soil and slightly acid pH near neutral and high cation
exchange capacity increase generated alelochemical activity, causing inhibition of the
population of microorganisms involved in nitrification process either in soil type and
Inseptisol Vertisol thus affecting N available to other plants become unavailable (Robert
Nitrogen is the element that most limits plant growth. Also needed in large
quantities compared with other nutrients, nitrogen is very important role in increasing
plant growth. This nitrogen important position in biochemical processes of plants as an
essential element in the formation of cells, preparation of proteins, cytoplasm, nucleic
acids, chlorophyll and other cell components.
Differences in soil type will give a different effect on nutrient content, pH, and
activities of microorganisms, so that crop response to nutrient will vary and affect the
percentage of nutrients in plants.
According to Dixon and Whiller (1983). The contribution of environment to
differences in plant population affected by the variation sources and the use of nitrogen
by plants and the variation of pH. Condition of pH affects the activity of soil
microorganisms. Land which has a neutral pH supports the growth of microorganisms
with the good.
However, at pH less than 5, 5 inhibited growth of microorganisms. The range of
soil pH are used in this experiment were 6.5 for ground Inseptisol and 6, 8 for Vertisol
soil so that the organic nitrogen content between Vigna radiata L and Mucuna on both
land shows the difference.
The differences in the use of nitrogen causes nitrogen content differences in body
tissue or Vigna radiata L and Mucuna. Dixon (1983), the available nitrogen source can
not be exploited by cucumber plants due to competition between the chemical Mucuna or
Vigna radiata L with weeds, so Vigna radiata L or Mucuna issued alelochemical through
root exudates such as flavonoids, glycocyl C, L-Dopa to the soil caused a decrease in pH
or rooting rhizosfer Vigna radiata L or Mucuna, resulted inhited other plant root growth
and also causes stunted nitrifying bacterial populations in the region so that the supply of
nitrogen for your plants non rhizosfer low that of other nitrogen stored in body tissue is
In addition alelopat issued through the green bean root exudates of HCN caused
marked inhibition of protein synthesis by inhibition of root length so that the absorption
of nutrients, especially nitrogen obstacle, causing weeds in organic nitrogen content is
Table 2. Shows the organic-N content of Vigna radiata L and Mucuna remain high
both on land Vertisol and Inseptisol compared with the weed. This indicates that both
legume has a high ability to compete with weeds (competitive ability) in relation to the
use element nitrogen.
Table 2. Content of Organic Nitrogen in legume and Group Two Weeds in the Order
Land and Inseptisol Vertisol
No. Treatment Order Vertisol
Crop / Weed
11 t1g1
Green Peas
Leaf Width
content (grams)
3, 85
0, 88
0, 98
0, 11
Order Inseptisol
Crop / Weed
Green Peas
t Grass
Leaf Width
content (grams)
5, 56
0, 94
2, 31
0, 32
Green Peas
Leaf Width
6, 96
3, 59
1, 62
0, 76
Green Peas
Leaf Width
7, 48
1, 74
3, 28
0, 82
Leaf Width
5, 50
2, 25
1, 82
0, 17
Leaf Width
14, 37
0, 54
7, 92
1, 54
Leaf Width
5, 23
0, 67
2, 09
1, 29
Leaf Width
9, 48
0, 72
8, 61
1, 17
Source: Soil Fertility Laboratory, Padjadjaran University, 2008.. t1 = Vigna radiata L;
t2 = Mucuna; g1 = weed; g2 = no weeds
This opinion is strengthened by Orcutt (2000), that alelochemical issued by a plant
species can affect nutrient cycles that exist in an ecosystem that ultimately affect the
diversity of existing populations on the ecosystem both above ground and below the
surface of the ground surface.
Chemical interaction with the issuing alelopat through root exudates Vigna radiata L or
Mucuna to the area resulted in disruption of the oxidation process rhizosfer NH 4 + to NO
NH 4 + bound by carboxylic acids issued Vigna radiata L and Mucuna so it can not
move out of the area rhizosfer Vigna radiata L and Mucun plant roots , so that elements
that are available outside rhizosfer nitrogen in the form of NO 2 - which is very volatile,
therefore it can not be exploited by the roots of weeds.
Capability is supported by the ability to produce alelochemical that can affect the life of
existing microorganisms in the soil, mainly bacteria and nitrosomonas nitrobakter useful
in the event of nitrification (Blum and Shafer, 1988). With the inhibition of nitrification
by metabolites produced by these two legume crops, causing nitrogen can be absorbed by
the weeds and stored in the network is low. The nitrogen is captured and stored in a
network of more legume, this is because the soil nitrogen is not available (immobile) for
weeds alelochemical generated by the presence of the two legumes.
According to Orcutt (2000), in diverse ecosystems (Vigna radiata L, Mucuna and weeds)
the effect can easily be identified alelokimia ie when some soil chemical control of plant
species (such as observation of Table 1) and dominate the ecosystem. The table shows
that the Vigna radiata L or Mucuna has a more organic N content of weeds, it indicates
that the Vigna radiata L and Mucuna is a legume, which has alelochemical activity.
The presence of crop residues will affect the life of existing microorganisms in the soil,
mainly bacteria and nitrosomonas and nitrobacter useful in the event of nitrification and
thus affects the nutrient cycle and nutrient cycles that exist in an ecosystem which in turn
affects both the diversity of the population below the ground surface or above ground
level and found on land is overgrown with vegetation climax.
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