BYLAWS OF THE____________________________ Alumni Chapter AN OFFICIALLY CHARTERED ALUMNI CHAPTER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (Last revised August 28, 2013) ARTICLE I Name and Affiliation Section 100 Chapter Name and Affiliation The formal name of this organization shall be: The University of Arizona Alumni Association ________________ Chapter. It may also be referred to as "__________________________________ _________________". This chapter is affiliated with and organized under the authority of Article III of the bylaws of the University of Arizona Alumni Association (sometimes referred to as “UAAA”). The bylaws of this chapter shall be consistent with the bylaws of the UAAA. ARTICLE II Purposes of Chapter Section 200 Designation of Chapter's Purposes The purposes of this organization are: A. To promote the objectives of the University of Arizona (UA) and the University of Arizona Alumni Association through the establishment and maintenance of contact between the UA, its alumni and its students, present, former and prospective. B. To promote interest in and loyalty to the UA and the University of Arizona Alumni Association on the part of its alumni and the public in general and to promote the general welfare and the best interests of the UA. C. To support student needs and interests, and foster and encourage the pursuit of higher education at the UA of a diverse population through direct involvement by alumni in student recruitment efforts. This includes efforts targeted to under-represented populations, the promotion and awarding of scholarship funds to deserving students, and other activities as may be deemed appropriate by the chapter. D. To offer awards and appropriate means of recognition for excellence in scholarship and all forms of educational, professional and volunteer endeavors by students, alumni, faculty and friends of the UA. Last revised August 28, 2013 1 E. To promote the cause of education through direct involvement by alumni in educational, community and public service and other activities as may be deemed appropriate by the chapter; F. To provide input to the UA in order to aid the University's goals and continuing efforts to provide the finest in higher education, including teaching, research and public service. G. To coordinate and promote a diverse set of educational, cultural, athleticrelated, networking and social activities for alumni, donors and friends of the UA in the area. H. To promote the UA Alumni Association’s dues paying membership program at all local events and communications to our local constituency, through various channels including web site and e-mails to help insure the financial stability of the UAAA. I. To promote the UA Alumni Association’s corporate affinity program at all local events and through various channels including web site and e-mails in order to help insure the financial stability of the UAAA. ARTICLE III Membership Section 300 Members All former students who have received a degree from the University of Arizona or completed 30 or more units of credit at the UA are eligible for membership. Section 301 Non-alumni associate members The board of directors shall have the power to confer associate memberships in this chapter upon non-alumni, including interested spouses, who the board of directors shall deem worthy of this designation because of their interest and activity on behalf of the chapter, the UAAA or the University. Associate members may serve as members of the local board of directors, although they are ineligible to serve as the president of the local chapter or as members of the board of directors of the University of Arizona Alumni Association. Section 302 Honorary members The board of directors shall have power to confer honorary membership upon such persons as it shall deem worthy of such honor, and who shall have rendered some outstanding service to the chapter or University. Honorary members may serve as members of the local Last revised August 28, 2013 2 board of directors, although they are ineligible to serve as the president of the local chapter or as members of the board of directors of the University of Arizona Alumni Association. ARTICLE IV Dues Section 400 Dues The _____________ Chapter does not have a dues membership program as we strongly encourage every local UA alumnus and alumna to be a dues-paying member of the University of Arizona Alumni Association because a strong Alumni Association is essential to a strong University of Arizona. In support of this principle, our bylaws require that chapter board members and officers are dues-paying members of the University of Arizona Alumni Association. ARTICLE V Board of Directors Section 500 Management The direction and administration of the affairs and funds of this chapter shall be vested in a board of directors elected in the manner set forth in Section 502, below. Section 501 Number of directors The board of directors shall consist of at least three directors in addition to the elected officers. Section 502 Nominations and election to the board of directors The president shall appoint a nominating committee of three or more members. The nominating committee shall present a slate of nominees at least equal to the number of vacancies. Additional nominations for directors may be made from the floor at the meeting where the elections are held. Elections to the board of directors may be held at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors or in conjunction with a chapter meeting or event. All votes shall be made by secret ballot. Section 503 Term of office A. Members of the board shall be elected for a two-year term beginning on the date of the meeting where he/she was elected. Last revised August 28, 2013 3 B. Members may serve no more than nine consecutive years on the board unless otherwise approved by the board. Section 504 Vacancies Vacancies may be filled by the affirmative vote of the remaining directors then in office and the directors so chosen shall serve for the unexpired term to which he/she was elected. Section 505 Quorum A quorum shall consist of a majority of members of the board of directors present; provided however, that in the case of removal of a board member for cause, a quorum shall be at least a majority of the board of directors. Section 506 Meetings A. The board of directors shall hold meetings as called from time to time by the president. The board of directors shall meet at least four times per year. B. Meetings can take place prior to or in conjunction with alumni events. Section 507 Meetings via Telephone or Other Communications Systems In the event it is necessary for the board of directors to make a decision but there is not time to call an in-person meeting of the board, the president may transact the meeting with the board members via the telephone or other communication systems, such as the Internet or fax machine. Section 508 Duties of all directors regarding membership in the University of Arizona Alumni Association Any person elected as a director shall be a dues-paying member of the University of Arizona Alumni Association at the time of election and at all times during the person’s term as a director. Section 509 Duties of all directors regarding participation on the board Any officer who does not attend three (3) consecutive board meetings without prior approval from the board to miss such meeting may be removed from office at the discretion of the board consistent with the requirements of Section 505 above. Last revised August 28, 2013 4 ARTICLE VI Officers Section 600 Number of Officers The officers of this chapter shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. One individual can hold two offices except that the president and treasurer's office cannot be held by one person. Section 601 Nomination and Election of Officers The president shall appoint a nominating committee of three or more members. The nominating committee shall present a slate of nominees at least equal to the number of vacancies. Additional nominations for officers may be made from the floor at the meeting where the elections are held. Elections for officers may be held at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors or in conjunction with a chapter meeting or event. Section 602 Term of Office The term of office is normally one year. Officers may be re-elected for not more than three consecutive terms in the same office unless otherwise approved by the board. Section 603 Vacancies Subject to Section 605 below, a vacancy in any office shall be filled by election of the board of directors and the officer chosen shall hold office for the unexpired term of the office to which he/she was elected. Section 604 President A. General Duties. The president shall preside at all meetings of the chapter or board of directors. The president shall make committee appointments and be an ex-officio member of all committees. The president shall be responsible for ensuring that the duties of the vice president, secretary and treasurer are carried out as set forth below. The president shall perform other duties ordinarily pertaining to this office. B. Chapter Annual Report. The president is responsible for keeping the UAAA informed of all activities and shall submit to the UAAA, on or before the first of July of each year, a report of its operations for the past twelve months. Last revised August 28, 2013 5 C. Chapter Annual Plan. The president is responsible for keeping the UAAA informed of all activities and shall submit to the UAAA, on or before the first of July of each year, a plan of its operations for the next twelve months. Section 605 Vice President The vice president, in the absence of the president, shall perform the duties of that office and otherwise render assistance in the performance of the business and activities of the chapter. In the event of the president's resignation or inability to serve, the vice president shall succeed to the office of president for the unexpired term. Section 606 Secretary The secretary shall keep an accurate record of the minutes of each meeting/event of the chapter or board of directors. The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and other reports of the chapter in one notebook and shall bring this notebook to all meetings of the chapter. The secretary is responsible for submitting information as requested by the UAAA on guest attendance at events and additional information as necessary to keep the Arizona Alumni Association informed of all chapter activities. Section 607 Treasurer The treasurer is responsible for handling the money transactions in connection with meetings and events pursuant to the UAAA’s Financial Policies and Procedures referenced in Article IX, Fiscal Matters, below. (Please refer to for the most up-to-date Financial Policies and Procedures at Section 608 Duties of all officers regarding address updates It is the duty of all officers of the chapter to keep the University of Arizona Alumni Association informed of any and all address changes of its members. Section 609 Duties of all officers regarding membership in the University of Arizona Alumni Association Any person elected as a chapter officer shall be a dues-paying member of the University of Arizona Alumni Association at the time of election and at all times during the person’s term as an officer. Under the bylaws of the University of Arizona Alumni Association, all former students of the University of Arizona who have either received a University degree or have completed thirty (30) units of credit or more at the University are eligible Last revised August 28, 2013 6 for membership in UAAA, upon payment of dues as are established by the University of Arizona Alumni Association board of directors. Section 610 Duties of all officers regarding participation on the board Any officer who does not attend three (3) consecutive board meetings without prior approval from the board to miss such meeting may be removed from office at the discretion of the board consistent with the requirements of Section 505 above. ARTICLE VII Meetings and Events Section 700 Membership Meetings A. General Meetings. Meetings of the general membership may be called in the discretion of the board of directors. The purpose of such meetings can be the election of members of the board of directors and/or officers or any other chapter purpose. If the purpose of the meeting is to elect directors and/or officers, then the meeting should be held sometime prior to the beginning of the chapter's fiscal year of July 1st through June 30. A general meeting may take place in conjunction with an alumni event. B. Quorum. A quorum shall consist of those members present at the meeting. Section 701 Suggested Order of Business The suggested order of business at meetings of the board of directors or the general membership is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Call to order by the presiding officer; Roll call; Approval of minutes of the previous meeting; Reports of officers; Reports of committees; Unfinished business; New business; Suggestions by members; Program; Adjournment. Last revised August 28, 2013 7 Section 702 Chapter events The chapter shall have at least two alumni events or meetings during the fiscal year. Ideally, the chapter should plan four alumni events per year: two in the fall/winter and two in the spring/summer. ARTICLE VIII COMMITTEES Section 800 Appointment The president shall appoint committee members from among the board of directors, first, and the membership at large, second. Section 801 Committees (suggested but not required) In order to carry out the objectives of the chapter, the president may appoint STANDING COMMITTEES. The following are suggested committees: A. Student Recruitment and Scholarship The Student Recruitment and Scholarship committee assists the UA in the recruitment of students. To this end, the committee works in conjunction with the UA Admissions Office in order to achieve the goal of enrolling diverse and wellqualified students. The committee is also charged with developing and/or implementing a plan for raising scholarship funds for deserving students. B. Programming Committee The Programming Committee plans chapter functions including educational, cultural, sports-related and networking activities. C. Community and Public Service Committee The Community and Public Service Committee plans projects and/or activities directed toward community and public service and philanthropic purposes. D. Membership Committee The Membership Committee shall be responsible for recruiting local alumni to become dues-paying members of the University of Arizona Alumni Association; and, in addition, shall focus on strategies to increase the number of local alumni who are dues-paying members of the University of Arizona Alumni Association. Last revised August 28, 2013 8 In order to carry out objectives of the chapter, the president may, from time to time, appoint SPECIAL AD HOC committees. These committees shall cease to function when their specific task is complete. Examples of such committees include: continuing education, publicity, and chapter fundraising. ARTICLE IX Fiscal Matters (Please refer to for the most up-to-date Financial Policies and Procedures. Section 900 In general The UAAA is a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation chartered in the State of Arizona. This provides certain tax rules and benefits that the Chapter should discuss with its contact at the UAAA. In addition, there are certain financial policies and procedures that were written to comply with University and Foundation policies, as well as federal and state regulations. Adherence to these standards is intended to help ensure the financial stability and integrity of the UAAA and its affiliated groups. Section 901 Fiscal year The fiscal year of the Chapter shall be July 1 through June 30, which is the same fiscal year as used by the UAAA. Section 902 Accounts at the UA Foundation The Chapter is required to maintain its scholarship accounts and other tax-deductible funds at the University of Arizona Foundation . These funds can be from various sources, including fundraising events or direct donations; but the common denominator is that the funds, or portions of the funds, are tax-deductible in nature and must therefore be run through the Foundation in order for (a) the donor to receive a receipt; (b) to be in compliance with various federal and state regulations concerning donations to 501(c)(3) organizations; and (c) to be in compliance with University of Arizona gift policy. Section 903 UAAA Checking Account The Chapter is required to maintain a Bank of America checking account through the UAAA for transactions not involving tax-deductible donations. Last revised August 28, 2013 9 Section 904 Disbursement of funds The President or the Treasurer of the Chapter has the authority to disburse monies from any of the Chapter’s accounts on the President’s or Treasurer’s authority/signature for any amounts under $500, subject to UAAA, University or Foundation policies. Any disbursements of amounts equal to or greater than $500 shall be made only on the authority/signature of both the President and the Treasurer and subject to UAAA, University or Foundation policies. Section 905 Dissolution In the event of dissolution of the Chapter, the assets shall be used as follows: 1) pay any indebtedness of the Chapter; and 2) any remainder of the assets shall be disbursed to the UAAA. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Section 1000 Procedure A. Amendments of these bylaws may be accomplished by: 1) two-thirds affirmative vote of the board of directors present at a meeting designated for such action, provided notice of such proposed action is given to each director at least five days prior to the date of the meeting; and 2) approval of the University of Arizona Alumni Association board of directors. B. These bylaws shall be amended to conform to any changes in the University of Arizona Alumni Association articles or bylaws. Failure of the chapter to adopt the required amendments shall not delay or modify the effect of such changes. Last revised August 28, 2013 10 ADOPTION OF BYLAWS These bylaws approved and adopted at a meeting of the board of directors of the ________________________________ University of Arizona Alumni Association Chapter on ________________________________, 200 . These bylaws shall supersede any other bylaws of this chapter now in existence. Members present: 1._____________________________ Signature ______________________________ Title _____________________________ Printed Name 2. _____________________________ Signature ______________________________ Title ______________________________ Printed Name 3. ____________________________ Signature ______________________________ Title ______________________________ Printed Name 4. ____________________________ Signature ______________________________ Title ______________________________ Printed Name These bylaws approved at a meeting of The University of Arizona Alumni Association board of directors on: ________________________________________, 200__ ____________________________________________________________ President, the University of Arizona Alumni Association _____________________________________________________________ Secretary, the University of Arizona Alumni Association Last revised August 28, 2013 11