Graduate Chapter Task Force Charge: Whereas, The Grand Council is a combination of the Collegiate and Graduate Chapters of Kappa Psi and a proper balance of graduate and collegiate influence in fraternal business is integral in making appropriate decisions for the good of the order; and Whereas, There are currently no criteria for determining the appropriate number of Graduate Chapters in a given geographical region and no limits on the number of Graduate Chapters that can be chartered; BE IT RESOLVED, That the next Executive Committee create a task force to provide recommendations to the Executive Committee and the Fraternity membership on 1) the appropriate number of Graduate Chapters within a geographic region, 2) the appropriate process for approving new Graduate Chapters by the Executive Committee, and 3) proposed guidance for future policies and procedures for this process. Members: Harry Marcelin (Chair) Stephen Ivanoski Dawn Erdman Stephanie Stichert Andrea Smith Chad Seely Matthew Sciara