Decimals SIGNIFICANT FIGURES Significant means the most important numbers. These are usually the largest ones. To find significant figures we use the same skills as when we round off decimals Significant figures can be decimal numbers or whole numbers. 2.5 1.38 correct to 2 significant figures is correct to 1 significant figure is to 3 sig. figs is to 2 sig. figs is to 1 sig. fig is 2.5 3 1.38 1.4 1 Each time you are rounding off, leave the number of figures it asks for. The numbers can be decimals or whole numbers. 0’s are counted as significant figures if they are in the middle of a number. 0’s are NOT counted as significant figures if you need them for place value (the value of the number would change if you took them out) Here are some examples: 2057 we need this 0 because it is in the middle of a number. It counts as a significant figure. correct to 3 significant figures is correct to 2 significant figures is correct to 1 significant figure is 2060 2100 2000 f lex i p we need these 0’s to keep place value - so they are NOT counted as significant figures. We need them to show that the 2 is still worth 2000 ac k s 1 Decimals we need this 0 because it is in the middle of a number. It counts as a significant figure 0.0105 0.0105 0.011 0.01 to 3 sig. figs is to 2 sig. figs is to 1 sig. fig is we need these 0’s to keep place value - so they are NOT counted as significant figures we need this 0 because it is in the middle of a number. It counts as a significant figure 3.08 to 3 sig. figs is to 2 sig. figs is to 1 sig. figs is 9990 to 3 sig. figs is to 2 sig. figs is to 1 sig. fig is 3.08 3.1 3 9990 10000 10000 you have to round this right up. we need these 0’s to keep place value - so they are NOT counted as significant figures f lex i p A How many significant figures does each of these numbers have? (count the 0’s in the middle of a number, but not those at the end) 1) 2.01 2) 7000 3) 9.015 4) 6700 5) 30.7 6) 40 7) 3050 9) 67900 ac k s 2 Decimals B C D Have a go at putting these to 1) 1.7 2) 23 3) 946 4) 0.075 5) 0.1076 6) 39560 7) 0.999 1 significant figure Have a go at putting these to 1) 1.75 2) 7.23 3) 946 4) 1.075 5) 0.1076 6) 39560 7) 0.999 2 significant figures Have a go at putting these to 1) 1.754 2) 7.231 3) 94666 4) 1.075 5) 0.1076 6) 39560 7) 0.999 3 significant figures f lex i p Check your answers, then discuss with your tutor what you need to work on next. ac k s 3 Decimals Answers Significant Figures A 1) 3 2) 1 3) 4 4) 2 5) 3 6) 1 7) 3 8) 3 B 1 significant figure 1) 2 2 significant figures 1) 1.8 2) 20 2) 7.2 3) 900 3) 950 4) 0.08 4) 1.1 5) 0.1 5) 0.11 6) 40000 6) 40000 7) 1 7) 1.0 3 significant figures 1) 1.75 7.23 3) 94700 4) 1.08 5) 0.108 6) 39600 7) 1.00 f lex i p 2) ac k s 4