Law No. 3 of 2006 on Pesticides (Repealed)

Law No. 3 of 2006 on Pesticides (Repealed) 3 /
Number of Articles: 18
Table of Content
Articles (1-18)
We, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar,
the Constitution;
Decree No. 10 of 1968 on pesticides;
Having reviewed
The proposal of the Minister of Municipal and Agricultural Affairs;
The draft law presented to the Council of Ministers; and
After consulting the Shura Council;
Hereby promulgate the following Law:
Article 1
In applying the provisions of this Law, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings
assigned to each, unless the context otherwise requires:
“The Ministry” means the Ministry of Municipal and Agricultural Affairs.
“The Minister” means the Minister of Municipal and Agricultural Affairs.
“The competent department” means the Department of Agricultural Development in the
“Pesticide” means any chemical product, either organic or inorganic, or any biological product,
including elements of living microorganisms, used to kill, repel or control pests. Pesticides
include insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and disinfectants.
“Pest” means any harmful or lethal animal, plant or microorganism, and shall include the
following five groups:
Insects (Argas, Acarina and Spiders)
Snails and slugs
Vertebrates (birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals)
Weeds and invasive plants
5. Pathogens for plants from microorganisms such as algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses,
phytoplasmas and nematodes.
“Trading” means the sale or offer for sale, storage, possession, either permanent or temporary, or
the transportation by any means of a pesticide.
“Registration” means registering a pesticide in the records prepared for this purpose after
evaluating its scientific composition and verifying that it is not dangerous to human and animal
health and the environment in general.
“Import” means to import a pesticide into the state for the account of a public or private
authority, either by mail packages, independent shipping or importers.
Article 2
The Ministry, in coordination with the competent authority, shall impose conditions for the
registration, trade and use of pesticides in the state, and shall identify the types which are
permitted to be registered, traded and used, and those whose use is restricted except under the
supervision of the competent authorities. Such types shall be listed and updated annually.
2. The Ministry shall also create a special record of the kinds of pesticides which are
permitted to be imported and incorporated under a certain numbering system, as well as special
forms for their registration, trade and importation.
Article 3
No pesticide may be traded or imported unless it is registered with and licensed by the
competent department. The customs authorities shall not enter any dispatch of pesticides to the
state unless it confirms that a licence was obtained from the competent authority.
2. These provisions shall not be applied to pesticides which are imported for the purpose of
being re-exported, provided that they shall not exceed the outlets of the state. The pesticides
may, after the necessary procedures have been taken, and with the coordination between the
customs authorities and the agriculture quarantine, be transported for shipment from one outlet to
another for the purpose of export.
Article 4
No pesticide may be manufactured or processed unless the necessary licences from the
competent authorities have been obtained.
Article 5
No changes or amendments may be made to the combination of pesticides which are licensed to
be registered, imported, manufactured, mobilized or prepared, unless the approval of the
competent department has been obtained.
Article 6
An application for registering, licensing or making any changes to pesticides in terms of their
combination, mobilization or preparation shall be submitted to the competent authority, enclosed
with the details and information related to their usage, in addition to evidence that they are not
dangerous to human or animal life or to the environment, and an analysis certificate from the
producer company certified by the competent authorities in the country of origin and
authenticated by the embassy of Qatar or any of the embassies of the Cooperation Council of the
Arab Gulf States.
2. The government shall examine the application, verify the data and information contained
therein, and ensure its conformity with the applicable controls and conditions.
3. The application shall be decided within 30 days from the date of its submission. The
expiration of this period without a decision shall be deemed a rejection of the application.
Article 7
Chemical pesticides shall meet the following specifications:
1. They shall be of a non-detachable and fixed texture where the material is in the form of a
concentric liquid; easily mixed with water and able to be emulsified; and easily mixed with
kerosene or diesel if intended for use in the form of a mist or sprayed in very small amounts.
2. They shall mix quickly in water and be capable of lengthy suspension without being
deposited, if the material is able to be wet.
3. Where the materials are in powder form, they shall be mixed homogeneously. Where they
are composed of different materials, their density shall be sufficiently soft to allow ninety (90)
percent to pass through a sieve of 300 holes per square inch.
4. Diluted, wet, spreading or emulsified materials shall be harmless to the active materials in
the pesticide combination, and shall have no detrimental effects on plants.
5. The material shall be of a fixed combination, not transferable to other materials, and shall
not decompose rapidly.
Article 8
Pesticide containers shall meet the following specifications:
1. They shall be compatible with the pesticides' chemical composition, not subject to
corrosion or leakage, and properly sealed.
2. They shall be marked with a label including the following details in both Arabic and
The trade name and mark of the pesticide, if any.
The chemical name of the pesticide and the name of the active material.
c. The concentration of the active material and the other complementary materials (weight and
The purpose of the pesticide and its manner and percentages of use.
The safety period (expiration period).
The procedures and directions for administering first aid and anti-poison measures.
g. The toxicity of the pesticide and the appropriate warning signs in accordance with the
classification of the international health authority and the instructions of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
The pesticide's date of production, date of expiration, and batch number.
The producer company and country and the registration number of the pesticide.
j. The storage conditions of the pesticide, the influence of temperature during storage, and the
appropriate temperature for storage.
The ability of the pesticide to be mixed with other pesticides.
The net weight and size of the container.
Article 9
Pesticide storage facilities shall:
1. Be located far from residential areas, trading districts, livestock pens, poultry farms,
apiaries, foods and plants stocks, soft drink factories, feed factories and other areas.
2. Be well ventilated and equipped with exhaust fans, as well as meet the required health,
security and safety conditions.
Be annexed to a small pharmacy that includes first-aid and anti-poison kits.
Have direct access to a water resource and firefighting equipment.
5. Have a technical official adequately experienced with different kinds of pesticides and their
Be located away from other agricultural materials.
7. Have a numbered record, sealed with the seal of the Ministry's register, indicating the
source, type and amount of stored pesticides.
Article 10
The following acts shall be prohibited:
1. Importing or trading pesticides without a licence from the competent department or
describing them in a manner that does not match their registration and licence.
Trading in banned or illegal pesticides.
3. Opening containers before trading them or refilling them without the consent of the
competent department.
Changing, mutilating or damaging the containers before the trading licence is obtained.
Article 11
It shall be prohibited to use pesticides that carry restrictions other than those imposed by the
competent governmental authorities or the licensed companies. Such authorities and companies
shall be prohibited from selling the pesticides without the prior consent of the competent
department. The Minister may import poisonous pesticides for the purposes of scientific research
within a specified period in accordance with the competent department recommendations
Article 12
The licence for the importation or trading of pesticides may be cancelled in the following cases:
1. Where the licensee fails to notify the competent department of any change in the data
indicated on the trading license within one month of the change thereof.
2. Where the heirs or representatives of a deceased licensee failed to submit an application to
use the license within six (6) months from the date of death.
Where a violation of the provisions of this Law is repeated.
Article 13
. Employees of the Ministry, who are vested with the capacity of judicial officers by a decision
of the public prosecutor in coordination with the Minister, shall be entitled to seize and prove
crimes that violate this Law and its executive decisions. They shall also be entitled to enter the
stores, warehouses, factories, agriculture quarantine, customs inspections points and other places
where pesticides are located; to inspect the records and the documents related thereto; to take
samples for examination in order to ensure that they conform with the prescribed conditions and
specifications; and to seize temporarily those pesticides and related materials that do not match
the specifications.
2. Where the seized materials are found to be an immediate harm or risk, the competent
department shall be entitled to dispose thereof and shall prepare an official report thereon.
3. Where an analysis shows that a pesticide is invalid for use or does not match the prescribed
specifications, the competent department shall dispose of all or some of such pesticides or direct
that their details be changed in accordance with the prescribed specifications at the expense of its
4. In all cases, the disposition process shall be in coordination with the competent authorities.
Article 14
Without prejudice to any greater penalty stipulated by another law, any person convicted of
violating the provisions of Articles 3, 4, 5, 10 (2) and 11 of this Law shall be sentenced to
imprisonment for not less than one month and not more than one year, or to a fine of not less
than twenty thousand (20,000) Riyals and not more than one hundred thousand (100,000) Riyals,
or to both penalties. The court shall also order confiscation of damaged or illegal pesticides,
execution of which shall be at the expense of the owner.
2. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of Articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 (1), (3) and (4) of
this Law shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six (6) months or to a
fine of not less than five thousand (5,000) Riyals and not more than twenty thousand (20,000)
Riyals, or to both penalties.
3. The sentences described above may be doubled where the person repeats a similar offence
within five (5) years from the date of termination of his sentence. All offences stipulated in this
Law shall be considered similar.
Article 15
The fees charged for the application for the registration, importation and trading of pesticides
shall be determined by a decision issued by the Minister.
Article 16
The Minister, in coordination with the competent authorities, shall issue the necessary decisions
to execute this Law. Until these decisions are issued, the currently applicable decisions shall
remain in force without prejudice to the provisions of this Law.
Article 17
Decree-Law No. 10 of 1968, referred to above, shall be cancelled
Article 18
All competent authorities, each within its jurisdiction, shall enforce this Law from the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette.
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