PROBLEMES OF DISSOLUTION AND CRYSTALLIZATION OF STRUVITE D. Matýsek, H.Raclavská VŠB – Technical University Ostrava, Institute of Geological Engineering, 17.listopadu, 708 33 Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic Email: and ABSTRACT Struvite represents very interesting phosphate which has potential possibility for recovering of orthophosphates from wastewaters. Its spontaneous crystallization can however cause considerable problems. Results of modelling of dissolution and crystallization of struvite in water by means of reagents based on equilibrium state are presented. It is demonstrated that struvite is mineral with high solubility. For its crystallization it is necessary oversaturation of water especially by ions NH4+. Keywords: Sludge, phosphorus, modelling, PhreeqC INTRODUCTION Struvite is very interesting phosphate which represents the potential possibility of recovery of dissolved orthophosphates from wastewaters. On the other side its crystallization in waste tubins is often causing troubles. This short contribution (or several remarks) is dealing with equilibrium modelling of struvite behaviour in solution. It originated as a reaction on some articles presented in previous issues of the Scope Newsletter. The aim of this contribution is also to demonstrate some possibilities of utilization of equilibrium (thermodynamics) modelling of some hydrochemical processes. The modelling of hydrochemical processes is based on the existence of equilibrium state and it is strongly limited by knowledge of equilibrium constants and enthalpy of all reactions, which take place in aqueous environment. In spite of the fact that possibility of equilibrium state existence is rather controversial and in the value equilibrium constant (particularly for Ksp of some phases) there exists dispersion up to several orders, the modelling provides in most cases utilizable results. The advantage of the modelling is flexibility and possibility to obtain the precise estimations of activities of all complex ion pairs, complex ions and ion associates in the solution. Several programs exist for this modelling and they are continuously improved (e. g. PhreeqC, Minteq, Chess, Mineql+ and others). The more detailed description of calculation algorithms and conditions of utilization of equilibrium modelling cannot be presented here for the lack of space. MODELLING OF HYDROCHEMICAL PROCESSES The presented results were calculated by means of program PhreeqC 2.0.0 with interface PhreeqcI R_0_30 [2] using databases of equilibrium constants Minteq. For struvite there was used value pKsp 13.26 [1], for hydroxyapatite value pKsp 44.199 (Minteq). The solution contained in all cases indifferent electrolyte (0.1 mol l-1 LiCl) in order to adjust pH by means of saturation index HCl (numerical titration). In the introduction to the description of obtained results it is necessary to mention the strong ability of phosphates to form complexes in water. They create complex ions or ion associates with almost all cations, which can be present in the solution. Activities or concentrations of these associates cannot be neglected in any case. The direct calculation of solution composition in equilibrium with phosphate minerals from the equilibrium constant provide too low, not realistic concentrations of dissolved phosphorus due to the formation of associates. Equilibrium of struvite in water in dependence on pH. The results of modelling are presented in the Figure 1. Struvite belongs in this case among relatively high soluble phosphates. The optimum – minimal concentration of phosphorus in the solution is located at the value pH = 9.47 and the solution in equilibrium with struvite contains the total concentrations 1.408 mmol/l Ptot, Mgtot and Ntot (which corresponds to 133.72 mg l-1 PO4-3, 34.25 mg l-1 Mg2+ and 25.4 mg l-1 NH4+). Concentrations, activities of ion associates and their share from the total content are listed in Table 1. Equilibrium of struvite at the nonstoichiometric addition of Mg2+ and NH4+. The influence of addition of ions Mg2+ or NH4+ to the solution was studied in equilibrium with struvite (see previous paragraph – pH = 9.47). This addition causes non-equilibrium in the system, which is compensated by precipitation of struvite. The results are presented in Figure 2 and 3. The diagrams represent projection of general 3D surface on the two axes directions. It was found that additions have substantial influence on phosphorus concentration in equilibrium solution. An impact of addition of NH4+ is pronouncedly higher (up to approx. 13x), probably because it is not participating on the origin of associates. The similar influence will have additions of other alkalies, particularly potassium in the equilibrium solution, due to the ability of isomorphous substitution. Certain changes of acidobasic reaction value of solution optimum for struvite were also observed in case of additions. The addition of Mg2+ is decreasing the pH value of equilibrium state (it is influenced by forming of hydroxy-complexes of Mg) while addition of NH4+ is moderately increasing it (influence on distribution NH4+ - NH3). Diagrams in Figure 2 and 3 also demonstrate that reaching of environmentally acceptable concentration of phosphorus in waste water (approx. 0.1 mg l-1) by precipitation of struvite is probably not possible and after recovery of dissolved phosphorus from wastewater it will be necessary to perform further purification. Equilibrium of struvite at the presence of addition of Ca2+ ions Ions of calcium form common component of all surface waters and waste waters. In respect to the high stability of calcium phosphates, the concentrations of Ca2+ ions have extreme influence on the crystallization of struvite. Some problem in modelling of behaviour of minerals from the apatite group in solutions represents high dispersion in published values of dissolution constant which is caused beside other reasons by formation of amorphous or poorly crystallized precursors. Already small addition of Ca2+ ions to the solution in equilibrium with struvite is leading to the over passing of saturation indexes of apatite minerals (hydroxyapatite or chlorapatite) at the simultaneous dissolution of struvite. Struvite represents the stable phase in relationship to hdroxyapatite only under conditions that log (Mg/Ca) > 0.3723 x pH, e. g. at pH = 4, Mg/Ca = 30.85 and at pH = 10, Mg/Ca = 5284. This is demonstrated also in Figure 3 where to the solution in equilibrium with struvite it was added equal amounts (32 mmol l-1) of NH4+, Mg2+ and 0 (line a) or 32 mmol l-1 of Ca2+ ions (line b). The equilibrium concentration of phosphorus is in relation to struvite and in the case of line c with relation to both struvite and hydroxyapatite. Conclusion From the modelling presented above there result some facts which can be utilized for recovery of struvite from waste waters and also for solution of problems which struvite can cause by its precipitation in pipelines. Struvite represents relatively well soluble phosphate. It can be precipitated in larger scale probably only at the non-stoichiometric concentrations of its components when decisive influence is exerted by concentration of ammonia ions. Maximum recovery of phosphorus can be expected under conditions when molar concentrations Mg = P and concentration of NH4+ or K+ are as high as possible. Calcium ions are suppressing very strongly formation of struvite with preferential origin of hydroxyapatite. The decreasing of non-desirable precipitation of struvite is possible by decreasing of water oversaturation by struvite by means of adjustment of acidobasic reaction value. In addition, it is possible to influence – increase redox state and to limit amount of ammonium ions in solution e. g. by aeration. In respect to the prevalently amorphous character of precipitated apatite minerals it is necessary to verify influence of Ca2+ ions on the formation of precipitates in pipes. REFERENCES 1. Ohlinger K., Struvite precipitation kinetics. SCOPE, 36 Wastewater chemistry. (2000) 2. Parkhurst D. L., Appelo C.A.J., User’s guide to Phreeqc (version 2) - A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations. WaterResources Investigations Report 99-4259. U.S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey. Denver Colorado, 326 pp. (1999). Table 1. Concentrations and activities of ion associates in the solution in equilibrium with struvite Element Mg total 1.408 mmol l-1 N total 1.408 P total 1.408 mmol l-1 Associate Mg+2 MgPO4MgHPO4 MgOH+ MgH2PO4+ NH3 NH4+ HPO4-2 MgPO4MgHPO4 PO4-3 H2PO4MgH2PO4+ H3PO4 Molality [mmol/l] 7.50E-01 5.90E-01 6.53E-02 1.95E-03 2.01E-05 7.75E-01 6.33E-01 7.47E-01 5.90E-01 6.53E-02 3.43E-03 1.92E-03 2.01E-05 6.97E-11 Activity [mmol l-1] Share of molality [%] 3.22E-01 4.64E-01 6.69E-02 1.56E-03 1.58E-05 7.94E-01 4.69E-01 2.78E-01 4.64E-01 6.69E-02 3.72E-04 1.51E-03 1.58E-05 7.14E-11 53.27 41.90 4.64 0.14 < 0.01 55.04 44.96 53.05 41.90 4.64 0.24 0.14 < 0.01 < 0.01 Following pages : Figure 1. Behaviour of struvite in water in dependence on value of acidobasic reaction Figure 2. Equilibrium of struvite in solution with addition of ion Mg2+ and NH4+ Figure 3. Equilibrium of struvite in solution with addition of ion Mg2+ and NH4+ Figure 4. Influence of Ca2+ ions on equilibrium concentration of total phosphorus and equilibrium of struvite in solution Fig 1 : Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4