Tuesday Musical Club MISSION STATEMENT,

Long-Range Plan
March, 2007
Tuesday Musical Club, founded in 1889, is a non-profit,
small arts organization that provides free, daytime, public
concerts of classical music, scholarships for music students,
and performance opportunities for members.
It serves musicians, music lovers,
and the community of Southwestern Pennsylvania.
Tuesday Musical Club, now in its second century of excellence,
strives to promote and share the beauty of music. We seek
members gifted in performance and composition, as well as
serious amateur musicians and all those to whom music is a vital
component of life.
Promote Musical Education
Provide Performance Opportunities for Members
Ensure the Vitality of the Organization
Promote the Organization to the Wider Community
Promote Musical Education
Rationale: The arts are essential to the development of human beings as individuals and
as citizens in society. Throughout its history, Tuesday Musical Club has taken
responsibility for the musical education of students, members, and the general public.
Objective A. Further the education of outstanding young area musicians.
Action 1. Provide scholarships from the Scholarship Fund.
a. Report on status of Fund in Yearbook, which documents prior donations and
indirectly solicits further donations. Yearbook deadline/Executive Director/
Part of salaried duties
b. Determine amount of money available for awards, announce availability of
scholarships and eligibility criteria, review applications, hold auditions, select
and notify recipients. Even-numbered years/Scholarship Department, office,
Finance Committee/Administrative costs (Executive Director’s salaried
c. Monitor progress of scholarship recipients.
Ongoing/Scholarship Depart-
Action 2. Administer scholarships for Mellon Bank, N.A. and The Pittsburgh
Foundation. Ongoing/Scholarship Department/Administrative costs
Objective B. Provide instructional/educational programs that are free and open to the
Action 1. Encourage division sponsorship of workshops and lecture recitals.
Periodic/Divisions/Honoraria ($600+)
a. Organize a Piano Division lecture/recital for the 2006-2007 program year.
Objective C. Provide professional coaching and instruction for members through
division activities.
Action 1. Provide instruction to members by Club members and outside
professionals through the Chamber Music, Choral, Composers, and String
Ensemble Divisions. Scheduled activities/Division Chairs/Honoraria
a. Organize a workshop on Alexander Technique for members of the String
Ensemble; all Club members will be invited to attend.
b. Collect Chamber Music coaching fees and String Ensemble dues to partially
offset increased compensation for the String Ensemble conductor.
Provide Performance Opportunities for Members
Rationale: Performance opportunities attract new members and retain members. The
Club is one of the few organizations in the area offering these opportunities.
Objective A. Present public performances.
Action 1. Continue the process for solo-active audition/approval. Ongoing/SoloActive Committee/$0
Action 2. Provide public performances of members’ compositions. Ongoing and
November Program/Program Chairman and Composers Division/$0
Objective B. Present private performances.
Action 1. Provide and promote Sunday Programs. Four or more times a year/
Coordinator/Reception expenses
Action 2. Encourage members who are not solo-active to perform on the Piano and
Vocal Division programs and Sunday Programs. Ongoing/Division Chairmen and
Solo-Active Committee/$0
Action 3.
Encourage private performances of members’
Ongoing/Division Chairmen and Composers Division/$0
Ensure the Vitality of the Organization
Rationale: The Club can only fulfill its goals if it has adequate financial and staffing
arrangements, Board participation, and volunteer support.
Objective A. Increase and retain membership.
Action 1. Review existing membership recruitment and retention strategies. 20062007/Membership-Orientation Chairman/$0
Action 2. Disseminate membership advantages to target markets through brochures,
flyers, and the website. Ongoing/Membership-Orientation Chairman/Cost of
brochures and flyers
a. Create a new brochure. 2006-2007/Ad hoc brochure committee/Cost of
brochure design and production
Action 3. Encourage student memberships.
Provide student membership category. Ongoing/Board/$0
b. Identify and solicit aid of members with student contacts. Ongoing/Membership-Orientation Chairman/$0
c. Encourage committees and divisions to involve students.
Membership-Orientation Chairman/$0
Objective B. Establish a viable financial structure.
Action 1. Create an annual budget as the basis for financial decisions and actions.
Prior to June Board meeting/Budget Committee/$0
Action 2. Coordinate annual fund raising, including reorganization of the annual
festival. Ongoing/FR/P Committee/$0
Action 3. Maintain an annual fund drive as a framework for the solicitation of
bequests, memorials, and donations on a regular basis from members and nonmembers. Ongoing/FR/P Committee/$0
a. Solicit bequest, memorials, and donations for the existing Memorial Fund for
Capital Expenditures, and emphasize that the principal of this fund is reserved
for capital expenditures. Ongoing/Yearbook & Newsletter Editors/$0
b. Solicit bequests and memorials as well as donations for the existing Operating
Fund, and publicize such contributions in the Newsletter and Yearbook.
c. Solicit bequest, memorials, and donations for the Operating Endowment Fund,
which has restricted access to principal. Ongoing/FR/P Committee/$0
Action 4. Pursue opportunities for grants. Ongoing/FR/P Committee/$0
Action 5. Earn income through paid Musicare performances. Ongoing/Musicare
Chairman, Executive Director/$0
a. Allocate the String Ensemble and Choral Division shares (60%) of Musicare
income to increased compensation for the String Ensemble Conductor and Choral
Action 6. Maintain oversight of investment of operating funds, Scholarship Fund,
and other restricted and unrestricted funds. Ongoing/Finance Committee/$0
Action 7. Maintain the Club’s relationship with the University of Pittsburgh for
provision of utilities and maintenance, as well as the Club’s use of office space.
Action 8. Maintain annual filing of federal tax reports (Form 990) and State
registration for charitable organizations. Ongoing/Executive Director and FR/P
Committee/$100 annual fee for State registration and fees for financial
Objective C. Optimize the management of the organization.
Action 1. Maintain existing Executive Director at four six-hour days per week.
Ongoing/Budget Committee and Board/Salary, parking allotment
a. Evaluate existing bonding arrangements for office staff.
Action 2. Reorganize the boardroom, the office facilities, and the office operations.
2006-2007/Ad hoc Office Reorganization Committee/$0
Action 3. Maintain the Board of Directors as an active, representative, decisionmaking body. Ongoing/Board/$0
Action 4. Encourage members to become active in the management of the
organization. Ongoing/Board initiates/$0
Action 5. Review the long-range plan on a regular basis. As determined/FR/P
Action 6. Create Standing Rules as needed. As needed/Board initiates/$0
Action 7. Evaluate the feasibility of an intern to assist the Executive Director. 20062007/Board/$0
Objective D. Maximize the Club’s relationship with the Pennsylvania and National
Federation of Music Clubs.
Action 1. Increase Board and membership awareness of activities which are valued
by the Federations. Ongoing/Federation Secretary/$0
a. Encourage members to attend District Meetings of the Pennsylvania
Federation of Music Clubs.
Action 2. Involve one or more members in the activities of the Federations.
Ongoing/Board & Federation Secretary/$0
Objective E. Improve communications among members for friendship, enjoyment,
nurturing of talent and mutual support.
Action 1.
Continue policy of receptions after Club public performances.
Ongoing/Reception Committee, Executive Director, Division Chairmen/$500
Action 2. Establish mechanisms for helping members maintain dues payments.
Ongoing/Board, Executive Director/$0
a. Installment payments
b. Paid Musicare performances.
Objective F. Maintain and enhance the Club’s relationship with St. Andrew’s Episcopal
Action 1. Make our Steinway concert grand available to other groups on a rental
basis. As needed/St. Andrew’s Coordination Committee/$0
Action 2. Maintain harmonious and suitably close personal relations with St.
Andrew’s personnel. Ongoing/St. Andrew’s Coordination Committee, Program
Chairman, Reception Committee, general membership/$0
Promote the Organization to the Wider Community
Rationale: Recognition and respect from the wider community are necessary to expand
our audience and membership, and to attract needed financial support for the
strengthening of the Club’s stability and growth.
Objective A. Utilize the Internet for Club publicity.
Action 1. Maintain existing arrangements for website hosting and problem solving,
and expand the existing website. Ongoing/Executive Director/$116 per year plus
one-time charges as needed
Objective B. Promote the Scholarship program as a source of publicity and a tool for
recruitment of potential members.
Action 1. Publicize at locations such as libraries where other available scholarships
are listed. Ongoing/Publicity and Membership-Orientation Committees/Cost of
Action 2. Get broad general media coverage. Ongoing/Publicity and MembershipOrientation Committees/Cost of flyers, if used
Action 3. Use the Internet to promote the Scholarship Program. Ongoing/Executive
Objective C. Promote the Club’s monthly public performances and the Club’s Recital
Action 1. Ensure that Club brochures and schedules for Club public performances are
displayed at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
(Oakland and branches), City Theatre, and other suitable locations at all times.
Ongoing/Executive Director/$0
Action 2. Encourage music critics to review the Recital Series. Ongoing/Publicity
Action 3. Focus the Club’s publicity efforts on groups and individuals for whom
daytime and weekday cultural events are desirable. Ongoing/FR/P Committee &
Publicity Chairman/ Postage and flyer costs
Action 4. Implement cooperative publicity with other musical organizations.
Ongoing/Executive Director/$0
Objective D. Maintain outreach to retirement centers, nursing homes, and VA hospitals
through the Musicare Program.
Action 1. Encourage soloists and small ensembles (e.g., string quartets) to perform at
retirement centers, etc., as Club representatives, in addition to the Choral and
String Ensembles. Ongoing/Musicare & Division Chairmen/$0
Action 2. Review geographical location for Musicare performances and determine
how best to expand performances into underserved locations. Ongoing/Musicare
Objective E. Establish outreach through Club performances at libraries, public buildings,
malls, etc.
Action 1.
Encourage all divisions to find new venues for performance.
Ongoing/Board & Division Chairmen/$0
Objective F. Recognize opportunities for interaction with other cultural organizations,
e.g., Stephen Foster Memorial, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Friends of the Music
Library, WQED, etc.
Action 1. Encourage members to identify themselves as Club members when
contributing publicly to or volunteering at such organizations. Ongoing/Board,
Membership-Orientation Chairman, Newsletter Editor/$0
Action 2. Exploit existing publicity channels such as WQED’s VITA Awards, the
Pittsburgh Pleasures calendar, and the ArtSource calendar. Ongoing/Publicity
Action 3. Participate in the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council.
representative/Annual dues
Action 4. Sponsor the Eastern Pittsburgh Youth Orchestra through a formal
relationship. Ongoing/Board/$0
Objective G. Maintain strong ties with music departments of universities and schools.
Action 1. Use existing channels of communication between members and friends,
universities, and schools. Ongoing/FR/P, Board, Executive Director/$0
a. Compile information on connections of members and friends with universities
and schools.
Objective H. Maintain and enhance relationships with the University of Pittsburgh.
Action 1. Maintain awareness of activities in the Stephen Foster Memorial.
Ongoing/Board, Newsletter Editor, general membership/$0
Action 2. Contact University of Pittsburgh upper administration and meet with them
a. Insure that we are in good standing with the administration.
b. Refresh their memory regarding our relationship to the Stephen Foster
c. Reiterate our importance to many current major arts organizations in
2006-2007/Stephen Foster Memorial Liaison Council/$0
Action 3. Plan a major public event for 2009 to celebrate the anniversary of our
founding. Ongoing/Board of Directors/Recovered costs.
Objective I. Increase the diversity of membership.
Action 1.
Utilize existing links with the African-American community.
Ongoing/FR/P, Membership-Orientation , Publicity Committees, membership/$0
a. Through members.
b. Through groups in residence at the University of Pittsburgh.
Action 2. Cultivate relationships with specific cultural groups.
Membership-Orientation, Publicity Committees, membership/$0
Action 3. Encourage younger people to become members.
Membership-Orientation, Publicity and Division Chairmen/$0
Emphasize performance opportunities in Piano Division, Opera Division,
Vocal Division, Sunday Programs, and through Musicare.