EXECUTIVE SPONSORS - Sheffield City Council

Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
11-19+ Advisory Group
Notes of Meeting held on 26th June 2007
Tony Tweedy (In the Chair) CYPD
John Evans
Sheffield Futures
Rod Gent
Jean Smith
VCF Sector
Jill Lancaster
Sheffield PCT
Kerry Jones
CYPD Partnership Manager
Carol James
John Sanderson
CYPD (minutes)
In attendance: Denise Coppard (CYPD) (for item 5)
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Emer Clarke (LSC), Trevor Wray
(Longley Park Sixth Form College), Nick Nuttgens (Creative Partnerships),
Jo North (SATP), Dave Gleadall (Sheffield College), Bethan Plant (Sheffield
PCT), Andy Peaden (YOT) and Jon Banwell and Jayne Ludlam (CYPD).
Confirmation of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on
1 May 2007
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 May 2007 were confirmed as
a true record.
Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous Minutes held on
1 May 2007
3.1 Data Sharing
Tony Tweedy reported that a data sharing specification for 14-19 had been
drawn up by Andrew Crompton for signing up by partners. The issue of the
sharing of data by Sheffield College had been raised by the LSC.
It was agreed to invite Andrew Crompton to the next meeting to present a
progress update. Kerry Jones added that a paper on developing a
Partnership 14-19 tracking strategy would be taken to the meeting of the
0-19+ Partnership Board to be held on 13 July 2007 and agreed to circulate
to group members.
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007
Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
Andrew Crompton to be invited to present a progress update to the
next meeting
Kerry Jones / John Sanderson to circulate copies of the paper to be
presented to the 0-19+ Partnership Board on developing a 14-19
tracking strategy
3.2 Diploma Gateway
It was agreed to invite Nick Duggan to the next meeting to provide a report
on how a Diploma might be constructed.
Action: Nick Duggan to be invited to next meeting to report.
3.3 Studio Schools
It was agreed to invite Nick Duggan to attend the next meeting to present a
progress update on the development of Studio Schools.
Action: Nick Duggan to be invited to attend the next meeting to report.
3.4 Area Improvement Partnerships: 14-19 Curriculum Audit
Tony Tweedy reported that 2 Area Improvement Partnerships had
developed a 14-19 curriculum audit. It was agreed to invite David Else to
attend the next meeting to present an update on the 14-19 curriculum audit.
Action: David Else to be invited to the next meeting to report.
3.5 Questionnaire on Partnership Working and Advisory Groups
Kerry Jones reported that the findings of the questionnaire completed by
partners would feed into the Partnership Strategy paper to be presented to
the 0-19+ Partnership Board in September 2007.
Work of the 0-19+ Partnership Board and Other Advisory Groups
Kerry Jones reported on issues discussed at recent meetings of the 0-19+
Partnership Board and other Advisory Groups and to be considered at future
meetings. In particular, she stated that;
 The Locality Advisory Group, at its meeting to be held on 28 June 2007
would consider the Service District offer to children and young people,
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007
Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
parents and carers. She agreed to circulate the report to members of the
Rod Gent asked for information on the agreed School Governor
representation on the Service District Partnership Boards. Kerry Jones
agreed to confirm the agreed representation.
Kerry Jones / John Sanderson to circulate the report on the Service
District offer.
Kerry Jones to confirm to Rod Gent the agreed School Governor
representation on the Service District Partnership Boards.
 The Policy and Practice Advisory Group, at its meeting on 4 July 2007
would consider the consultation around an alcohol strategy for the city
and the PCT structure and its links to the Partnership.
The Group requested sight of the paper on the alcohol strategy.
Action: Kerry Jones / John Sanderson to circulate the report on the
alcohol strategy for the city.
 The 0-19+ Partnership Board at its meeting to be held on 13 July 2007
would consider, amongst other issues, the development of a 14-19
tracking strategy, the community engagement strategy and the VCF
sector strategy and commissioning.
Transforming Learning Strategy
Denise Coppard introduced a report setting out the process for consultation
on the Transforming Learning Strategy and implementation from September
2007, in line with the Building Schools for the Future agenda.
Building on the current good practice and taking account of the national
picture, the intention was to produce a document that made
recommendations for action that would create a vision for learning fit for the
21st century. Consultations with key individuals and groups would shape the
final presentation that would be written after a series of conferences in June
/ July 2007.
During August 2007 a strategy would be produced and sent to schools for
approval and comment. From September 2007 schools would be
encouraged to produce their own policies in line with the strategy to align
resources and action plan for teaching and learning developments.
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007
Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
Visioning workshops with schools undergoing the BSF process would mirror
these activities and ensure a comprehensive and consistent approach.
She confirmed that Chairs of School Governing Bodies had been invited to
participate. There would also be reference to the consultation process with
children and young people and through Sheffield Futures.
The 11-19+ Advisory Group supported the process to engage with as many
learning providers as possible to facilitate further networking opportunities.
It was agreed that a further report be presented to the meeting to be held in
October 2007.
Action: Agenda item for October 2007.
“How Was it for You?” – Survey of Young People who are NEET
Carol James introduced a report describing the process and findings of a
survey carried out in March 2007 with young people aged 16-18 who were
not in education, employment or training (NEET) to find out their
experiences of making transitions and where existing provision had failed to
meet their needs.
The methodology involved young people being asked a series of questions
in a structured interview with a Connexions Personal Adviser. The young
people who took part in the survey were assured that their contributions
were anonymous.
Following analysis of the survey recommendations were made for;
Improved communications between key agencies to ensure immediate
support for young people before they became NEET
Improved provision for young people, including flexibility in start dates,
tasters and on-going support where dyslexia and low literacy presented
Improved careers education and guidance programmes in schools,
colleges and work based learning providers.
These recommendations sought to improve the chances of young people
achieving economic well being, as well as to increase participation in
learning and to raise achievement.
Members of the Advisory Group raised a number of issues, particularly;
Non-attendance at examinations
Unsatisfactory transition experiences at Post 16
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007
Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
Need to improve workings with Sheffield College
Y11s missing appointments at College
The need to provide better support to pregnant teenagers. Carol James
agreed to raise with Dee Desgranges the issue of how schools could
better support pregnant teenagers to remain in education and how
schools might better engage with outside providers.
Action: Carol James. Jill Lancaster agreed also to refer Dr Sue Greig,
Health Strategy Manager, the work led by Dee Desgranges on a
strategy for young people. Action: Jill Lancaster
Students lose focus in the period between May / June and September
The need to review transition support and information, advice and
John Evans referred to an inter-agency Vulnerable Young People Group,
chaired by De Desgranges, planned a programme for NEETs during the
summer period and suggested that the recommendations produced from the
survey be referred to that group for action. Action: Carol James.
Tony Tweedy remarked that NEETs was a standing agenda item at
meetings of the Learning for Life Group and agreed to refer the paper there.
Action: Tony Tweedy / Carol James.
Tony Tweedy also commented that issues for the CYPD’s Learning and
Achievement Service to progress were NEET predictions at Y7 and Y8 and
any pre-emptive action that might be taken, and targets for schools of Post
16 participation, which would be raised with schools by SIPs
The Advisory Group noted the analysis and recommendations contained
within the report.
It was agreed that progress report on the success of actions implemented
be brought to a future meeting of the Advisory Group during the 2007/8
academic year.
Action: Agenda item within the 2007/8 academic year.
Every Child Matters Consultation 2007
Kerry Jones introduced a paper referring to the section in the participation
and engagement strategy for children and young people in the city to coordinate the consultation with them. The CYPD has made a commitment to
the regular taking of the views of a representative sample of children and
young people through a wide-ranging consultation that could provide
feedback and help to inform planning priorities at school / provider, Service
District and city level. The report presented the initial proposal for the
consultation, detailing the methodology, timeframe and benefits.
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007
Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
Focus groups would be held with special interest groups, who were some of
the most vulnerable and excluded young people in the city. The MultiAgency Participation Group would be involved, as would Sheffield PCT by
accessing their consultation data.
Tony Tweedy remarked on the need for commitment and endorsement on
this city initiative from partners and providers. He agreed to seek from the
Learning for Life Group key nominees from non-school organisations to
support the consultation process. He also agreed to work with Kerry Jones
and the Learning for Life Group to strengthen the questions in the survey to
tailor to a more local need. Action: Tony Tweedy / Learning for Life
Group / Kerry Jones.
The 11-19+ Advisory Group;
Supported the development of the strategy across the full 0-19 range
Requested that the post-16 providers support the implementation of the
Determined to engage with the stakeholder planning events to be
scheduled in July 2007.
It was agreed to place this item on the agenda for further consideration at
the next meeting.
Action: agenda item for next meeting.
Membership of the 11-19+ Advisory Group
Tony Tweedy introduced a paper indication that all groups comprising the 019+ Partnership were being reviewed to ensure that they were fit for
purpose and strategically focused. The aim of the paper was to stimulate
discussion about a revised membership and focus of the 11-19+ Advisory
The remit of the 11-19+ Advisory Group included the overseeing of the
development of;
 The 11-19+ offer in the city’s four Area Improvement Partnerships
 Strategies to tackle the needs of vulnerable and underachieving groups,
particularly for BME young people.
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007
Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
There were a number of emerging policy imperatives that would impact
on the 11-19+ Advisory Group. These included;
 The introduction of the Transforming Learning Strategy and its
connectivity with the wider learning community
 The implications of the 2008-15 national 14-19 curriculum and
qualifications reform programme
 The associated requirement that the Local Authority, in close
collaboration with LSC, must ensure that the 14-19 national entitlement
could be delivered by 2013
 The requirement that local authority areas had robust 14-19 partnerships
that oversaw the implementation of the national entitlement, the
September Guarantee and the quarterly Progress Check undertaken with
Government Office
 Connectivity between the partnership’s planning and prioritisation and
LSC’s new 14-19 regional planning and commissioning framework
 The continuing development of the city’s Vulnerable Young People’s
Strategy, including the adoption of a “whole household” approach for
some target groups
To respond to the concerns of the VCF Sector that the activity and debate
of the 11-19+ Advisory Group did not draw on the strengths and expertise of
the sector and the narrowness of its remit did not allow for full consideration
of all the needs and experiences of children and young people and all of the
five ECM outcomes, a meeting had been arranged between the Local
Authority and representatives of the VCF sector to consider how its
representatives could be selected in such a way as to bring a specific
expertise to the group
The Group considered the proposed revised membership of the 11-19+
Advisory Group and commented as follows (Action: Tony Tweedy to note)
The need for an employers’ representative
Possible inclusion of the Secondary Consultant Headteacher
Possible inclusion of a trade union representative
Possible inclusion of an Academy representative
Possible inclusion of a member representing Mental Health Services
The 11-19+ Advisory Group reaffirmed its remit and agreed to the proposal
for the revision of its remit.
It was agreed to agenda this item for further discussion at the next meeting.
Action: Agenda item for next meeting.
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007
Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
Members asked for an item to be placed on the agenda for discussion at the
next meeting on links, supported by data, between bullying and attainment.
Tony Tweedy agreed to invite Chris Anderson, CYPD School Improvement
Adviser (PSHE / Healthy Schools Strategy) to attend the next meeting to
discuss this item.
Tony Tweedy to invite Chris Anderson to attend the next meeting
Agenda item for next meeting
Sheffield PCT
Jill Lancaster reported on two posts recently advertised within the Sheffield
PCT, one post to develop early intervention programmes for Vulnerable
Young People, and a post to work with Care Leavers beyond 16.
She also referred to the PCT consultation with children and young
people on health issues. It was agreed to discuss this consultation further
at the meeting to be held in October 2007.
Action: Agenda item October 2007.
Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting be held on Tuesday 11 September 2007
at 2.00pm at The Straddle
Agenda Items for Next Meeting
The following issues were agreed as possible agenda items for the next
 Data sharing (Andrew Crompton)
 Diploma Gateway (Nick Duggan)
 Studio Schools (Nick Duggan)
 Area Improvement Partnerships: 14-19 Curriculum Audit (David Else)
 Transforming Learning Strategy (Denise Coppard)
 Every Child Matters Consultation 2007 (Kerry Jones)
 Membership of the 11-19+ Advisory Group (Tony Tweedy)
 Bullying and Attainment (Chris Anderson)
 Personalised Learning (Emer Clarke)
 Baccalaureate Developments (Michael Chapman)
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007
Sheffield Children and Young People’s
0-19+ Partnership Board
Future Meetings 2007
It was agreed that meetings in 2007 be held as follows;
 Tuesday 11 September 2007
 Tuesday 30 October 2007
Meetings to be held 2.00-4.00pm at The Straddle.
11-19+ Advisory Group – 26 June 2007