
Monday 24th March 2014
2.00 pm
Training Room, MITRE Rehabilitation Centre, Musgrave Park Hospital
Present: Teresa Ross (Chair), Gillian Bingham, Jane Davidson, Catherine Elliman, Stephanie Heasley,
Sarah Howes, Denise Lowry, Gail McMillan, Sheila McNeill, Gloria Mills, Fidelma Moran, Margaret
O’Hare, Katherine O’Neill, Jane Rankin, Sarah Williams.
From The CSP: Hilary McErlean (notes), Claire Ronald, Tom Sullivan
Board welcomed new members and congratulated Katherine O’Neill on the award of her PHD.
1. Apologies: were received from Brian Beattie, Sue Browning (CSP) Catherine Burke, Liz Cavan,
Elaine McConnell, Geraldine McKnight, Vicki Quinn, Fiona Talbot.
2. In attendance: Dillan Egan (incoming student rep); From the CSP: Hilary McErlean (notes),
Claire Ronald, Tom Sullivan.
3. Register of Interests: No interests recorded.
4. The Minutes of the Board Meeting held on 9th December 2013 were approved. One typo
was noted and corrected. All matters arising would be covered within the Agenda of this
The Minutes of the AGM held on 20th January 2014 were approved.
5. Key Messages from the CSP
All board members had received a copy of the Key Messages document prepared by Claire
Ronald and Donna Castle. Claire reminded everyone that one side of the document was an
update message for board members, but the other was designed to be printed off and
posted on workplace noticeboards as an update for the wider membership.
Agreed action: all Board members to make a point of doing this.
6. Correspondence Received
A list of correspondence received had been circulated. (All correspondence had been
emailed to Board members on receipt).
7. Raising Awareness of CSP NI Board/Recruitment of Stewards and H&S Representatives
Claire Ronald addressed the Board. Claire has raised this issue three times at Board
meetings but has received no feedback whatsoever. The current numbers of stewards and
H&S reps in Northern Ireland are critically low – if any more are lost it is likely that the
networks will fail. There aren’t enough representatives to have effective meetings regarding
matters such as industrial action. Northern Ireland needs to virtually double its numbers of
Stewards and H&S Reps to equal the representation in Scotland and Wales.
At the September 2013 Board meeting, members had agreed to encourage colleagues to
nominate themselves as reps – however, in the period since then, numbers have continued
to drop. Becoming a steward or H&S rep is an excellent opportunity for all Bands of staff
including band 5 physiotherapists – it is an excellent learning and development role; the
training is linked to KSF objectives.
Agreed actions:
Claire’s paper from June 2013 to be re-sent to all Board members. (emailed 15th
All Board members to be more proactive in sharing information and encouraging
colleagues. (Making full use of the wide range of available from the CSP: eg, the ‘key
points’ document distributed before each Board meeting, and the range of materials
for prospective stewards/H&S reps available on the CSP website.) Where possible,
Board members to invite Claire Ronald along to speak at staff meetings.
All Board members to feed back, in advance of Board meetings, what actions they
have taken to encourage colleagues to volunteer as stewards/H&S reps, noting any
particular successes/failures.
Board members with management responsibility to actively encourage staff to
volunteer - Board agreed that this is absolutely essential, as staff morale is so low at
Teresa Ross to raise at Council the possibility of carrying out a local member survey
of what the CSP offers members in NI.
If sufficient numbers to explore possibility of regional rather than national training
for the new posts.
8. Visit to NI by Karen Middleton
Tom Sullivan updated Board on Karen Middleton’s recent visit to NI. A planned visit to the
Northern Trust had to be cancelled because of a flight delay; however, Karen was able to
meet with students and staff at UUJ and with physiotherapists at a meeting held in Belfast
City Hospital.
Discussions included: ways to help physiotherapists to access management roles, the need
for effective analysis to be done on safe staffing levels within the profession generally. At
the City Hospital meeting concerns had been expressed about the pressures that staff feels
under in the Belfast Trust and in other Trusts re: waiting time targets, and safe staffing
levels. Karen felt that she needed to reflect these concerns to Trust management and wrote
a letter to Brenda Creamery of the Belfast Trust (copied to Bernie Owens, Frank Young,
Gloria Mills and Paula Cahalan).
Students and staff at UUJ had valued the meeting and hoped that a similar meeting could be
organised every couple of years.
Agreed actions:
 Tom Sullivan to email a copy of Karen’s letter to Board members for
comment/feedback. (emailed 25th March)
CSP information on ‘Safe Staffing’ and copy of the Berwick Report to be forwarded
to Board members (both available at links below). (emailed 15th April)
Safe Staffing: http://www.csp.org.uk/frontline/article/safe-sound-what-staffinglevels-would-ensure-patients-receive-safe-effective-care
Berwick report: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/berwick-review-intopatient-safety
Tom Sullivan agreed to prepare an email update for members communicating any
work done and outcomes arising from Karen’s visit.
Tom Sullivan to arrange to invite Karen Middleton as a keynote speaker at the
proposed board conference – possibly on the theme of ‘leadership’.
Importance of robust workforce planning for NI.
9. Country Board Constitution
Teresa Ross updated. Country board constitutions are to be re-worded along the lines
shown in the council paper C(14)3 re: HCPC registration. Removing the HCPC registration
requirement would allow retired members to be part of the Board.
Board members voted (1) to retain the HCPC requirement, (2) to be prepared to go along
with the majority if other Boards voted differently.
10. Self-Referral Early Implementer SET
Bridie McKeating is leading on this and updated Board members. The next meeting to be
held on 25th March, followed by a meeting with commissioners. The implementation date is
tentatively the 1st of May but will be confirmed later.
11. Transforming Your Care: ICPs, Self Referral, Independent Prescribing Updates
All issues covered under other agenda items. Joint Workshop event with Podiatry and
Physiotherapy on Independent Prescribing will be held on 29th April 2014.
12. Physiotherapy: Future Fit: Capacity building and influencing across the profession
All issues covered under other agenda items. Advocacy workshop planned for mid-May.
13. New Regional Information System for Oncology and Haematology (RISOH)
Jane Rankin updated Board members on this new electronic record system that will be rolled
out throughout the year. Some of the information will be used to populate the electronic
care record. Most notes – aside from some social worker notes – will be accessible to any
healthcare worker who has access to the current system.
14. Reports
14.1 Board Representative to Council
Teresa Ross updated. All Board members encouraged to familiarise themselves and
colleagues with the full range of Physio Works documents.
14.2 SNO Report/Regional Steward
Claire Ronald updated – a written report would be emailed out following the meeting.
(emailed 12 May)
Pay issues – main point to note is that government has broken faith with the pay review
body. It is possible that members will be balloted for industrial action and so it is
extremely urgent that the membership database is up to date.
Claire tabled a paper – produced during the past year, with no indication of who produced
it – that audited the regional recruitment pilot. The paper referred to ‘union consultation’,
however, Claire pointed out that neither the CSP or Unite were consulted. The paper also
stated that the ‘overall experience was positive’ – there was, however, no indication that
that the views of applicants had been sought. Claire would be grateful if any Board
members could shed light on the origin of this document.
Some difficulties in the new payroll system. Some staff being either over or under paid.
Agreed actions:
All Board members to let Claire know if any colleagues have been over or underpaid.
Claire will take any issues to JNF.
Teresa to share process to date with regional recruitment and the history of involvement
of the Board, the CSP council and Heads of service
14.3 PR Officer
Nothing to report. Chair of IR is Jill Barker.
14.4 Treasurer
The auditing of the Board accounts was still ongoing and so the report, and presentation of
the 2013 end or year accounts, was deferred (to be presented to the June Board meeting).
14.5 Policy Officer
Written report presented by Tom Sullivan.
Agreed actions:
Teresa Ross to ask Council for a CSP formula on capacity and demand to be
Tom to check out requirements re: AHP federation vice-chair nomination and to
discuss with Teresa.
14.6 Education Report
Written report provided by Fidelma Moran. Fidelma asked Board members to note the
point regarding revalidation.
14.7 Health and Safety Representative
Written report submitted by Denise Lowry.
14.8 Professional Practice and Service Delivery
A written report would be submitted following the meeting scheduled for 2nd April.
14.9 Representative to Industrial Relations Committee
Sarah Williams, the new IR Rep, briefly introduced herself. Sarah has considerable IR
experience, having been a steward in the west midlands region. Sarah is now working for
the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign in Northern Ireland. Part of her work involves
campaigning for specialist physiotherapy for muscular dystrophy patients, and she hopes
that the Board and the MDC will be able to work together on a campaign.
14.10 Trust Heads of Physiotherapy
All issues covered elsewhere in the meeting. Teresa Ross noted that, from the June
meeting onward, the Trust Heads would present a written report to Board.
14.11 Associate Representative
Stephanie Heasley reported that not much to update on as the Associate Meeting and the
Communications Group would not be meeting until the following week. Stephanie agreed
to check the position re: use of the CSP logo and to let Fidelma know.
15. Agreed Bullet Points
None were agreed due to time constraints, however, a short summary was sent to Frontline.
Sharing of Board member profiles and roles is to be shared in the next few weeks with
16. Any Other Business
Student Awards: After a long discussion, Board agreed to retain the existing awards for
use this year, and to revisit the issue next year.
ISCP Conference: The 2014 Conference would be held during November with theme:
‘Exercise and Innovation’. All members encouraged to try to attend. Speakers would
include Karen Middleton. Full details will be available on the ISCP website, in the near
Feedback on PHA review meeting of AHP services to children with statements in NI:
Sheila McNeill, who had attended this meeting, tabled a written report and updated
members. AHPNI had raised the lack of input from AHPs into the review :
subsequently the professional bodies were invited, at short notice, to provide input at
a meeting held by Claire McGartland. The PHA invited only policy officers and one
professional from each body. Board discussed if it was worthwhile inputting at this
stage – issues raised included governance arrangements.
Agreed action: Tom Sullivan to find out what stage the review is at and whether or
not the CSP Board can input at this stage, possibly through the nomination of
someone to join the implementation group.
Regional Recruitment: Teresa Ross updated. Graduate student Joy Hollywood is
currently carrying out an evaluation of the new Band 5 recruitment. She has met with
managers and successful applicants and has reviewed the test. Tom Sullivan pointed
out that this type of recruitment has been raised at AHPFNI and most professions are
totally against it, it has also been rejected by the nursing profession. Fidelma Moran
recommended that undergraduates should be interviewed as part of the review.
The main issue is not necessarily about the process of recruitment but the whole lack
of focus on workforce planning within the region, and this is something the profession
should be taking forward as there has been a culture of temporary recruitment over
the past 4 years with little or no permanent posts being recruited.
Agreed action: Fidelma Moran to ask Joy Hollywood to speak to current
undergraduates as part of the review.
Leadership Training Event, 19th May: Board members would be invited to selfnominate to this CSP event.
Influencing Workshop: The workshop would probably be held during May (following
the Board meeting the date of 15th May was agreed.)
Learning Disability Group: Gillian Bingham is currently sitting on this group. Work
being done on assessment/mobility – Gillian will email an update in due course.