Nominations for Committee Members May 2014-2016

What is the BACPR Exercise Instructor Network?
The Exercise Instructor Network (EIN) which was first established in 2002, has now become a formal
subgroup of the BACPR, to support graduates from the BACPR Exercise Instructor Qualification. The EIN
group is led by a committee of dedicated BACPR qualified Exercise Instructors. Members of the EIN
committee also contribute to the BACPR Exercise Instructor training steering committee and BACPR
Exercise Professional Group.
What are the aims of the BACPR Exercise Instructor Network?
The aims of the EIN are as follows:
• Support new and existing BACPR exercise instructors
• Provide networking opportunities at study days and conferences
• Act as a resource for information
• Provide updates to members
• Facilitate affordable workshops for continual professional development. Contribute to the development of
educational opportunities and a framework of competences for exercise specialists working within
cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation
BACPR Exercise Instructor Network Elections.
The BACPR Exercise Instructor Network is looking for members to get involved with the committee to
ensure the good work continues, whilst ensuring that Exercise Instructors continue to have a voice within
the BACPR.
A great opportunity exists to take a leadership role within your profession, to get involved in national
initiatives and be at the forefront of CR developments.
A number of positions are currently available on the committee and we are appealing to those who feel they
can make a difference to the progression of the group to put themselves forward.
The following positions are available:
Vice Chair
PR Officer
For specific information re the roles and responsibilities of each position (i.e. what would be expected of
you) and nomination forms if you would like to put yourself forward, check out the following attachments
(below) or go to
Please note…..The nomination forms ask you for a few lines detailing why you feel you are suited to the
The elections are now open and nominations will be received until the Tuesday the 1st of July.
All nomination forms to be returned to or by post to
C/O BACPR Secretary
9 Fitzroy Square
Nominations for Committee Members May 2014-2016
Position: CHAIR
Brief description of position requirements:
 To lead and coordinate the BACPR-EIN Committee, taking a lead role in
representing the BACPR Exercise Instructor Network at EPG meetings
and EIT steering group meetings as well as any other relevant
workshops, conferences or meetings (expenses met). To communicate
with Network members and the EIN Committee regarding anything of
relevance from these meetings.
 To Chair 4 BACPR-EIN Committee meetings – 1 to coincide with the
AGM at the EPG Study Day each April/May, 1 face to face at a central
location and up to 2 via conference calls with other communications to
happen via telephone or email.
Name of nominee:
Job Title:
Proposed by:
Seconded by:
A few lines from the nominee:
Please tick if you accept this nomination:
Position: VICE CHAIR
Brief description of position requirements:
 4 BACPR-EIN Committee meetings – 1 to coincide with the AGM at the
EPG Study Day each April/May, 1 face to face at central location, and up
to 2 via conference calls with other communications to happen via
telephone or email.
 To assist the Chair in duties
 To attend EPG meetings as the EIN Liaison
 To be in place to Chair the committee after two years as Vice Chair in
order to add continuity to the ongoing committee objectives.
Name of nominee:
Job Title:
Proposed by:
Seconded by:
A few lines from the nominee:
Please tick if you accept this nomination:
Brief description of position requirements:
 4 BACPR-EIN Committee meetings – 1 to coincide with the AGM at the
EPG Study Day each April/May, 1 face to face at central location, and up
to 2 via conference calls with other communications to happen via
telephone or email.
 Taking minutes and distributing,
 Organizing orders of business and conference calls,
 Organizing necessary actions for AGM at the EPG Study Day,
 Organizing communications for the network members through the
CONNECT magazine and enews
Name of nominee:
Job Title:
Proposed by:
Seconded by:
A few lines from the nominee:
Please tick if you accept this nomination:
Position: PR OFFICER
Brief description of position requirements:
4 BACPR-EIN Committee meetings – 1 to coincide with the AGM at the EPG Study Day
each April/May, 1 face to face at central location, and up to 2 via conference calls with other
communications to happen via telephone or email.
Liaise with BACPR Education and Training to ensure website and other relevant promotional
material remains up to date including the printing and distribution of relevant stationery
To write articles for the Cardiac UK newsletter and other relevant media. Collate information
for CR UK Newsletter Communicate with members/press etc
To promote BACPR Exercise Instructor Network and answer queries on promotional
Ensure information is available and where appropriate arrange a stand at relevant conferences
and courses.
Coordinate the writing of reports on all relevant courses / conferences for the
newsletter/enews/Connect and Web pages.
Name of nominee:
Job Title:
Proposed by:
Seconded by:
A few lines from the nominee:
Please tick if you accept this nomination:
Brief description of position requirements:
 4 BACPR-EIN Committee meetings – 1 to coincide with the AGM at the EPG
Study Day each April/May, 1 face to face at central location, and up to 2 via
conference calls with other communications to happen via telephone or email.
 Processing finances in and out for workshops, meetings and conferences.
 Keeping the financial records of the EIN according to standards of the BACPR
Council and reporting to the committee and BACPR finance for each organized
Name of nominee:
Job Title:
Proposed by:
Seconded by:
A few lines from the nominee:
Please tick if you accept this nomination: