Data Services Unit 2 Signals Signals 1. 2. Introduction to Signals ..................................................................................................... 2 Scientific Notation ............................................................................................................. 3 2.1 To write a number in scientific notation: ...................................................................... 3 3. Engineering notation ........................................................................................................ 4 3.1 Engineering notation prefix ........................................................................................... 5 4. Frequency ............................................................................................................................ 5 5. Definition of a Sinusoidal Signal .................................................................................... 7 6. Cosine Wave ........................................................................................................................ 9 7. Time Domain and Frequency Domain Representations .......................................... 10 8. Filtering ............................................................................................................................. 12 8.1 Low pass filter .............................................................................................................. 12 8.2 High pass filter............................................................................................................. 13 8.3 Band pass filter ............................................................................................................ 14 8.4 Band stop filter ............................................................................................................ 14 9. Fourier Analysis ............................................................................................................... 15 Page 1 of 18 1 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 1. Introduction to Signals There are various forms of electrical signals that are encountered in communications systems. Examples include: Continuous analogue Discrete digital Square wave Sinusoidal Noise Signal Pulsed Signal The continuous analogue signal varies continuously between a minimum level and a maximum level. It could be representative of a speech or audio signal for example. The discrete digital signal assumes a finite number of logic levels. A 2 level signal is shown in the example above. Typically a high voltage corresponds to a logic 1 level and a low voltage as a logic 0 level. The digital signal could be data from a computer or it might be a digital representation of an analogue signal that has been passed through an analogue to digital converter. The square wave is a 2 level signal that has a 1 0 1 0 1 0 ….. sequence. It could be used as a test signal or it could represent a data clock. A sinusoidal signal has a specific frequency and amplitude. It is often used for testing analogue systems. A noise signal is random in nature. This signal is found as an interference. It tends to derate the performance of a system. A pulsed signal is similar to a square wave except that the duration of the high and low levels are not equal. This type of signal can be used to produce sampling of analogue signals. Page 2 of 18 2 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 2. Scientific Notation Do you know this number, 300,000,000 m/sec.? It's the Speed of light ! Do you recognize this number, 0.000 000 000 753 kg? This is the mass of a dust particle! Scientists have developed a shorter method to express very large numbers. This method is called scientific notation. Scientific Notation is based on powers of the base number 10. The number 123,000,000,000 in scientific notation is written as: The first number 1.23 is called the coefficient. It must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10. The second number is called the base . It must always be 10 in scientific notation. The base number 10 is always written in exponent form. In the number 1.23 x 1011 the number 11 is referred to as the exponent or power of ten. 2.1 To write a number in scientific notation: Put the decimal after the first digit and drop the zeroes. In the number 123,000,000,000 The coefficient will be 1.23 To find the exponent count the number of places from the decimal to the end of the number. In 123,000,000,000 there are 11 places. Therefore we write 123,000,000,000 as: Page 3 of 18 3 Data Services Unit 2 Signals Exponents are often expressed using other notations. The number 123,000,000,000 can also be written as: 1.23E+11 or as 1.23 X 10^11 For small numbers we use a similar approach. Numbers smaller than 1 will have a negative exponent. A millionth of a second is: 0.000001 sec. or 1.0E-6 or 1.0^-6 or 3. Engineering notation Taken from "Engineering" notation is very similar to scientific notation, except that the power on ten can only be a multiple of three. In this way, numbers are always stated in terms of thousands, millions, billions, etc. For instance, 13,460,972 is thirteen million and some. In the newspaper, it would probably be abbreviated as "13.5 million". In engineering notation, you would move the decimal point six places to get 13.460972 × 106. Once you get used to this notation, you recognize that 106 means "millions", so you would see right away that this is around 13.5 million. Every time a newspaper refers to some number of millions or billions or trillions, rather than writing out the whole number with all the zeroes, it is, in effect, using engineering notation. Express 472,690,128,340 in engineering notation. This is a twelve-digit number. You need to move the decimal point from the end of the number toward the beginning of the number, but you must move it in steps of three decimal places. In this case, you must move the decimal point to between the 2 and the 6, because this will leave nine digits (and nine is a multiple of 3) after the decimal point, and no more than three digits before the decimal point. Then the answer is: 472.690128340 × 109, or 472.7 billions. Express 83,201 in engineering notation. You need to move the decimal point over to the left in sets of three digits. You can't move the decimal point any further than to the left of the 2, which is three places, so the answer is: 83.201 × 103, or 83.201 thousands. Express 0.000 063 8 in engineering notation. You need to move the decimal point over in sets of three. If you move the decimal point to the right three places, you'll be left with "0.0638", which won't do. If you move the decimal point to the right nine places, you'll get "63800", which is too many digits. So move the decimal point six places. Since this started out as a small number, the power on 10 will be negative, so the answer is: Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2000-2007 All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 18 4 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 63.8 × 10–6, or 63.8 millionths. Express 0.397 53 in engineering notation. Move the decimal point to the right three places. Since this started as a small number, the power on 10 will be negative: 397.53 × 10–3, or 397.53 thousandths. You should notice that, in engineering notation, it is perfectly okay to have more than one digit to the left of the decimal point -- in fact, you should expect to have something other than always only one digit. Just make sure that the power on 10 is a multiple of three. 3.1 Engineering notation prefix Prefix Symbol giga G Value 109 Example Gigahertz GHz) mega M 106 megavolt (MV) kilo k 103 kilometre (km) milli m 10-3 milligram (mg) micro μ 10-6 Micrometre (mm) nano n 10-9 Nanosecond (ns) pico p 10-12 picofarad (pf) Examples Write the following in S.I Units using a preferred prefix: (a) 6000m (b) 0.005V (c) 0.0003s 6000m 0.005V 0.0003s = 6 × 103 m = 6km = 5 × 10-3V = 5mV = 300 × 10-6 s = 300μs In each case the number is written in engineering notation then the power of ten is replaced by the corresponding prefix. 4. Frequency Frequency = For a periodic function, the number of cycles or events per unit time. Hertz = The SI unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second. Frequency = 1 Time 1 Second = 1 Hertz Page 5 of 18 5 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 1 Hertz 1,000 Hertz = 1 kHertz 1,000,000 Hertz = 1,000 kHertz = 1MHertz 1,000,000,000 Hertz = 1,000,000 kHertz = 1,000 MHertz = 1 GHertz 1,000,000,000,000 Hertz = 1,000,000,000 kHertz = 1,000,000 MHertz = 1,000 GHertz = 1 THertz 1 kHertz = 1 kilo Hertz 1 MHertz = 1 Mega Hertz 1 GHertz = 1 Giga Hertz 1 THertz = 1 Tera Hertz Page 6 of 18 6 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 5. Definition of a Sinusoidal Signal Figure 5-1 Sine wave of various frequencies. Low at the top and high at the bottom. A continuous analogue sinusoidal signal is defined by: s(t ) A sin(2 f1t ) A sin(1t ) The amplitude of this sinusoidal signal or tone is A and the frequency is f1. The frequency is specified in cycles per second or Hertz. The frequency can also be specified in radians per second or rads. This is the term 1 where: 1 2 f1t Page 7 of 18 7 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 1 kHz Tone of amplitude 10 V 10 8 6 Amplitude (V) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0 0.5 1 Time ms 1.5 2 This plots is an example of a single tone of amplitude A=10, and of frequency f1=1 kHz. Note that the period of this signal is 1 ms. Page 8 of 18 8 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 6. Cosine Wave A cosine wave is a signal waveform with a shape identical to that of a sine wave, except each point on the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier than the corresponding point on the sine wave. A cosine wave and its corresponding sine wave have the same frequency, but the cosine wave leads the sine wave by 90 degrees of phase. The cosine wave is known as an even function because the curve is symmetrical about the vertical axis. A sine wave is an odd function because the curve is skew-symmetrical about the vertical axis. S(t) = A Cos(2πf1t) A more general expression is S(t) = A Cos(2πf1t - τ) In terms of a phase angle this can be written S(t) = A Cos(2πf1t + φ) Where φ = -2π τ/T1 A numerically negative value of φ results in a lagging phase angle, and a positive value a leading phase angle. For a Sine wave τ = T1/4 Page 9 of 18 9 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 7. Time Domain and Frequency Domain Representations The previous representation of the analogue tone is said to be a time domain representation. It corresponds to the plot of the amplitude of the signal as a function of time. This plot can be obtained by computer simulation, or it could also be obtained by using a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) to display a real sinusoidal signal. Another way to view this signal is in the frequency domain. This plots the amplitude of each frequency component of a signal against a horizontal axis of frequency rather than time. The advantage of the frequency domain representation is that it can display clearly the various frequency components that exist in a signal. The frequency domain representation or spectrum of the single tone is shown in the diagram below. AV Frequency (Hz) f1 Page 10 of 18 10 Data Services Unit 2 Signals Consider the following analogue signal: s(t ) 3 sin( 2f1t ) sin( 2 (3 f1 )t ) This signal consists of the addition of 2 frequency components. The time domain and frequency domain representations of this signal are shown below. 1 kHz Tone + of 3 kHz Tone of amplitude 3 V and 1 V resp 3 2 Amplitude (V) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 0.5 1 Time ms 1.5 2 3V 1V f1 3f1 Page 11 of 18 Frequency (Hz) 11 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 8. Filtering The process of filtering is to allow various frequencies within a signal to pass through the filter and to block others. An example of a filter is a camera filter that allows certain light frequencies only to pass through the camera lens. Typical filter responses are: Low-pass High-pass Band-pass Band-stop 8.1 Low pass filter A low-pass filter allows low frequencies through, but removes or attenuates sufficiently medium and high frequencies. The characteristics of a filter can be shown in an amplitude response plot of the filter. This is a plot of the amplitude that will occur at the output of the filter for a range of input frequencies. This is called the filter frequency response. The frequency response is obtained by applying a sinusoidal signal to the input of the filter and plotting the output level for various frequencies. Sinusoidal Generator Variable Filter Sinusoidal Output Digital Voltmeter Measuring the frequency response of a filter Amplitude Frequency Low-pass filter frequency response Page 12 of 18 12 Data Services Unit 2 Signals Sometimes a filter is assumed to be ideal for the sake of simplifying the analysis of a system. The ideal low-pass filter for example, passes all frequencies up to its cut-off frequency and completely rejects all frequencies above this frequency. Amplitude Cut-off frequency Frequency Ideal Low-pass filter frequency response Composite Signal s(t ) 3 sin( 2f1t ) sin( 2 (3 f1 )t ) If the composite signal previously analysed consisting of the 2 frequency components of 1 kHz and 3 kHz is connected to the input of an ideal low-pass filter of cut-off frequency 2 kHz or 2f1, then the output signal will be a single 1 kHz frequency component whose amplitude is 3 V. The output would therefore be: s(t ) 3sin(2 f1t ) 8.2 High pass filter Ideal filter response Amplitude Stops frequencies below the cutoff frequency Allows frequencies above the cutoff frequency to pass Frequency Cutoff frequency Ideal High-pass filter frequency response Page 13 of 18 13 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 8.3 Band pass filter Stops frequencies either side of fstart and fstop Amplitude Allows freqs above fstart and below fstop to pass Ideal filter response frequency fstart fstop Ideal Band-pass filter frequency response 8.4 Band stop filter Allows freqs below fstart and above fstop to pass Amplitude Stops freqs in between Ideal filter response frequency fstart fstop Ideal Band-Stop filter frequency response Page 14 of 18 14 Data Services Unit 2 Signals 9. Fourier Analysis A mathematical process known as Fourier Analysis shows that any waveform can be treated as if it is made up of a number of sine waves of different frequencies, amplitudes and phase relationships. For example a square wave which has amplitude Vm and frequency f is made up of a series of sine waves with frequencies, f, 3f, 5f etc. and can be described by the following equation: Vm t V (t ) 4 Vm 1 1 1 sin( 2 f t ) sin( 2 3 f t ) sin( 2 5 f ot ) ......... o o 1 3 5 Where …indicates that the sum goes on for ever. This can also be written as V (t ) 4 Vm 1 sin( 2kfot ) k odd , k 1 k A closer approximation to a square wave is obtained by adding in more and more terms and can be seen in the diagram. Page 15 of 18 15 Data Services Unit 2 Signals -0.5 41 36 31 21 26 36 41 36 41 36 41 31 26 16 11 21 31 26 21 1 41 7 terms to sin13x/13 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 6 6 terms to sin11x / 11 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 36 31 26 21 16 6 1 11 5 terms to sin 9x/9 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 16 -1 11 -0.5 sin x+sin3x/3+sin5x/5+sin 7x/7 6 41 36 31 26 21 16 11 6 1 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 1 sin x + 1/3 sin 3x + 1/5 sin 5x 0.5 8 terms to sin15x/15 1 0.8 31 26 21 16 11 6 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 1 41 36 31 26 21 16 11 6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 11 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 6 41 36 31 26 21 16 11 6 1 0 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 1 0.5 1 sin x + 1/3 sin3x 1 0.8 0.6 16 sin x 1 -0.8 -1 Page 16 of 18 16 Data Services Unit 2 Signals A triangular wave can be described by V (t ) 8 Vm 1 1 1 sin( 2 f t ) sin( 2 3 f t ) sin( 2 5 f t ) ......... o o o 2 1 9 25 Or V (t ) 8 Vm 1 sin( 2kfo t ) 2 k odd , k 1 2 k Vm t A sawtooth wave is described by V(t) = 2 * Vm/ (Sin t - 1/2 Sin 2t + 1/3 Sin 3t - 1/4 Sin 4t + 1/5 Sin 5t + ….) V (t ) 2 Vm 1 1 1 1 sin( 2f ot ) sin( 2 2 f ot ) sin( 2 3 f ot ) sin( 2 4 f ot )......... 1 2 3 4 The diagrams above show the time representation of a signal, or it shows the time domain of the signal i.e. how the voltage of the signal varies with time. Alternatively we can produce a frequency diagram of the signal, also called a diagram in the frequency domain, or a frequency spectrum of the signal. The frequency spectrum of a square wave is shown below. For a simple signal, such as a square wave both the time and frequency domain diagrams give all of the information about the signal. For a more complex waveform, such as music, speech or a digitised signal the frequency domain diagram will give only a very rough impression of the signal in the time domain. A square wave has an amplitude of 10 volts and a frequency of 1 kHz Vm t In the time domain Page 17 of 18 17 Data Services Unit 2 Signals V (t ) 4 10 1 1 1 sin( 2 1000t ) sin( 2 3000t ) sin( 2 5000t ) ......... 1 3 5 V (t ) 12.73sin( 21000t ) 4.24 sin( 2 3000t ) 2.54 sin( 2 5000t ) ......... Vm in Volts 12.73 V 4.24 V 2.54 V 1.81 V f in kHz In the frequency domain Page 18 of 18 18