Indiana District 2011-2012 Distinguished Club Treasurer Award Guidelines for the Distinguished Club Treasurer Award (Please read carefully and follow) 1. 2. 3. Fill out the report in its entirety. Reports received no later than February 3, 2012. Send completed digital copy reports to: and 4. If your club believes extenuating circumstances exist that have unfairly prevented you from fulfilling any of the criteria contained within this report, please submit your concerns, in written form, to your division’s Lieutenant Governor (or to a district board representative) no later than February 3, 2012. Your comments must specifically address each individual item about which you have a concern and specific reasons for your concern. All concerns will be brought to the attention of the District Board prior to final contest judging and award recommendations. 5. If any falsities or misrepresentations are discovered within this report by the contest judges, district officers, or other individuals, the entire report will be disqualified. 6. This award report form should contain information for the club treasurer ONLY for the time period he/she has been in office (after April 1, 2011) unless otherwise specified. 7. The report must be either a) typed or b) completed using blue or black ink. 8. In order to be considered, a club treasurer must fulfill ALL of the mandatory criteria as specified in Part 1, and the criteria as specified in Part 2. 9. Upon completion of the report, the applicant may score the report according to the scoring directions shown in the right hand column of each page. Place the total score in the appropriate box at the end of the report. 10. In order to be eligible for the Distinguished Club Treasurer Award, your club must be considered “In good standing” by both Circle K International and the Indiana District (which includes having 20 dues paid members or 15 members for an institution with less than 1,000 students ). PART ONE: MANDATORY CRITERIA Please specify if the club treasurer has met each one of the following mandatory criteria. 1. Been in office as club treasurer for at least six (6) months. ___YES ___NO 2. Attended at least 75% of all Circle K Club meetings. ___YES ___NO 3. Attended at least 75% of all Circle K Club Board meetings. ___YES ___NO 4. Ensured club dues were received by both the Indiana District and Circle K International by November 30. ___YES ___NO 5. Attended Indiana District Club Officer Training Conference, or received sufficient training from a District or International officer or through other means. ___YES ___NO Nomination for ___________________ Circle K Club of ________________ PART TWO: ADDITIONAL CRITERIA—DISTINGUISHED CLUB TREASURER AWARD SCORING A. CLUB MEETING AND EVENT ATTENDANCE – 38 points possible CLUB MEETINGS 1. How many regular club meetings were held beginning with the ____ (A) treasurer’s term in office, and concluding with this report’s submission? a. How many meetings did the club treasurer attend? ____ (B) b. Divide blank (B) by blank (A) and multiply by 100 (round to the nearest whole number). ____ % 2. How many club board meetings were held during the club treasurer’s term to date? a. How many meetings did the club treasurer attend? c. Divide blank (B) by blank (A) and multiply by 100 (round to the nearest whole number). CLUB MEETINGS 1b. 95-100% is 10 points, 85-94% is 7 points, 75-84% is 4 points 2b. 95-100% is 10 points, 85-94% is 7 points, 75-84% is 4 points ____ (A) ____ (B) ____ % CLUB SERVICE PROJECTS 3. How many service hours did the club treasurer complete during his/her ____ term in office as reported to the club secretary? CLUB EVENT ATTENDANCE 4. How many interclub events has the club participated in during the current year to date? a. How many interclubs did the club treasurer attend? b. Divide blank (B) by blank (A) and multiply by 100 (round to the nearest whole number). 5. Write Point Total Here ____ (A) How many social events has the club held during the current year to date? a. How many social events did the club treasurer attend? b. Divide blank (B) by blank (A) and multiply by 100 (round to the nearest whole number). CLUB SERVICE PROJECTS 3. Top 1/3: 10 points Middle 1/3: 5 points Lower 1/3: 0 points CLUB EVENT ATTENDANCE 4b. 90-100% is 5 points, 70-89% is 3 points, 50-69% is 1 point ____ (B) 5b. 90-100% is 3 points, 70-89% is 2 points, 50-69% is 1 point ____% DISTRICT EVENTS ____ (A) 1. If YES, 5 points ____ (B) 2. If YES, 3 points ____% 3. If YES, 6 points B. DISTRICT AND INTERNATIONAL EVENTS – 17 points possible DISTRICT EVENTS 1. Did the club treasurer attend the 2011 Indiana District Club Officer Training Conference? 2. Did the club treasurer attend the 2011 Indiana District Summer Social? 3. Did the club treasurer attend the 2011 Indiana District Membership Development and Education Conference? INTERNATIONAL EVENTS 4. Did the club treasurer attend the 2011 Circle K International Convention? ___YES ___NO 3. 4. 4. If YES, 3 points ___YES ___NO FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ___YES ___NO 1. On or before Nov. 1 is 10 points. On or before Nov. 30 is 5 points. 2. If YES, 5 points ___YES ___NO C. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – 38 points possible 1. 2. INTERNATIONAL EVENTS 3. If YES, 5 points 4. 2 points for each report, 18 points max. On what date were club dues submitted to Circle K International? ___________ Did the club treasurer prepare a budget for club funds and make it available to the club board of directors? ___YES ___NO Did the club treasurer report to the club on its financial standing at least one time per month? ___YES ___NO How many monthly report forms has the club treasurer submitted to the District Treasurer ON TIME (by the 5th of each month)? ____ D. OPTIONAL ESSAY/LETTER An optional essay or letter may be submitted on the club treasurer’s behalf which will only be used in the case when there is a tie between two or more nominees. . TOTAL SCORE 93 POINTS POSSIBLE