RCL AC Circuit Analysis Handout

RCL AC Circuit Analysis
Find all parameters in this circuit: ZT, IT, IC1, VC1, IL1, VL1, IC2, VC2, IR1, VR1
Note: There are many ways you can go about solving for these values, including using the voltage divider and current
divider rules. The following is just one example of how to solve for the above parameters
Step 1: Convert all capacitor and inductor values to reactive values
Step 2: Find ZT (Finding ZT is done the same way as finding RT except phase angles are included.)
ZT = XC1 + XL1 + XC2||R1
ZT =
Step 3: Find IT (Finding IT is done the same way as it was in DC analysis except phase angles are included.)
IT =
Step 4: What other currents are equal to IT?
Step 5: Find VC1 and VL1 using Ohms law (Don’t forget to include phase angles!!!)
VC1 = XC1 x IC1
VL1 = XL1 x IL1
Step 6: Notice the voltage across C2 and R1 is the same since these values are in parallel. We can find this voltage using
VC2 = VS – VC1 – VL1
VR1 =
Step 7: Since you know the voltage across C2 and R1, using Ohms law you can now find the current through C2 and R1.
IC2 =
IR1 =