CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION This certificate is awarded to __________________________________ In recognition of his/her management of branch accounts during his/her term as elected Branch Treasurer of the IPNA ______________________Branch which he/she fulfilled on a voluntary basis. Signed:______________________________ On behalf of the branch Date:___________________ Irish Practice Nurses Association CHY No: 17932 www.irishpracticenurses.ie ROLE OF BRANCH TREASURER Keeping records of all financial transactions in the branch including branch portions of membership fees, bank statements, cheque books, lodgement books, etc. Keeping lists and records of current branch members. Liaising with IPNA Membership Secretary and IPNA Administrator as required. Co-signing/authorizing cheques. Preparation of annual financial statement for the national IPNA records. Organising change of signatures on branch accounts at the beginning and end of the term of Branch Treasurer. Irish Practice Nurses Association CHY No: 17932 www.irishpracticenurses.ie