FISCAL FLOWS Amounts in Thousand Drs S/N A A 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 A 300 301 302 303 304 305 Analysis Fiscal flows from regular (functional) activities Fiscal inflows Sales Other utilization profits Special and non-organic profits Former uses profits Credit interests (deposits etc) Bonds profits Bonds sales Liabilities reduction Excluding: Bonds purchase Liabilities increase Total Fiscal Inflows (A100) Fiscal outflows Cost of vended Administrative expenses Research-development expenses Disposition expenses Short-time activity / stagnancy expenses Other expenses Reserve funds increase Transitional profits accounts increase Transitional losses accounts reduction Short-term liabilities reduction (ex. Banks) Excluding: Reserve funds reductions Transitional profits accounts reduction Transitional losses accounts increase Short-term liabilities increase (ex. Banks) Total Fiscal Outflows (A200) Fiscal outflows of taxes Income taxes Non embodied taxes to functional cost Tax differences from financial inspection Tax liabilities reduction – charges Excluding: Tax liabilities increase – charges Total Fiscal Tax outflows (A300) Fiscal flows from regular (functional) activities (A100-A200-A300) =A Fin. Use 2000 2.479.362 242.205 32.060 102.655 6.581 150.302 674.777 284.217 172.532 3.231.193 1.934.509 135.896 413.977 26.854 101.733 61.403 1.443 6.974 2.665.955 13.393 13.393 551.845 Former Use Amounts in Thousand Drs Analysis S/N B B C 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Fiscal flows from Investing activities Fiscal inflows Incorporeal estates sales Incorporated estates sales Estate shares and titles sales Long term liabilities decrease Estate shares and titles profits Credit interests (long term etc. liabilities) 200 201 202 203 204 205 Total Fiscal Inflows (B100) Fiscal outflows Incorporeal estates purchase Incorporated estates purchase Estate shares and titles purchase Long term liabilities increase Installation expenses increase 100 101 102 103 104 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Total Fiscal Outflows (B200) Fiscal flows from investing activities (B100-B200) =B Fiscal flows from financing activities Fiscal inflows Revenue from capital stock increase and differences Revenue of fixed assets subvention Long term liabilities increase Short term liabilities increase (Bank accounts) Total of Fiscal Inflows (C100) Fiscal outflows Capital stock decrease (return) Fixed assets subvention return Long term liabilities reduction Short term liabilities reduction (Bank accounts) Paid interests Paid dividends Profit distribution to personnel Board salaries from use profits Total Fiscal Outflows (C200) Fiscal Inflows from financial activities (C100 - C200) = C COMPANY FISCAL FLOWS Fin. Use Former Use 7.650 7.650 254.448 627 27.332 282.407 -274.757 2000 34.811 34.811 98.185 108.981 67.567 274.733 -239.922 37.166 (Algebraic sum A+B+C) PLUS: AVAILABLE FINANCES 95.599 OF USE BEGINNING AVAILABLE FINANCES AT END OF USE 133.765 THE BOARD CHAIRMAN THE BOARD VICE CHAIRMAN THE ACCOUNTANT MANGER THOMAS E. HATZIKRANIOTIS ID N004855/93 MARIA N. ZAROGIANNI ID P514842/90 KATSANTONIS F. VASILIOS ID L026381/79 CERTIFICATE OF THE SWORN INSPECTOR – ACCOUNTANT We inspected the above statement of Fiscal Flows of the Body Corporate “SONS E. HATZIKRANIOTI – FLOUR INDUSTRY OF TIRNAVOS SA” of the use 2000 and we ascertain that it is the one mentioned at the certificate of financial statement inspection on 22 May 2001. We believe that the above-mentioned statement of Fiscal Flows reflects the Fiscal inflows and outflows from the above company’s activities. Tirnavos 18 may 2001 THE SWORN INSPECTOR – ACCOUNTANT EVAGGELIA MIHALOPOULOU – ZOUVIA REC. NO 11361