SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OPERATIONS GRANT APPLICATION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ACT 339 AND ACT 68 (short form) COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Department of Environmental Protection For more information, visit DEP directly at or through the PA PowerPort at POINTS TO REMEMBER Only costs paid by December 31 are eligible for that calendar year’s Act 339 application. If you borrow money for project construction, actual interest expenses are eligible from the date of issuance of the first contract notice-to-proceed to the day of initiation of operation. Actual interest expenses are eligible for new sewage treatment plants and for eligible modifications to existing treatment plants that were placed into operation during the application year. An interceptor line that conveys sewage into the treatment plant may be eligible for subsidy. Generally, eligibility is limited to that portion of the interceptor upstream from the sewage treatment plant to the first connection to the interceptor (whether house lateral, street lateral or other interceptor). Approval of an extension to the application filing deadline can be made if the extension is requested on or before January 31 of the year following the construction year of the application. The request for extension must include a valid reason for not being able to meet the application filing deadline of January 31. Miscellaneous costs (engineering, administrative, financial and legal) are not eligible for consideration until the associated eligible facility has been constructed and placed in operation. Original construction costs must be supplied in Section C for facilities that were replaced, demolished, taken out of service or abandoned. The Department routinely conducts facility audits to verify eligible costs. If an omission in Section C is discovered in future years, the applicant must reimburse the Commonwealth for any overpayments made. For a new plant, generally everything located within the treatment plant fence is eligible. However, for a plant addition/modification, to be eligible the devices and structures must be related to the sewage treatment process. Generally, for either new or modified facilities, land acquisition and construction costs for work outside the plant fence are not eligible for subsidy. The Growing Greener Environmental Initiative (Act 68 of 1999) has provisions that will bring significant changes to the Act 339 program. Please ensure you read the enclosed application instruction sheets regarding changes that may affect your Act 339 application submission. Have a question about facilities or costs in the Act 339 program? Please call the Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Municipal Financial Assistance at 717-787-6744 to discuss any aspect of the Act 339 program. -1- 3800-FM-WSFR0204a 9/2005 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR GRANT APPLICATIONS AS PER ACT 68 EFFECTIVE 12/99 (LONG OR SHORT FORM) PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. If there were no changes to your Act 339 eligible sewage facilities, you would apply for the same payment/subsidy as last year. Please use the SHORT FORM application. 2. If there were changes to your existing Act 339 eligible facilities or you are applying for new facilities, you would use the LONG FORM application. New or modified sewage treatment facilities are subject to the changes to the Act 339 program that were enacted in December 1999 under the Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Act (Act 68). To be eligible for Act 339 subsidy new or modified sewage treatment facilities must meet the following: If construction commenced on new/modified facilities on or before December 31, 1999 (the effective date of Act 68), these facilities may be eligible for subsidy consideration once that construction has been completed. The term “commenced construction” also includes any of the following situations: a. Application for or receipt of a Part II permit for construction or modification of the facilities. When submitting your new or revised subsidy application, you will need to provide either a copy of the permit application cover page or the letter from the Department. b. If a Part II permit was not required, execution of a signed contract or purchase order for the equipment or construction. A copy of that documentation will need to be provided when submitting your new or revised subsidy application. c. 3. Application for, or receipt of, construction financing, or dedication of available capital funds, for an identified project (so long as the appropriate Part II permit was applied for or received prior to January 1, 2001). The following table describes various construction financing methods and the necessary documentation that must be provided when submitting your new or revised subsidy application. Any eligible facility which is out of service during a complete calendar year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31) shall no longer be subsidized in that year and subsequent years. Documentation Necessary to Demonstrate Application or Receipt of Construction Financing: Financing Mechanism Application for Construction Financing Receipt of Construction Financing Loans or grants from government financing agencies Copy of financial assistance application Official approval of financial assistance application Issuance of municipal bonds Copy of Preliminary Official Statement which announces the pending bond issue Documentation of closing date of bond issue Borrowing from a lending institution Copy of the loan application Loan approval document Use of dedicated available capital funds (including an established line of credit) Copy of official resolution of the governing body (or official minutes) which show a formal action of the body to expend the available funds for the construction. Documentation of the initial withdrawal from available funds -2- 3800-FM-WSFR0204a 9/2005 INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING SHORT FORM PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION. MAY BE REFERRED TO (717) 787-6744. REMOVE INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO MAILING TO DEP. QUESTIONS A separate application is required for each sewage treatment facility. If you have not altered your eligible facilities in any way and have not received or repaid any grant funds, you may complete the Short Form Application. Otherwise, you must complete the Long Form application. 1. DEADLINES YOU MUST MEET: You must file your application with the Administrative Services Section, Bureau of Water Standards and Facility Regulation, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, P.O. Box 8466, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-8466 on or before January 31st of the year following the year for which you are applying for a subsidy. 2. HOW MANY COPIES OF THE APPLICATION SHOULD BE SUBMITTED? One original notarized application should be submitted. Please keep one copy for your file and future reference. The application must state the name and mailing address of the municipality, municipal authority, or school district to which payment is to be made. The application must be filed on the form provided by the Department. 3. INSTRUCTIONS: Part 1. This part must contain all applicant information including the Federal Employer I.D. Number. Part 2. This part must be completed if the designated payee is different than the applicant listed in Part 1. This information must include the payee’s Federal Employer I.D. Number. Part 3. This part should include any additional information necessary to identify the project location. Part 4. This part identifies the official signing the affidavit on behalf of the applicant; include a title, a complete address, and a telephone number where this individual may be reached during normal business hours. Parts 5 and 6. THE BOX IN PART 5 MUST BE CHECKED INDICATING A REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT THERE WERE NO CHANGES TO THE ELIGIBLE FACILITIES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION YEAR NOR WERE ANY GRANT PAYMENTS RECEIVED OR REPAID. THE AFFIDAVIT IN PART 6 MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OFFICIAL IDENTIFIED IN PART 4 AND MUST BE NOTARIZED BY A NOTARY PUBLIC. -3- 3800-FM-WSFR0204a 9/2005 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WATER STANDARDS AND FACILITY REGULATION SHORT FORM SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT OPERATIONS GRANT APPLICATION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ACT 339 AND ACT 68 FOR CONSTRUCTION YEAR, 20__. Type or print all information 1. Date APPLICANT INFORMATION 3. PROJECT LOCATION NAME MUNIC/SCH. DIST. ADDRESS COUNTY FACILITY NAME (IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE FACILITY) FED. EMPLOYER ID NO. 2. DESIGNATED PAYEE ORGANIZATION (IF DIFFERENT THAN 1) 4. NAME, TITLE, AND ADDRESS OF OFFICER/OFFICIAL OF APPLICANT WHO SIGNS AFFIDAVIT BELOW NAME NAME ADDRESS TITLE ADDRESS FED. EMPLOYER ID NO. 5. DAYTIME TELEPHONE ( ) WE HAVE NOT ALTERED OUR ELIGIBLE FACILITIES/EQUIPMENT IN ANY WAY (ADDED TO, REPLACED, DEMOLISHED, ABANDONED, OR TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE), NOR HAVE WE RECEIVED OR REPAID ANY GRANT FUNDS DURING THIS CONSTRUCTION YEAR. WE ARE APPLYING FOR THE SAME SUBSIDY PAYMENT THAT WE RECEIVED IN OUR PRIOR YEAR APPLICATION. 6. AFFIDAVIT Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County of . I, , being duly sworn, according to law, depose and say that I (am the applicant) (am an officer or official of the applicant) (have the authority to make this application) and that the information included in this application and documents submitted as part of the application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Day of , 20 . Signature of Responsible Official Notary Seal Notary Public DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PREVIOUS ELIGIBLE COST $ REVIEWER’S INITIALS AND REVIEW DATE / /