(Unofficial Translation)
Chapter I
General Provisions
Article 1
This document specifies procedures, requirements and conditions
for designating
of telecommunication equipment, radio-communications
equipment and associated EMC requirements under mutual recognition
arrangements (MRA).
Article 2
The Ministry of Posts and Telematics of Vietnam (MPT) may designate
laboratories as conformity assessment bodies (CABs) for
conformity assessment of telecommunication equipment to the technical
regulations of foreign countries having Mutual Recognition Agreements
or Arrangements (MRAs) with MPT or Vietnam.
Article 3
1. Accreditation is a procedure by which an authoritative body
gives formal recognition that a body or person is competent to carry
out specific tasks.
2. Designation is the nomination by a Designating Authority of a
Conformity Assessment Body as competent to perform
conformity assessment activities under the terms of an agreement or
3. Designating Authority is a body with authority to designate, monitor,
suspend designation, or withdraw designation of Conformity
Assessment Bodies under its jurisdiction.
4. Recognition is the acceptance of a designated Conformity Assessment
Body by a Regulatory Authority.
5. Testing laboratory is a laboratory that performs tests of
telecommunication equipment, radio-communications equipment and
associated EMC requirements.
Chapter II
Procedures and conditions for designation
Article 4
To be eligible for designation as a CAB, the testing laboratory must:
1. be an entity legally established and operated under the law of
2. have the capability and technical competence in performing the
against the technical regulations concerned;
3. have expert knowledge of all the applicable technical regulations
administrative requirements relevant to the conformity assessment of
the equipment;
4. be accredited by Vietnam Laboratory Accreditation Scheme
(VILAS) in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 in the relevant area of
telecommunications, EMC. The accreditation shall be relevant to the
equipment types and technical regulations for which designation
is sought;
Article 5
Applications or enquiries for designation of CABs should be addressed to
MPT at the following address:
Department of Science and Technology
Ministry of Posts and Telematics
18 Nguyen Du Street, Hanoi Vietnam
Tel : +84-4-8226580
Fax :+84-4-9437328
Article 6
The application package should include the following:
1. Application Form (attached form to be completed). Application
form is available from the address in the article 5 or Website;
2. Establishment decision or documents showing proof of the
testing laboratory as an identifiable legal entity;
3. Certificate of Accreditation by VILAS, indicating the scope
of accreditation and including information that the testing
laboratories has been accredited to ISO/IEC;
Article 7
Approval procedure
1. Approval is based on the evaluation of the application package.
2. After completion of evaluation by the MPT, the testing laboratory will
be informed of the outcome of the application. Designation for MRA
purposes will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the
applicable MRA. The designated laboratory then shall be introduced
to the MRA partner for recognition.
3. When a designated laboratory is recognized by a foreign country
(MRA party), MPT will notify the testing laboratory the results of
recognition together with the recognition certificate by the MRA
Chapter III
Rights and Obligations of the designated testing laboratory
Article 8
As for testing laboratories recognized by other MRA Parties, the testing
results are accepted for conformity assessment of telecommunication
equipment to the technical regulations of those parties.
Article 9
Designated testing laboratories have the following obligations:
1. shall ensure that they maintain their accreditation status from VILAS.
2. shall ensure that their testing of equipment is in accordance with
the procedures, rules and requirements as provided for under the
MRA and procedures, rules and policies and requirements by the
MRA parties who recognized the testing laboratory within the scope
of recognition.
3. The duties of a testing laboratory shall include the publishing
and maintaining of a list of equipment certifications,
submission of testing/evaluation reports and other information as
requested by MPT or required under the MRA, as appropriate.
4. shall immediately notify MPT on any of the following:
a. changes in its legal, commercial, organization or premises;
b. changes of accreditation status;
c. changes which may affect continuing compliance with any of
the criteria or requirements specified by relevant MRA.
5. shall fully bear responsibilities under laws on testing services
Chapter IV
Post-designation Surveillance
Article 10
As and when required, MPT will conduct surveillance assessments and
other non-routine assessments on the designated laboratories to ensure that
standards of practice are maintained or to investigate complaints made
against designated testing laboratories on matters related to their
Article 11
MPT will notify the MRA parties who has recognized the designated testing
laboratory the situation of the testing laboratory for the purposes of
suspending or withdrawing the recognition of the testing laboratory if:
1. The testing laboratory’s accreditation by VILAS is withdrawn;
2. A MRA party suspends or withdraws the recognition of the testing
laboratory. In this case, the old certificate will be replaced by a new
one with the omission of the name of the MRA party which has
no longer recognized that testing laboratory.
3. It is found that the testing laboratory is not complying with the
criteria or requirements of this document, or with the requirements
that it was designated and recognized to; or
4. The testing laboratory violated other regulations by laws.
Chapter V
Implementation provisions
Article 12
The heads of the departments, bodies, and agencies attached to the Ministry
of Posts and Telematics, Testing laboratories and relating
organizations and individuals shall have to implement this regulation.
The previous regulations contrary to this regulation shall all be annulled.
Article 13
This document will be reviewed and amended from time to time to
reflect necessary changes in requirements. MPT encourages comments and
suggestions that will enhance the effectiveness of the document.
For the Minister of Posts and Telematics
Vice Minister
Signed and sealed
Nguyen Minh Hong