УДК 911+550,4+631,6

Серія географічна. 2004. Вип. 31. С. 257–262
Ser.Geogr. 2004. №31. Р. 257–262
УДК 911+550,4+631,6
V. Gutsuliak, V. Prisacar
Chernivtsy Jury Fed'kovych National University,
St. Kotsubyns’koho, 2, Cherrnivtsi, 58000 Ukraine
Among the procedures of geochemical load determination on the landscape
environment the analysis of the geochemical coefficients and indices is widely adopted. To
these belong the load factor or chemical elements irregularity (Kc), the concentration clarke
( Kk ), total contamination index (Zc ). For the ecological situation evaluation the index of
intention of natural component contamination (Pj) and the integral index of ecological
danger of the landscape in standart units (Inb) are used.
Key words: geochemical load, landscape environment.
Due to intense technologic pollution of natural environment the soils of industrial
cities often become the object of ecological estimations. The novelty of this trend in science
demands special attention to the elaboration of its theoretical principles, that is
methodology ( Dinu, 1979 ). Such methodology is geochemistry of landscape ( Gutuleac V,
1994 ).
The extend of the soils pollution of urban environment must be estimated
regarding the background analogues, considering the background and radial landscape
geochemical structure. Besides, it is necessary to study the extend of their ecological
danger, which is the main task of applied geochemistry. The principles of the ecological
geochemical analysis of soils and other components of landscape has not been adequately
explored in literature. Ruta, Cernauti (Gutsuliac, 2003)
In the given article the results of the author’s investigation on the territory of
Bukowyna starting from 1980 have been summarized. The problem the author has tried to
solve concerns the working out of nethodology of ecological analysis and estimation of
natural components and soils in particular, the application of the analysis for the estimation
of ecological situation and solution of the questions of rational use of the nature.
For the estimation of ecological state and quality of landscape more than 1000
samles of soils have been approved, physical and chemical methods of laboratory analysis,
statistical working out have been applied. Chemical analysis of soil samples included
macro and microelements which are of ecological interest. The indices of the state of health
of the population living on the territory under study have been also used as indicators of
ecological risk.
On the basis of the results of the investigation the methods of estimation of
geochemical load on the soils of urbanised territories and methodology of determining the
degree of danger of soils pollution by chemical elements have been worked out by the
© Gutsuliak V., Prisacar V., 2004
V. Gutsuliak, V. Prisacar
As it known, due to the anthropic activity many natural soils have changed in
Anthrosols, especially in the urban areas. This phenomenon is due to the industry
development, stretching of dwelling space, improvement of agricultural technology etc.
1. Geochemical analysis of the landscape
As a result of owing to the accentuated technogenic pollution of soils, the
industrial cities become more and more frequently objectives of ecological assessment. The
actual state of this scientific concern requires the preparation of its methodological basis.
Such a methodology is offered by the landscape geochemistry. The concrete methods of
this science, its terminology has an important role. In cities, as well as in natural
landscapes, it is necessary toinvestigate the water and air migration, and biological flow of
atoms. At the same time, it should be taken into account the fact that the cities are
constituded of different landscape ( and geochemical ) systems – residential, industrial,
recreational etc. that have a certain functional role.
The geochemical analysis of Anthrosols should be fulfilled having in namely view
three aspects: study of chemical elements migration, and energetic and informative
characteristics of these processes.
The analysis of balance degree regarding the urban landscape is of a particular
importance. The city is a very unbalanced system, much more unbalanced than the natural
landscapes. The urban landscape abounds in free energy. The feedback are characteristic
for urban systems, but those positive exceed the negative ones. They permanently
determine the development rhythm of soils towards an unsuitable (environmental pollution)
direction. A problem of optimizing the urban soils consists in amplifying the negative
feedback that leads to their self-organization. To study the geochemistry of cities, it is
necessary to apply the Le-Satelle’s principle, that is the centralization principle
(determination of structural centre of urban landscape, key of problems controlling the
When the geochemical methods are used to investigate the urban soils, it is
important to know that the technogenic current of substance are dispersed, accumulated and
transformed by means of natural components.
To establish the connections between the above mentioned processes, it is
necessary to analyse the chemical composition not only of soils but also of bottom
sediments, snow layers and vegetation as well as of natural factors of landscapes pollution
and self-cleaning.
The assessment regarding the pollution degree of urban environmental components
should be made taking into account the lateral and radial background structure from
landscape and geochemical viewpoint. Also, the spatial structure of pollution and the
differentiation of territory, according to the ecolofical risks, should be studied, that being a
fundamental problem of the applied geochemistry.
The natural and anthropic factors play an important role in the formation of the
ecological state (pollution and self-cleaning). Among the climatic factors, two groups are
singled out:
• those determining the metabolism intensity of technogenesis products (sum of
solar radiation, ultraviolet, thermic and ozone regime of atmosphere – the ozone contributes
to oxidation);
• those determining the intensity of movement and accumulation of technogenesis
products (mean annual wind speed, number of calm days, misty days, precipitation). The
climatic maps of city are prepared according to each index, and also a synthetic
map of climatic factors is prepared.
Among the main geological and morphological factors the following are singled
out: soil erosion degree and factor that determine the intensity and character of the
distribution of the technogenesis products in soil; level of ground water table and its
protection degree by the impermeable horizons, particle size distribution of parent materials
as well as their mineralogy and chemical properties etc.
An important factor determining the landscape stability conserning the
pedogeochemical pollution is the soil capacity to play the buffer role. The movement of
active pollutants is determine by soil absorption capacity (depending on the particle size
distribution and humus content), alkalino-acid and redox condition (Table 1).
Table 1. Mobility of biochecally active elements of technogenesis in soils
according to the alkalino-acid and redox conditions
Alkalino - acid
Slighty acid and
Slighty acid and
Very long
Mn, Mo
As, Se
Mo, V
Pb, Ag, Se
Co, Ni, Cu, V
Co, Ni, Cu,Zn,
Co, Mn
Cu, Zn
As, Se
‫٭‬Numerator – very toxic elements; denominates – less toxic elements.
2. Procedures for evaluation of geochemical effects
Among the procedures to assess the geochemical weight on soils there are
frequently the concentration coefficient or the anomaly coefficient of chemical elements
(Kc), concenration klark (Kk), concise pollution indices (Zc). When the sum of anthropic
weight (influence) exceeds the possibility, acute ecological situations occur.
The concentration coefficient is the ratio between the real quantity of substance in
the natural component and its background quantity (Kk) – as compared to its klark in
lithosphere. Zc is the sum of concentration coefficients of chemical substances. The number
of elements totaled depends on their ecological value, analytical results etc. ( frequently
V. Gutsuliak, V. Prisacar
about 15 elements are totalled, especially those of the heavy metals). The formulas to
calculate the concentration degree and the soil pollution intensity degree, as well as other
natural components are presented below.
The consentration coefficient of a chemical element (i) as compared to its natural
background (klark) is:
Kci = Ci / Cf
Ci – concentration of element in soils of landscape;
Cf – its natural background (klark – concentration);
The concentration klark (Kk) of an element is: Kki = Ci / Ki
Ki – klark, that is mean quantity of an element in the terrestrial crust (per cent mass).
The concise soil pollution (Zc) is: Zcj = ∑Kci – (n-1)
n – number of chemical elements ( the elements having Kci > 1 are totalized,
j – landscape component.
The concise index of concentration klarks of elements in the natural component is:
Zkj = ∑Kki – (n-1).
3. Determination of pollution risk
Determination of pollution risk degree of soils with chemical substances.
Hygienically, the risk of landscape pollution is determined by the level of the possible
negative influence of this pollution on environment (whose components have a direct
contact – air, water, soils, food products) and man, respectively. The basic criterion for
hygienic assessment of the pollution risk is the maximum allowable limit (MAX) of
chemical substances in landscape components. The influence of pollution on human health
is determined by using the coefficient of chemical element risk (Kpi). This is determined by
the ratio between the quantity of substance in components of landscape, which is analysed,
and the maximum allowable limit (Kp = Ci / MAL). The concise pollution risk index is
determined by the sum of Kp indices.
To assess the of ecology state, the pollution intensity index (Pj) is also used. It is
determined by the formula:
Pj = ∑Kci Mj
Kci – concentration coefficient of chemical element (i);
M – toxic value of chemical element (according to the risk class):
Class I: > 4.1
Class II: 2.6 – 4.0
Class III:
0.5 – 2.5
Class IV:
< 0.5
The use of above formula allows to take into account the ecological importance of
soils and other components of landscape, the synergetic action of chemical elements that
determine the conditions of people life and health. For instance, the landscape complexes in
the central zone the Cernautzi city (Pj = 70) are threatened by a high risk, thus confirming
the conclusion referring to the ecological pressure and the necessity to adopt some
measures for improving the soils in the respective urban territories.
The analysis of geochemical indices distribution, according to the above
mentioned parameters (that are obtained after the approval of the natural components),
reveals the spatial structure image regarding the pollution of soils in the dwelling territories
(air, soils, water included) that constitutes the highest risk for human health. The selection
of chemical factors to assess the pollution risk of landscapes is performed taking into
1. specificity of pollution sources determining the complex of pollution chemical
elements ( Table 2 );
2. priority of pollutants according to the risk level and the maximum allowable limit
(MAL) of chemical substances ( Table 3 );
3. environmental alkalino-acid conditions according to the water pH (strongly acid – 4,
slightly acid – 4.6 – 5, neutral and slightly acid – 6.5 – 8.5, strongly alkaline > 8.5);
4. obstacle character of landscape component that influences the movement of chemical
elements. The less characteristic the obstacle properties of landscape are the higher is
the pollution risk, this affecting especially the landscapes with acid pH, a lowel soil
humus content and a lighter texture. The character of land uses (localities, agricultural
land areas, recreational areas etc.)
When it is not possible to take into account all the chemical elements polluting the
landscape, the assessment is made according to the most toxic elements, that is considering
the most dangerous class.
Having employed geochemical factors, total indicator of pollution (Zc), intensive indicates
of pollution (Pj), we estimated the ecological situation of antroposoils (antroposols).The
landscape as a whole has been estimeded with the help of integral indicators of ecological
danger (In). The anomalous integral indicator of ecological danger of soils which has been
found out (In = 50) may be considered entirely as critical (the threshold), beyond which
certain biological reactions of the organism are observed.
Monitoring of the quality of the soils (and landscapes as a whole ) is the key
condition of integral management of antroposoils ( antroposoluri).
Table 2. Accumulation of chemical elements in soils of landscapes
in the zone influenced by some industrial enterprises and other pollution sources
Pollution sources
Production types
Industry, for construction of
machines and processing
Pollution sources
Enterprises for processing
Industry, for construction of
machines and processing
Enterprises for processing
Manufacture of
equipment for
industry. Manufacture of
storage battery with lead
Production types
Concentration coefficient (Kc)
2 - 10
> 10
Nickel, Chromium,
Lead, zinc
Mercury, Tin, Copper,
Concentration coefficient (Kc)
2 - 10
> 10
Nickel, Chromium,
Lead, zinc
Mercury, Tin, Copper
Nickel, Cadmium
Industrial waste water
V. Gutsuliak, V. Prisacar
Table3. Ordination of chemical substances entering the soil from emmissions,
leakage, wastes, according to the pollution level
Class of risk degree
I ( very dangerous )
II ( dangerous )
III ( moderately dangerous )
Chemical substance
Arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead,
selenium, zinc, fluorine, benzopyrine
Boron, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum,
copper, antinomy, chromium
Borium,vanadium, wolfram, manganese,
strontium, acetophenon
1. Dinu, V., 1979. Mediul inconjurator in viata omenirii contemporane (The
environment in contemporary mankind life).
2. Gutuleac, V. N., 1994. Geochemistry of landscapes. Edit ., Cernauti, Ruta 82 pp.
(Ukrainian langauage);
3. Гуцуляк В.М., 2003 Ландшафтна екологія : Чернівці,. (Gutuleac, V. N., 2003.
Ecology of landscapes, Cernauti, Ruta 276).
В. Гуцуляк, В. Прісакар
Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича,
вул. Коцюбинського, 2, м. Чернівці, 58000 Україна
Серед методичних прийомів (засобів) визначення геохімічного навантаження
на ландшафтне середовище широке застосування має аналіз геохімічних коефіцієнтів
і показників. Такими є коефіцієнт концентрації або аномальності хімічних елементів
(Кс), кларк концентрації (Кк), сумарний показник забруднення (Zc). Для оцінки
екологічної ситуації використовуються також показник інтенсивності забруднення
природного компонента (Pj), який враховує ступінь токсичності хімічного елемента у
відповідності до класу небезпечності, та інтегральний показник екологічної
небезпечності ландшафту (Інб), в якому враховується транслокаційний показник
шкідливості, виражений в умовних одиницях (для грунтів – 2, повітря – 3, грунтових
вод – 4, біомаси – 5). Використання запропонованих показників дозволяє врахувати
синергічну дію хімічних елементів–забруднювачів та екологічну значимість
компонентів ландшафту.
Ключові слова: геохімічне навантаження, ландшафтне довкілля.
Стаття надійшла до редколегії 18.02.2004
Прийнята до друку 16.06.2004