Winter 2015 - Santa Barbara Street Medicine

Paul Jaconette
Maria W. Long
Executive Director
Fr. Jon-Stephen Hedges, CTR, EMT-B
Marguerite Sanchez
Jason Prystowsky, MD, MPH
Medical director
Laura Polito, MD
Medical director, street medicine teams
Stephanie Durfor, RN, MSN, PHN
Medical director, women’s free homeless clinic
Nancy Lapolla, MPH
Board Member
David Lennon MD
Board member
Noemi “Mimi” Doohan, MD, PHD
The 8th Annual UCSB Underserved Medicine Seminar
Winter 2015
Go to the People. Live among them. Learn from them. Love them. Start with what you know. Work with what they have.
But of the best leaders, when their work is done, the people will say. . .”We have done this ourselves.” – Lao Tzu
The Underserved Medicine Seminar is one of the programs of Doctors Without Walls-Santa Barbara Street Medicine
(DWW-SBSM). This class, like all of the work of DWW-SBSM, is a collaborative and volunteer effort. None of our speakers
are accepting honorariums or any financial rewards to participate in teaching this class. They have all volunteered their
time and come to UCSB at their own expense to share with you because they are passionate about caring for the
underserved and about educating the next generation of humanitarian healers. DWW-SBSM is a grassroots volunteer
organization and the teaching of this seminar is consistent with the values of the sponsoring organization. To learn more
about DWW-SBSM programs, please visit
Students at UCSB love the Underserved Medicine Seminar and are inspired by it to do amazing volunteer work locally
and beyond. Dialogue should never be confined within the walls of academia. To effectively serve the most vulnerable
and marginalized requires dialectic and creative problem solving between academic scholars and the men and women in
the field with proximity to the beneficiaries. Thus we welcome members of the community and UCSB faculty/staff to
attend the class alongside the enrolled students to discuss the issues critically. We encourage members of the local
humanitarian community to include students in their work and for students to engage members of the community in
PO Box 3751, Santa Barbara, CA 93130  Phone: (805) 722-2234  Fax: (805) 692-2676 
Course Description
Using service and problem-based learning methodologies, the seminar explores unique medical needs of vulnerable, underserved
populations internationally and locally. Guest speakers discuss topics ranging refuge health, homelessness, humanitarian aid in conflict
zones, care of military veterans, global health development, care of migrant farm workers, and more.
Mimi Doohan, MD, PhD is the founder and visionary of the course and of DWW-SBSM.
DWW-SBSM is the community sponsor of this course.
The large lecture hall at UCSB is equipped with multimedia capability and seats 286. Guests from the community are encouraged
to attend the lecture and participate in the class discussion.
The textbook, Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients: Principles, Practice, and Populations, T King, M
Wheeler, A Fernandez, D Schillinger, A Bindman, K Grrumbach, T Villela, et. al., McGraw-Hill, 2006, is optional but highly
recommended. Suggested articles and volunteer opportunities will be periodically posted on the “Underserved Medicine at UCSB”
Facebook page.
Core topics to be discussed in this course are:
o Care for the homeless
o Humanitarian aid in conflict zones and refuge health
o Global health development and sustainable capacity building
o Care for migrant farm workers and working poor
o Care for military veterans
o Care of Native Americans and ethnic minorities
o Care for mentally ill and substance abuse
o Care for the elderly
o Health care policy and population approaches to health
o Poverty and the relationship to poor health
o Care for those affected by disaster
o Role of interdisciplinary approaches to health
o Ethics in global health, public health, and humanitarian medicine
o Role of nutrition and social determinants of health
o Advocacy and addressing issues of social justice in health
Lectures and Discussion Sections
 This class will take place Tuesdays from 6:30-9pm, during Winter Quarter at UCSB, with a one hour discussion Wednesday
afternoons at 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm. If you plan to consistently leave early, please consider not taking this class.
 The Tuesday lectures will take place on the UCSB campus, in Broida Hall 1610. The Wednesday discussion sections are located in
GIRV 2128 (2pm), Chem 1171 (3pm), and Phelps 1160 (4pm).
 Attendance for enrolled students is mandatory. This is a pass/no pass seminar. You may miss one class and one discussion. If you
miss a second lecture and second discussion, you will need to meet with the coordinator to discuss make-up opportunities. There
are no exams or papers for this class. Opportunities to excuse absences will be announced in class periodically. Falsely attesting
class attendance can be grounds for academic disciplinary action. Auditors are always encouraged.
 Attendance will be taken via an iClicker pole. To receive credit please register your iClicker and make sure to bring your iClicker to
 Please get to class on time. The lectures are open to the community and the seats fill up fast and will start sharply at 630pm.
Office Hours
 The course coordinator is Jason Prystowsky, MD, MPH. His office hours will be Tuesdays, 4:30 to 6pm at Nicoletti’s in the UCEN, or
by appointment. He can be reached by email
Contact Information
 The course has a Facebook page open to the public: “UCSB Underserved Medicine Course” where various articles, volunteer
opportunities, and discussion forums may take place.
For additional questions you can email TAs, DWW-SBSM communications team student leader Sean Nguyen
( or DWW-SBSM communications team interns Andrew Giang ( and
Ashkon Rahbari (
Winter 2015: Underserved Medicine Seminar at UCSB
January 6:
January 13:
January 20:
January 27:
February 3:
Introduction to Humanitarian Medicine and Social Justice Advocacy
Without Borders/Without Walls – Global and Local Principles of Emergency Humanitarian Medicine and Infrastructure
Development; Lessons Learned from Caring for Populations Displaced by War and Poverty
Jason Prystowsky, MD, MPH, UCSB Underserved Medicine Seminar Coordinator, Emergency Physician Santa Barbara
Cottage Hospital, Medical Director Doctors Without Walls – Santa Barbara Street Medicine, Association Member
Medicins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders, Medical Director Santa Barbara City Fire Department
( (
Wednesday discussion
Santa Barbara County Common Ground
Jeff Shaffer, Stephen Gruver, Emily Allen JD (
Responding to Disasters and Understanding Cultural Diversity
2-4-6, A Year in The Life
Robert Montana MD, Emergency Physician, Disaster Relief Volunteer, Association member Medicins Sans Frontieres,
Founder of Cross Cultural Care (
Cultures, Beliefs and Tradition; Cultural Diversity and Healthcare
Rev Pam Washburn BCCC, Director of Spiritual Care, Cottage Health Systems
Wednesday discussion
Outreach, Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
David Hopkins, Jennifer Ferreaz LCSW, (
Surgery in times of Disaster and Restorative Policing – combining law enforcement and social work-case management
Surgery in a Disaster Zone. . .Lessons Learned
Guy Stofman MD, FACS, Chief of Plastic Surgery UPMC Mercy Hospital, Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery, University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Santa Barbara Police Department Restorative Policing Unit
Officer Keld Hove, Officer Craig Burleigh, Restorative Outreach Specialist Maureen Brown, Restorative Police Force,
Santa Barbara City Police Department
Wednesday discussion
UCSB Street Health Outreach (
Kerina Yao, Amy Mandell, Cameron Fisher, Pierre Kobierski
Combining environmental conservation with social justice and caring for care givers
Radical Listening: A doctor's experience working with communities in Borneo to save rainforest and lives
Kinari Webb MD, Assistant Professor Yale School of Medicine, Founder of Health In Harmony, Co-Founder Alam Sehat
Lestari (
Oxygen for Caregivers; Guarding against Burnout and Sustaining Compassion
Simon Fox, Executive Director, Adventures in Caring Foundation (
Wednesday discussion
Yoga, a Path for healing and Recovery; bringing yoga to underserved populations via the Prison Yoga Project
Mike Lewis, Yoga instructor, Fitness instructor, USMC vet, Student Addiction and Recovery Counseling
Innovative problem solving in addressing barriers of access to health care
The Other One Percent
Elya Moore PhD, MPH, Deputy Director Whatcom Homeless Service Center, Bellingham, WA (
H.E.L.P. to H.E.A.L.: A Specialist’s Journey in Developing a Federally Qualified Healthcare Center
Charles Moore MD, CEO, Founder HEALing Community Center, Co-Director Urban Health Initiative at Grady, Associate
Professor, Emory Healthcare, (
Wednesday discussion
The Rest of the Story; how asking the right questions leads to providing better care
Amy Kelly MSW, Piedmont Healthcare, Sams Care Program Coordinator (
Winter 2015: Underserved Medicine Seminar at UCSB
February 10:
February 17:
February 24:
March 3:
March 10:
Advocating for women’s health in austere environments and interdisciplinary approaches to health challenges
Cervical Cancer prevention in resource poor settings
Rachel Masch MD, MPH, Associative director division of Family Planning at Mt Sinai Beth Israel, Executive Director Basic
Health International (
It Takes a Community! How the Valley Homeless Healthcare Program serves our homeless population through an
integrated team approach
Janet Kohl RN, Sara Doorley MD, Angela Bymaster MD, Valley Homeless Healthcare Program
Wednesday discussion
DWW-SBSM Women’s Free Homeless Clinic (
Stephanie Durfor RN, MSN, PHN, Joanna Bourain, Paige Olsen L. Ac. Dipl. O.M., Jorie Nilson FNP
Care for the rough sleepers, and advocacy for the chronically unsheltered
Reflections from the Streets of Boston: Lessons Learned over the Past 25 Years
James O’Connell, MD, President Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, Department of Medicine Massachusetts
General Hospital (
Seeing Things From the Outside: The Origins of Street Medicine
James Withers, MD, Founder Operation Safety Net, Founder International Street Medicine Institute, Pittsburgh Mercy
Health System (
Wednesday discussion
Integrating the Delivery of Care to the Underserved - the SB Experience
Chris Lambert MD, Emergency Physician Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara Council on Drug and Alcohol
Abuse, Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics, Santa Barbara Medical Society
Understanding Healthcare Reform and Health Policy and Combining global with local humanitarian action
Health Policy and Health Care Reform
Paul Jaconette MPH, Chief Operating Officer, CenCal Health, President DWW-SBSM (
Serving the Underserved; Here and Abroad
Neil Sullivan MD, Family Medicine Physician Eastside Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinic (
Wednesday discussion
Financially empowering individuals and communities to achieve health; microfinance, corporate social responsibility,
and entrepreneurship
Jeff Bochler, V.P. of Mortgage Lending, Guaranteed Rate, Research Fellow Eleos Foundation, author of book Be
Multinational (
Emergency medicine, Osteopathic medicine, and bringing homegrown skills overseas to follow the need
From Primary Care of the Medically Indigent in Los Angeles County Emergency Departments to Ebola Treatment Units
in Sierre Leon
Matthew Waxman, MD, FACEP, DTM&H, Associate Residency Director, ULCA/Olive View-UCLA Emergency Medicine
Residency Program, Assistant Professor of Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
International DO; an Osteopathic Physician’s Journeo’cy
Sara Lary DO, DTM&H, MSc
Wednesday discussion
Disaster Logistics and Direct Relief
Andrew MacCalla, Director, International Programs & Emergency Preparedness and Response
Native American Health and Peace Building
How I Became a Doctor, My Work in Indian Health
John Tveten, MD, Emergency Department Director, Little Colorado Medical Center, Winslow AZ
Rebuilding Participation, Reinventing Power, and Redefining the Possible: How Participation Builds Peace, Improves
Health, and Changes the Arc of the Possible. Lessons Learned in Eastern Congo.
Vijaya Thakur, Founder and Executive Director, Resolve Network (
Wednesday discussion
Final Reflections. Jason Prystowsky, MD, MPH