Communications Arts High School

Communications Arts High School
Parents Support Group
11600 FM 471 W, San Antonio, TX 78253
(210) 397-6043
Minutes of the meeting: May 22, 2012
Officers/Chairs Present: Sally Murrell, President; Melissa Stone, Vice-President; Denise Lopez,
Secretary; Mandy Scott, Treasurer; Anna Alfaro, Public Relations; Mary Alice Benzoni, Sabrina
Tallant, Membership Co-Chairs; Sharon Bolin, David Bowles, Hospitality Co-Chairs
Parents in Attendance: approximately 17 members
Agenda Items:
I. President Murrell called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Welcomed parents by class.
II. Approval of the April 24, 2012 Minutes- PSG secretary, Denise Lopez reminded the
group that the minutes are posted on the PSG website and that future minutes will be
posted prior to the next mtg. Denise asked if there were any changes to the minutes and
finding none, the minutes stood as written. Mandy Scott moved to accept the minutes,
Craig Birdsong 2nded.
III. Treasurer’s Report- treasurer Mandy Scott presented the CAHS-PSG financial report.
Mandy reported that the ending balance as of 5/22/2012 was $10,469.13. Mandy
discussed the distribution of the funds including the total revenues and the total
expenses of the financial activity from April 24, 2012 to May 22, 2012. The total
revenues were $158.46 and the total expenses were $ 6,108.83. The May financial
report will be posted on the CAHS PSG website.
IV. School Update - CAHS Vice-Principal, Mr. Neunfeldt, reported on the upcoming
events. There was discussion of the successful Mentorship Day which was conducted
earlier today. Final exams will be coming soon and the dates are posted. The
CAHS/Taft H.S. awards ceremony will be this Thursday, May 24th in the Taft H.S.
auditorium. Senior graduation will be on Thursday, May 31st. The Senior Banquet
will be Sunday May 27th at 6:30 pm. Mr. Neunfeldt announced that Communications
Arts H.S. was ranked #74 top High School in Newsweek and #44 in the Washington
Post. He also discussed the new CAHS website and its information.
V. Old Business
A. Outdoor Classroom: Heavy duty trash cans are being ordered for use in the outdoor
B. Parent Grade Level Representatives and Class Sponsors:
Class Sponsor
Ms. Reynosa and Ms. Whitus
Mr. Billings and Mr. Villela
Mrs. Swoboda & Ms. Barton
Mr. Guerrero
Parent Representative
Luanne Weinberg
Melissa Stone
Denise Lopez
Cindy Prichard
Freshman: No updated news reported
Sophomores: No updated news reported
Juniors: The Junior Class teacher sponsors are wrapping up the school year with a
Chick-fil-A fund raiser on May 30th from 11:30 am – 2:00 pm. The new class officers
for the 2012 – 2013 school year are: Caitlin Quinn for president, Aleks Tinowski for
vice-president, Josh Hillard for treasurer, Ale Salazar for secretary, Anna Larson for
historian, and David Smith for parliamentarian. The elections for Prom Chair will be
coming soon.
Seniors: Mrs. Prichard reminded the members that registration for the Project
Graduation is now currently $ 70.00 until May 31st and $80.00 in cash at the door for
the event on May 31st. Project Graduation will be held at Dave and Busters this year.
Signed parent waivers are required to ride the mechanical bull. Students that are 18
years of age may sign their own waivers.
Thank you Card received: Sally Murrell read the thank you card that was given to
the PSG from the Class of 2013 giving thanks for the $00 donation.
C. Membership: Mary Alice Benzoni that there are no new updates.
D. Fundraising Committee: Mandy Scott discussed the progress of the 501 C 3.
The PSG will pay the $850.00 fee to file and the PSG needs the approval of the
the amendments to the bylaws which will be voted on tonight. Once the
application for the 501 C 3 is filed, the approval process will take 3 months.
Mandy Scott also told the parents that the PSG is selling Discount Cards now for
a discounted price of $ 5.00. The discount cards have offers for 18 area
merchants and the offers are good until September 1, 2012. Mandy also
reminded the parents that the PSG also has lanyards for sale for $5.00.
E. Hospitality Committee: Sharon Bolin thanked the parents and gave them her
appreciation for helping with all of the PSG events throughout the year.
F. PSG Scholarship Committee: David Bowles chairperson, announced that 6 senior
students have been awarded the PSG scholarships ranging from $400.00 –
$800.00. The checks and the certificates will be given out to these students at the
Senior Banquet on May 27th.
G. Gifts to the School Committee: PSG members had met and several items were
considered and discussed with requests made by the CAHS teachers and staff.
Lecterns, clap boards, fans, wall clocks, and a small faculty freezer were some of
the items considered. The items for gifts will be approved by the PSG.
VI. New Business
A. Approval of the Amendments in the Bylaws
The PSG Board Resolutions for the bylaws amendments were read and
discussed. Once the 501 C 3 is processed, the CAHS – PSG will be an
incorporated organization. The motion was made to accept the amendments to
the bylaws as stated by V.P. Melissa Stone and it was seconded by secretary
Denise Lopez.
B. 2012 – 2013 CAHS PSG Officer Nominations
The Nominating Committee members; Mandy Scott, Anna Alfaro, and Brooke
Watson met and the following individuals were considered for nomination
for the PSG officer positions:
President – Sally Murrell
Vice-President – Craig Birdsong
Secretary – Denise Lopez
Treasurer – Melissa Stone
Public Relations Officer – Sabrina Tallant
A request for nominations was also taken from the floor for all the officer
positions. No additional nominations for the officer positions from the floor
were received. A motion was made for a move to approve the unopposed
positions. The motion was made first by Mandy Scott and seconded by Sharon
Bolin. Requests were also made for the new 2012 – 2013 Committee
chairpersons from the floor and are as follows:
Fundraising Committee Chair: Donna Gustin, Brooke Watson
Membership Committee Chair: Sabrina Tallant, Anita Holland
Hospitality Committee Chair: David Bowles, vacant co-chair
Spring Picnic Committee Chair: vacant
C. PSG Yearly Audit
The PSG is in need of 3 regular members to serve on this year’s Audit
Committee. The committee will meet on June 15th and June 30, 2012.
At least one of the meetings will require meeting with the current PSG
treasurer. A request for volunteers was made and the following PSG parents
volunteered; Cindy Pritchard, Brooke Watson, and Delia Molina
Closing Comments by PSG President, Sally Murrell
A. Sally thanked everyone for attending this month’s meeting and for supporting
and participating with the Parent Support Group. She asked for questions from
the floor. Sally gave roses out in recognition to the senior parent volunteers;
Anna Alfaro, Mary Alice Benzoni, Sandy Dziuk, Cindy Pritchard, and Mandy
Scott. V.P. Melissa Stone gave on behalf of the PSG, a gift card for appreciation
to PSG President Sally Murrell.
B. Sally encouraged parents to visit the CAHS PSG web site at
C. Announced that the next meeting will be the 4th Tuesday in September, which
will be September 25, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the CAHS lecture hall. All meetings
are the 4th Tuesday of each month unless otherwise mentioned.
D. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. was made by PSG President Sally
Murrell, accepted first by Sabrina Tallant and seconded by Melissa Stone.
Denise E. Lopez, PSG Secretary