Opening Prayer: Caren - Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church

Immaculate Heart of Mary School
PTO Board Meeting Minutes: 10/13/08
7:00 p.m.
Board Members:
Present: Lisa Becker, Mindy Jenkins, Gloria Ann Castleman, Caren Lawler, Missy Davis, Joy Harbert, Susy Hisch,
Shelley Weisheit, Jen Roundhouse, Katie Blatt, Stephanie Kastner, Leslie Gerome, Denise Higgins, Monica Friedl
Absent: Kelley Scoble
Guests: Mrs. Goebel, Nancy Sullivan, Ester Tombregel, Julie Deiters, Stephanie Sanders, Laura Varley, Kevin Dierich,
Brian Sanders
Quorum present? Yes
Opening Prayer: Caren
Joy and Gloria Ann chaired the meeting. The following minutes from the 10/13/08 meeting reflect general discussions
with areas highlighted in red as those for which action requested. Discussions highlighted in green reflect those items
that need to be discussed in Spring when the 09/10 budget is discussed.
Introductions- Chairs
- Discussed next year having the volunteer list provided earlier for those events held early in the school year.
Talked about soliciting help for the Magazine Drive, Apple Moms and Used Uniform sale at the end of the school
year for the following school year.
o Next steps: Caren/Missy to request volunteers in newsletter towards end of year.
- There are 20 prep parents now- originally had 3.
o Next steps: Julie to send Caren/Missy list of names.
Treasurers Report
o Room Coordinator checks were paid out.
o 30 families have not paid party fees/PTO fees.
 Next Steps:
 Gloria Ann will send letters to outstanding families.
 Leslie to send list of outstanding families to Gloria Ann.
Pressing Business
- Magazine Drive:
o Raised $53,561; total sale was $88,421.
o Had some issues with Midwest’s customer service. Main concern was the rewards the children receivedthe cash reward was $1000 lower than last year.
o Contract with Midwest expires at the end of next year.
o Discussed timing of the Magazine Drive. Other schools sell magazines, so we need to do it at the start of
Old Business
- Fall Festival:
o 100 families signed up and there are enough volunteers.
o Boosters will not allow big bonfire.
o Food will be served in the cafeteria.
o Fr. Tom prefers that we do not have beer at children events.
- Make It Bake It Take It:
o Babysitting was requested but was told that the parish is trying to get away from this.
 Next Steps: Ester/Stephanie to f/u with Debbie W.
- Stained Glass Project:
o Katie met with artist to discuss schedule.
 Volunteers will be needed by the beginning of November- a training will be held for volunteers.
Will need volunteers for 4 days a week; art teachers have some volunteers.
 Work with be 3-4 weeks at school.
 Supplies have been paid for.
 Art teachers are working on sketches. A garden theme will be used; students will submit their
 Permission slips will be sent to parents. Discussed attaching volunteer form to the permission
Next Steps: Katie to put information in newsletter to introduce parents to the project and to
request for volunteers.
o Volunteer lists have been sent to committee chairs.
o Are working on spring event volunteers.
o Working on the new PTO software.
Rosary Rally:
o Rosary Rally held today. It was well received and may be an annual event. Had two Nuns as guests and
they spoke to 1st – 3rd about the Miracle at Fatima.
PTO Presents:
o First PTO Presents was held end of September.
o Discussed need for COSI volunteers for 11/14; will likely need morning vs. afternoon shifts
o Need to recruit volunteers.
o Will need some men the night before to unload equipment. May be an opportunity for 8 th grade service
 Next Steps:
 Caren/Missy to forward volunteer names they have that have signed up for general help.
 Jen to put information in newsletter.
 Stephanie will send email to her Student Life volunteers.
 Jen to check with Tracy Henson to see if babysitting can be available.
Mini Grants:
o Accepting mini-grant applications until 10/24.
o Stewardship grants- have received 3 or 4. Have funded $92 to date.
o Stewardship grants for students- information to be sent out in November.
Musical Costumes:
o Next Steps: Missy to call Mary Kay to ask if they can hold the costumes until after the stained glass
project because PTO closet will be used for some of the stained glass work.
Halloween Dance:
o Good response for attendees and volunteers.
o Will be a service project- collecting canned goods.
New Business
o PTO checks and Math Night:
 Checks for games will be collected by the PTO and will be invoiced for the games.
o St. Nick Night (11/21):
 Annette McHugh & Mary Frey will chair event.
 Will have desserts, hot chocolate, cider, etc.
 Discussed having the crafts set up in the cafeteria.
o Junior Great Books:
 Liz Rupp and Wendy Geiger would like to roll Junior Great Books out to 1 st and 2nd grade.
 Liz and Wendy attended the training in Columbus.
 PTO has funded the leader guides which cost $100 per grade.
 Cost to roll out to 1st and 2nd grade is $600. Total cost would be $800 including 3rd & 4th. For ongoing years, cost would be $700 a year (4 grades x $100 plus $300 for 2 parents to be trained
per year).
 Vote taken: $800 for 08/09 school year plus $700 a year for future years. Approved.
o Teacher Anniversary Gifts:
 Discussed funding anniversary gifts. Parish budget cuts have forced this program to be
 Vote taken: $1,065 to make up for past missed anniversaries and an estimated $600$800 to fund future anniversaries annually. Approved.
o Discussed having teachers or one volunteer to attend the PTO meetings.
 Next Steps: Mrs. Goebel to bring this up at staff meeting to see if anyone is interested.
o Spiritual Committee:
 Gloria Ann and Joy Harbert shared some initial ideas and requested $500 for Spiritual Committee
 Vote taken: $500 to fund activities. Approved.
o Popcorn:
 Jen shared an idea to reward the children with popcorn from a portable popcorn machine. Would
need to have volunteers clean the machine.
 Next Steps: Jen to research more and provide info/costs to Board.
Playground Mulch:
 Additional mulch is needed.
 School received two quotes- Evans $1,890 for 40 yards; Ohio Mulch $620. $1,500 was
CPR Training:
 Mrs. Goebel and Mrs. Jasper contacted the Fire Department about doing CPR/Life Saving
 Cost is $30 per teacher which includes mask, training and book. 30 teachers have signed up.
 Discussed PTO funding training every year so that ½ teachers get certified this year and ½ next
 Vote taken for up to $1,200 per year. Approved.
Geography Resources:
 Denise has received geography resources that could be used for Enrichment periods. Resources
are in the PTO closet.
Mrs. Morales is interested in having the Fiesta del Rey again this year. Would be held on 1/6.
Closing Prayer: Holy Mary
Adjourned at 9:15 p.m.