Hello Alumni and Friends

Salisbury University Athletic Training
Spring 2008 Newsletter
Greetings from Pat
Dear Alumni:
Whew, that’s all I can say!!! Where has the time gone??? I apologize for not getting a
Fall Newsletter out; it is totally my fault and will do my best to keep the bi-annual
newsletter going. Much has happened, is happening and will be happening. I hope we
can catch you up on all that has transpired since last spring. I appreciate all of you who
send me updates concerning your lives. I am equally appreciative to those who have
given back to our program in the forms of money, time, service and many other ways of
contributing to the good of Salisbury University Athletic Training. The strength and the
growth of the program really depend on the commitment of the institution, the faculty
and staff of the program, the students in the program and the alumni. And to be honest
the alumni play the biggest part in our growth. You supply necessary resources both
financially and personally that provides opportunity for all. So again, thank you.
There has been a lot of movement of alumni an in my tid-bits section I will try to get
everyone caught up. With movement comes opportunity and also confusion. So, if you
know of anyone who has moved or is in the process of moving or have not heard from us
lately, we probably do not have their accurate information. Please….please contact
Maureen Thompson, aka Mo, to update the web cite. As we near 2010 and the
convention in Philadelphia, we need accurate information so we can plan an alumni event
similar to the Baltimore convention. I have a couple of alums who have volunteered to
help with the event so we need to get to work now and clean up our Alumni Directory so
all can be informed about our plans. For all that are going to Virginia Beach and St.
Louis, I think we will plan on the fly some gatherings. I will be in St. Louis June 16-20
and if anyone would like to help me plan a get together let me know. If not we will have
to do it out in St Louie.
The Hunter Smith Endowment Scholarship is growing. I still challenge all of us to meet
my proposal of the $100,000 plateau by Philadelphia 2010. Currently we are sitting at
$60,000, reaching our goal can be accomplished if we all do a little to grow the account.
We are looking at several ways of improving the disbursement of the funds; increasing
the scholarship amount to giving 2 scholarships per year. We pledge that this scholarship
will continue to be awarded to the person(s) who display the characteristics of the
endowments name sake. We feel confidently that this has been the case thus far. Please
consider a gift to the endowment. On the same note, Varsity Club membership is equally
important and is a tremendous way of giving directly to the Athletic Training program.
Varsity club membership goes directly to us to be used at our discretion to help those in
the program. Again, I ask for your support.
After being here at Salisbury for a number of years you become reflective on what has
occurred during that time period. You cherish most, the relationships you have
established with all the folks that have walked though the athletic training room doors.
The countless number of athletes, the different coaches, but most it is all of you; the
students, the graduate assistants and former staff members that have etched an indelible
impression on my mind, heart and soul. What I fear most is the loss of the kind of
burning desire to make the program and the people involved, to be the best. Our society
has and is changing. The sparks that excite people are different now then they once
were. I hope that all of you still possess the spark. I hope all of you still have the
burning desire to make our program and the people in or from our program the best. So I
am asking you to rekindle old friendships. Contact alumni you have not heard from or
have wanted to contact but haven’t. I hope our alumni will desire to be the best. I will
throw this out again, I think we need a true alumni association who can lead and organize
our alumni. I know I have asked in the past, and I am asking again, those who want to be
involved please contact me. Let’s meet in Virginia Beach or St. Louis and let’s start to
build the future of Salisbury Athletic Training. We done pretty good so far, but we can
be and do better with your help, all of your help.
Finally, Grace and the little adults, no longer “kids” are doing well. Katy 19 is a
freshman at Salisbury and is playing on the field hockey team. Stacey is 17 and is
playing field hockey and lacrosse at Parkside and works at Rita’s on the weekends, which
is right up her alley. And then there is Kari, she will being graduating middle school and
heading off to Parkside where she will play field hockey also. She is full of p& v and
certainly keeps Grace and me on our toes!!!
Hope all of you are enjoying a successful spring and looking forward to some summer
fun. Hope to see many of you at the various meetings and please stay in touch.
Pat’s Tid Bits
The Seagulls had a fabulous fall season sending all 7 teams to NCAA tournament play.
Men’s soccer and field hockey made the deepest advancements, but still it was a pretty
special fall for us. The spring season is coming to a very quick conclusion and at this
time we are hosting all but the Track & Field and Women’s Tennis tournaments. It looks
very promising for many of the teams making it to NCAA post season play also. At the
time of this printing Baseball is on a 33 game win streak, Women’s & Men’s Lacrosse
are undefeated, the Men’s Tennis team is on the brink of a conference championship and
a NCAA birth, Track & Field has already had several athletes and relay teams qualify for
the NCAAs and finally softball needs to win the conference tournament and some help
regionally to return to the NCAA regionals. So not too shabby
See you in Virginia Beach and St. Louis. After a year hiatus from the national meeting
we will all be in St. Louis this year. So if anyone is familiar with St. Louie maybe we
can find a watering hole to have some fun and socialize. Let me know if anyone wants to
play scout and coordinate. As usual we will have some fun in Virginia Beach, it will be
impromptu and we will have to be very quite!!!!
New Jobs:
Congratulations to Richard E. Stewart ’05 who is the Head Athletic
Trainer for the basketball team at Georgia Tech. University. Richard was in the now
defunct NFL Europe, but is back in the good ole USA and is doing great at Tech. Kelly
Murphy GA ’07 is the new assistant athletic trainer at Good Counsel High School
working with Peter Kotz. I saw Kelly and she loves her new position, Pete not
withstanding. Laura Marinaro ’05 is the new full time athletic trainer at Woodbridge
High School in Bridgeville, DE. Jason Weddle ’98 has moved move Hagerstown
Community College to Frederick Community College also assuming Assistant Athletic
Director position. Ben Waples GA’ 07 is new Athletic Trainer at Snowhill High School
in Snowhill, MD. Amy Schmidt ’07 will be entering Physician Assistant program this
summer and Rosalea Acap ’05 entered Physical Therapy school at UMES this fall.
Maggie Byrum Burke GA ‘04 graduated from PA school and is working with
Orthopaedic Associates in Towson, MD. Congratulations to all and best of luck.
New or expected new arrivals: Liza Snader Sylvia ’05 and her husband Michael
recently had a baby girl Madeline Marie in March 2008. Jeff Boyer ‘97 and Amy
welcomed Ryan Cal into the world in September 2007. Wayne Wedderman ’95 and his
wife Janine are expecting their first in October ’08. Courtney Jones Wisk GA ’07 and
husband Andy are expecting in June. For those who have delivered can you say
sleep???? For those who are waiting you better get some, because you ain’t getting
any…… sleep that is, later!!! Congratulations and hope all is well with your family.
Special Happenings: Jay Scifers former Program Director was recently elected
president of the North Carolina Athletic Trainers Association, just what Jay needs is
another hat to wear. I am sure he will do an outstanding job. Rusty Segan, MD’96 was
featured in the April 2008 Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons; “The Best and
Worst Week of My Life” a surgeons story from the war zone. The web cite is:
www.facs.org/fellows_info/bulletin/2008/stein0408.pdf which I have yet been able to open.
Welcome home Rusty we are all proud of you and thank you for taking care of our
troops. Rusty and his wife Michelle reside in Guilford, CT. Thad Moore ’96 has done
an outstanding job as the president of the Maryland Athletic Trainers Association.
Thad’s leadership has been nothing short of phenomenal during our recent legislative
push. Though our law was short circuited in the 11th hour, Thad was the beacon of light
that lead us further than we have ever gotten in this process. Thad, thank you I am very
proud and honored that you are an alumnus and when this licensure thing is passed; your
presidency will be the reason for its success.
Reaching Out: Strength is always in numbers, but not only numbers the quality of the
numbers is what provides maximal strength. Our alumni are growing and so should our
network. As we all get a little older and our lives change, we tend to become placid in
our connection to the program. Which is understandable, you have new associations,
new commitments and you are growing your own traditions. All I ask is you do not
forget where you came from and the opportunities we tried to give and create for you.
Obviously times have changed, we have grown and we have met with some success, but
again our success is dependant upon everyone. No entity is more important then our
alumni. You are the people who have made it in the world. Many of you have done very
well in and out of the profession of athletic training. I ask that you give of your resources
so WE can continue to provide for our students the opportunities you had. I ask of you to
give back in any way you can manage. Whether that be as an ACI for our students,
you’re financial resources, your time for the alumni association or your services as we are
in constant need for volunteers and paid staff to cover various events for our institution
and for the Maryland Athletic Trainers Association. WE are in this together and I hope
you will find it in your heart and mind to be a part of our program’s growth as we move
toward our 40th year of existence in the year 2012.
Donna and Kelly’s Update
The summer months are quickly approaching us and I hope that this means that you are
able to spend time away from the workplace and with family and friends. The 2007-2008
academic year has been quite exciting and productive for the athletic training students,
faculty and staff. Salisbury University has eight seniors, six that will be graduating May
17th after completing a semester-long internship during the spring semester. Richie
Gilbert, supervised by Scott Hopson ATC, completed the semester at Frederick High
School and after graduation he will attend Shenandoah University’s Physician’s Assistant
Program. Isaac Kloch spent the semester at AquaCare in Salisbury MD. Supervised by
Becky Thomas PT, ATC, he is gaining some valuable experience prior to attending the
University of Maryland-Eastern Shore’s Physical Therapy Program. Beth Montgomery
completed an internship at Towson Physical Therapy under the direction of Stephanie
Adams, ATC and Meaghan Murphy at UMBC gaining valuable Division I Lacrosse
experience with Michelle Daniels, ATC. Ryan Sley has also completed a Division I
lacrosse experience interning at Georgetown University under the supervision of Joe
Haren, ATC; and under the supervision of Pat McCloskey, ATC at Villanova University,
Megan Wright has gained valuable experiences with primary responsibilities of spring
football and lacrosse. Meaghan Murphy, ATC will attend West Virginia University as a
Graduate Assistant and Ryan Sley has accepted an Internship position at the US Naval
Academy. Megan Wright has been accepted to Wilmington University, DE and plans to
complete a master’s degree in education. Alicia Canzanese will complete her internship
this fall at Virginia Tech University as Pamela Staso sets her sights on an internship at
Princeton University. Please join me in congratulating the 2007-2008 graduates and
the newest members of the Athletic Training Profession!
Photo Senior Students: (l-r standing Alicia Canzanese, Beth Montgomery ATC,
Meaghan Murphy ATC, Megan Wright, Pam Staso: l-r seated Ryan Sley, Isaac
Kloch, Richard Gilbert ATC)
The Athletic Training Program was well represented at the University, State and
Regional Levels. The students received numerous awards & recognition.
Alicia Canzanese, senior, added to her list of achievements with recognition as a
Presidential Citizen Scholar and Campus Life Award; awards for civic leadership
and outstanding contributions to Campus life, respectively. In her junior year,
Alicia has been named an NATA Scholarship Recipient, a member of Who's Who
Among Students in American College & Universities, received the Achievement
Key Award, and is a member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.
Isaac Kloch, senior and Joshua Michael, junior are the newest recipients of the
Achievement Key Award. This award is give on the basis of outstanding student
scholarship and outstanding campus service.
Pamela Staso and Richard Gilbert, seniors also received Campus Life Awards
and were recognized as members of the 2007-2008 Who’s Who Among Students
in American Universities and Colleges. Joshua Michael, junior, was also
recognized as a member of the 2007-2008 Who’s Who Among Students in
American Universities and Colleges.
Ashley Littleton, Junior, was awarded a Presidential Citizen Scholar and was
inducted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and Omicron Delta Kappa.
These two honor societies recognize the students in the top 35% and 5% of their
class, respectively. Ashley was also the recipient of the 2008 Andrew Kotz
Memorial Award (sponsored by the Maryland Athletic Trainers' Association) and
the 2008 Edward Block Award (sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers’
Keith Hardesty, sophomore, was awarded the Hunter Smith Athletic Training
Scholarship. This award recognizes an up and coming student in their first
semester in the Athletic Training Program.
Athletic Training students were also represented at the professional conferences.
Research Presentations and Appointments for the 2007-2008 year included the
Alicia Canzanese, senior, attended the Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainer’s Meeting
and Symposium as the Maryland Representative to the District 3 Student Senate.
Alicia participated developing the student symposium for this year’s MAATA
Ashley Littleton, junior, has two oral presentations at the 2008 MAATA District
Meeting in Virginia Beach, VA. She will be presenting her original research that
she has completed as part of her honors thesis: Comparison of Concussion
Assessment Tools: Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) and Immediate
Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test (IMPACTTM) and the second,
Test-Retest Reliability of Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive
Faculty and Staff The faculty and staff will be losing some valuable staff members this
academic year. Graduate Assistants Heather Martin (George Washington University),
Mike Eubank (Roanoke College), and Emily Weimert (Lenoir-Rhyne College) will all be
graduating with degrees in Education and Applied Health Physiology, respectively.
Please join me in extending to Heather, Mike and Emily best wishes.
Additional student demographics and programmatic information can be accessed on our
Athletic Training Program Website (http://www.salisbury.edu/hpehp/ATEP/). In closing,
we (along with Pat & Maureen) will be attending the NATA Convention in St Louis this
summer. For those attending this year’s NATA Convention, I hope to see you there!!
Have a healthy and joyous summer!
Donna Ritenour EdD, ATC
Program Director & Assistant Professor
Kelly Fiala PhD, ATC,
Clinical Coordinator
Mo’s Notes
Hello Alumni!
I can’t believe it’s been a full year since we’ve connected via newsletter. I know it’s a
typical excuse, but we’ve been so busy here that the newsletter just didn’t get finished. It
won’t happen again! At least we have more news to report.
This semester is almost complete. It’s been challenging but we grow from our struggles!
It’s been really exciting to see our new class of sophomores grow and “learn the ropes”
over the course of the semester. They are becoming the leaders of this program as we say
goodbye to our graduating seniors and juniors who will be heading to their internships in
the near future. As always, I find myself reflecting a lot this time of the year as school
comes to a close. This is a special year for me because our graduating seniors were my
freshman 185 students way back when! I can’t believe I’m finishing my fourth year
here…imagine how Pat feels! It definitely is a bittersweet moment…I’m extremely
proud of what they have accomplished but will miss their presence in the classroom and
clinical settings.
Enough of the mushy stuff…our athletic teams continue to excel. It’s really exciting this
time of year on this side of campus because our teams are preparing for the post season.
The men’s lacrosse team continues to keep me on my toes as does their fearless leader,
Coach Berkman! They challenge me everyday…usually it involves testing my patience
and tolerance! I really feel the outstanding care we (faculty, staff, and students) provide
is a part of the success of many of our teams. I also feel there are people across campus
who would agree. But as Pat says, success brings attention and it only forces us to
continue the tradition of providing exceptional care. It forces our faculty, staff, and
students to become even better. The bar keeps being raised and I don’t know how much
further it goes! From an alumni perspective, it makes me very proud to say I’m a
Salisbury grad and I hope all you have that same feeling. And just when you thought the
mushy stuff was over!
It was great to see a large alumni contingent at the Sports Medicine Symposium in
January. I think this was the most attended Symposium we’ve hosted in quite some
time. We look forward to continuing the Symposium every other year to keep the topics
fresh. Our students really benefited from the support of all those who attended not only
monetarily but more importantly, it offered them a great opportunity to network.
We hope to see many on you in St. Louis. Like Pat wrote, a get together would be great.
Even if it’s not formal, I know many of us will wind up at the same
establishments…oops, I mean educational sessions! If the summer vacation brings you
to the eastern sho’, please stop in and see us!
Thanks for all you do to promote SU Athletic Training!
Seagull Sports Update
Men’s Soccer
After a rough start to the season, the SU Mens Soccer team regrouped and turned their
season around and had great success. The team, composed of mostly young players was
able to advance into the NCAA playoffs. After their NCAA record tying 10-0 win over
Old Westbury, the Seagulls were edged out of the NCAA playoffs in the second round
after a 0-0 game in penalty kicks. The Seagulls also emerged CAC champions after
beating and shutting-out their rival York for the second time in the season. Their first
defeat of York ended York's 49-game unbeaten streak. There were also many individual
honors awarded this season; Soph. midfielder Kyle Sterling, soph. goalie Greg
Wellinghoff, and soph. defensemen Justin McGrath were all named to NSCAA All-South
Region Teams. Sterling, McGrath, fresh. forward Mike Napolitano, jun. forward Romain
Bruney, and jun. defensemen Ryan Chacon were all named to All-CAC conference
teams. This was also a big year for coach DiBartolo as he was named CAC coach of the
year and on the final regular season home game of the season earned his 300th career
The softball team has just captured their 11th straight CAC Championship this season
after defeating Mary Washington University. The Sea Gulls are now 30-7 with one more
regular season game remaining. This is Coach Margie Knight's 11th straight 30-win
season. She has also been inducted into the Fastpitch Hall of Fame. The team has their
hopes set high leading into the NCAA Regional tournament which begins on May 8th at
a site that is TBA.
Men's Lax:
The Men's Lacrosse team recently won their 14th straight CAC Championship. They
received their 20th consecutive NCAA Tournament bid. This win gives the Salisbury
Men's Lacrosse team a 99-0 winning record in the CAC. Head Coach Jim Berkman is one
win away from the NCAA record for wins all time in collegiate men's lacrosse. This
spring season, four seagulls have been named CAC Player of the Week; Matt Hickman,
Greg Titus, Riley Clark and Mike Von Kamecke. One of the biggest games of the season
was away against #2 Gettysburg. The Seagulls scored the first goal to begin the game but
did not answer until the score was 6-1 with Gettysburg leading. Going into half time, the
Gulls were down 7-2. However, this was not the case in the second half when the Gulls
dominated the scoring with nine goals to Gettysburg's one. The Seagulls won the game
11-8, showing why they continue to be the #1 ranked team in Division III Men's
The Salisbury Volleyball team was composed as a majority of new, young players lead
by strong returning leaders on the court including Jaime Marchozzi, Stacey Krebs, and
Gabby Long. The team won both home tournaments and had an impressive performance
to win the CAC Championship against St. Mary's. The season ended in the first round of
NCAA against rival foe Christopher Newport. Stacey Krebs came out of the season being
named Salisbury's first volleyball All-American.
The Men's team finished 3rd in the conference and the women placed 4th. Coach Jill
Stephenson said "We swam out of our minds", which she was absolutely correct for
saying. Stephenson had every right to be proud of the success of her team. The Seagulls
had 5 All-CAC performances. The men's team broke ten school records while the
women broke two in the three day event. Two freshmen, Becky Akers and Drew
Robichaud both broke the record for the 1000 meters. The most impressive school record
to be broken was by sophomore Mike Ferrari who broke the 200 Breaststroke (previously
held by Assistant Coach Ryan Kooy) by 5 seconds with a time of 2:12.37. Ferrari is
Salisbury's first swimmer in over five years to win an event at the CAC Championship
meet. The Seagull swimmers worked hard all season and it showed at the championship.
Men's Basketball
Men's basketball has an upsetting season, with an overall record of 7-20 and a conference
record of 4-12. Though this wasn't Coach Holms' best season since he's been coaching
the SU Men's Basketball Team, he has picked up some new players that have the
potential to build the team and lead them into a winning season. The new players that
were picked up this year were Montez Haggans, Todd Dembroski, Darius Smith,
Brandon Abney, Drew Dickson, Ty Reese, Wesley Sweet, Chris Johnson, Todd Ostrum,
and Aras Vaitkus. Together they lead the team this year into the CAC tournament
Semifinals, where they lost the St. Mary's 95-89. Coach Holm's has great hopes for next
Women’s Soccer
The Women’s soccer team did very well this past year. They began the season ranked
23rd by NSCAA. They had a great record and earned first seed in the CAC tournament.
Our ladies made it to the championship game. They also earned a poll C bid in the
NCAA tournament. There were also several personal achievements from the team this
past season. Team captain, Kate Weaver, was named CAC women’s soccer player of the
year, was named to academic all-America first team and was selected to NCSAA scholar
all east region. She was also named to NCSAA all-region team along with teammate
Robyn Bishop.
The Baseball team is doing great this year. The Seagulls were ranked No. 26 in
Collegiate Baseball Newspaper preseason poll. They crushed an old school record of 16
straight wins and kept dominating before their streak was ended at 35 straight wins. Our
boys also hosted the CAC tournament and won the CAC championship. This is Salisbury
baseball’s 8th CAC title. Prior to the season, Mike Celenza was named to Cal Ripken, Sr.
All-League team.
Women’s Basketball
For the first time 17 seasons there was a new coach guiding the Salisbury University
women's basketball program. Coach Charisse Mapp took over the program this past
summer and hit the ground running ready to mold her team. Salisbury finished its first
season under Coach Mapp with a 12-15 record and 8-8 mark in the CAC. Their season
ended in the semifinals of the CAC Playoffs with a loss to the second-seeded Marymount
(Va.) University. Throughout the season the team was lead by juniors Monica Merkel
and Lindsay Martin. Together the junior duo averaged 28.6 points, 12.4 rebounds, and
4.9 steals per game. Monica Merkel was named first team All-CAC. The team graduates
only one senior and returns all 5 starters to the 2008-2009 squad.
Cross Country
Senior Eric Graves earned the Capital Athletic Conference Male Athlete of the Year
award as he led the Salisbury University men's cross country team to its third straight
CAC title, seventh overall, with a first-place finish at the 2007 CAC Championships. The
SU men's team edged University of Mary Washington, 26 to 33, Mary Washington ended
Salisbury's University’s women’s streak of three consecutive titles. The SU women's
team finished in second place with 34 points. The men’s team swept the CAC yearly
awards including Coach of the Year: Jim Jones, Rookie of the Year: Chris Barnard, and
Runner of the Year: Eric Graves. In addition to these awards the team added two more
First Team All-CAC and three Second Team All-CAC. The women’s team earned two
First Team All-CAC (Casey McInerny and Kelly Sullivan) and five Second Team AllCAC. In addition the women’s team was named as a 2007 NCAA Division III
USTFCCCA Women's Cross Country All-Academic Team with a team GPA of 3.24.
Women’s Lax
This has been a record breaking year for No. 1 ranked Salisbury University women's
lacrosse team. For the sixth consecutive year the womens lacrosse team will host the
Capital Athletic Conference championship. Salisbury is 47-0 in CAC play since 2003.
This is the Gulls 10th straight appearance in the CAC title game. The Sea Gulls have
won seven titles since 2000, and are currently five-time defending conference
champions. Salisbury (19-0) tied the school record for regular season victories. Earlier
in the season, top-ranked Salisbury (16-0) hung on to win 11-10 in overtime against
TCNJ (9-1). The victory is the first-ever for the maroon and gold in 12 chances in Lions'
Stadium since 1988. This is only the third time Salisbury has beaten TCNJ in the 20-year
history between the two schools. The Sea Gulls have won 21 consecutive regular-season
games since 2007. The womens Lacrosse team is doing everything they can to get back
to the ever so cherished National Championship game.
Field Hockey
The field hockey team had another great season. They concluded the season with an
overall record of 20-2 and a conference record of 7-0. Unfortunately, the season ended
with a heartbreaking 2-1 loss in overtime to Middlebury College in the NCAA Division
III semifinals. However, all in all it was a good season and the team received many
honors. These included having five players on the National Field Hockey Coaches
Association’s Division III South All-Region team, having a first and second team AllAmerican, receiving the 2007 NFHCA Division III National Academic Team Award and
Dawn Chamberlin being named the 2007 Dita/National Field Hockey Coaches
Association NCAA Division III South Region Coach of the Year.
Track and Field
The track and field team had a great indoor season. At the Mason-Dixon Indoor
Championships, the men’s team finished second overall and the women’s team placed
fourth overall. In addition, they received 20 all-conference awards and broke several
school records. Also, Delannie Spriggs finished fourth in the 55-meter dash finals at the
2008 NCAA Division III Indoor Track and Field championships and became SU’s first
ever indoor track and field All-American. They are now having a great outdoor season in
which many more school records have been broken. The team also has members who
have provisionally qualified for nationals, including the men’s 4x100 team and Christian
Adami for javelin. In addition, at the CACs, the men came in first for the fifth time in a
row, and the women placed second. The team looks to finish out the season strongly at
the Penn Relays, the Mason-Dixon Championships and Nationals.
Men's Tennis
Salisbury's men's tennis team started the season strong accumulating 10 straight wins
before falling to Bowdoin (6-3) in their spring break trip to Claremont, CA. This loss
was followed with 6 consecutive wins including matches against conference rivals Hood,
Wesley, and York. On March 29, the men's team defeated powerhouse Mary
Washington 5-4. The suspenseful match required the last two deciding matches to go to
three sets. This win marks the first time in 8 years that the men's tennis team has
defeated Mary Washington. After securing the #1 seed in the conference with a win
against York, Salisbury fell to TCNJ (7-2), Johns Hopkins (6-3), and Washington & Lee
(5-4). They lost the conference championship at home to Mary Washington, 7-2. After
finishing the season at 17-5, Salisbury is currently ranked 22 in the nation and are
awaiting a bid to the national tournament.
Women's Tennis
Salisbury's women's tennis team began it's season with a 5-4 win over Meredith, but fell
to New York University (9-0) and Washington College (5-4). The team quickly pulled
themselves together and won 11 consecutive matches. This includes being undefeated on
the spring break trip to Claremont, CA and conference victories against St. Mary's, Hood,
Wesley, Villa Julie, and York. Of those 11 consecutive wins, 7 of them were won 9-0.
In regular season, Salisbury fell to Mary Washington and TCNJ. They entered the
conference tournament as the #2 seed, but fell to Mary Washington ending their season
16-5 and ranked #2 in the conference.
The Salisbury football 2008 season ended up a success with an overall record of 9-2 in
the season, 3-1 in conference, finishing second in the ECAC and ranked 17th in the
nation. The team also was able to hold on to the Regent’s Cup trophy with a victory over
Frostburg University, 35-14, increasing the winning streak to four years. One of the
biggest accomplishments of the season was it’s fifth appearance in the NCAA
tournament, traveling to Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania. The Sea Gulls played a
tough game, but unfortunately endured its second loss of the season, 21-31. Salisbury
also received 13 nominations for the Atlantic Central Football Conference (ACFC) all
conference first, and second teams. Nationally the Sea Gulls had the second best rushing
offense averaging 323.8 yard per game, also earning an average of 39.9 points per game
which is the 10th best mark in Division III out of 231 programs.