Japan Karate-Do Organization Iowa

Japan Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa
ARTICLE I: Purpose
The purpose of the Japan Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa is to practice and teach traditional
Shito-Ryu Karate-Do, traditional Ryu Kyu Kobu-Do, and traditional Muso Jikiden Eishin-Ryu Iai-Do.
a) “In no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons
because of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status,
sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference, or any other classification
which would deprive the person of consideration as an individual.” The organization will
guarantee that equal opportunity and equal access to membership, programming, facilities, and
benefits shall be open to all persons.
b) There shall be not limitation on membership size.
c) There shall be one membership classification:
1. General Membership: General membership in the Japan Karate-Do Organization
University of Iowa is voluntary and is open to all persons upon their application
submission to Japan Karate-Do Organization Iowa (a separate organization).
d) Procedures for admission and revocation of membership:
1. Admission
i. Applications for membership shall be submitted to Japan Karate-Do Organization
Iowa as per their requirements.
ii. All members of Japan Karate-Do Organization Iowa may submit a written request
to be members of Japan Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa to the
Executive Council.
iii. The applicant shall become an active member in good standing upon submission
of the request, provided the applicant has never been previously suspended or
expelled from the club.
iv. If the applicant has been previously suspended or expelled from the club, the
application shall be submitted to the Executive Council at a regular meeting at
which the applicant shall be granted the opportunity to speak and to call
witnesses in his or her support, and the Executive Council shall vote by secret
ballot to accept or reject the application. The applicant shall become an active
member upon the favorable majority vote of the Executive Council.
2. Revocation
i. Any member who acts in a manner that is injurious to the property, official status,
or reputation of the club or its members, or who in the capacity of his or her
membership in the club, deliberately or through neglect or malice causes bodily
injury to another person, shall have committed an offense against the club and
be subject to changing membership status to “not in good standing.”
ii. By a majority vote, during an official meeting, the Executive Council may change
any member’s status to “not in good standing” for any reason brought to the
Executive Council by any member.
iii. A majority vote by the Executive Council has the authority to revoke the
membership of any member, “not in good standing”.
a) Executive Council: The President, Vice President, Chief Instructor, Assistant Chief Instructor,
Assistant Instructors, Executive Secretary, and General Secretary will comprise the Japan
Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa Executive Council. The Executive Council shall
govern the Japan Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa in accordance with the provisions of
this Constitution and appropriate directives. Officers shall be appointed during the first general
membership meeting of each fall semester, to serve 2 semesters. Appointments shall be
conducted in accordance with this Constitution.
b) Responsibilities: The Council is primarily responsible for safeguarding and accounting for Japan
Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa assets, ensuring full liability satisfaction, and
exercising sound operational management.
1. President: It shall be the duty of the President to call Japan Karate-Do Organization
University of Iowa meetings, preside at such meetings and perform such functions as
may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the affairs of the Japan Karate-Do
Organization University of Iowa.
2. Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Vice President to perform the duties of the
President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall attend all meetings
and oversee special projects of the Japan Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa as
determined by the President.
3. Chief Instructor: It shall be the duty of the Chief Instructor to oversee all Japan Karate-Do
Organization University of Iowa instruction, perform such functions as may be necessary
for the efficient conduct of the affairs of the Japan Karate-Do Organization University of
4. Assistant Chief Instructor: It shall be the duty of the Assistant Chief Instructor to perform
the duties of the Chief Instructor in the absence of the Chief Instructor. The Assistant
Chief Instructor will assist the with class instruction as required by the Chief Instructor.
5. Assistant Instructors: It shall be the duty of the Assistant Instructors to perform the duties
of the Assistant Chief Instructor in the absence of the Assistant Chief Instructor. The
Assistant Instructors will assist the with class instruction as required by the Chief
Instructor. The number of available Assistant Instructor positions on the Executive
Council will be the same as total number of Japan Karate-Do Organization University of
Iowa members. Not all positions must be filled.
6. Executive Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Executive Secretary to attend Executive
Council meetings, and keep the records/minutes of such meetings. After approval, a copy
will be placed in the Japan Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa files and retained
as directed by the President. Records shall be made available to the general membership
and be subject to inspection by any member or interested party upon reasonable notice.
7. General Secretary: It shall be the duty of the General Secretary to attend general
membership meetings, and keep the records/minutes of such meetings. After approval, a
copy will be placed in the Japan Karate-Do Organization University of Iowa files and
retained as directed by the President. Records shall be made available to the general
membership and be subject to inspection by any member or interested party upon
reasonable notice. The General Secretary shall prepare and maintain a current list of all
organization members. The membership list will consist of members’ names and
signatures, date of membership and date of resignation, and current e-mail address.
c) Eligibility: All members are eligible to hold any Executive Council Position.
d) Election of Executive Council: An election of all officers shall be held during the first regular
meeting of each fall semester. All general members in good standing, i.e. members whose dues
are no more than one (1) month in arrears, shall be entitled, and are expected to actively
participate. Each general member present at this meeting is entitled to cast one vote in per
e) Replacement of Officers: If any officer of the Council is unable to complete his/her term of office,
the President or Chief Instructor may appoint another officer of the Council to fulfill his/her duties
until a special appointment is made at the next general membership meeting. Officers appointed
via special appointments will serve until the next scheduled election.
Removing Officers: If any officer is “not in good standing,” at the next general meeting, each
general member may cast one vote and by majority the Officer may lose his/her position.
a) General Membership Meetings: General Membership Meetings will be held at least once per fall
and spring semester.
b) Planning: During each General Membership Meeting, a date will be set for the next General
Membership Meeting.
c) Calling Meetings: The President and Chief Instructor both have the authority to call meetings.
Meetings called by the President shall be approved by the Chief Instructor and all members shall
be notified of said meeting at least one (1) week in advance.
a) Frequency: Elections will be held annually at each Fall Semester General Membership Meeting.
b) Notification: All members will be notified of the election at the Spring Semester General
Membership Meeting. All members with a valid e-mail address will be notified two weeks prior to
the election by the General Secretary.
a) All members are responsible for obtaining, maintaining and financing personal equipment.
b) No money for dues will ever be collected by any member of the Executive Council.
c) Upon dissolution state money and mandatory student fees revert back to the granting
organization. Group fees should be divided as stated in the constitution and carried out by
the dissolving group’s members and officers. If group has dissolved and group fees have
not been divided as stated in constitution by 5 years from last account activity monies ingroups 00 account will revert to an account specified for this purpose within UISG. These
funds will then be available for distribution through SABAC guidelines in compliance with
University of Iowa policy.
a) Any proposed amendment will be read at two consecutive meetings.
b) A 2/3 majority vote by those present and voting is required to ratify an amendment.
Note that all amendments will be taken by the General Secretary to the Student Recognition
Board for approval.