Stormwater Management Plan for the Town of Blacksburg’s College Springs Watershed BSE-4125 Comprehensive Design Project May 12, 2009 Purpose: The purpose of this report is to present the final design for a localized stormwater management plan for College Springs Park in Blacksburg, Virginia. This includes a problem statement, literature review, design specifications, and economic analysis. Team Name: College Spring Group Members: Andrew Jeffery Ben Snyder* Brandon Copeland Advisor: Dr. Wolfe: ________________________ Dr. Yagow: _______________________ College Springs Design Team Executive Summary: Stormwater Management Plan for the Town of Blacksburg’s College Springs Watershed A design has been requested by Matt Stolte, an engineer of the Town of Blacksburg, to develop a stormwater management plan using best management practices (BMPs) to install as retrofits to College Springs Park. The headwaters to Stroubles Creek lie in College Springs Park, which has been identified as an impaired water body due to a lack of benthic macroinvertebrates. The College Springs sub-watershed is a 180 acre (72.84 ha) drainage area located in a historic section of Blacksburg with homes dating back to the 1950’s, many of which lack proper stormwater management features. The goal of the design was to develop a localized stormwater management plan with the intent of reducing sediment and nutrient loadings entering the upper branch of Stroubles Creek. Information has been gathered to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of various BMPs for three different locations in the park. BMPs have been selected using a decision matrix evaluation at three locations within the park. A literature review was performed on the following management practices: bioretention facilities, pocket/constructed wetlands, water quality swales, riparian buffer zone, dry extended detention basins, and daylighting. On-site grab samples were taken to determine nutrient and sediment concentrations in the stream baseflow. Samples were taken from the wooded spring area, the input from the spring beneath the adjacent football field, and the outlet of the park. Average concentrations for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids (TSS) where 0.69 ppm (mg/L), 0.37 ppm (mg/L), and below detection limits, respectively. Samples were taken on February 27, 2009, during a high intensity, short duration storm over a period of 2 hours at the outlet of the park. The highest concentrations measured during the storm event were 7.3 ppm (mg/L), 5.6 ppm (mg/L), and 552 ppm (mg/L) for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids, respectively. Baseflow and storm event samples indicated high nutrient and sediment loadings when compared to the EPA National Nutrient Parameters for Ecoregion IX Geographic information systems (GIS) and TR-55 software were used to model hydrologic characteristics of the sub-watershed and determine peak discharges for the 2-yr and 10-yr design storms. GIS was used to identify specific land uses, delineate areas assigned to these land uses, and obtain reach lengths within the sub-watershed. These values were used as inputs for TR-55, which returned peak discharges of 42.2 cfs (1.2 m3/s) and 112.7 cfs (3.19 m3/s) for the 2-yr and 10-yr storms, respectively. Page | 1 College Springs Design Team A water quality swale was chosen for the drainage area outside the Berryfield apartment complex, which is an input to the College Springs Park. The swale will be 151.64 ft (46.22 m) long, with a bottom width of 2.5 ft (0.76 m), a top width of 15 ft (4.57 m), and side slopes of 3:1. The swale was designed to treat a drainage area of 1.48 acres (0.60 ha), and a water quality volume of 2,094 ft3 (82.23 m3). Four check dams evenly spaced throughout the swale provide adequate storage capacity for the water quality volume. This will allow for infiltration into an underlying soil matrix to provide water quality treatment. Expected removal efficiencies for phosphorus, nitrogen, and TSS are 35%, 30% and 84%, respectively. The total cost of the swale will be $5,382. Daylighting was chosen as the stormwater management practice in the piped channel under the park. Daylighting will re-establish a natural stream corridor, allowing for biological uptake and controlled flooding throughout the park. The daylit stream corridor was developed using a reference reach from the same stream network just below the park. Based on the reference reach, the new stream section was given a length of 181 ft (55.2 m), a cross sectional area of 1.57 ft2 (0.0010 m2 ), with in-stream slopes of 3:1, and outcropping side slopes of 4:1. The total cost of the daylighting section was $36,381, which may be offset with donated materials and volunteered labor. Wetland enhancement was proposed for the spring area of the park. This is a process where the wetland around the spring is rehabilitated using native vegetation. Warm season grasses, terrestrial and aquatic plants were the types of vegetation used in the wetland enhancement plan. Specific plants included water lotus, Indian grass, and annual lespedeza. These plants will reduce sediment loads by stabilizing the banks around the spring and lower nutrient loads through the process of biological uptake. The cost of the plants was $286 with a maintenance cost of $50 a year. The management practices chosen for the stormwater management plan will effectively work together to reduce sediment and nutrient inputs to the Upper Stroubles Creek watershed. Page | 2 College Springs Design Team Table of Contents: Stormwater Management Plan for the Town of Blacksburg’s College Springs Watershed I. Executive Summary...................................................................................................................... i II. Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... ii 1.0 Background Information ........................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 Connection to Contemporary Issues ......................................................................................... 1 4.0 Scope of Work .......................................................................................................................... 2 5.0 Design Criteria .......................................................................................................................... 2 6.0 Literature Review...................................................................................................................... 3 6.1Design Alternatives ........................................................................................................ 3 6.1.1 Bioretention Facilities .................................................................................... 3 6.1.1.a. Water Quality Control………………………………...………...….4 6.1.2 Riparian Buffer Zone ................................................................................................ 6 6.1.3 Grassed/Water Quality Swale ........................................................................ 8 6.1.4 Daylighting ................................................................................................... 9 6.1.5 Detention Basins .......................................................................................... 10 6.1.6 Constructed/Pocket Wetlands ...................................................................... 11 6.2 Safety Regulations and Concerns ............................................................................... 13 6.3 Construction and Maintenance Costs.......................................................................... 15 7.0 Design Process ........................................................................................................................ 16 7.1 Water Quality Sampling & Testing ............................................................................ 16 7.1.1. Baseflow Results and Analysis .................................................................. 16 7.1.2 Storm Event Results and Analysis .............................................................. 16 7.2 Hydrologic Modeling .................................................................................................. 17 8.0 Design Selection ..................................................................................................................... 19 8.1 Decision Matrix .......................................................................................................... 20 8.2 Final Selection ............................................................................................................ 20 9.0 Project Design ......................................................................................................................... 22 9.1 Vegetation Enhancement ............................................................................................ 22 9.1.1 Design Specifications.................................................................................. 22 9.1.2 Maintenance Plan ........................................................................................ 22 9.1.3 Costs............................................................................................................ 23 9.2 Daylighting ................................................................................................................. 23 9.2.1 Design Specifications.................................................................................. 23 9.2.2 Maintenance Plan ........................................................................................ 24 9.2.3 Pollution Reductions ................................................................................... 25 9.2.4 Costs............................................................................................................ 25 9.3 Water Quality Swale ................................................................................................... 25 9.3.1 Design Specifications.................................................................................. 25 9.3.1.a. Hydrology.………………………………………………………26 9.3.1.b. Swale Geometry…………………………………………………27 9.3.1.c. Underlying Soil Matrix....................................................….……27 9.3.1.d. Check Dams................................................……………………..27 9.3.1.e. Inflow and Outflow……………………………………………...28 9.3.1.f. Vegetation………………………………………………………..28 Page | 3 College Springs Design Team 9.3.2 Maintenance Plan ........................................................................................ 28 9.3.3 Performance Reductions ............................................................................. 29 9.3.4 Costs............................................................................................................ 30 9.4 Community Outreach ................................................................................................. 31 10.0 Work Plan ............................................................................................................................. 31 11.0 Project Timeline .................................................................................................................... 33 12.0 Summary & Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 34 13.0 References ............................................................................................................................. 35 14.0 Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 38 14.1 Figures........................................................................................................... 38 14.2 Tables ............................................................................................................ 48 14.3 Equations……………………………………………………...…………….56 Page | 4 College Springs Design Team Title: Stormwater Management Plan for the Town of Blacksburg’s College Springs Watershed 1.0 Background Information The spring within College Springs Park is one of the main headwaters for Stroubles Creek. Before the 1950’s, College Springs was the main source of water for the Town of Blacksburg and Virginia Tech. Adjacent to the park is 180 acres (72.8 hectares) of historic urban watershed that drains into the 1.25 acres (0.51 hectares) park. The watershed surrounding the park includes modern apartment complexes and urban development that lack proper stormwater management practices, contributing to the impairment of Stroubles Creek. Matt Stolte, an engineer for the Town of Blacksburg, has recognized the need for improvement in the stormwater management of the College Springs watershed and has requested a design project partnership with the BSE department at Virginia Tech. 2.0 Problem Statement Upper Stroubles Creek has been listed as an impaired water body for benthic macroinvertebrates by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ). Sediment, nutrients, and organic matter have been listed as significant stressors, with sediment being the primary focus of the TMDL Implementation Plan. Urbanization has increased runoff volume and strength, intensifying erosion and sediment control issues. A lack of stormwater best management practices (BMPs) throughout the College Springs sub-watershed has contributed to the impairment of Stroubles Creek. For this reason, an innovative stormwater management system in the Town’s College Springs Park and adjacent urban areas will help to improve the health of Stroubles Creek. 3.0 Connection to Contemporary Issues Increased urbanization has led to elevated environmental impacts in watersheds across the world. The high percentage of impervious surfaces in developed watersheds has led to increased runoff volume and strength, creating pollution and channel erosion issues. Recently LID features and stormwater BMPs have been shown to be effective in the battle to increase water quality and stream stability. These practices are not limited to newly developed areas but can be retrofitted to older residential areas in the improvement of water body health. The various BMPs and LID implementations are essential to the sustainable development of community watersheds. Current LID practices rely on localized stormwater management systems to reduce the environmental impacts of urban neighborhoods. An essential component of these management Page | 5 College Springs Design Team plans is community outreach and education. Water stewardship programs initiated by community members have been shown to be effective in controlling runoff at its source through homeowner BMPs and participation in local governments. 4.0 Scope of Work Objectives 1. Determine sediment and nutrient loads of College Springs inlets 2. Reduce sediment loads by a minimum of 54% 3. Determine runoff characteristics (peak discharge, total runoff volume, water quality volume) 4. Identify sources of contaminants 5. Design appropriate stormwater management practices 6. Develop community brochure designed to educate residents of College Spring Watershed of stormwater impacts Deliverables 1. Design of BMPs and LID systems 2. Decision Matrix for alternative design systems 3. Projected stream quality improvements due to management practices 4. Cost-Benefit analysis of appropriated management techniques 5. TR-55 Hydrologic Model for College Springs watershed 6. Community brochure to be distributed to residents of College Springs sub-watershed 5.0 Design Criteria & Constraints The purpose of this section is to identify criteria that can be used to assess BMP performance in reducing nutrients, sediment, and peak discharge. The criteria were chosen based on water quality and quantity control capabilities, economic feasibility, and aesthetic appeal. The water quality criteria include the ability to reduce sediment loads by 54% (VDEQ, 1999). Water quantity control criteria include ability to reduce peak discharge and runoff volume to that of pre-development levels (VDCR, 1996). Economic criteria include construction and maintenance costs needed to ensure long-term performance. These numbers will be based on previous stormwater projects funded by the Town of Blacksburg. It is important that the chosen design be aesthetically appealing and accepted by the community it serves. The criteria for aesthetic appeal will be based on feedback of visual presentation from Blacksburg’s Stormwater Task Force. The constraints surrounding the design alternatives vary for each BMP alternative but will be broadened for the purpose of this report. The surface area required is restricted due to the dimensions of the four possible BMP sites. Water quality analysis is limited by the amount of Page | 6 College Springs Design Team funding provided. The chosen design must be compatible with existing hydrologic infrastructure as far as the various input and output structures. 6.0 Literature Review 6.1 Design Alternatives A localized stormwater management plan relies on a holistic approach to assessing various sources of contamination within a watershed and designing appropriate BMPs to treat runoff at its source. Dispersion of BMPs throughout the watershed alleviates the need for a large treatment area at the outlet. Integrated management practices such as bioretention facilities and other low-impact development systems are necessary components of localized stormwater management plans. The following design alternatives are used as stormwater management practices to mitigate runoff from urbanized areas on site. A literature review was performed on these various management practices to assess their effectiveness and practicality for College Springs Park. 6.1.1 Bioretention Facilities Bioretention facilities are shallow basin BMPs with a vegetated covering designed to treat stormwater runoff through biological processes in the soil media, uptake by plants, and infiltration into the underlying soil strata. These facilities are often implemented in urban areas because of their effectiveness in removing pollutants common to urban environments and their aesthetic appeal (MDER, 2001). These facilities are designed to function similarly to an upland forest floor, utilizing such processes as interception, evapotranspiration, assimilation, settling, and microbial decomposition among others. A typical facility consists of a porous medium supporting a vegetative layer with a surface layer of mulch on top. During large storm events, ponding at the surface of the facility allows for pre-treatment of stormwater runoff before filtration through the soil media. The extent to which specific processes take place is customized in the design process based on the pollutant load of entering runoff. Although bioretention facilities are typically designed for water quality treatment, they can provide partial to complete water quantity control depending on land cover and use (VDCR, 1999). Their ability to provide water treatment while decreasing channel erosion makes these facilities an attractive alternative for an urban environment. Page | 7 College Springs Design Team 6.1.1.a. Water Quality Control Bioretention facilities utilize uptake of nutrients, filtration and settling, and microbial interaction to improve water quality of entering runoff. Nutrient uptake and microbial interaction are achieved in the vegetative and organic layers while filtering occurs in the soil media and underlying soil strata. Ponding typically occurs above the vegetative layer allowing for nutrient uptake and settling of sediment. In areas of low soil permeability, increased ponding and flooding can allow for runoff to overflow and bypass the facility. These areas require an underlying drain, reducing periods of flooding, but also decreasing groundwater recharge (MDER, 2001). Soils with higher hydraulic conductivities are ideal for infiltration purposes, but lack the amount of microbial and chemical interaction present in fine-grained soils. A proper soil matrix ratio of rough to fine grained soils is necessary to maintain proper infiltration without compromising pollutant reduction via microbial interaction. Heavy metals along with oils and greases are common pollutants in urban environments due to improper vehicle maintenance and pollutant build up on impervious surfaces. Pilot-scale laboratory studies of bioretention facilities have indicated removal rates of greater than 92% for copper, zinc, and lead. The 0.98 in (2.5 cm) thick mulch layer was identified by Hunt et al. (2008) as a major contributor to metal attenuation, with levels 6 and 17 times larger than that of the soil matrix for copper and zinc respectively. Removal rates of greater than 96% have also been found for oils and greases (Hunt et al., 2008). Although studies have indicated high removal capabilities for heavy metals, oil, and grease, these pollutants are primarily removed through physical infiltration and are not entirely indicative of the biological processes present in the facility. Biological processes such as microbial interaction are essential in the reduction of nutrients. A combination of field and laboratory studies of various media characteristics by Hunt et al. (2008) showed little to poor removal rates for nitrate and ammonium, with no correlation between silt/clay contents and removal abilities. The soil mixture containing intermediate levels of silt/clay proved best at total phosphorus (TP) mass removal, although percent TP removal efficiency varied. Based on their results, Hunt et al. (2008) recommended an underlying soil matrix consisting of vegetative and coarse grained sand filtering layers. This would decrease ponding and allow for storage in the upper layers in an attempt to increase exposure to microbial processes. Page | 8 College Springs Design Team Nutrient reduction ability will be an important factor when determining between design alternatives. Hsieh and Davis (2005) have shown bioretention facilities to have effective phosphorus removal rates, around 60-80%, with much lower numbers for nitrate removal, 020%, and in certain instances nitrate production. Table 1 shows their results for percent removal versus depth for various pollutants. A current topic of research is possible soil amendments used to enhance phosphorus or nitrate removal. A fly-ash soil amendment was shown to greatly enhance the phosphorus removal of a sandy loam soil matrix (Wei et al., 2008). Few studies examining the ability of bioretention facilities to remove pathogenic bacteria have taken place. Field studies on an urban bioretention facility in Charlotte, NC indicated removal rates of 69% and 71% for fecal coliform and E. coli, respectively (Hunt et al., 2008). These are two primary indicator species for pathogenic bacteria. Similar studies conducted by Dietz and Clausen (2005) found a 65% reduction in fecal coliform for roadside and urban sand filters. They concluded that dry conditions and exposure to sunlight were two primary factors in bacteria reduction. Bioretention facilities with appropriate clay/silt ratios to support microbial interaction and ponding abilities for lengthened UV exposure offer potential for increased bacteria removal rates. Increased runoff volume and strength is a leading cause of channel erosion and sediment input to water bodies. This is a direct effect of the increase in impervious surfaces in a watershed. As a result, water quantity control is a primary factor to consider during the design of an appropriate BMP. Peak runoff discharge and total runoff volume are two hydrologic characteristics contributing to channel erosion and sediment loading. The TMDL for Upper Stroubles Creek identifies sediment as the primary stressor leading to the impairment of the stream and calls for a 54% reduction in sediment from urban sources (VDEQ, 2006). Bioretention facilities are typically designed for water quality treatment, although they can provide partial to complete water quantity control depending on land cover and use. The term Integrated Management Practice (IMP) is used to describe bioretention facilities because of their development for a wide range of applications, including the ability to mimic pre-existing hydrologic conditions of a site (VDCR, 1999). These facilities are able to mitigate peak flows because of high infiltration rates and the ability to store water in soil pores. A field study on an urban bioretention cell in Charlotte, NC indicated mean peak inflow to outflow reductions of greater than 96.5% for small to medium size storm events. During large storm events water can Page | 9 College Springs Design Team overflow facilities, reducing the potential for peak discharge reduction (Hunt et al, 2008). A two year study of two bioretention facilities on the University of Maryland campus showed no outflow from the facilities for 18% of the storm events, and a 44-63% reduction of peak flow when outflow was present. The study stated that significant reductions can be expected for onethird to half of rainfall events (Davis, 2008). 6.1.2 Riparian Buffer The Natural Resources Conservation Service (2001) defines a riparian buffer as, “an area of predominantly trees and/or shrubs located adjacent to and up-gradient from watercourses or water bodies.” A riparian buffer zone is established to reduce excess amounts of sediment, organic matter, nutrients, and chemicals in shallow groundwater flow. A buffer zone will also provide shade to reduce water temperature, provide habitat for native species, and protect the surrounding soil from erosion (NRCS, 2001). NRCS (2001) defines some specific qualifications for riparian buffers in Virginia. The buffer must consist of at least two zones, zone one and zone two. Zone one must be a minimum of 15 ft (4.57 m) beginning at the water line or the top of the bank. Zone two must be a minimum of 20 ft (6.1 m) beginning at the end of zone one. The two zones combined must be a total of 30.48 m (100 ft) or 30 percent of the floodplain, whichever is smaller, to a minimum of 35 ft (10.67 m). If there are highly erosive areas adjacent to the stream corridor, a third zone, zone three, is required. This zone will be a grass filter that will follow the guidelines as defined in the Virginia Conservation Practice Standard Filter Strip (Code 393). All trees and shrubs planted in zones one and two will be established in accordance with Virginia Conservation Practice Standard Tree/Shrub Establishment (Code 612). All trees and shrubs should be native to promote natural diversity of species. While establishing the buffer, all VA spec sheets must be filled out. Once the buffer is established, maintenance is required regularly to assure that the filter is working. Such measures would include replacement of dead vegetation, mowing of grass, and control of unwanted weed species such as A. Lanthis (NRCS, 2001). Moore and Palmer (2005) explored the effect of urbanization on macroinvertebrate populations in headwater streams and the mitigation of these negative effects using riparian forest buffers. According to this article, the two main factors that affect invertebrate populations are the amount of impervious surfaces and the quality of riparian forest. The study involved 29 headwater streams in the region just north of Washington D.C. with land uses that range from Page | 10 College Springs Design Team agricultural to urban with different qualities of riparian buffers. The headwater stream catchments used in this study were chosen to be small, ranging from 667.18-2,273.4 acres (270 ha-920 ha). The small areas lessen the variety of the land uses and riparian buffers, making them more homogenous. GIS was used to determine the percentage of land use and of impervious surfaces. Invertebrate samples were taken from March 15 to April 15 of 2001 and 2002. Three riffles and two areas in each riffle were sampled in each stream. The samples were analyzed for richness of invertebrate populations by comparison to other literature. The results of the study by Moore and Palmer (2005) showed that urban landuse had lower diversity when compared to the agricultural land. There was a negative linear relationship between the amount of impervious surface cover and macroinvertebrate diversity and richness, meaning, as impervious surfaces increased, macroinvertebrates decreased. The study also found a weak but significant linear relationship between the quality of riparian buffer and the richness and diversity of the invertebrate populations in the urban areas. This suggests that biodiversity of the invertebrate populations can be improved in urban areas by restoring and protecting riparian forest buffers. Therefore, populations of invertebrates, which represent the water quality of a stream, can be successfully mitigated by restoring riparian buffers. 6.1.3 Grassed/ Water Quality Swales A grassed swale is defined as a “broad and shallow earthen channel vegetated with erosion resistant, flood-tolerant grasses.” This is similar to a water quality swale, which is the same thing but underlain by engineered soil mixture. The purpose of a grassed/water quality swale is to convey water at non-erosive velocities and improve water quality through infiltration, sedimentation, and filtration. These can have added water storage and lower peak discharge during rain events by the addition of check dams. Check dams are blockages to the flow in a swale which cause small temporary pooling. This allows for settling of sediment and infiltration of water. Water quality is improved in a swale through the use of vegetation. The vegetation slows down the water flow and physically blocks the sediment causing it to settle. Figure 1, shows a water quality swale equipped with check dams (VDCR, 1999). Grassed and water quality swales apply to small drainage areas due to the fact that they cannot handle large flows. These swales must treat 10-yr storm events at non-erosive velocities. The size of the drainage area and amount of impervious surfaces determines that size of the Page | 11 College Springs Design Team swale. In general, a grass swale is used for small urban areas of 16-21% impervious surface and a water quality swale is used for 16-37% impervious surfaces (VDCR, 1999). Important conditions for the location of swales include soil properties, topography, and depth of the water table. The soil used to construct a grassed swale must have a minimum infiltration rate of 0.27 inches/hour (0.69 cm/hour) to successfully drain water. This is the typical infiltration rate of silt loam soil, making it a good soil for construction. A water quality swale can, however, be used in soil with less than optimum infiltration rate due to the use of engineered soils. The topography of the swale location should be relatively flat so that the desired slope can be constructed. Also, the swale should be located at least 2 ft (0.61 m) above the water table to help promote infiltration and lower the chances of permanent pooling (VDCR, 1999). Specific design criteria according to VDCR (1999) for a grassed/water quality swale include: -trapezoid cross-section with side slope a maximum of 3H:1V -bottom width 2-6 feet (0.61-1.83 m) -flow depth at the height of grass, height of 4 inches (10.16 cm) maximum -water quality flow max of 1.5 ft/s (0.46 m/s), 2 year storm maximum 4 ft/s (1.22 m/s), 10 year storm maximum 7 ft/s (2.13 m/s) -slope typically between 1-3% with a maximum of 5% -ponding depth behind check dam should not exceed 18 inches (45.7 cm) -recommended grasses are tall fescue, reed canary grass, redtop, and rough-stalked blue grass Maintenance requirements involve the upkeep of grass and the removal of sediment and debris. The ground should be kept as a dense, vigorous grass cover. Grass should be periodically mowed, but never cut lower than 3 - 6 in (7.62- 15.24 cm) is the best height. Remove the sediment and debris behind the check dam on a biannual basis. If excessive sediment builds up, removal and revegetation is required. If pores of the soil become clogged, then tilling or aeration is required (VDCR, 1999). A study in Brisbane, AU was conducted on the ability of a grassed swale to remove total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorous (TP), and total nitrogen (TN). The study involved a controlled grass swale system along a highway (Figure 4). Inputs of sediment were added at varying times and concentrations to mimic natural conditions. The results of the study were total removal rates of 69% for TSS, 46% for TP, and 56% for TN. The study also included results Page | 12 College Springs Design Team from other studies on grassed swale removal rates, shown in Table 2 (Deletic and Fletcher, 2006). The TRAVA model, that models the behavior in flow over grassed surfaces, was used in the Brisbane study to make predictions about the performance of the grassed swale. The model predicted concentrations within +/- 17% of the measured TSS and within +/- 11% of the total mass of sediment removed. This confirmed the use of the TRAVA method for predicting the performance of a grassed swale. 6.1.4 Daylighting Daylighting is a practice started in the 1970’s which re-establishes and exposes a buried, existing stream (Pinkham, 2000). Streams that are commonly daylighted are those encased by concrete pipes and streams buried below streets, buildings, or other structures. Daylighting streams can have considerable benefits. A case study in Zurich, Switzerland (Figures 2a and 2b) (Pinkham, 2000), has shown water quality can be improved by exposing the water to air, sunlight, vegetation, and soil, allowing for more biological activity to occur and incurring more biological uptake of harmful pollutants. In order to provide for further biological uptake, daylighting allows for additional best management practices to be implemented, such as riparian buffer zones. Previous flooding problems can be alleviated by removing piping networks that are under capacity. With increased urbanization, additional impervious surfaces create higher volumes of runoff and daylighting allows for improved hydraulic capacity and flood control. Lower velocities are experienced downstream with the improvement of flood control, along with stream beds having natural aspects opposed to smooth, concrete beds. Daylighting is more cost effective than replacing an old deteriorated pipe and is more easily managed, monitored, and repaired. Exposure of a stream to its natural surroundings also gives a community a sense of reconnection to a local waterway. Daylighting has also been used to allow for fish passage from one section of a stream to another. Upon recreating the stream channel after a daylighting project has been undertaken, a meander within the day lit section of the stream will allow for additional sediment removal (Pinkham, 2000). Despite all of the benefits there are a few challenges when considering daylighting a stream. The largest challenge is total expense, which comes from excavation, channel re-alignment, and transportation of soil and old piping. Finding the exact location of an old piping network may prove to be difficult based on available mapping. Public safety is also an issue with regards to the Page | 13 College Springs Design Team possibility of children drowning, introduction of new vermin such as raccoons and muskrats, or possibly increased environmental regulation concerns for local homeowners along the stream (Pinkham, 2000). 6.1.5 Detention Basins Traditional stormwater management techniques have generally involved basic detention basins. Detention basins are designed for urbanized areas, in order to decrease peak flow rates. Peak flow rates are control by detaining or collection of the stormwater. The pooled water in a detention basin will allow for groundwater recharge along with lower discharge rates at the outflow structure. Stormwater is detained only for a few hours to a few days based on the intensity of a storm, leaving the basin dry during non-storm events. Detention basins aim to remove sediment from stormwater through gravitational settling. Additionally detention basins remove soluble phosphorus and total phosphorus, but at lower level of efficiency in comparison to sediment removal. The removal efficiencies of detention basins are as follows, sediment 65%, total phosphorus 40-50%, and soluble phosphorus 35% (VDCR, 2008). Detention basins require a maximum drainage area of 50-75 acres (20.2-30.35 hectares) (VDCR, 2008). However provisions can be made to adjust sizing requirements for a detention basin using baseflow measurements. Larger detention basins do not necessarily correlate with increase removal efficiencies of pollutants. Detention basins are to be used in low visibility sites to keep the public away from possible stagnation. Sites appropriate for detention basin use include low and medium density residential and commercial sites. When designing a detention basin 20 ft (6.1 m) vegetation buffers are required to be placed around the edges. Also soils with low permeability should be used and karst conditions may require a liner or use of clay soils (VDCR, 2008). Recent information gathered has shown different styles of detention ponds have shown to have increased removal efficiencies of all pollutants. One of these newly studied detention ponds is an extended detention pond which uses a shallow marsh at the lower stage of the basin. Also other structures have shown improvements with shallow marshes throughout the entire basin along with any type of vegetation that can withstand high quantities of water along with extended time periods without much water. The introduction of vegetation allows for more biological uptake and effectively increases the removal rates of pollutants. Page | 14 College Springs Design Team 6.1.6 Constructed/ Pocket Wetlands In order to understand pocket wetlands it is important to define constructed wetlands and the processes they use to improve water quality and decrease channel erosion. Constructed wetlands are shallow basin BMPs that support the growth of aquatic vegetation and are designed to improve stormwater quality runoff. They were initially used as treatment systems for pointsource wastewater with recent applications to urban and agricultural runoff. There are many BMP variations within the constructed wetland paradigm, including shallow wetland, extended detention wetland, the pond/wetland system, and the pocket wetland. Each variation differs in the depth of water, surface area, and inclusion of pre-treatment BMPs (VDCR, 1999). Constructed wetlands promote such processes as settling, plant uptake, filtration, and biological decomposition to improve water quality. The pollutant removal efficiencies of constructed wetlands are highly variable and often difficult to predict due to site specific factors such as soil, climate, and hydrologic conditions. Studies by Carleton et al (2008) show that pollutant removal rates of constructed wetlands are dependent on inflow and detention time, which are functions of runoff volume and wetland size. Tilley and Brown (1996) studied the effect of retention time on the pollutant removal rate for a constructed wetland in Tampa Bay, Florida. They found a reduction of 94% in sediment and 90% in total phosphorus with a retention time of 14 days, and a reduction of 67% in sediment and 57% in total phosphorus with a retention time of only 5 days. Table 3 shows the range of reported removal rates according to the Center for Watershed Protection (2007). According to the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook (2008) constructed wetlands are not recommended for flood and channel erosion control. This is because of anticipated water level fluctuations associated with water quantity control facilities. These fluctuations can cause added stress to edge vegetation, thereby increasing susceptibility to channel erosion. According to Birch et al (2004) constructed wetlands can reduce 5 to 10 percent of incoming runoff volume via evapotranspiration and seepage losses. These are relatively minor reductions when compared to other management practices. Constructed wetlands often require upland, pre-treatment BMPs to decrease the pollutant load entering the wetland, reducing maintenance requirements and increasing the life of the wetland. The need for pre-treatment BMPs could be a deciding factor when choosing between design alternatives. A typical pre-treatment BMP consists of a deep pond with macrophyte Page | 15 College Springs Design Team vegetation, designed to capture coarse grained sediment. Some wetlands utilize sediment traps, or continuous deflective separation systems (CDSS), at the inflow of the wetland to capture large sediment and pollutant particles. Although initially cheaper, CDSs typically require more frequent maintenance than other pre-treatment BMPs (VDCR, 1999). Pocket wetlands are a type of constructed wetland designed for smaller drainage areas, typically around 1 to 10 acres (0.405 to 4.05 hectares). Pocket wetlands are often excavated to the groundwater table to reduce periods of drought associated with stormwater dependent systems. Figure 5, shows a schematic of a recommended pocket wetlands system according to Minnesota’s Metropolitan Council on Environmental Services (2001). The figure shows a pretreatment swale separated from the pocket wetland to provide initial velocity and sediment reduction. A buffer zone surrounding the facility is also recommended to limit common difficulties including large debris and invasive species such as cattails. The high marsh wedges are placed at 50 ft (15.24 m) intervals, perpendicular to the flow of water to limit dry weather flow paths (MNMC, 2001). The application of constructed wetlands is restricted based on numerous site specific details such as soil types, depth to bedrock, groundwater level, and available land area. Medium to fine texture soils, NRCS soil types B, C, and D, are preferred to allow adequate surface ponding, establish macrophyte vegetation, capture pollutants, and enable groundwater recharge. Sufficient land area is required to provide for gradual water level fluctuations by limiting the vertical depth of ponding water. Also, in areas of low soil permeability an impermeable liner may be necessary to provide soil saturation and decrease the possibility of groundwater contamination (MNMC, 2001). 6.2 Safety, Regulatory, and Environmental Considerations According to Section 305(b) and 314 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), each state is required to submit biennial reports to the EPA listing impaired water bodies and suggested improvements (EPA, 2008). Monitoring and assessment done by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) was used to place the upper branch of Stroubles Creek on Virginia’s 303(d) list of impaired water bodies due to its benthic impairment. The TMDL report identified sediment as the primary stressor impacting the habitat of benthic organisms with additional significant contributions from nutrients and organic matter (VDEQ, 2006). Section 18-613 of the Town of Blacksburg’s Stormwater Ordinance specifies performancebased and technology-based criteria for developing water quality management practices. Both Page | 16 College Springs Design Team criteria require comparison of post-development runoff pollutant loads to pollutant levels of predevelopment conditions based on average land cover or existing site conditions (Spencer, 2008). A stormwater BMP is then designed based on pollutant removal efficiencies as specified in Table 4. Sizing and other design criteria are to be consistent with those specified in the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. According to Virginia Stormwater Management Regulations the ‘first flush’ (Water Quality Volume) or ½’’ to 1’’ of runoff is required to be captured and treated (VDCR, 2005). As a result, most BMP designs weigh heavily on the Water Quality Volume for sizing criteria. BMP design criteria based on pollutant removal mechanisms such as settling, filtering, and biological processes can be found in the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. According to the handbook, significant settling of urban pollutants occurs in the first 6 to 12 hours of detention time, with a required detention time of 30 hours for extended water quality design. Stormwater BMPs designed with settling processes are typically capable of providing storage volume for peak rates based on the water quality volume. Because stormwater filtration BMPs must allow for adequate infiltration of runoff they are limited to small drainage areas and flow rates. The sizing criterion of these BMPs is also the water quality volume. Filtration BMPs often require construction of a diversion structure to minimize the ability of large flows to wash out previously deposited pollutants. BMPs utilizing biological processes typically involve shallow, permanent pool depths and plentiful vegetation. The sizing criterion is the size of these permanent pool depths based on a multiple of the water quality volume (VDCR, 1999). The town of Blacksburg’s Department of Engineering and GIS has issued a memorandum outlining the minimum geotechnical requirements for most BMP practices. Due to the common presence of karst conditions, sufficient investigations are necessary during the planning processes of BMP applications. BMP applicants must submit the outcome of their investigations based on local geology, soil maps, and a possible field verification of karst conditions (Hixon, 2008). The memorandum also specifies appropriate soil properties for individual BMPs and directions for soil sampling. Stream channel erosion has been recognized as a major contributor of sediment by the Upper Stroubles Creek TMDL study, which calls for a reduction of 77% of sediment from this source (VDEQ, 1996). Statewide ordinances address this issue by regulating the 2-yr storm event peak runoff rate to comply with that of pre-development conditions. Although BMPs are designed to Page | 17 College Springs Design Team reduce the peak runoff to pre-development levels, the frequencies at which these levels occur are greatly increased by the addition of impervious surfaces to a watershed, thereby increasing channel erosion. The challenge in designing appropriate BMPs to reduce channel erosion is in recognizing design criteria that properly identify pre-development sediment load transport characteristics of the stream. Minimum Standard 19 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations requires stream channels to convey the peak runoff of the 2-yr storm event at a non-erosive velocity, with constructed channels able to convey the peak runoff of the 10-yr storm event at a non-erosive velocity (VDCR, 2008). 6.3 Construction and Maintenance Costs The following numbers were based on Hanover County, Virginia’s BMP Summary Report. These costs are averaged from construction endeavors within Hanover County and other county governments. Bioretention Facilities: $186,284 /acre ($460,301 /hectare) o Maintenance: 5-7% of construction costs Constructed Wetlands: $57,100 for a 1-acre-foot of facility ($245 /m3) o $289,000 for a 10-acre-foot facility ($1238 /m3) o $1,470,000 for a 100-acre-foot facility ($6296 /m3) o Maintenance: 3-5% of construction costs Buffer Strips/ Riparian Zones: o If using seed: $0.30/ft2 ($3.26 /m2) o If using sod: $0.70 ft2 ($7.61 /m2) o $350/acre/year ($865/hectare/year) Detention Ponds: $45,700 for a 1-acre-foot of facility ($196 /m3) o $232,000 for a 10-acre-foot facility ($994 /m3) o $1,170,000 for a 100-acre-foot facility ($5003 /m3) o Maintenance Costs: 3-5% of construction costs Vegetated Swales/ Water Quality Swales: o $0.50 /ft2 ($5.38 /m2) o Maintenance Costs: $1.90/ linear meter/ year for a 0.5m deep channel 7.0 Design Process 7.1 Water Quality Sampling and Testing Page | 18 College Springs Design Team 7.1.1 Baseflow Results and Analysis On November 11, 2008 six water samples were collected from various locations within the College Springs Park in Blacksburg, Virginia. Two samples were taken from each designated location. The locations were chosen based on the two annually flowing inputs and the channel flow downstream of these inputs. The results are shown in Table 5. As shown in Table 1, five of the six samples measured below the detection limit for total suspended solids. The first sample from the football field showed a relatively high TSS value of 6 mg/L. Total phosphorus levels were lowest for the spring samples and highest for both the football field inlet and channel flows. Ammonia results were relatively constant for all samples, with values between 0.17 and 0.19 mg/L. Average values for nitrate, total nitrogen, and nitrite were lowest for the spring samples and highest for the football field and channel flow inlets. Table 6 shows reference conditions for various pollutant levels based on the lower 25th percentile of data for the EPA’s ecoregion IX. Virginia currently lacks water quality criteria for nutrients and is in cooperation with the EPA on developing appropriate standards. For this reason the water samples from College Springs were compared to the reference conditions of the EPA’s National Nutrient Criteria. It is important to note that these are only recommendations and that the responsibility for developing appropriate water quality standards are on the state level. When compared with reference conditions of Ecoregion IX, nitrogen levels from College Springs are significantly higher. The same is true for total phosphorus, with certain levels in College Springs being greater by factors of 8 or higher. Table 8 shows Virginia’s nutrient criteria for lakes and reservoirs as developed by the VDEQ and approved by the EPA. The highest value for total phosphorus was 40 micrograms per liter. The samples from College Springs ranged from 130 to 300 micrograms per liter, with an average of 0.25 micrograms per liter. Table 4 indicates a concentration of 8 micrograms per liter for ortho-phosphorus criteria in a natural lake in Virginia. Average values of ortho-phosphorus levels were 6 micrograms per liter from the spring, 120 micrograms per liter from the channel flow, and 105 micrograms per liter from the football field. According to Table 6, total suspended sediment is very low in the spring and channel flow and highest from the football field. The spring has low levels of sediment because of the large volume of standing water, allowing for sediment to settle easily. The fact that the football field inlet is able to mix with the spring water before becoming channel flow also gives more time for Page | 19 College Springs Design Team sediment to settle from this inlet, which could be a reason for low levels of TSS in the channel flow. It is important to note that these are only baseflow measurements, and the storm event samples collected on February 11 could contain high levels of TSS. BMPs designed in the spring area should not necessarily be catered towards sediment reduction because of the settling ability already present. High levels of total phosphorus and nitrogen when compared to reference conditions for EPA’s ecoregion IX indicate a nutrient loading problem in the College Springs Park. If an effective stormwater management plan is to be implemented, BMP criteria must rely heavily on nutrient reduction. Management practices from the football field, high levels of phosphorus in decaking agents for roads, and homeowner practices could all be sources of these high nutrient levels. 7.1.2 Storm Event Results and Analysis A series of storm event samples were collected at College Springs Park over a two hour period. Grab samples were taken once every five minutes for the first hour and every ten minutes for the second hour, totaling eighteen samples. The samples were taken at the outlet of College Springs Park where the stream is piped under the road, allowing for all inputs to be collected. Samples were analyzed by the BSE Water Quality Lab Manager according to Table 9. The samples were tested for total nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate, total suspended solids, total phosphorus, along with orthophosphate. As shown in Figure 6, peak flow occurs during the third sample at fifteen minutes, with a TSS concentration of 552 mg/L. As shown in Figure 7, nutrient concentrations were also highest during this time. However Nitrate showed its highest concentration at the ten minute sample time. The water quality standard, as specified in Virginia Water Quality Standards Handbook, for total nitrogen levels in drinking water is 10 mg/L. All of the samples collected contained concentrations above drinking water standards. Standards and criteria for ammonia were not found and therefore didn’t allow us to analyze these concentration levels. Nitrate recommended levels were 10 mg/L and all of the samples tested were below the recommended standard. Standards and criteria for total suspended solids were construction based because of no available in-stream TSS standards. The construction based standard which may be high for a stream standard was 30 mg/L, which all of the samples collected during the first flush showed extremely high levels. At peak flow, TSS had concentrations of 552 mg/L, which is 18 times above the recommended levels. Total phosphorus standards and criteria were Page | 20 College Springs Design Team found to be 0.100 mg/L. Every sample collected, even after the first flush was shown to exceed the standards and criteria. During the peak flow, total phosphorus exceeded standards and criteria by 56 times. The standard for orthophosphate was set at 8 µg/L, and as with total phosphorus every sample collected exceeded the recommended standard. At its highest during the peak flow, orthophosphate was 225 times the recommended standard. Storm event water quality analysis has shown that TSS, total phosphorus, and orthophosphate are all problematic pollutants within our watershed. This would lead us to believe our BMP designs should be have high removal rates of these three pollutants. The total nitrogen, being below drinking water standards, was not a problem during this storm event. This, however, does not exclude it from the nutrient problem. Base flow measurements show that nitrogen is a problem, which implies that the nutrient was diluted to lower levels due to the increase in flow. The level of nutrients and the level of sediment show a strong relationship between the figures. This implies that if the sediment load was reduced then there would be a reduction in the nutrient loads. Reducing sediment load is much easier than reducing nutrients which makes lowering sediment a good alternative to addressing the nutrient problem. 7.2 Hydrologic Modeling The model used to analyze the College Spring watershed was TR-55. TR-55 is a curve number based program in which land uses, structures, and flow concentrations are entered and peak discharges are returned for design storms. For our analysis, we chose design storms of 2 and 10 years. The process of running TR-55 involved both GIS and field observations. The land uses were determined using a land use layer on GIS that was provided by the Town of Blacksburg. This provided information about what type of development was currently on the land. A summary of the land uses is shown in Table 10. These land uses were matched to the respected curve number and description in TR-55. It was assumed that the soil was in hydraulic soil group B due to the universal moisture content and soil type. The next step in TR-55 analysis was determining flow path and concentration. This was done initially using observation from the digital elevation map in GIS. The contours were observed for large depressions where water could accumulate. These areas were used to create general diagram of where the water was expected to concentrate. The general diagram was then confirmed and edited using field observations. Physical observations of the watershed were Page | 21 College Springs Design Team taken to see where the water was flowing during storm events. The result was the diagram shown below in Figure 8. The blue lines represent concentrated flow. Sub-watersheds were delineated at every intersection to create four main areas. These sub-sheds were intersected with the Blacksburg land use map in GIS and entered into TR-55 as sub-sheds A through D. Flow lengths were then measured in GIS by taking the average distance from the outside of each subshed to the concentrated flow. The first 100 feet were considered sheet flow leaving the rest as grassed shallow concentrated flow. The blue lines were measured as concentrated flow. All of these values were entered into TR-55 which returned a time of concentration. The next step was to identify which sub-shed drained into which concentrated flow, or reach. Each area and reach were connected in order from the farthest point in the watershed to the outlet. Structures were then identified through field observations and inserted into the flow path at their respected sites. Once all the above information was entered, TR-55 was run for a 2-yr and 10-yr storm. The resulting peak flow rates were 42.5 cfs (1.2 m3/s) and 112.5 cfs (3.19 m3/s) respectively. These values were used to determine the sizing of the BMPs that were being implemented in College Spring Park. 8.0 Design Selection 8.1 Decision Matrix The decision matrix was evaluated for each section within College Springs Park and the surrounding areas that were deemed appropriate for management practices. Appropriate areas were chosen based on existing drainage areas, proximity to the stream corridor, and visual assessments during storm events. Four areas were selected including the spring, the park, the drainage outlet of the Berryfield apartment complex, and the ditch next to Clay Street. The ratings were on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best. These numbers were chosen based on information gathered during the literature reviews. The ratings for each practice remained the same for each area. The criteria were weighted differently for each area to take into account the different characteristics of each area. For the area within the park the dry detention basin, water quality swale, and bioretention facility were not applicable because the stream corridor flows through this area. This is not consistent with the criteria as stated in the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. Community acceptance was the most heavily weighted criteria because of the location within the Page | 22 College Springs Design Team portion of the park maintained for recreational use along with its adjacency next to the parking lot and road. Daylighting received the highest rating for community acceptance because of its ability to reestablish a stream corridor with natural vegetation and flowing water. Although this practice may restrict recreation within the park, it will provide an aesthetically pleasing area with the potential to increase wildlife habitat. Sediment reduction was the second most heavily weighted criteria because of reductions called for by the Upper Stroubles TMDL, as well as high levels of TSS found during water quality analysis. Matt Stolte, Blacksburg Town Engineer, had initially recommended daylighting as an appropriate management practice for community awareness purposes. For this reason, along with the ratings given in the decision matrix as shown in Table 11, daylighting is chosen as the most effective management practice for the area within College Springs Park. For the area along the side of the road opposite of the park the surface area required was the most heavily weighted criteria. The existing drainage ditch is at the base of a slope and is narrow in relation to the other areas. Nutrient and sediment reductions were also heavily weighted because of the high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen determined from water quality analysis. Community acceptance was weighted at 15 percent because of the area’s location next to Clay St. The water quality swale was given a high rating on surface area required because of its trapezoidal shape, consistent with that of the existing ditch. It was also given a high rating for community acceptance because of the maintained landscape associated with water quality swales. The water quality swale received a total rating of 3.8 as shown in Table 12, higher than both the pocket wetland and bioretention facility. This practice was chosen as most effective for the area along the side of the road. Because the drainage area surrounding the Berryfield apartment complex is located on private property, maintenance and construction costs were the most heavily weighted criteria. As shown in Table 13, the water quality swale received the highest ratings for this section because of the relatively cheap construction costs and little maintenance requirements. Community acceptance was given a high weighting because of the location of the drainage area within the complex, which is seen by the residents on a daily basis. Sediment reduction was given a relatively lower weighting because of current practices within the drainage area. This includes large rock pieces, approximately 6-10 inches in diameter, acting as sediment traps to slow runoff and provide settling time. There is very little vegetation throughout the drainage Page | 23 College Springs Design Team area, providing little biological uptake and nutrient reduction. The water quality swale received the highest rating of 3.85, well above the bioretention facility, pocket wetland, and dry detention basin. A water quality swale was chosen as the most effective management practice for the drainage area surrounding the Berryfield apartment complex. For the spring area the only two applicable practices are a pocket wetland and wetland enhancement. Nutrient reduction was weighted heaviest because of the high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen found in the baseflow water quality analysis. Sediment reduction was given a low weight because of the low TSS found in water quality analysis and the sediment reduction abilities associated with the spring area. Large amounts of vegetation and large storage time provide adequate sediment removal ability. Construction and maintenance costs were heavily weighted because of large amounts of vegetation and a low water table that would increase construction costs, as shown in Table14. 8.2. Final Design Selection The four BMPs that scored the highest in the decision matrices were a water quality swale in the Berryfield drainage area, daylighting for the park area, wetland enhancement for the spring area, and a water quality swale for the runoff channel on the side of the road. After further investigation of the runoff channel, we determined, through GIS and field observations, that the drainage area was too small for an effective BMP and could be eliminated from consideration. The other three BMPs were kept and chosen as the practices to be implemented in College Springs Park. 9.0 Project Design 9.1 Vegetation Enhancement 9.1.1 Design Specifications Wetland enhancement is a best management practice that modifies or rehabilitates a wetland for a specific purpose. These purposes can range from creating wildlife for waterfowl to establishing vegetation for reduced runoff and nutrient loading. The most common practice for rehabilitating a wetland is vegetation enhancement. This is where native plant species are established within wetland limits. A list of allowable native plant species can be found in the Plant Establishment Guide for Virginia. It is recommended that plant materials should be collected or grown within a 200-mile (322 km) radius of the wetland. A table acceptable plant species for College Springs Park spring area is shown below in Table 15. Page | 24 College Springs Design Team Wetland enhancement benefits the surrounding watershed by reducing erosion, lowering nutrient loads, and promoting native wildlife. Warm weather grasses that are planted along the banks of the wetland help to stabilize the soil and hold it in place during a storm event. This lessens the amount of sediment that enters the water and then, eventually, a stream. These grasses will also promote physical sedimentation of sediments when water flows through them. Vegetation that is planted in and around the wetland helps to reduce the nutrient loading in the water through the process of biological uptake. Plants will use the nutrients in the water for growth and therefore fix the plant mass. The vegetation will also provide habitat for native species of fauna that may not have had habitat previously. This promotes biodiversity which is a primary characteristic of a healthy ecosystem. 9.1.2 Maintenance Plan A maintenance plan for a wetland enhancement project must be developed to ensure proper functioning during the life of the wetland. A plan such as this should involve regular inspection and servicing of the vegetation that makes up the enhancement project. Potential actions that can be taken for maintenance include: replacement of dead plants, controlled burning of underbrush, elimination of unwanted species, and fertilizing if there is a nutrient deficiency. A landscaping company will be hired twice a year to do a full inspection of the grounds. The services they will provide will be replacement of vegetation as well as an inspection and extermination of invasive species. 9.1.3 Costs The cost of purchasing the plants is $286. Maintenance cost will be $50 a year for a biannual landscape inspection and clean up. The costs could be higher depending on how many plants need to be replaced. 9.2 Daylighting 9.2.1 Design Specifications The daylighting design within College Springs Park was developed using the reference approach. The reference approach uses the measurements of a number of channel parameters to derive dimensionless ratios. These ratios allow for extrapolation of values derived from one sized watershed for use in another. The conditions used must be comparable. In the case of College Springs Park the reference reach measured was the reach three-hundred feet below the park itself. The reach directly below the park had a cross sectional area of 1.57 ft2 (0.0010 m2), a Page | 25 College Springs Design Team wetted perimeter of 13.78 ft (0.35 m), which gave a hydraulic radius of 0.1139 in (0.00289 m). Also the float method was used to determine in stream velocities, as shown in Table 16. We had considered creating a meander within the stream; however at such low velocities a meander would not provide any significant decrease in velocity. In the park, discharge was measured at the end of the concrete piped channel using bucket measurement, as shown in Table 17. The discharge in the park was measured as being 0.005 m3/s, whereas the discharge in the reference reach was measured as 0.021 m3/s, four times that of the upstream measurements. We consider this error to be due to the crude measurements done while using the bucket measurements. As measurements were taken there were difficulties in collecting the entire amount of flow coming out of the concrete pipe. Some water leaked out below our funnel device along with other water that was splashed out of the bucket due to the angle it had to be placed on. Because of this issue the measurements used were based on the reference reach. However the reference reach had a rectangular channel cross section and this needed to be altered allowing for a 2:1 side slope in the daylighting section. From this a cross sectional view of the daylighting was developed as shown in Figure 9, along with an isometric view as shown in Figure 10. The side slopes in stream are 2:1 with outcropping side slopes of 4:1. The outcropping side slopes were placed at 4:1 to allow for a gradual grade into the stream area and to allow for mowing if recommended by the town. Also the 4:1 slope allows for overflow of the stream during storm events. The depth of the channel was set to 3 inches (0.076 m), replicating that of the downstream reference reach. 9.2.2 Maintenance Plan As the case for most BMPs or stormwater management practices, daylighting will need a maintenance plan for the first few years of existence to achieve its full potential. A series of plantings should be used along the banks of the daylit section. Using a mixture of water tolerant grasses and medium sized vegetation optimal stream bank stabilization will be maintained. However over the first few years, dead vegetation made need to be replaced and non-native species removed to allow for new growth. Maintenance cost may be curbed by initially using vegetation types that do not require pruning or replanting. The public must be made aware of the fact that a daylighting project will not look aesthetically pleasing until all vegetation has rooted which may take several months to a few years. It is suggested that monthly or quarterly pictures of the new stream channel be taken, allowing for the public to notice the increasing natural Page | 26 College Springs Design Team aspects and aesthetic appeal of the stream. Monitoring devices or techniques should be developed in stream and downstream to monitor sediment and pollutant reductions over time. 9.2.3 Pollution Reductions Little is known about removal rates achieved due to daylighting. However, it is known that daylighting can decrease levels of TSS through biological uptake and the creation of meanders within the stream. Also, daylighting has shown decreases in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus due to biological uptake. Both TSS and nutrient reductions will be further increased with added vegetation within the stream as well as the vegetation along the stream banks. Furthermore, an addition of a riparian buffer zone around the newly created stream will lead to further reductions. 9.2.4 Costs Six different case studies, shown in Pinkham, 2000, described cost based on the length of daylighting. The concrete piped channel currently running through College Springs park has a length of 181ft (55.17 m), which is similar to the case studies. Several case studies were chosen that were similar to College Springs Park lengths, determining an average cost. As shown below in Table 18, the average cost of daylight section of stream was $201/ft ($659.02/m), which would total $36,381 for the entire length of piped under College Springs park. A maintenance plan for daylighting is factored into the above total cost. However the cost may be offset by donated materials and equipment along with volunteered labor. 9.3 Water Quality Swale 9.3.1 Design Specifications A water quality swale is defined as a broad, shallow earthen channel vegetated with erosion resistant grasses and underlain by an engineered soil mixture. Check dams are placed throughout the swale to encourage ponding of stormwater runoff. A water quality swale will be located in the drainage area outside the Berryfield apartment complex, where a riprap channel currently exists. The swale will treat stormwater from an area containing 1.48 acres (0.60 ha) of impervious surfaces. The swale will provide water quantity control via ponding of incoming runoff, and water quality control through infiltration into an underlying soil matrix. An underdrain system will be located beneath the soil matrix to decrease excessive ponding time. A grass buffer strip at the inlet, along with vegetated slopes to the top of the check dams, will provide pretreatment of incoming runoff. A profile and cross-sectional view of a typical water Page | 27 College Springs Design Team quality swale as indicated by the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook are shown in Figure 1 (VDCR, 1999). 9.3.1.a Hydrology The hydrology of the contributing drainage was determined using TR-55. The results can be seen in section 7.2 of this report. Peak discharge from the 10 year storm event was used to calculate the cross-sectional area necessary for the swale using equation 1. With a peak discharge of 42.5 cfs (1.20 m3/s), and a maximum allowable velocity of 7 ft/s (2.13 m/s), the cross-sectional area was calculated to be 17.55 ft2 (1.63 m2). 9.3.1.b Swale Geometry The swale will have a trapezoidal cross-section to maintain sheet flow and decrease erosion potential of incoming runoff. The side slopes of the swale will be 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. This was chosen to allow for easy access during maintenance operations and to prevent erosion. A flow depth of 4 in (10.16 cm) was chosen for the water quality volume, given an average grass height of approximately 4 in (10.16 cm). The bottom width will be 2.5 ft (0.76 m) to maintain sheet flow. This bottom width, along with side slopes of 3:1, resulted in a top width of 15 ft (4.53 m) and the necessary cross-sectional area of 17.55 ft2 (1.63 m2). The water quality volume of the drainage area was determined to be 2904 ft3 (82.23 m3). In order to provide adequate storage capacity for the water quality volume, the swale will need to be 151.64 ft (46.22 m) in length. The swale will be at a slope of 2 percent to allow for positive drainage while preventing erosion. Also, the slope of the site was determined to be approximately 3 percent, which will make grading easier. The slope, along with cross-sectional dimensions of the swale, were calculated and adjusted to meet the maximum allowable velocities for the 2 yr and 10 yr storm events using equation 2. 9.3.1.c Underlying Soil Matrix The engineered soil matrix will underlay the bottom width of the swale, allowing for proper infiltration and filtration of runoff. Even though the soil on site is a fairly permeable sandy loam, the soil matrix will be implemented to reduce pooling time of water, preventing safety and nuisance conditions. The soil matrix will consist of 50 percent sand, 20 percent leaf mulch, and 30 percent top soil as specified in the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook (VDCR, 1999). The soil bed will be 2.5 ft (0.76 m) deep. Page | 28 College Springs Design Team Two perforated underdrains will be placed underneath the soil matrix. These will allow for proper drainage of the soil matrix. The drains will be 6 in (15.24 cm) diameter, smooth-walled, PVC pipe. One foot of pea gravel as defined in the stormwater handbook will be placed underneath the soil matrix (VDCR, 1999). The underdrains will be located 6 in (15.24 cm) into the gravel at 2 ft (0.61 m) from either side. 9.3.1.d Check Dams Four check dams will be even spaced throughout the swale to allow for ponding and proper infiltration of stormwater runoff. The dams will be spaced at intervals of 30.33 ft (9.24 m), with the first dam being constructed 30.33 ft (9.24 m) from the outlet. The check dams will constructed at a height of 18 in (4.92 m). They will be anchored into the swale walls a minimum of 2 ft (0.61 m) on each side. Toe protection consisting of VDOT No. 1 open-graded coarse aggregate riprap will be placed at the down slope side of the check dam to provide erosion protection from overflowing water. This will be 0.46 m (1.5 ft) long by 0.30 m (1 ft) deep. A notch will be placed 1.13 ft (0.34 m) high on each check dam. This was designed to allow the peak discharge from the 2 year storm event to overflow without coming into contact with the abutments. The check dams will be constructed of riprap currently being used for erosion control purposes in the site. This will save in material costs for the practice. The riprap dams will consist of VDOT No. 1 open-graded coarse aggregate placed into the ground a minimum of 6 in (15.24 cm) with a Class A1 riprap shell. The check dams will be underlain by filter fabric specified by geotextile fabric (VDCR, 1999). 9.3.1.e Inflow and Outflow The inflow will consist of a grassed buffer strip with a width equal to the top width of the swale and a length of 10 ft (3.05 m). This will prevent erosion and scouring of incoming runoff. The outflow point will drain into a culvert which passes underneath Berryfield and enters the College Springs Park. This outlet will be buffered by 6 ft (1.83 m) long VDOT No. 1 opengraded coarse aggregate riprap to prevent scouring. 9.3.1.f Vegetation Vegetation for the swale will consist of water tolerant, high stem density grasses with a deep root system. A Kentucky-31 blue grass was chosen for the swale because of similar species surrounding the Berryfield apartment complex. Page | 29 College Springs Design Team 9.3.2 Maintenance Plan Vegetation: Upkeep of the swale’s vegetative cover is necessary to reduce velocity of runoff, increase biological uptake, and allow for proper infiltration. A dense grass covering should be maintained on the bottom and side slopes of the swale. During the first three months of seeding, grass covering should be checked on a monthly basis to ensure proper covering. Once a proper vegetative cover is established, reseeding and stabilization should occur on a biannual basis if necessary. Periodic mowing, which occurs at the discretion of the Berryfield owners, should cut the grass to a minimum height of 3 in (7.62 cm) with a preferred height of 6 in (15.24 cm). Upkeep of trees and shrubs along the slopes of the swale will ensure velocity reduction and aesthetic appeal of the water quality swale. Overgrown shrubs and trees will also be pruned at the discretion of the Berryfield owners. It is important to note that shrubs and trees that may naturally seed within the sides and bottom of the swale beneath the check dams should be removed. Additional herbaceous vegetation would alter Manning’s roughness coefficient, which was used to calculate effective swale storage capacity and geometry. Check Dams: Proper construction of check dams, including the 0.61 m (2 feet) long abutment into each side slope is essential to adequate functioning of the dams. Periodic removal of sediment that may accumulate behind the check dams should occur on a biannual basis along with vegetation inspection. The area beneath the sediment accumulation may require reseeding. If leaching within the riprap occurs, appropriate reconstruction efforts should be taken. Grass Buffer Inlet: A vigorous vegetative cover should be maintained on the grass buffer strip at the inlet of the swale. This should be inspected along with other vegetative coverings within the swale. Sediment accumulation along the buffer should be removed accordingly. Debris and litter accumulation may be a significant problem given the location within a mostly student inhabited apartment complex. Litter accumulation has the potential to alter swale hydraulics, potentially causing areas of concentrated flow and increased erosion (VDCR, 1999). Removal may be necessary on a monthly or even bimonthly basis to ensure proper swale functioning. 9.3.3 Performance Expectations The water quality swale performance will be assessed on ability to provide water quality and quantity control. Water quantity control can be measured by the storage capacity of the swale and its associated reductions in peak discharge from various storm events. Although the 2-yr 24 Page | 30 College Springs Design Team hour storm is designed to pass over the check dam notches, storage capacity below the notches will provide partial water quantity control, especially when compared to the riprap channel that currently exists. This being said, all storm events smaller than the 2-yr, 24 hour storm will be properly detained within the water quality swale, providing enhanced water quantity control. Water quality control assessment is determined by the swale’s ability to decrease phosphorus, nitrogen, bacteria, and total suspended solid concentrations. According to the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, a target phosphorus removal efficiency of 35% can be expected for water quality swales with percent impervious areas similar to the drainage area of Berryfield (VDCR, 1999). Varying degrees of total suspended solids (TSS) removal efficiencies found from the literature review were assessed, with an average value of 84% determined (Lawrence et al, 1996). The little information found on nitrogen removal efficiencies showed an average value of 30% (Lawrence et al). Bacteria removal efficiencies varied dramatically, with some studies showing up to 62% removal and some reporting -74% removal or addition of bacteria (Barrett, 2005). Due to variations in data, no bacteria removal efficiency was chosen, although many studies show little removal, and in certain instances addition. Overall the water quality swale provides enhanced water quantity control due to the check dams and swale geometry, along with adequate water quality control. Sediment removals are high among water quality swales in similar urban settings, correlating with management objectives indicated in the Upper Stroubles TMDL. Partial water quality control is provided through sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus removal rates. Variable bacteria removal rates indicate a potential addition of bacteria in runoff leaving the underdrain system. Because bacteria concentrations were not tested during the stormwater quality analysis, future monitoring may be necessary to ensure limited concentrations. 9.3.4 Costs The predicted total cost of the water quality swale is based on construction and maintenance costs obtained from various case studies, along with the California Stormwater BMP Handbook. The California BMP handbook recommends a total construction cost of $0.50 per ft2 ($5.38 per m2). Similar estimates state $752 per m3, or $45 per linear meter for a 4.5 m top width (Barrett et al, 1998). Costs using these estimates were found and combined to obtain an average total construction cost of $5,382. These costs are subject to change based on the existing drainage channel which currently exists within the site. This would require less cut than most sites. The Page | 31 College Springs Design Team coarse aggregate stones that exist within the current channel will also be washed and utilized for check dam and outlet protection, with potential cost-reduction implications. Maintenance cost estimates of $1.90 per linear meter and $74 per m3 were averaged to obtain an annual maintenance cost of $183. This will most likely be funded by the Berryfield apartment complex, which currently pays for mowing and litter removal within the existing drainage channel. 9.4 Community Outreach Community outreach and education is an integral part in providing source control of pollutants for a stormwater management plan. The majority of College Springs sub-watershed consists of single-family residential lots, an optimal location for community outreach efforts. Our community outreach plan is to design a brochure to be distributed throughout the subwatershed with the goals of educating residents about Upper Stroubles Creek Watershed and how they can mitigate their stormwater impacts. We have worked with the Town Gown Community Relations Committee of Blacksburg along with the community outreach program SEEDS to develop an effective community outreach brochure. The brochure was developed and revised with input from both programs. The brochure contains: A brief history of water use in Blacksburg Information about Upper Stroubles Creek Watershed Management practices that residents can implement References for more information regarding these practices Figures 14 and 15 show both sides of the brochure. The brochure will hopefully reflect the cultural heritage surrounding College Springs as a major water source for Blacksburg in the 19th century, and inform residents that its there in the first place. That section is followed by information regarding Upper Stroubles Creek watershed and its designation as an impaired waterbody. Finally, for those residents concerned with their stormwater impacts, is a list of management practices that citizens and homeowners can implement. Page | 32 College Springs Design Team The brochure has been sent to Dr. Michael Rozenswig of SEEDS, who is involved in community outreach efforts in Blacksburg. If accepted and implemented by the Town of Blacksburg, the brochure may serve as an example for other sub-watersheds within the town. 10.0 Work Plan The purpose of this plan is to create an outline of dates needed to meet specific objectives and the tasks necessary to accomplish these. Geographic information systems (GIS) knowledge is needed to appropriately model the hydrologic characteristics of the watershed. Information derived from GIS will include land uses, watershed delineation, flow lengths, reach data, and sub-watershed areas. This will allow for the completion of TR-55 modeling and development of a hydrograph. Progress has been made determining various inputs within TR-55, but further GIS help is needed to gather appropriate data. (Feb. 16) In order to define important runoff characteristics of design storm events, such as runoff volume and peak runoff rate, measurements must be taken. A challenge in creating an appropriate hydrograph to quantify these characteristics is measuring stream flow during a storm event of known magnitude. Therefore the analysis will be done using the NRCS Curve Number method to design an appropriate hydrologic model. Even if the opportunity to measure stream flow during an event arises, the NRCS Curve Number method in conjunction with TR-55 software will be used to develop hydrographs for appropriate design storm events. (Feb. 16) Six water quality samples have been collected at three different locations throughout College Springs Park. These locations included both perennial spring locations, College Springs along with the flow coming through the pipe under Clay Street from the football field. The third grab sample was taken at the outlet of the pipe flowing directly under the park. Water quality tests were performed in the Water Quality Lab, with results shown in Table 5. The initial water quality analysis is shown in Appendix E as a draft. Further information regarding nutrient criteria recommendations is needed to properly analyze our results. (Feb. 20-23) Although the major portion of our literature review has been completed, information still needs to be gathered regarding sub-watershed modeling techniques such as RUSLE2. This model utilizes and empirical formula to determine sediment losses within a given watershed. GIS is used to determine various components of the Universal Soil Loss Equation. (Feb. 23) Page | 33 College Springs Design Team Storm event samples were collected on February 11, 2009 during a storm event. This will allow us to determine pollutant concentrations entering College Springs Park during a storm event. Dr. Wolfe has allocated appropriate funds and we are awaiting the results of the water quality analysis. (Feb. 27) Our initial decision matrix has been run for three spots within the College Springs park. This a preliminary step in the processes of selecting a BMP, which needs oversight from our advisor. Once it is overlooked, we can select our BMPs and determine sizing and pollutant removal criteria from our runoff hydrograph and water quality analysis. (Feb. 27-30) The community outreach aspect of our plan has been edited to include collaboration with Blacksburg’s Environmental Management Program. We are hoping to discuss possible watershed education tools with the director, Susan Garisson, and the leader of the watershed management group Lee Hixon. On a similar note, the football field inlet into College Springs has shown very high levels of all measured pollutants. For this reason we will determine the current management practices and what conservation measures can be taken. (Feb. 27 – Mar 4) In early April we will make a presentation of the project to present to Blacksburg’s stormwater task force for professional input. We will outline the projected improvements and cost-benefit analysis of our design to the task force. (April 21) 11.0 Project Timeline Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 20 Feb 20 Feb 22 Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb 25 Feb 26 Mar 1 Mar 2 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 17 Mar 30 Mar 31 April 12 April 20 GIS help from Dr. Hession Discuss BMP matrix decisions with Dr. Wolfe Complete TR-55 calculations Discuss watershed education with Susan Garisson of Blacksburgs’ Environmental Management Program Research RUSLE2 modeling Determine management practices of middle school football field Project Notebook (5) Select BMPs Begin designing BMPs Run RUSLE2 modeling Revised Work Plan On-site BMP surveying Finalize design of selected BMPs Cost/ benefit analysis Project notebook (6) Present PowerPoint presentation of design to Blacksburg Stormwater Taskforce Implement community outreach program Submit draft of final report to Dr. Wolfe Page | 34 College Springs Design Team April 21 May 1 May 4 May 13 Start designing PowerPoint presentation Create and present project poster Project notebook (7) Final report due 12.0 Summary & Conclusions Analysis has been performed on the College Springs watershed to address the high sediment loading to Stroubles Creek. This has involved storm event flow analysis using TR-55, mapping using GIS, and sampling of both baseflow and stormflow. The analysis concluded that the College Spring Park was contributing significantly to the high sediment and nutrient load occurring in Upper Stroubles Creek. Information was gathered involving BMPs that could properly reduce the amount of sediment leaving the watershed. The final product was a selection of three practices that can be implemented in the park: a water quality swale, wetland enhancement, and daylighting. These practices have been proven to reduce the sediment loads in their specific areas. Complete maintenance and cost plans have been provided so that if these BMPs are implemented they will be managed properly and an estimation of the total cost will be known. Page | 35 College Springs Design Team 13.0 References Barrett, M.E, 2005. Performance comparison of structural stormwater best management practices. Water Environmental Research. 77(1): 78-86. Barrett, M.E., Walsh, P.M., Malina, J.F., and R.J. Charbeneau. 1998. Performance of vegetative controls for treating highway runoff. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 124(11): 1121-1128. Birch, G.F., C. Matthai, M.S. Fazeli, and J. Suh. 2004. Wetlands 24(2): 459-466. Blacksburg. 2008. Code for the Town of Blacksburg.: Chapter 10 – Erosion and Sediment Control. California Stormwater Quality Association. 2003. Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbook. Volumes 2 & 3, 3rd edition. Carleton, J.N., T.J. Grizzard, A.N. Godrej, and H.E. Post. 2001. Factors affecting the performance of stormwater treatment wetlands. US Environmental Protection Agency 35(6): 1552-1562. Center for Watershed Protection. 2007. Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual No. 3: Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices. Version 1.0. Davis, A.P., 2008. Field Performance of Bioretention: Hydrology Impacts. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 13(2): 90-95. Deletic, A. and T.D. Fletcher. 2006. Performance of Grass Filters Used for Stormwater Treatment – A Field and Modeling Study. Journal of Hydrology. 317: 261-275. Dietz, M.E., J.C. Clausen. 2005. A Field Evaluation of Rain Garden Flow and Pollutant Treatment. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 167(1-4): 123-138. EPA. 2007. Community Culture and the Environment: A Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place. Washington, DC EPA. 2008. Priority area 3: Clean water act Section 303(d) and 305(b) integrated reports. Available at: Accessed 11 Nov. 2008. EPA/821/R-02/023. September 2002. “Escherichia coli in Water by Membrane Filtration using Modified membrane-Thermotolerant Escherichia coli Agar”. Heasom, W., R.G. Traver, and A. Welker. 2006. Hydrologic modeling of a bioinfiltration best management practice. 2006. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42(5): 1329 – 1347. Page | 36 College Springs Design Team Hixon, F. Lee. 2008. Geotechnical Investigation Requirements for BMPs. Blacksburg, VA Hogan D.M., M.R. Walbridge. 2007. Best management practices for nutrient and sediment retention in urban stormwater runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality. 36:386-395. Hsieh, C.H., and A.P. Davis. 2005. Evaluation and Optimization of Bioretention Media for Treatment of Urban Storm Water Runoff. Journal of Environmental Engineering 131(11): 1521-1531. Hunt, W.F., J.T. Smith, S.J. Jadlocki, J.M. Hathaway, and P.R. Eubanks. 2008. Pollutant Removal and Peak Flow Mitigation by a Bioretention Cell in Urban Charlotte, N.C. Journal of Environmental Engineering 134(5): 403-408. Junker, B., and M. Buchecker. 2007. Aesthetic preferences versus ecological objectives in river restorations. Landscape and Urban Planning 85(2008): 141-154. Lawrence, A.I., Marsalek, J., Ellis, J.B., and B. Urbonas. 1996. Stormwater Detention & BMPs. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 34(6): 799-814. MDER. 2000. The Bioretention Manual. Prince George’s County, MD: Department of Environmental Resources. MNMC. 2001. Minnesota Urban Small Sites BMP Manual: Constructed Wetlands. Metropolitan Council on Environmental Services. Moore, A., and M. Palmer. 2005. Invertebrate Biodiversity in Agricultural and Urban Headwater Streams: Implications for Conservation and Management. Ecological Applications, 15(4): 1169-1177. Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2001. Virginia Conservation Practice Standard: Riparian Forest Buffer. Technical Guide Section IV 391-VA-1 Pinkham R. 2000. Daylighting new life for buried streams. Old Snowmass, CO: Rocky Mountain Institute. Schueler, T.R. 1992. Design of Stormwater Wetland Systems: Guidelines for Creating Diverse and Effective Stormwater Wetland Systems in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Washington, D.C.: Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Spencer, L.S., Schirmer, A.P. 2008. Chapter 18 Sewers and Stormwater Management: Article VI: Stormwater Management. Blacksburg, VA. Council of the Town of Blacksburg. (Spencer) Tilley, D.R., and M.T. Brown. 1996. Wetland networks for stormwater management in subtropical urban watersheds. Ecological Engineering at EcoSummit. 96: 131-158. Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. 1999. Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. Volumes 1 & 2: 1st Edition. Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Page | 37 College Springs Design Team Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. 2005. Virginia Stormwater Management Program Permit Regulations. Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 24 May 2006. TMDL Implementation Plan for Stroubles Creek Benthic Impairment. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. 2008. Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Ward D.A., Trimble W.S. 2004,pp. 358-360. Environmental Hydrology. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.:Lewis Publishers. Wei, Z., G.L. Brown, D.E. Storm, and H. Zhang. 2008. Fly-Ash-Amended Sand as Filter Media in Bioretention Cells to Improve Phosphorus Removal. Water Environment Research 80(6): 507-516. Page | 38 College Springs Design Team 14.0 Appendices 14.1 Figures Figure 1. Profile and cross-sectional views of a water quality swale with check dams (VDCR, 1999). Page | 39 College Springs Design Team Figure 2a. The city of Zurich, Switzerland (Before daylighting) (Pinkham, 2000). Figure 2b. The city of Zurich, Switzerland (After Daylighting) (Pinkham, 2000). Page | 40 College Springs Design Team Figure 3. College Springs Park’s perennial inputs Figure 4. Diagram of grassed swale plot in Brisbane, AU. (Deletic, 2006). Page | 41 College Springs Design Team Figure 5. Arial view of a pocket wetland facility according to Minnesota’s Metropolitan Council on Environmental Services. Objects to be noted are the sediment forebay (swale) at the input of the facility, the surrounding buffer zone, and the perpendicular allocation of hi-marsh areas in relation to water flow (MNMC, 2001). Page | 42 College Springs Design Team Figure 6. TSS in mg/L as shown over a collection time of 2 hours. Figure 7. Nutrient concentrations in mg/L over 2 hours. Page | 43 College Springs Design Team Figure 8. Sub-watershed and concentrated flow for College Springs Park. Figure 9. Cross section of daylighting (units in meters) Page | 44 College Springs Design Team Figure 10. Isometric view of daylighting Figure 12. Cross-sectional sketch of the water quality swale. Page | 45 College Springs Design Team Figure 13. Isometric view of the water quality swale. Page | 46 College Springs Design Team Figure 14. Printable version of the community outreach brochure with the cover on the furthest right side and the back on the left Page | 47 College Springs Design Team Figure 15. Inner pages of the community outreach brochure. Page | 48 College Springs Design Team 14.2 Tables Table 1. Pollutant removal capacity versus depth of 18 bioretention laboratory columns and 6 existing facilities (Hsieh and Davis, 2005). Table 2. Summary of removal rates for grassed swale from a selection of studies done in urban and rural locations (Deletic, 2006). Page | 49 College Springs Design Team Table 3. Removal rates of various pollutants for constructed wetlands (CWP, 2007). Table 4. Specified phosphorus removal efficiencies based on the water quality BMP selected (VDCR, 1999). Page | 50 College Springs Design Team Table 5. Water quality results from College Springs sub-watershed located in Blacksburg, Virginia. Location Channel Flow 1 Channel Flow 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Football Field 1 Football Field 2 TSS Ortho-P (mg/L) (mg/L) Total-P (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L) Nitrate (mg/L) Total Nitrogen (mg/L) Nitrite (mg/L) <1 0.12 0.30 0.18 14.7 16.0 0.004 <1 <1 <1 0.12 0.006 0.006 0.26 0.13 0.23 0.19 0.18 0.19 15.5 8.2 8.4 16.0 12.0 14.0 0.004 0.005 0.001 6 0.11 0.26 0.19 16.3 17.0 0.003 <1 0.10 0.30 0.17 16.6 17.0 0.004 Table 6. A summary of level III ecoregion values for TN, TP, chlorophyll, and Turbidity based on the lower 25th percentile of the reference streams (EPA, 2008). Page | 51 College Springs Design Team Table 7. Virginia criteria to protect fishery recreation and aquatic life as of April, 2006 (VDEQ, 2006) Table 8. Site-specific criteria for two natural lakes in Virginia (VDEQ) Page | 52 College Springs Design Team Table 9. Storm event water quality sampling data Page | 53 College Springs Design Team Table 10. Total acreages of landuses within each subshed Landuse Agriculture / Vacant Civic Parks / Trails / Open Space Right of Ways Single-Family Residential Low Density Residential Multi-Family Complex Vacant Condominiums Cemeteries Subshed_A 6.44 2.11 Acres Subshed_B Subshed_C 0 6.44 2.44 20.7 6.76 7.49 27.71 0 0 26.37 0 0 0.35 7.49 10.58 5.47 4.59 18.34 0 0 6.23 7.49 7.87 0 0.88 10.86 4.12 0 Subshed_D 0 4.25 1.12 7.49 7.22 0 8.17 11.22 6.44 0.11 Table 11. Park area decision matrix Nutrient Reduction Sediment Reduction Maintenance Costs Construction Costs Surface Area Req'd Community Acceptance Total *5 is the highest rating Weight Riparian (%) Zone 10 4 20 5 10 5 10 3 15 2 35 100 2 3.2 Pocket Wetland 3 3 3 2 3 Daylighting 2 3 3 2 3 3 2.9 5 3.5 Table 12. Spring Area decision matrix Nutrient Reduction Sediment Reduction Maintenance Costs Construction Costs Surface Area Req'd Community Acceptance Total *5 is the highest rating Weight Pocket Wetland (%) Wetland Enhancement 30 3 3 5 3 2 25 3 5 30 2 4 5 3 4 5 100 3 2.7 4 3.85 Page | 54 College Springs Design Team Table 13. Side of road decision matrix Nutrient Reduction Sediment Reduction Maintenance Costs Construction Costs Surface Area Req'd Community Acceptance Total *5 is the highest rating Weight Pocket (%) Wetland 20 3 20 3 10 3 10 2 25 3 15 100 3 2.9 Bioretention Facility 2 5 2 2 4 5 3.55 Water quality Swale 3 4 4 4 4 4 3.8 Table 14. Berryfield decision matrix Nutrient Reduction Sediment Reduction Maintenance Costs Construction Costs Surface Area Req'd Community Acceptance Total Weight Pocket (%) Wetland 15 3 10 3 20 3 30 2 10 3 15 100 3 2.7 Dry Detention Basin 2 3 4 2 1 Bioretention Facility 2 5 2 2 4 Water quality Swale 3 4 4 4 4 2 2.4 5 2.95 4 3.85 *5 is the highest rating Page | 55 College Springs Design Team Table 15. Vegetation specifications and costs Species Amount Establishment Dates Indian Grass 5-7 lbs/acre 5/1 – 7/1 Eastern @ 0.4 acres Gamma = Grass 2.8 lbs Switch Grass Black-Eyed 1-8 oz/acre 2/1 – 5/15 Susan @ 0.4 acres Maximillian = Sunflower 3.2 oz Annual Lespedeza Partridge Pea Water Lotus 40 seeds 2/1 – 5/15 Water Lilly Prices Total Price 11.49/lb 12.99/lb 6.5/lb $32.17 $36.37 $18.20 24/lb 9.95/lb 1.70/lb 19.95/lb $4.80 $1.99 $2.00 $3.99 6.95/ 10 seeds 20 / 5 seeds $27.80 $80.00 Table 16. Velocity and discharge measurements for reference reach Time (sec) Run 1 2 3 Average Distance (m) 79 77 82 79.3 Velocity (m/s) 15 15 15 15 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.19 Area Discharge (m2) (m3/s) 0.109 0.021 0.109 0.021 0.109 0.020 0.109 0.021 Page | 56 College Springs Design Team Table 17. Discharge measurements for park area Time (sec) Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Average 2.32 1.47 1.02 1.04 1.12 1.12 1.16 1.32 Volume (L) Discharge (m3/s) 6.1 0.003 7.2 0.005 6.6 0.006 6.9 0.007 6.7 0.006 6.8 0.006 6.7 0.006 6.7 0.005 Table 18. Daylighting case studies of cost per foot, interpreted from (Pinkham,2000). Length of daylighting (ft) 200 250 200 Cost ($) 50,000 144,000 14,500 $/ft 250 576 73 Rowley, MA 85 1,200 14 Roscoe, NY Barrington, IL 160 250 9,000 60,000 Average cost/ft 56 240 $201 Study Location Berkeley, CA Berkeley, CA DeKalb Co, GA Notes * volunteer labor * donated materials & volunteer labor * donated materials & volunteer labor & earthmoving costs Page | 57 College Springs Design Team 14.3 Equations Page | 58