Musselburgh Tennis Club - Committee Meeting

Musselburgh Tennis Club – 2015 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 19th March
Musselburgh Tennis Club – 2015 Annual General Meeting
Tim Price (President) opened the meeting at 7.40pm, welcoming the thirteen members present.
Janey Anderson, Heather Braid, Ian Courtney, Debbie Elliot, Sean Elliot, Judy Hayman, Ian Hunt,
Richard Morley (Secretary), John Oglivie, Malcolm Reid, Stella Smith, David Stott, Joy Young
1) Apologies
Apologies had been received from Elise Brown, Ian Coulter, Steven Paterson and Kate Saunders
2) Minutes of the 2014 AGM
The minutes of the 2014 meeting were signed off
Proposer – Ian Hunt; Seconded – Sean Elliot
3) Secretary’s Report
We’ve really built upon our 2013 season – 2014 was another solid year of membership with lots
going on in the background to set the club up for future success.
Following our AGM in mid-March our season opened in late April – more weather delays but we
hope that that will be a thing of the past.
Our membership dropped slightly – from our previous high of 116 to a stable position of ~90. What
was pleasing though was the number of family memberships and the growing continuity of
Here’s a highlight of the activity of the club
Open Day – 19th April; Great British Tennis event on 21st June
Junior Coaching – for four age groups – Red, Oranges, Greens and Juniors –who met on
Saturday mornings with play available on Friday. The coaching has continued indoors
through the autumn and winter
Held three Junior Tennis Summer weeks – 7th July, 28th July and 11th August and supported
an East Lothian led week on 14th July
Adult Coaching – Tennis Express and Tennis Express Plus
American Tournament
Club Championships
Elsewhere we have been building the infrastructure of the club
Court developments are progressing and our application for a new clubhouse
Details on their progress will follow – but it’s worth highlighting who has supported us
financially and thanking the committee – in particular Tim and Ian – for all their efforts to
progress this
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Musselburgh Tennis Club – 2015 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 19th March
o East Lothian Council
o SportScotland
o Musselburgh Common Good Fund
o Roberston Trust
Additionally – the club has become a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation(SCIO).
This provides incorporated status, necessary to alleviate the personal liability of any club
members, and charitable status, which will provide a number of fund-raising and financial
o This required a significant over-haul of the Club’s Constitution – signed off at an
EGM in October – as well as signing up as a Board of Trustees – essentially from
members of the committee
The club website has been refreshed and we are building an increasingly active Facebook
4) Treasurer’s Report
Opening Balance
Surplus / - Deficit
Tim Price (Treasurer) indicated a
significant increase in income,
£13,561.16, against an
expenditure of £9,402.95. This
means an annual profit of
$4,158.21 and, including the
opening balance, this leaves a
available Balance of £8,552.68.
The principal sources of income
were Membership Fees (£3,700)
and coaching (~£2,300)
For the period 1st March 2014 to 28th February 2015
Closing Balance
Actual Balance: 28/02/2015
As part of the Phase 1 Court Developments there has been a requirement to build the balance to
~£10,000. This was achieved – with payments of £1,587 already paid towards the development
costs (including Planning Applications and some technical costs). Elsewhere the archaeology survey
has completed and a survey is scheduled for the hitting wall.
East Lothian Council are managing the Phase 1 development – and this is helping control the costs.
In fact there is a hope of ~£40k surplus funding to be held over for Phase 2 Clubhouse
5) Election of Officers
In line with the Club’s Constitution a number of the Committee Members were required to retire
from office – but were allowed to be offered for re-election.
Additionally with acceptance as a SCIO the new structure will be a Board supported by a
Management Team
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Musselburgh Tennis Club – 2015 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 19th March
 Tim Price
Richard Morley
Malcolm Reid
 Joy Young *
Richard Morley
David Stott
 Stella Smith
Tim Price
Richard Morley
 Sean Elliot (J)
Year Two so no re-election
 Ian Hunt
Year Two so no re-election
 Bill Fleming
Year Two so no re-election
Management Team – named roles
 Janey Anderson
Membership Secretary
Heather Braid
 David Stott (J)
Junior Convenor
 Year Two so no re-election
 Debbie Elliot
Social Secretary
 Year Two so no re-election
Judy Hayman
Management Team – general roles
 Greg Walker
 John Ogilvie (J)
 Ian Courtney (J)
 Richard Morley *
 Morven Murphy
 Keith Murphy
* Note – Richard Morley is currently a Board member of the SCIO – he will relinquish this to be
substituted by Joy Young
Additionally the suggestion of a Junior Committee was agreed – with nominated parties above
indicated by a ‘J’
6) President’s address
Tim spoke of the exciting journey that the club is on and how delighted to have a strong Board
supporting the club and to give real confidence for the club’s future.
Tim paid particular thanks to Joy, Stella and Janey for joining the Board. He thanked Ian, Sean and
Richard for their help with the Phase 1 Court Development work
Particular thanks was given to Richard, whose efforts nearly seven years ago raised the suggestion
of court redevelopment and whose support over the past two and a half years has helped progress a
vision to reality.
In recognition of this, and in line with the Constitution, Tim proposed Honorary Life Membership for
Richard (clarified as the equivalent value of an adult membership should he chose to join as a
family). This proposal was seconded by Greg Walker and accepted by the attendees.
Tim went on to talk further about the Phase 1 Court Developments. The site has been cleared, the
outer boundary kerbs have been installed and a hardcore base is down prior to the porous tarmac
surface. Tiger Turf 2 has been chosen as the playing surface – the best artificial court surface
available – and the 10m floodlight towers have been installed.
Current development plans are court opening in mid-April – but it was also felt more likely to be
end-April to early May opening.
A planning application has been submitted for a new clubhouse. This is in its final stages of
consideration. Once a decision has been passed, and if successful, then tenders will be made for
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Musselburgh Tennis Club – 2015 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 19th March
costs to build. This will also enable a funding application to be made with Viridor (Scottish Landfill
Trust) being amongst the target funding sources.
Additionally the club have been selected to sponsor a number of LTA Programmes – notably Tennis
Tuesdays, to encourage females aged 20-30, and Disability Tennis.
There was then a discussion around the 2015 Membership rates. It was acknowledged that rates
had been selected at a prior Board meeting. However these were incorrectly advertised.
Agreement was passed to return to the original rates as below.
UB40 and Seniors
Juniors and Students
Mini (U9)
Family (2A + Ch)
Single Family (A + Ch)
Social member
Additionally agreements were to a) pro-rata for late opening and b) to discount for prompt payment
(1 month after opening date)
There will be slightly preferential rates for new members
UB40 and Seniors
Juniors and Students
Mini (U9)
Family (2A + Ch)
Single Family (A + Ch)
Social member
7) Coaching Programme
Bill Fleming presented an outline coaching programme for the 2105 season. This has coverage for
many groups including
Mini Reds, Oranges and Greens
Rusty Rackets
Cardio Tennis
Tennis Tuesdays (Female 20-30 target)
Tennis Express Plus – Adult Improvers
Tennis Express – Adult Beginners
There will also be scheduled play sessions for club social, team practices, juniors – as well as
significant open access for members or members of the public
8) Junior Schedule
It was agreed that there will be Junior coaching on Saturdays and Fridays. Additionally there will be
a number of open Junior sessions (all Mini and Junior ages) on some mid-week evenings and Sunday
The target is to get involved in a few friendly matches during the year – in order to register for
league play in 2016.
There were calls for volunteers to help Bill and David – in particular to complete their Level 1
coaching. If there is sufficient demand – and it appeared that there could be – the course may be
run from Musselburgh.
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Musselburgh Tennis Club – 2015 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 19th March
9) Wimbledon Ballot
The Ballot was made for Wimbledon tickets. The club has been given five pairs of tickets. An excess
of draws were made to secure a reserve list. Additionally there was clarification in the meeting of
the selection order – confirmed as follows
Those present at the meeting
Those with a proxy (family member) present at the meeting
All others in the order drawn
Consequently the sequence of selection was as follows
Stella Smith
Clare Morley
Louise McNaught
Ian Coulter
Audrey Hunter
Note – Janey Anderson and Louisa Hunt (represented by Ian Hunt) withdrew following selection
Reserve List
Sean Elliot
Morven Murphy
Steven Paterson
10) Any Other Competent Business
The meeting closed at 21.30
Richard Morley – Club Secretary
25th March 2015
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