Minutes for February 7, 2015 - Minnesota Reading Association


Minnesota Reading Association


MRA Executive Board

Date: 2/7/15

Location : Maple Grove Community Center


Emily Hoeschen (Secretary)

Linda Snowberg (Treasurer)

Deb Peterson (President)

Hannah Anderson (CSB Student)

Mary Lillestol (Vice President)

Stephanie Brondani (Membership Director)

Sue Paasch (President Elect)

Kate Brondani (Highlights / Celebrate Literacy)

Eva Boehm (MRA / MDE Legislation)

Bonnie Houck (MRA Legislation)

Katy Plain (Grant writing)

Items to Discuss:

1. Welcome to our guests!

2. ILA- International Literacy Association Update

 What does that look like for MRA?

 New guest speaker: Nonie K Lesaux (Harvard) Making Assessment


3. Minutes were read by Emily from last Octobers meeting

4. Treasurer’s Report- Linda

 Credit cards for Deb and Sue

5. Membership Report-Stephanie

 Numbers still dwindling- what do we do?

6. Advocacy Report and Proposal- Eva Boehm and Bonnie Houck

 MRA Legislative Advocacy

 Need to prepare our ASK (Elevator Speech) in order to discuss with legislators

 How involved does MRA want to be? We need a voice!


Minnesota Reading Association


7. Update on LiRN- Deb

 TIES Building- February 19 th

 Discussion leaders- we need some?

 Networking geographically

8. Update on MRA Summer Conference- Sue

9. Celebrate Literacy-March 6

 Katie reserved Maple Grove Community Center for Celebrate

Literacy and March 7 Leadership meeting

 Grants-Solicit, select, notify

 Sharing from past grant winners (Eva & Emily will contact)

 Writers are Readers-Solicit, select and notify

 Gift Cards / Journal for writers (Linda)

 Celebrate Literacy Nominees-Solicit nominees, presenters to introduce nominees

 Food for the evening-Purchase and serve (Mary & Linda)

 Ordering the plaques for nominees (Katie)

 Silent Auction- Solicit contributions from councils, coordinate the sale- (Stephanie)

 Book Table (Linda & Emily)

 Beverages – Sue

 Purchase food for Leadership meeting breakfast- (Mary & Linda)

 2016 Celebrate Literacy will offer one time grant for Bernietta

Campbell- plan for next year

 Nascar racing theme

 Friday March 6 th (Decorations 5:00 p.m.) Desserts 6:30 p.m. Show

7:00 p.m. Maple Grove Community Center

8. Review committee for grant applications

9. Review Writers are Readers submissions

 Google Docs to read and review

10. February election of new/returning officers


Minnesota Reading Association


 Treasurer-Linda

 IRA Liaison- Andrew Rummel

 Social Media Coordinator- Hannah Anderson (Sue will send a draft)

 Vice President- Carey Seeley

 Secretary- Maddy? (Deb will contact)

11. Executive Board attending local council events

 Review assignments

 $50.00 for gifts, treats, etc.

 Traveling expenses

12. IRA registration- July 17-20 in St. Louis

13. Next Highlights Submission

15. Next Leadership Meeting March 7 th 2015

Maple Grove Community Center 9:00-4:00 p.m.

Minutes prepared by: Emily Hoeschen 2/7/15

Approved by: Sue Paasch 2/9/15

