PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY EPSILON ALPHA ALUMNI CHAPTER CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS (Amended 10/27/07) 1 ARTICLE I Section 1: NAME AND PURPOSE Name The name of this organization shall be the Epsilon Alpha Alumni Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Section 2: Purpose The purpose of the alumni chapter shall be: A. To cultivate and maintain the values of character, leadership, academics, sportsmanship and service. B. To maintain and promote true friendship amongst the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi. C. To further the interests of Pi Kappa Phi in the community and the individual lives of brothers. D. To assist undergraduate brothers and the chapter. E. To allow alumni to come together to communicate, interact, volunteer, and invest in the fraternity. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Any member of Pi Kappa Phi in good standing under the terms and provisions of the Constitution and Supreme Laws of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and with their undergraduate chapter and who is no longer enrolled as an undergraduate student at any university or college is eligible for membership in this Alumni Chapter upon payment of dues thereof and by abiding by all other local requirements. Section 2: Membership shall be classified as “active” and “inactive”. To maintain an active membership, members must pay annual dues set at the annual meeting of the alumni chapter. Members who have not paid the yearly dues shall be classified as inactive. Section 3: Seniors will be automatically listed as inactive upon graduation. Once dues are paid, they will be moved to active status. Section 4: Uninitiated members of Pi Kappa Phi but of predecessor fraternal organizations may be active members of the Alumni Chapter except for the following roles: A. Holding Executive Board positions 2 B. Voting pertaining to electing delegates for Supreme Chapter C. Any information pertaining to ritual or ritual matters. ARTICLE III Section 1: DUES The annuals dues of the Alumni Chapter shall be paid prior to the annual meeting of the Alumni Chapter and shall be as follows: A. Proposed by the Treasurer at the annual meeting and must be approved by a majority vote of active members at the annual meeting. B. Dues shall be paid to the Treasurer at the beginning of each fiscal year. ARTICLE IV MEETINGS AND VOTING Section 1: A meeting of the Alumni Chapter shall be held once a year at Elon University, during the annual fall Homecoming weekend. Section 2: The Executive Board shall set the time for the annual meeting and notify the members 60 days prior to date of the meeting. An agenda will also be provided concurrent with the notice. Section 3: Special Meetings of this alumni chapter may be called at any time by: A. The Executive Board by a unanimous vote. B. The President upon the written request of any ten members in active standing. C. Members of the Alumni chapter must be notified at least 60 days prior to the day of the special meetings. The notification of the meeting must be in writing and state the time, date, and purpose of the meeting. Section 4: Quorum shall be defined as 50% of the Executive Board and 10 active members. Proxy votes shall be counted for the purposes of reaching quorum. Section 5: No business shall be voted on at any meeting unless quorum is present. Section 6: Voting A. All alumni chapter members in active standing shall have one vote except as otherwise provided herein; B. Members may vote by proxy. Proxy votes must be received by the President in writing no less than five days prior to the meeting at which 3 they shall be counted. If a member decides to proxy their vote, they must designate in writing another member to cast their vote. Proxy votes that do not comply with these requirements shall be void. C. A proxy is defined as a member in good standing who designates another active member who is present at the meeting to cast their vote due to their absence. D. All votes are cast by secret ballot unless a majority of those members present voting decide to designate a voice vote. ARTICLE V OFFICERS and THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Chaplain, Chapter Liaison, Director of Alumni Communications, Director of Alumni Events Section 2: President A. The President shall oversee all chapter operations and programs. B. The President shall preside over chapter meetings. Section 3: Vice President A. The Vice President shall serve as chair of the membership committee B. The Vice President shall perform duties of the President in his absence. Section 4: Secretary A. The Secretary shall work with the national fraternity to maintain the alumni records of the chapter. B. The Secretary shall keep accurate records and minutes of all meetings. Section 5: Treasurer A. The Treasurer is responsible for proposing the dues each year at the alumni chapter meeting. B. The Treasurer is responsible for the collection of dues and allocation of alumni chapter funds. C. The Treasurer shall serve as chair of the finance committee. 4 D. The Treasurer must serve as the chapter’s financial liaison between the chapter and the Pi Kappa Phi National organization. E. The Treasurer must present the chapter’s budget and financial standing at annual meeting. F. The Treasurer shall file necessary paperwork with the state and federal government as prescribed by state and federal law. Section 6: Historian A. The Historian shall be responsible for keeping a photo file for the alumni chapter. B. The Historian shall be responsible for working with the undergraduate chapter to produce a scrapbook annually. Section 7: Chaplain A. The Chaplain shall be responsible for prayer at all meetings. B. The Chaplain shall be the keeper of the Ritual for the alumni chapter. C. The Chaplain shall be responsible for coordinating the Graduating Senior Ritual with the undergraduate chapter each year. D. The Chaplain shall make appropriate arrangements with the undergraduate chapter for Founder’s Day activities. Section 8: A. Chapter Liaison The Chapter Liaison shall maintain communication with the undergraduate chapter. B. The Chapter Liaison shall serve as liaison between the alumni chapter and the national organization. C. This officer shall be responsible for working with the chapter Historian to develop, implement and maintain a chapter alumni career network. D. This position must be filled by a member who has graduated within two years of his election. 5 Section 9: Director of Alumni Communications A. The Director of Alumni Communications shall be responsible for all alumni chapter communication with the general alumni population. B. This position will oversee the production and distribution of the alumni chapter newsletter program. C. This board member shall also be responsible for the development and maintenance of an alumni chapter Web site. Section 10: Director of Alumni Events A. The Director of Alumni Events shall be responsible for the planning and execution of Homecoming and a Spring Alumni Weekend. B. This position will oversee the recruitment and support of regional event coordinators. Section 11: A. Section 12: Term of Office Officers shall be elected to two year terms at the annual meeting of the alumni chapter. Terms shall be staggered with the President, Vice President, Secretary, Chaplain and Director of Alumni Events elected in odd years and the Treasurer, Historian, Director of Communications and Chapter Liaison elected on event years. Removal from Office A. Any officer of this alumni chapter may be removed from office for unethical conduct or conduct unbecoming of a brother of Pi Kappa Phi. B. A two thirds vote of the active members of the alumni chapter shall remove from office any officer in the alumni chapter, provided that charges have been openly presented and discussed to the entire alumni chapter at a scheduled meeting. The accused officer will be given the right to defend his action in front of the entire alumni chapter. Section 13: Vacancies A. All vacancies of the Executive Board shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board. B. The term for any filled vacancy shall expire at the next annual Alumni Chapter meeting. The term for that that special election shall be in accordance with Article V, Section 11 of these bylaws. 6 Section 14: Elections A. Elections shall be held at the alumni chapter annual meeting and the members of the dues paying members of the alumni chapter shall vote by secret ballot. B. Members who are interested in running for an officer position may submit their nomination by telephone or in writing to the current President no more than 30 days prior to the annual meeting. However, candidates may also be nominated from the floor. C. Each candidate will be given the opportunity to give a three minute speech to the chapter. D. If a vote results in a tie, the two candidates with the highest percentage of votes will hold a run-off vote to designate the winner. E. The new officers will be installed at the end of the annual meeting. F. Votes shall be counted by the outgoing President, the sitting Secretary and one Member-At-Large from the alumni chapter, who is not a candidate for any office. ARTICLE VI Section 1: COMMITTEES The alumni chapter shall have the following standing committees: A. Membership and Recruitment Committee B. Social/Special Event Committee C. Finance Committee D. Undergraduate Relations Committee E. Communications Committee F. Development Committee Section 2: The President has the authority to create an ad-hoc committee. If he chooses to do so, he must designate a chair, the members, its purpose, and term of service. Section 3: Each member of the alumni chapter must serve on one permanent or adhoc committee. 7 Section 4: Membership and Recruitment Committee A. The Vice President shall chair the committee. B. This committee must secure the names, postal addresses, e-mail addresses telephone numbers and field of employment of members of the alumni chapter. C. This committee must maintain an active alumni database of the alumni chapter. D. The committee shall be responsible for promoting active membership on an on-going basis. E. The committee will recruit active seniors of the undergraduate Epsilon Alpha Chapter to join the alumni chapter. Section 5: Social/Special Event Committee A. This committee is responsible for planning an alumni event during homecoming each year. B. This committee is responsible for planning at least one spring event. C. The committee is responsible for planning all social events connected with any alumni meeting. Section 6: Finance Committee A. This committee is chaired by the Treasurer. B. This committee will help the Treasurer prepare the chapter budget and review all alumni chapter investments. Section 7: Undergraduate Relations Committee A. The Chapter Liaison shall chair the committee. B. The committee will promote an active relationship between the alumni chapter and the undergraduate chapter. C. The committee will plan at least one event a year with all members of the alumni and undergraduate chapter. 8 Section 8: Communications Committee A. This committee shall be chaired by the Director of Alumni Communications. B. This committee will be responsible for publishing two or three alumni newsletters a year. Section 9: Development Committee A. This committee is responsible for developing and promoting the advancement of the alumni chapter. B. This committee is responsible for conducting the annual appeal campaign. ARTICLE VII CHAPTER FINANCES Section 1: The chapter shall maintain an active checking account administered by the Treasurer. Section 2: All checks issued must be approved by the Treasurer and the President Section 3: All expenses must be pre-approved by the Treasurer. Section 4: Signed receipts must be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS Section 1: To amend the bylaws, an amendment must be presented in writing to the executive board after which the proposal shall be presented and voted on by the members at the next alumni meeting. Section 2: A two-thirds vote is required to approve any amendment to the constitution of bylaws. If approved, amendments are effective immediately. ARTICLE IX ADOPTION This set of Constitution and Bylaws was adopted at the initial meeting of the Alumni Chapter held at Elon University, Elon, NC on May 13, 2006. 9