Supplementary Material for Large and electric field tunable superelasticity in BaTiO3 crystals predicted by an incremental domain switching criterion Y. W. Li1, X.B. Ren3, F.X. Li1,4,a), H.S. Luo5, D.N. Fang2,b) 1State Key Lab for Turbulence and Complex Systems, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China 2Department 3Materials of Aeronautics & Astronautics, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China Physics Group, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, 305-0047, Ibaraki, Japan 4HEDPS, Center for Applied Physics and Technologies, Peking University, Beijing, China 5Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200050, China *E-mail: a) b) Corresponding author, Email: Co-corresponding author, Email: 1 P-E hysteresis loop and butterfly curve Fig S1. P-E hysteresis loop and butterfly curve of the poled BaTiO3 crystal cube After poling, the D-E hysteresis loop and butterfly loop of the poled BaTiO3 crystal were tested to check if the poling is complete, as shown in Fig. S1. The remnant polarization after poling is measured to be 25.5μC/cm2 which is very close to the saturated value of 26μC/cm2, indicating that little reverse domain switching occurs after poling and the obtained poled sample is nearly the single-domain state as that in Fig.1a (in the paper). The very small strain variations (about 0.01%) during bi-polar electric loading implies that little 900 domain switching was involved in the polarization reversal. Testing Setup 2 Fig S2. Testing setup for electromechanical loading of BaTiO3 crystal cubes to realize the large superelasticity. Fig.S2 shows the testing setup for electromechanical loading of BaTiO3 crystal cubes to realize the large superelasticity. The specimen is immersed into silicon oil during testing to prevent charge leakage. The electric loading is provided by a high-voltage amplifier controlled by a functional generator. Compressive stress is applied by a Shimadzu testing machine and a spherical hinge is used to avoid any bias compression. Alumina blocks were used to insulate the specimen from the loading equipment. Brass plates of 0.3 mm-thick were pasted on the alumina blocks as electrodes for electric loading. Two strain gauges, with the dimension of 3*3mm2, were glued on the opposite 5*5mm2 faces to measure the longitudinal strain during compression. A 2μF capacitor is connected in series with the testing specimen and an electrometer with high-input resistance is connected in parallel with the capacitor to detect the polarization change. Domain switching process and a proposed domain switching criterion The compression depolarization process in Fig.2a and Fig.2b of the paper can be divided into three stages. At stage I when the stress is less than 1.8MPa, both the strain and polarization responses are almost linear, i.e., no domain switching occurs. At stage II when the compression is above 1.8MPa, both the strain and polarization show intensive nonlinearities indicating domain 3 switching occurs and the initial coercive stress is thus determined to be 1.8MPa. At this stage, the strain and polarization first increase quickly with the stress with a slightly hardening effect until at about 6MPa when the hardening effect is more severe (seen in Fig.2b). When the stress reaches above 13MPa, i.e., stage III in Fig.2a and 2b, the strain again increases almost linearly with the stress and the polarization keeps almost constant, which implies that domain switching saturates at this stage. The maximum strain and polarization at 15MPa is 1.01% and 24.5 μC/cm2, respectively, among which about 0.99% is the switching strain and 24.3 μC/cm2 is the switching polarization. This indicates that about 95% “c” domains can be switched to be “a” domains, and another 5% “c” domains may be frozen by the space charge or internal bias field and cannot switch under compression loading. During stress unloading, the polarization still keeps constantly at 24.5 μC/cm2 and the strain decreases almost linearly with the decreasing stress only showing slightly nonlinearities below 5MPa, indicating that little back domain-switching occurs. After unloading, the remnant strain is 0.92%, slightly smaller than the maximum switching strain of 0.99%. During one stress loading/unloading cycle, the dissipated energy density is measured to be 36 kJ/m3. Similarly, the re-poling process can also be divided into three stages. At stageⅰwhen the electric field (E3) is below 70V/mm, there is almost no strain response and the polarization response is nearly linear, i.e., no domain switching occurs. At stage ⅱ when E3>70V/mm, both the strain and polarization increases rapidly, indicating that 900 domain switching occurs at this stage. The polarization saturates at about 200V/mm while the strain does not saturate until the field reaches 400V/mm. The maximum electric-field-induced-strain is 0.91%, among which 0.9% is the switching strain, very close to the remnant strain of 0.92% in Fig.2a. The remnant polarization upon removing the electric field is about 27.5μC/cm2, slightly larger than that of 24.5μC/cm2 after compression loading in Fig.2b, implying that a small amount of 1800 switching occurs during electric re-poling which contributes about 3μC/cm2 of polarization. The dissipated energy density during the electric loading/unloading cycle is about 28 kJ/m3, among which about 26 kJ/m3 is associated with 900 domain switching, obviously lower than that of 36 kJ/m3 during compression loading/unloading. This confirms that considerable amount of strain energies were stored in the 900 domain walls after compression depolarization and it will be released to assist the 900 domain 4 switching during electric re-poling. The proposed quasi-static 900 domain switching criterion under uni-axial electromechanical loading is: D ( 33 S 0 E3 Ps ) f Wsto U 90 ( f ) f (S1) Where 33 is the applied compressive stress along the poling direction, S 0 c / a 1 is the spontaneous strain for the tetragonal crystal. E 3 is the applied electric field, Ps is the D ( f ) is the energy barrier (per unit volume) for 900 domain spontaneous polarization; U 90 switching which is a function of the volume fraction f of switched domains. The “+” and “-“ in front of the parentheses are for the 900 domain switching during compression depolarization and electric re-poling, respectively. Wsto is the stored strain energy (per unit volume) in the 900 domain walls, which is dependent of the domain configurations and Wsto .is the increment. Here we take the volume fractions of the “a” domains as f1 , then when f1 0 , there is no 900 domain wall at all and Wsto 0 . When f1 reaches the maximum value, the domain configuration turns to be close to that in Fig.1b, i.e., most the 900 domain walls are “a-a” domain walls and the strain energy density of the 900 domain walls reaches the maximum. During compression depolarization without dc bias field, Eq.(S1) reduced to be: 33 S 0 f Wsto U 90D ( f ) f (S2) By integrating of Eq.(S2) from f 0 to f 0.95 and assuming that during compression unloading, no domain switching occurs (which is close to the case in Fig.2a that little domain switching occurs), we get 0.95 W Wsto U D 90 ( f )df 0 5 (S3) Where W is the loop area of the stress-strain curves during compression loading/unloading, as shown in Fig.2a (in the paper). During the re-poling process after compression loading, Eq.(S1) become: D E3 Ps f Wsto U 90 ( f ) f (S4) Similarly, by integrating of Eq.(S4) from f 0 to f 0.95 and assuming that during electric field unloading, no domain switching occurs (which is close to the case in Fig.2c (in the paper) that little domain switching occurs), we get 0.95 WE Wsto U D 90 ( f )df (S5) 0 Where WE is the loop area of the electric field-polarization curves during electric loading/unloading, as shown in Fig.2d (in the paper). 0.95 It is reasonable to assume that the energy barriers for 900 domain switching, i.e., U D 90 ( f )df , 0 are the same for domain switching caused by stress and electric field. Then, from Eq.(S3) and Eq.(S5), we get the maximum stored elastic energy density in domain walls Wsto (W WE ) / 2 5 kJ/m 3 (S6) 0.95 U D 90 ( f )df 31 kJ/m 3 (S7) 0 D If we further assume that the U 90 increases linearly with the volume fraction of the switched domains (close to the cases in Fig.2a and 2c in the paper) and Wela increases linearly with the volume fraction of the ”a” domains, i.e., f1 , then 6 Wsto ( f1 ) 5.26 f1 kJ/m3 f1 [ 0 , 0 . 9 5 ) (S8) Obviously the energy barrier for initial 900 domain switching can be determined from the coercive stress in Fig.2a (in the paper), i.e., U 90D (0) 1.8MPa *1.04% 5.26kJ/m3 13.46 kJ/m3 (S9) As to the volume fraction dependent energy barrier for 900 domain switching, during compression loading (Fig.2a in the paper), we have U 90D ( f1 ) (1.8 4.04 f1 )MPa *1.04% 5.26 kJ/m3 (13.46 42 f1 )kJ/m3 (S10) And during the electric re-poling process after compression (Fig.2d in the paper), we have U 90D ( f1 ) (184 164 f1 ) V/mm*26 C/cm 2 5.26 kJ/m3 (53.3 43 f1 ) kJ/m3 (S11) Using Eqs.S1, S9-S11, the domain switching curves in Fig.2 (in the paper) can then be estimated and compared with experimental data, as shown in the following Fig.S3. The good fitness between the predictions and the experimental results indicate that the proposed domain switching criterion for 900 domain switching in Eq.(S1) is effective. Fig.S3 Comparison of the predicted domain switching curves and the experimental results. (a) stress-strain curves; (b) stress-depolarization curve; (c) electric field induced strain curve; (d) 7 electric field induced polarization curve. (the black lines and the red lines represent the experimental curves and the predicted curves, respectively) Compression depolarization with a dc bias field of 800V/mm Fig.S4 Measured stress-strain curve and stress-polarization curve of BaTiO3 crystals under compression loading/unloading with a dc bias field of 800V/mm. 8