Toxalert in general

Maha Refaey, Nóra Kováts, Árpád Kárpáti, Péter Thury
University of Pannonia, Institute of Environmental Engineering, 8200 Veszprém
P.O.Box 158, e-mail:
Wastewater toxicity is most often considered as a static parameter. However, toxicity might
change as degradation processes, especially biodegradation goes by and intermediate products
appear. These intermediates can even be more toxic than the original wastewater was, posing
higher risk to the bacterial community within the treatment plant or to the ecosystem of the
recipient waterbody. In our test series it was assessed how toxicity of a municipal wastewater
sample changes during biodegradation.
Keywords: whole effluent toxicity, biodegradation, bioluminescence, ToxAlert
In many countries, both chemical and biological analysis/testing of effluents is
required by regulations either before discharging to sewage treatment plants or before
discharging to the recipient. However, most legislation is directed towards regulation of
discharges to the receiving environment. The most comprehensive is the EU Water
Framework Directive (2000), which aims at maintaining and improving the aquatic
environment in the Community, and is concerned primarily with protecting receiving waters
from pollution.
The hazard which toxic industrial effluents may pose to sewage treatment works has
also been widely recognised, as several incidents have occurred. Toxicity can have an
inhibitory effect on biodegradation, which in turn may result in longer treatment time or in
reduced efficiency of treatment (e.g. Rebhun and Galil, 1988). Extremely high toxic shock
can kill off the secondary tanks.
In order to avoid such incidents, Annex 1 of the EU Urban Waste Water Treatment
Directive (1991) states ‘Industrial wastewater entering collecting systems and urban waste
water treatment plants shall be subject to such pre-treatment as is required in order to: …
ensure that the operation of the waste water treatment plant and the treatment of sludge are
not impeded’.
Numerous authors have used ecotoxicological tests to assess the effectiveness of
wastewater purification/treatment processes (e.g. Blinova, 2001, Kennedy et al., 2000).
Toxicity, however, is not a static parameter: toxic potential of an effluent will change due to
degradation processes such as photolysis, hydrolysis, oxidization and biodegradation. The risk
of toxic effects in the recipient depends primarily on the time-related variation of toxicity of
the effluent.
Ready biodegradability of an effluent is a key parameter to assess hazard an effluent
poses to its environment either it is treated in a municipal treatment plant or discharged to a
recipient surface water (e.g. Tisler et al., 1999).
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The latest version of OECD tests for ready biodegradability (OECD, 1995) aims at
predicting whether a chemical has the potential to be easily biodegraded in the environment.
In these protocols usually oxygen uptake is measured, involving long-term (14 to 28+ day)
respirometer testing. However, these tests which use chemical end-points such as COD do not
give an indication on how toxicity of the chemical will change due to the formation of
intermediate products. These tests were not designed to predict the behaviour of waste water
in the aquatic ecosystem. Therefore although some methods have been described to evaluate
the biodegradability of chemicals in environmental water (e.g. Means et al., 1981), no
relevant OECD Test Guidelines have been proposed so far. Instead, simulation tests exist
such as the stream model of Shimp et al. (1989) or the die-away test of Anderson et al.
Biodegradation in the environment is affected by many factors such as concentration
of the effluent (e.g. references), exposure and the composition of microbial communities. In a
recipient water presence of competent bacteria can be expected (e.g. Ward and Brock, 1976).
For testing biodegradability, it has been recognised that a mixed community of natural origin
is more capable of degrading a wide range of compounds than pure cultures of selected strains
(OECD, 1995).
In order to represent real-world conditions, incubation time should be long enough.
The minimum incubation time is considered 8 weeks (e.g. Shelton and Tiedje, 1984, Strevett
et al., 2002.) However, Strevett et al. (2002) report that for some chemicals this time period
may be insufficient, requiring an an incubation time period of 100 days.
During degradation processes not only concentration of the chemicals (and therefore
exposure) will change but also, photo-degradable, hydrolytically unstable, oxidizable and
biodegradable substances in addition may form such breakdown products which can be even
more toxic than the parent substance was.
Evaluation of the biodegradability is a key element of hazard identification of whole
effluents, and it should comprise toxicity testing as well (e.g. Zgajnar Gotvajn and ZagorcKoncan, 1998, 2003). The PEEP (Potential Ecotoxic Effects Probe) index developed by the
Fraser Pollution Abatement Office (Environmental Management Associates, 1993) aggregates
the toxicity measured using different tests before and after biodegradation of the sample.
Our basic aim was to test how degradation processes, especially biodegradation affect
the toxicity of communal wastewater and to predict its behaviour. During degradation such
intermediate products might appear which are more toxic: this is not only a hypothetical
suggestion (Cairns, 1983) but has been demonstrated experimentally (Kováts et al., 2002).
Also, tests were designed to reveal how different inocula can influence the biodegradation
process, in other words, what potential different microbial communities have to degrade
communal wastewater.
Materials and Methods
The samples were collected from the municipal treatment plant of Veszprém. Capacity
of the plant is 12000 m3/day. Two samples were taken: raw(1) and treated(2) wastewater.
A commercial assay marketed as ToxAlert® (Merck) was used in compliance with
ISO/EN/DIN 11348. The assay is based on the luminescent seawater bacterium Vibrio
fischeri NRRL B-1117. Bacterial bioluminescence is attributed to the activation of the
enzyme luciferase with luciferin (Nealson and Hastings, 1979). The attenuation of light
emitted by bacteria in presence of a toxicant is related to the inhibition of this reaction.
Reduction in light output may be measured after exposure to a toxic sample for 5 to 30
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This test was selected as (1) being similar to measuring respiration inhibition, since
luminescence is a measure of the rate at which the bacteria produce ATP in the course of their
respiratory metabolism and (2) having a very short exposure, therefore being able to give an
indication of actual (instantaneous) toxicity.
The protocol described by BS EN ISO 11348.3, Part 3 – Method using freeze-dried
bacteria (Anon., 1999) was used. The ToxAlert®100 luminometer calculates all values
For providing a competent bacterial community, inoculum was taken from a natural,
intact waterbody(A) (Wylie et al., 1982) and from the recipient stream(B). Inoculum and the
sample were mixed in a 1:1 ratio. For each test, the dilution series of 6.25%, 12.5%, 25%,
50% and 100% sample was used as suggested by the WET method manuals (USEPA, 1993,
USEPA, 1994).
Toxicity tests were conducted regularly, at the beginning of the study and each week
Results and conclusions
Figure 1 shows the toxicity changes of sample 1 (raw wastewater) and the inoculated
raw wastewater samples (1A & 1B). The toxicity increased by the end of the 1st week
reaching app. 99% inhibition till the 3rd week. After the 3rd week, there was a striking
decrease in toxicity and the toxicity started to decrease in steady way.
Fig. 1: Toxicity changes of the sample 1 in comparison with the presence of different inocula
Figure 2 shows that the toxicity of sample 2 (treated wastewater) and the inoculated treated
wastewater samples (2A & 2B). There is an increase till the end of 1st week and then a
sudden decrease can be experienced. By the end of the test, the toxicity of the samples
behaved in a steady way.
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Fig. 2: Toxicity changes of Sample 2 in comparison with the presence of different inocula
COD values of the samples decreased during the incubation time in somewhat regular pattern
(Fig. 3).
Fig. 3: COD values of the samples during the incubation time
The raw communal wastewater exerted a high toxicity and risk to the environment even after
dilution and exposure to different natural origin microbial communities. Than toxicity
decreased as biodegradation proceeded, finally reaching an acceptable level (40% of
bioluminescence inhibition). App. the same tendency could be observed for the treated
effluent, but in this case the high initial toxicity was much more rapidly followed by a
decrease. These results might give an indication how effluents (both raw and treated) might
“behave”, and perhaps might be used in cases where wastewater treatment systems are not
operating efficiently.
Szombathely, 2008. május 17.
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