EU-MEDITERRANEAN MIGRATION AND REMITTANCE FLOWS: A TOOL FOR CO-DEVELOPMENT AND LEVERAGING FOREIGN INVESTMENT By Raquel Torres Ruiz Alejandro Lorca Corróns 1 INTRODUCTION Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has emerged as the main source of growth and development financing in East Asia and Latin America, rendering widely analyzed development models (the “Flying Geese2 and the “maquiladora” development models, respectively). Large volumes of export-oriented FDI have flown from North to South, from economic powers such as Japan or the USA to their neighboring developing regions, helping increase their productive capacity, and boosting economic growth and development through the integration of such economies into global production chains and international trade. Influenced by geographical and cultural proximity, over half of FDI flows from Japan to developing countries have been invested in East and Southeast Asia (and slightly less than the other half in Latin America). And two thirds of the FDI flows from the US to developing countries are invested in Latin America, and almost one third in Asia. Such North-South investment pattern is not observed between another economic power, the EU, and its Southern neighbor. The EU countries invest five times more in Latin America than in the Middle Eastern And North African (MENA), four times more in Asia and more than double in Eastern Europe. As a result, in the period from 1995 to 2002, Latin America received about 40% of FDI flows to developing countries, East Asia 35% and Eastern Europe 16%, while the MENA countries absorbed just 2%, while its GPD represents 9.5% of developing countries GDP. Within the Mediterranean region, FDI is rather asymmetrically distributed, both geographically and across sectors. Algeria and Turkey, followed by Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia are the main recipients of FDI. While FDI from the EU exceeds 40% of total FDI in Turkey, this share is much lower in the Maghreb and Mashrek countries, where only some 10% of total FDI originate in the EU. In addition, FDI flows follow an erratic trend in time, varying greatly from year to year as they are mainly linked to the allocation of oil and gas exploration and exploitation licenses and the privatization of public enterprises in strategic sectors. Foreign investment, thus, does not generally represent a long-lasting capacity building commitment, contributing little to firm productivity increase, to integration in the global trade and production chains and, finally, to growth. Indeed, the region’s growth performance in the last decade and a half has had a lot to do with the strength of the oil price since the 1990s, rather than with a productive capacity increase. In contrast, the surge of capital flows has helped increase productive capacity in East Asia and Latin America. While Latin America managed to grow at an average rate of 3.3% in the 1990s, compared to a rate of 1.4% in the previous decade, East Asia has maintained the growth rate of 2 over 7% achieved in the 1980s, and this despite suffering during the debt crisis and the Asian crisis and its aftermath. Reform programs were initiated in the 1990s by most Mediterranean countries to diversify their economies away from oil and from a public sector led growth, and to create a favorable environment in which the private sector could emerge and become an engine for higher and sustainable growth. While the region has done very well in terms of economic stabilization, lowering inflation, ending black market in exchange rates and narrowing current account deficits, it has been a late comer to structural reforms relative to other developing regions in the world, such as Latin America and Asia. Furthermore, mostly modest make-up reforms with limited effects on the economy have been implemented so far. These slow and modest reforms have been mainly motivated by the external pressure exerted by the EU, rather than by a real conviction and determination for change of some political elites that, in the presence of little or no political opposition, are more concerned about preserving their privileges. So, relative to other developing countries in Latin America and Asia, there are still many obstacles to foreign investment in the Mediterranean that need to be addressed by wide ranging structural reforms: weak legal and institutional frameworks; restrictive trade regimes and scarce regional trade integration; restrictive investment regimes (probably due to fears of some sort of neo-colonial experience); excessive public regulation and intervention; inadequate educational systems and insufficiently developed financial systems, mostly oriented towards the public sector and unable to channel efficiently and effectively private capital to productive investments. The reforms to be undertaken are numerous, require long implementation periods, and frequently face strong opposition from the political elite. Meanwhile, there exists a rather overlooked alternative that can be exploited to contribute to improve the attractiveness for both domestic and foreign investors, and that may get around political opposition more easily. Such is the case of measures directed to strengthening migrants´ links to their home countries, and increasing the volume of workers’ remittances sent back home through formal channels, as well as the share of these remittances funding productive investments and development projects. Both in Central America (particularly Mexico) and Asia (particularly China), immigrant communities abroad have become valuable “cultural sponsors” for the promotion of private investment, domestic and foreign, of the economic transformation of their regions of origin and of economic reforms in their country of origin. Infrastructure and industrial development, foreign trade and foreign investment have benefited from the development of business contacts, of distribution channels and of sophisticated financial networks between these diasporas and 3 their home country, as well as from the financial support through remittances and the international business know-how of these communities. The numerous Arab communities spread throughout the world, particularly the numerous North African communities in the EU, could also be a valuable asset for the development of the Mediterranean region. The issue of migration and workers remittances is, indeed, of crucial importance in the relationship between the EU and the Mediterranean countries, and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership could find in it a new instrument of co-development. In the following, diverse aspects of workers´ remittance flows to the Mediterranean countries1 (flow dimensions, remittance channels, impact and use of remittances, and measures to increase them) are reviewed in order to assess the potential of such capital flows in influencing the investment climate and leveraging private investment, both domestic and foreign. REMITTANCE FLOWS: SOME BASIC NOTIONS Flows of workers´ remittances to developing countries (the portion of migrant’s earnings sent back from the country of residence to the country of origin) have grown steadily during the last 30 years. At a 7% annual growth rate during the last decade, they have gone up from 67.6 billion dollars in 1999, to 93 billion in 2003 and about 100 billion in 2005. Remittances are only second to FDI as a capital flow towards developing countries, and substantially exceed both private debt flows and development aid. Table 2. Net financial flows to developing countries (Billion current USD) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 181.7 162.2 175.0 147.1 135.2 Net private debt flows 0.1 -3.9 -28.1 3.2 50.6 Total foreign aid (grants) 28.5 28.7 27.9 31.2 34.3 Net FDI inflows Workers’ remittances 67.6 68.4 77.0 88.1 Source: IMF Balance of Payments Yearbook and World Bank staff estimates. 93.0 The substantial rise in officially recorded remittances over the last decade has in part been fuelled by increasingly intense migration and in part by an increasing use of formal channels of transmission for remittances (banks, post offices, credit unions, or money transfer companies 1 Even though an accession country and, thus, not part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Turkey is included in the study because of its condition as a middle income developing country in the Southern border of the EU, and its relevance as FDI and remittance destination even before becoming and accession country. Israel and the Palestinian authority, on the other hand, are not considered because of their territorial particularity and, the classification as high-income country in the case of Israel, and lack of data in the case of the PA. 4 such as Western Union and Money-Gram). However, a precise estimation of total remittance flows is difficult for various reasons: - The lack of comparable migration figures across countries with different nationalization laws. - The different understanding of the specific components of remittance flows by different countries, and even by international organizations (e.g. IMF´s Balance of Payments Statistics and the World Bank’s Global Development Finance Report2). - The still large share of remittances sent through informal channels (in-cash or in-kind transfers through hand-carriage when visiting home, or through family members or friends, and transfers through cash carriers, unlicensed money transfer operators, travel agencies or call shops), and thus going unrecorded, which may be even larger than formal remittances. As in the last years, the volume of recorded remittances is expected to rise further due to a more intense use of formal channels to transfer remittances. Such expectation is supported by recent developments: slowly decreasing transaction fees in the presence of higher competition in the formal sector; the liberalization of exchange restrictions and disappearance of the premium on black market currency exchanges (El Qorchi and others, 2003); and tighter controls of informal remittance networks after September 11th to prevent money laundering for funding terrorism. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF REMITTANCES Geographically, the largest flows are directed toward Latin America (one third of total flows) and South and East Asia (over a third of total flows), followed by Mediterranean countries (table 3). The major remittance corridors are: Canada/US to Latin America and Asia; the EU to Eastern Europe, Turkey and North Africa; and the Persian Gulf to South and Southeast Asia. Table 3. Geographic distribution of workers´ remittances 2001-2003. (Billion current USD) Europe & Central Asia East Asia & Pacific South Asia Latin America & Caribb. MENA Sub-Saharan Africa Total 2001 10,2 13,7 13,1 22,9 13,2 3,9 77,1 2002 10,3 17 16,9 26,8 13,0 4,1 88,1 2003 % increase 10,4 1,9 17,6 28,9 18,2 38,7 29,6 29,3 13,0 -1,2 4,1 3,5 93 20,7 Source: Balance of Payments Yearbook, several years, IMF. 2 IMF´s definition only includes current transfers by immigrants employed in new economies and residents for over a year there, while the World Bank also considers compensation of employees (persons who are considered non-residents because they work and stay for less than a year) and migrant transfers (net worth transferred from one country to another at the time of migration). 5 In relative terms, however, remittances are more important for Mediterranean countries. They represent, on average, 3.5% of GNI (reaching 20% in Jordan, 12% in Lebanon, 8% in Morocco and 5% in Tunisia) and 11% of imports (two thirds of trade deficit in Morocco and one third in Tunisia). These are significantly higher ratios than those for developing countries in general (just over 1% of developing countries GDP and 5% of imports in 2002). The ratio of remittance inflows to other types of capital flows is also significantly higher in Mediterranean countries than in the developing regions. In fact, while remittances are globally well below FDI, this is not true for Mediterranean countries. In Jordan, for example, annual remittance inflows were nine times FDI and six times foreign aid on average in the last decade. Moreover, in 2002, they tripled total tourism receipts and represented 75% of Jordan’s total revenues from exports. Even in Tunisia, where tourism contributes to a higher percentage of GDP, remittances represent up to 50% of total revenues from tourism. And in Morocco, remittances exceed receipts from the phosphate and the tourism industries. Reflecting the importance of remittances in the region, five Mediterranean countries (Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan) are among the top ten recipients of remittances worldwide (see Figure 4). Furthermore, remittances are an important source of income for Lebanon, Morocco, and particularly Jordan, where they account for some of the largest shares of local GDP worldwide (Figure 5). Figure 4. Main remittance recipient countries in billion dollars 12,0 10,0 9,9 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 5,4 3,3 2,9 2,8 2,3 2,1 2,0 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,4 1,4 1,3 1,2 1,1 In di a M ex Ph ic ilip o pi n M es or oc co Eg yp Tu t rk Le ey b Ba an ng on la D de om sh in J ic o rd an R an ep El ubl Sa ic lva C dor ol om bi a Ye m e Pa n kis ta n Br az Ec il u Yu ado go r sl av Th ia ai la nd C h Sr ina iL an ka 0,0 6 Figure 5. Main remittance recipient countries in percentage of GDP 37,3 26,5 22,8 17,0 16,2 16,1 15,0 13,8 13,8 13,6 13,5 12,6 9,7 9,3 8,9 8,9 8,5 8,5 7,9 7,0 To ng Le a so th o Jo rd an Al ba ni N a ic ar ag ua Ye m en M ol do Le va b El ano Sa n l C vad ap or e Ve rd e J FR am Yu aic go a sl D av om ia M in o ic an roc R co ep ub l Va ic nu Ph a ilip tu pi ne H on s du ra s U ga nd Ec a ua Sr dor iL an ka 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Source: Global Development Finance, 2003. World Bank. REMITTANCES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION Total formal remittances to the Mediterranean region are estimated to amount to more than 13 billion dollars (table 4), more than one-sixth of global remittances to developing countries (while their share of developing countries GDP is less than a tenth). Actual flows are believed to be substantially higher, since unrecorded flows or informal remittance flows are estimated to be higher than in other regions, and range from 50 to 100 per cent of the official amount, depending on the recipient country. Table 4. Workers’ Remittances in Mediterranean countries (Million current USD) 2000 2001 $ Million % of GNI 2002 $ Million % of GNI $ Million % of GNI 233 0,5 233 0,4 233 0,4 Egypt 2.852 2,8 2.911 2,9 2.893 3,2 Jordan 1.845 21,9 2.011 22,8 2.135 23,2 Lebanon 1.582 9,1 2.307 13,1 2.307 12,7 Morocco 2.161 6,7 3.261 9,9 2.877 8,1 Syria 180 1,0 200 1,1 200 1,0 Tunisia 796 4,3 927 4,9 1.070 5,3 Turkey 4.560 2,3 2.786 1,9 1.936 1,1 Med 14.209 3,2 14.637 3,7 13.652 3,2 Algeria Source: Global Development Finance 2004, World Bank. 7 For comparison purposes, development aid from the EU to 8 of the 12 Mediterranean countries amounts to about 2 billion US dollars yearly: less than a billion come from the MEDA program, launched in the Barcelona Process, and another billion comes from the European Investment Bank. This money, i.e. 9 US dollars per capita, is supposed to provide the needed support for the modernization of the economies to prepare their production systems to compete on a free market with the EU from 2010 on. A large share of remittance flows to Mediterranean countries originates from the European Union (at least half of total remittance flows received), destination of a large percentage of Mediterranean migration because of geographical proximity: 95% of total migration originating from Algeria lives in the EU, 85% from Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey, 10% from Lebanon and 5% from Egypt, Jordan and Syria, which receive most of remittances from the USA and the Gulf countries. The main EU destination countries of migration are: France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, all countries of old migration which now include third and fourth generations, and Spain and Italy, countries of new migration, i.e. receiving first generation migrants, mostly young and well-educated. Mediterranean immigrants living in the EU are highly regionally concentrated determining mayor EU-Mediterranean remittance corridors. Most Moroccan and Algerian immigrants in the EU live in France (30% of Moroccans and 85% of Algerians living in the EU), which is also home to a high concentration of Tunisians (50%). The Moroccan migrant population in Spain, though, is growing fast and expected to surpass the size of the Moroccan migrant community in France by 2006. Germany is the main destination for Turkish migrants (70% of total immigrants in the EU), Jordanian (45%), Syrian (45%) and Lebanese (40%). The low percentage of Egyptians living in the EU concentrates in Italy (40% of Egyptian immigrants in the EU). Remittances flowing from the EU to Mediterranean countries will continue rising in the future due to: - The capital liberalization process that many Mediterranean countries are immersed in. - The continuously growing active population in the region, a result of the incorporation to the labor market of a markedly young population and of women. - The structural adjustment that labor markets, and the economies in general, are going through while implementing neo-liberal policies and advancing in trade and capital liberalization. - And a possible shift of the destination of Maghreb and Mashreq migration from GCC countries to the EU given a similar demographic and labor situation in Gulf countries and 8 Mediterranean countries, although the recent surge in oil prices and large inflow of petrodollars in the Gulf may mitigate this shift. REMITTANCE CHANNELS As already mentioned, remittances can be transferred formally or informally. Formal money transfer systems include mainly banks, post offices, and MTOs (e.g. Western Union, MoneyGram). Informal sector channels mainly refer to cash or in-kind transfers through carriers, be it family members, friends or other carriers, and money or goods taken by the migrant on his seasonal visits to his/her homeland or funds remitted through unlicensed money transfer operators. Informal money transfer systems are attractive to many immigrants because they are accessible (no bank account needs to be opened, and no complex bureaucratic procedures are needed), anonymous (no proof of identity is required), cheap, swift and reliable. However, at a more collective level, there are disadvantages associated to the use of informal channels: it hinders valuable data collection; increases the risk of misuse of remittances for money laundering and financing of illegal activities, among them terrorism; diminishes the development impact of remittances, as will be seen later. In the EU-Mediterranean corridor, informal channels are heavily used due to the relatively high cost of formal channels, the large group of irregular immigrants and the geographical proximity. Informal remittances range from 50% to well over 100% of formal remittances depending on the country, with the exception of Turkey, where the share of informal channels is small. Turkish immigrants rely heavily on Turkish banks operating out of Germany, which offer a well developed network of branches in both countries, low cost remittance services, and a wide array of incentives in the form of special services (mortgages, education financing, credits for small business investments) and premium bank accounts. In contrast, transaction costs are relatively high in the rest of the Mediterranean region (except for Morocco), encouraging the use of informal channels, for various reasons: - Limited competition in the MTOs network. Exclusivity contracts of MTOs with post offices prevail in countries such as Algeria (only Western Union is present). - Limited competition in the banking system and insufficiently developed payment systems. Governments retain control over the main banks in many of the countries; the branch network in rural areas, where many migrants come from, is insufficient; banking penetration is, thus, relatively low (the average regional share of the population holding bank accounts is 15%, a very low number compared to EU countries, with shares exceeding 100%); and most transactions are made in cash or by check (including wage payments). 9 - Limited accessibility to bank accounts for migrants residing in the EU, particularly illegal migrants as proper identification is needed to open a bank account, and for destination families in some rural areas. - Insufficient banking products tailored for remitters and their families, with few exceptions (Turkey, Morocco, and Tunisia). - Inadequate information on available transfer mechanisms and associated costs, speed and reliability; and lack of transparency on transfer cost (which frequently, in the case of banks, reveals surprise costs). Among formal channels, MTOs are often the dominant transfer system despite their higher cost because they provide speed, reliability, do not require an account and usually have good distribution networks. The general disadvantage of MTO remittances (and informal transfers) in comparison with bank transfers is that, whereas banks can pool resources and lend them on to finance productive investments, MTOs just transfer money. Thus, even when remittances are not largely used to fund productive investment, if they are primarily channeled through the banking sector into deposit accounts, such as in Turkey, and to a lesser extent in Morocco and Tunisia, they still have a multiplier effect on the economy and contribute to the development of the financial sector. Of course, non-bank transfers can later be deposited into bank accounts, but it is not likely. IMPACT ON ORIGIN COUNTRIES OF MIGRATION Migration has mixed effects on the economic conditions in the receiving country. The debate over the economic impact of migration and remittances is far from over. Research on remittances and their impact in home country households and regions is abundant (for a review, Massey et al. 1998, or Taylor 1999). The most visible effects are summarized in the following points: - Remittances augment the income and welfare of those relatives left behind in the home country, alleviating the poverty of the recipient (Adams and Page, 2003). However, poorer and lower-skilled households may benefit relatively little from remittances because they are less able to meet the migration associated costs, but also because immigration policies in advanced economies often favor skilled workers with a permanent occupation (Carling, 2004). Consequently, other authors argue that remittances may rather raise income inequality in the receiving country. They might even raise urban-rural inequality, since remittances are predominantly used to finance investments in urban rather than in rural areas. In addition, some authors argue that remittances may reduce recipients motivation to 10 work, creating permanent financial dependency, and slowing down economic growth (Chami et al. 2003). - Empirical evidence indicates that remittances tend to rise in times of economic downturns (Chami et al., and Ratha 2003), smoothing household consumption and contributing to the stability of the country when facing macroeconomic shocks. - They improve a country’s credit worthiness for external borrowing as the ratio of debt to exports of goods and services, a key indebtedness indicator, decreases significantly when remittances are included in the denominator. In the case of Lebanon, for example, credit ratings would improve two notches, reducing the sovereign spread from 130 to 334 basis points (UN, 2006). - The marked stability of remittances over time allows for their use as collateral against which both public and private sector entities may borrow in international capital markets (Ketkar and Ratha, 2001) at lower borrowing costs (lower interest rate and longer maturity). The first major securitization deal involving workers´ remittances occurred in 1994 in Mexico. The largest issuers of remittance backed securities nowadays are Turkey (35% of total remittance backed securities), Mexico (24%) and Brazil (31%). - Remittances can also accelerate financial development in recipient countries, as remittance recipients are persuaded to turn their remittances into deposits with financial institutions, and more credit and savings products are developed to attend their demands for financing education, housing, investments, etc. Financial development, in turn, has positive effects on growth and development, both directly and indirectly by encouraging a more effective utilization of remittances. - Large foreign exchange inflows, especially in small economies, can lead to exchange rate appreciation and lower export competitiveness. However, as remittances tend to be relatively stable and persistent over long periods, the “Dutch disease” effects of remittances are less of a concern than similar effects of natural resource earnings and other cyclical flows, and the real exchange level achieved through sensible policies may be sustainable (IMF 2005). - Low-skilled migration might represent a valuable safety valve for insufficient employment at home. In the long run, however, developing country policies should aim to generate adequate employment rather than relying on migration (UN 2006). - A well-educated diaspora can improve access to capital, technology, information, foreign exchange and business contacts for firms in the country of origin. Both the return of expatriates and the maintenance of close contacts with high-skilled emigrants play an important role in the transfer of knowledge to origin countries, and the development of 11 commercial networks and foreign investment opportunities. At the same time, large outflows of skilled workers can negatively affect growth as the society: it loses its return on high-skilled workers, sometimes trained at the public expense; their potential contribution to other workers through education and training; and their potential contribution to the debate of public issues to improve governance and administrative capacity. - Remittances represent a source of savings and capital for investment in education, health and entrepreneurship, all of which have an effect in a shorter or longer term on productivity and employment, and ultimately on growth. Woodruff and Zenteno (2004) and Masey and Parrado (1998) find a positive impact of remittances on entrepreneurship in Mexico, Yang (2004) on education and entrepreneurship in the Philippines, Brown (1994) for business investment in Tonga and Western Samoa. There are also studies that find a negative correlation between remittances and investment and growth, but this might reveal some causality problem as remittances increase during economic downturns. It is widely recognized that remittances are mainly dedicated to consumption of food, clothing and sometimes luxury consumer goods, but also to health care, education, and housing construction. Generally only a small percentage is invested in productive activities, which a study by Orozco on Mexico estimates at 6% to 7% of remittances. Even though investment in housing, health care and education are not perceived as productive investments, they can have an indirect effect on local production and employment opportunities through: consumption of local inputs and labor, improved household welfare and increased human capital, which positively affect the productivity of the workforce and have long term effects on growth. (Taylor 1999; Stahl and Arnold, 1986; Durand, Parrado and Massey 1996). The largest impact on growth and development, though, occurs when remittances fund productive investment. The use of remittances for funding productive investments depends on many factors: - Skills of the migrant or the family left behind. If they are coming from rural areas, are unskilled, have low levels of education, and lack the necessary skills to identify market opportunities and innovate, there is little chance that investments, if any, be made in more productive and development-enhancing sectors, where technical and managerial knowledge is required. - Attachment to the homeland. Migrants who are more attached to their country of origin will send more money home and for a longer time, visit the country more frequently, and invest in real estate and economic activities with higher probability. Remittances and involvement with the home country tend to weaken with time and through generations. Governments in some countries, such as Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, have been quite successful in 12 developing programs to maintain their migrated nationals´ attachment, even that of second and third generations already born in the EU. - Opportunities for small-scale investment and awareness about such opportunities. - The social and financial capital needed for a new business. - Access to credit and other financial instruments. - The investment climate, influenced by political stability, macroeconomic policies, infrastructures and institutional framework. A good investment climate with well-developed financial systems and sound institutions is likely to imply that a higher share of remittances is invested in physical and human capital (IMF 2005). MEASURES TO PROMOTE REMITTANCES Realizing the potential of this important financial flow flooding into capital-thirsty countries, governments eager to tap into this form of financing for development are making important efforts in certain countries to support their diaspora abroad. There is a wide array of measures that governments and financial institutions, in both remittance-sending and –receiving countries, can take to increase the flow of formal remittances and the share dedicated to fund productive investments and, thereby, enhance the development impact and multiplier effects on local production and employment. And there are ample opportunities for cooperation. Remittance cost reduction through encouraging increased competition in the formal sector by: lowering the high entry barriers to the MTOs sector, allowing alliances of new comers with foreign financial institutions to use their branch network, promoting the integration and modernization of the financial infrastructures supporting remittances. For example, the automated clearinghouse system established by the US Federal Reserve and Banco de México to facilitate remittances of Mexican migrants working in the US has contributed to the 60% reduction of remittance costs in the US-Mexico corridor since 1999. La Caixa and CECA (the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks) have cooperation agreements with Banque Populaire and Credit Maroc to channel remittances and offer cheaper services to migrants, such as remittances through cell phones (SMS), internet and card-to-card or visa credit cards. Allowing domestic banks to operate overseas can also contribute to increase the alternatives for sending remittances. For example, the Banque Populaire of Morocco has opened branches in all European destination countries of Moroccan migration bringing trust and offering low fees, simple procedures and non-financial services targeting migrants. 13 Incentives on the saving of remittances: foreign currency and premium bank accounts, and special services targeted at migrants needs, such as loans, pension schemes and bonds may encourage remittances indirectly. Countries such as Lebanon or China, among others, have issued bonds for their diaspora, and experience shows that after maturity, some portion of the money is likely to remain in the country. In Morocco, Bank Al Amal, established in 1989, is specialized in financing migrants´ investment projects. In Turkey, the DESIYAB (State Bank for Industry and migrant Investment), established in 1976 to channel remittances to productive investments, supports companies founded by residents abroad or returned migrants, who have to fund at least 50% of the capital needed and take up a managerial role. Tax exemptions on incoming remittances. In most countries remittances are exempt from taxes, a measure that raises remittances, but also the possibility of misuse for tax evasion. Travel and custom preferential treatment to migrants sending home or bringing with them goods and equipment. For example, once a year, Tunisians are entitled to import goods or services up to a custom value of a thousand Tunisian dinars without paying tax, and a private vehicle, home equipment and furniture are tax free when they return. Turkey and many other countries also offer such import privileges. Relaxation of exchange and capital controls. Some Mediterranean countries still limit investment by non-residents, whether foreign or migrants living abroad, who in some countries have to get authorization to even invest in certain real estate properties. For example, in Tunisia, non-residents require prior approval from the Central Bank to purchase real estate and for investments that raise foreign ownership to more than 50% of the capital. In Egypt, nonresidents can own maximum two real estate properties not exceeding 4000 square meters. In Lebanon, to register a company, local residency and working permit are required, and to acquire real estate exceeding 3000 square meter a permit is needed. In Jordan, non-resident investment is limited to 50% of ownership in a given sector of the economy, and approval is required for real estate transactions. In Syria, non-resident investment cannot exceed 49% of invested capital, real estate ownership by non-residents needs government approval, and residents are not allowed to open a foreign currency account. ID cards providing identification to migrants, regardless of their legal status, to access bank accounts. A prime example is the Mexican matrícula consular, an ID card extended by Mexican consulates abroad and widely accepted by commercial banks in the US. Some countries, like Tunisia, issue ID cards, carte consulaire, to expedite domestic services for their immigrants, i.e. special customs clearance, reduced airfares and foreign currency bank accounts in Tunisia. In 14 1995, the Turkish government created the “pink card” for migrants that gave up their Turkish citizenship but wanted to preserve their right to buy and inherit land in Turkey. Active policies and institutional arrangements to support the diaspora and its engagement in the development of the homeland. According to a recent study commissioned by the European Investment Bank, a few Mediterranean countries have been quite proactive in creating institutional support and incentive schemes for migrants such as: - Training schemes. For example, the Turkish and German governments agreed to make funds available to those migrants wishing to return and open a small business, provided that the migrant participated in training programs in both countries. The Algerian government has created knowledge transfer programs to engage groups of expert Algerian workers residing abroad in R&D and educational and training programs to improve productivity and to stimulate small and medium start-ups, particularly in high-tech sectors such as biotechnology for agriculture. The Tunisian government provides migrants and their families financing for studies to improve their skills. - Information campaigns on the different support and incentive schemes: pre-migration information and orientation (Philippines), fairs and reorientation visits for migrants and their families (Colombia and Tunisia), and hotline for migrant investors (Tunisia). - Support in legal and administrative disputes, and guarantees for investment. The Hassan II Foundation in Morocco, funded through donations from the profits of banks offering remittance services, supports residents abroad interested in investing in the home country, providing social and legal assistance, but also education and cultural exchange, cooperation, partnership and economic promotion. Syria is establishing an Expatriates´ Fund audited by the UNDP through which Syrians living abroad can safely invest in development projects. - Shortened military service or payment of a fee instead (Turkey). - Policies and institutional settings to encourage migrants´ attachment to the homeland. For example, Algerian residents abroad can vote for the National People’s Assembly and are represented in it. Morocco allows for dual citizenship, even if born abroad and the Mohammed VI Foundation in Morocco supports migrants returning for the summer. The Coordinating Committee for Nationals Living Abroad, established in Turkey in 1998, includes representatives of Turks in 12 foreign countries and its Supreme Committee is chaired by the Prime Minister. 15 USE OF REMITTANCES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN All these incentives have been met by varying degrees of success. Certainly attachment to the homeland is strong among Moroccans, reflected in the significant investment in real estate in the home country and the high participation of third and fourth generation descendants of Moroccan migrants in solidarity projects at the village and national levels high. Also Tunisians, Algerians and Turks (as opposed to Egyptians, Jordanians and Lebanese) are quite attached to their home countries. And the volume of capital flowing into Mediterranean countries coming from remittances, as indicated before, is very important and increasing. Now, what is the use of those remittances? They are mainly funding households’ daily livelihood, including housing. However there are indications that migrant earnings are used for productive investment when investment opportunities are identified and the local conditions are favorable. There is increasing interest by Moroccans to invest directly in their country, Tunisians that finance small businesses and returning migrants in Egypt, Jordan and Turkey who become entrepreneurs. Evidence from Morocco suggests that remittances have played an important role in supporting local economies and infrastructure development in certain areas. Traditionally, remittances have funded investment in the service sector, where the most popular investments require little entrepreneurial and managerial capability (e.g. taxi services, small tea and coffee shops, restaurants and hotels), and have a limited multiplier effect on employment. But in recent years, investments have included modern land exploitation techniques increasing agricultural productivity, the introduction of state-of-the-art stock-raising technology, the setting up of commercial establishments and small and medium-size industries in the food-processing, building materials and retail sectors, and the management of parts of the public transport system. And there is a growing interest in the information and communication technology sector. This trend might reflect the shift observed in migration patterns. While migration to traditional immigration countries has had a larger rural component, new immigration countries, like Spain, are receiving a younger and better educated immigrant population. According to national data, over 4,000 entrepreneurial projects were financed by emigrated workers in Tunisia in the period 1993-99, creating over 20,000 new jobs. Such investment, however, represented only 2.7 per cent of total remittance receipts during that period, which points to the enormous potential for development finance if the appropriate policies are set in place. In Egypt, evidence indicates that half of returning immigrants have invested savings accumulated during their working years abroad into housing projects, and an additional 10% 16 have established their own enterprise. In Jordan, returning migrants have created small and micro enterprises in low technology and labor intensive sectors. In Turkey, studies analyzing the occupational choice of returning immigrants find that more than half of returnees are economically active and mostly engaged in entrepreneurial activities. However, according to surveys conducted among immigrant communities from Mediterranean countries living in the EU3, investment in their home country is still perceived as difficult and unattractive because of the lack of information about investment opportunities, the insecurity inspired by the economic and political situation, and a slow bureaucratic system and widespread lack of transparency, conditions which have caused some to even pull out their investment from various kinds of business activities. Also, a large share of remittances remain unutilized because many of the migrants come from underdeveloped areas in terms of infrastructures (electricity, water, telecommunications, health systems, and schools), which constrain investment opportunities. If this is the perception of nationals living abroad, the negative impression that foreign investors have of Mediterranean countries as investment destination is no surprise. It is precisely this perception in international capital markets that has to be addressed and changed to promote FDI flows towards the Mediterranean region. RECOMMENDATIONS The pooling of remittances and cooperation of public and private agents may help increase the impact on investment and development of remittances. Most remittances are sent by migrants individually, yet a small fraction is sent collectively by groups of migrants who pool their money and invest it collectively in development related activities. The most common forms of association are the so-called Hometown Associations (HTAs), which group migrants from the same town in the home country. HTAs started in Central America in the late 1990s, account now for 1% of total remittances to Central America, and are expected to increase their share to 3% in the next couple of years (UN 2006). However, there are also other kinds of associations formed by refugee groups, professional groups or even virtual associations that work through the Internet. These associations have traditionally invested in social projects (schools, medical outreach clinics, recreational parks, and household support) and channeled post-disaster humanitarian 3 Specifically among Moroccan households in Denmark, as part of research project coordinated by the Federico Caffè Centre and co-financed by the EU under FEMISE Network Research Program: “A favorable macro-environment, innovative financial instruments and international partnership to channel workers´ remittances towards the promotion of local development. Two case studies in Morocco and Tunisia”. The primary results of the research can be generalized to other Mediterranean countries. 17 aid. But their focus is expanding to include economic infrastructure and income-generating projects managed by the community and local NGOs or banks (Orozco 2003), where HTAs in Central America have been quite proactive and successful. Governments have, on occasions, offered matching grants to attract funding for specific community projects. When these associations debate project ideas and investment climate issues with local governments, they can also promote higher standards of transparency and accountability among local authorities and higher labor standards, thus further improving the general investment climate. So, encouraging the creation of immigrant associations, supporting them and encouraging cooperation with remittance service providers, local financial entities (including micro-finance institutions, credit unions and development funds), local governments and civil society (development NGOs) can help channel remittances towards local infrastructure projects and entrepreneurial activities. These local development projects will contribute to remove impediments to productive investment and leverage further private investment funded by migrants or foreigners. According to the previously mentioned EIB study, Moroccan migrants´ associations are particularly active in Morocco. For example, Moroccan residents in Catalonia (Spain) have set up associations to support the building of a small dam and an irrigation system to spur agricultural development in Al-Hoceima in the North of Morocco, and to construct four kilometers roads in an area close to the border with Algeria. Also associations of Algerians in France are mobilizing human and financial resources for collective development projects. Projects initiated by Syrian expatriates include the establishment of two private universities in the western cities of Homs and Tartous, and the construction of an animal feed factory in the northern province of Hassake. Mediterranean and EU governmental and financial institutions could also cooperate to: - Ensure financial and technical support for the development and improvement of efficient payment systems. - Encourage further alliances between EU and Mediterranean banks to lower fees, and compensate for the absence of sufficient bank outreach in the case of some countries or increase competition on the case of others. The introduction of new technologies (such as telephone and Internet) in cooperation with communication companies would also lower transaction fees and processing times. - Offer the opportunity to open a bank accounts to irregular migrants by creating ID cards issued by consulates and accepted as identification by banks. 18 - Offer attractive services (savings accounts designed for specific purposes such as building a home, paying for school fees, supporting a business); and investment instruments that offer some kind of guarantee of investment like investment funds or bonds for investment projects in the home country. - Sponsor migrant knowledge transfer and the establishment of diaspora networks for business development, such as in Algeria. - Further remove administrative hurdles and provide information on investment opportunities. For example, the EIB´s FEMIP facility could create, in cooperation with governments, a database and a unit to maintain and update information on a website on: remittance transfer mechanisms, process, speed and reliability, links to EU governments sites dealing with migration issues, and to home country sites of government and non-government institutions that deal with diaspora, return migrants, micro-credit institutions and business development, and information on investment opportunities. - Provide migrants willing to invest their money some sort of guarantee on investments return, for example by establishing a knowledge center to conduct research and consulting on investment projects, initiate and monitor projects and organize awareness and visibility campaigns to spread information on investment opportunities in those sectors with comparative advantages EU and Mediterranean authorities could also cooperate with such a knowledge center, financial institutions and the business community to establish development clusters or production networks located on the Southern EU and Northern Mediterranean border, and based on activities where the different countries have a competitive advantage (textile, agro-food products and fishing). Such production network results from the geographical concentration of interconnected upstream and downstream industries, which both compete and collaborate with each other. A development cluster requires a structure composed of: - A trigger or engine, with a political character, that elaborates a route map committing the different participants in the launching of the cluster project to the assigned duties and timing. - An academic community or knowledge center which, as mentioned, would act as a research, consulting and information diffusion center on the opportunities for investment in the cluster, and also as education and training provider for the development of the cluster. - A business community supported by an appropriate service provider network. 19 - Financial services. The new Mediterranean targeted European Investment Bank (FEMIP), in co-operation with the banking sectors and local administrations of both rims of the Mediterranean (North and South) could tap into these large private financial flows that are the migrant workers´ remittances to channel them to productive investments in such clusters, which would trigger growth and development, and act as a magnet for foreign investment as well. The backing of the EIB would be an investment guarantee for those migrants willing to invest but held back by their skepticism and fear to risk all the money earned during years of work. CONCLUSION The Mediterranean region has been unable to attract the quantity and quality of foreign direct investment that has spurred growth and development in other regions of the world. The quite acceptable growth performance of the last decade or so has had more to do with the international favorable global environment than with a substantial capacity building or productivity improvement resulting from investment, whether domestic or foreign. Yet, the scarcity of investment is not so much due to a lack of capital. It is rather due to the scarcity of investment opportunities for the small investor and the unfavorable investment climate, including insufficiently developed infrastructures, inefficient administration, inadequate training and lack of entrepreneurship, and the absence of a sufficiently developed financial system to channel efficiently and effectively private capital to productive investments. Officially, there were 13 billion dollars sent to Mediterranean countries by immigrant workers living abroad in 2003. The volume of remittances forecasted for 2006 is close to 20 million dollars, and the amount of unrecorded remittances sent through informal channels ranges between 50% and 100%. A large share of these flows originates in the EU. There is, thus, a substantial volume of capital flowing to the Mediterranean countries that exceed the total volume of FDI inflows, and that remains largely unutilized. Remittances are mostly dedicated to increase consumption, education and health improvement. Migrant’s household investment preferences, though, remain in the housing sector, which can be explained by both a psychological factor, i.e. the risk of loosing the savings of an entire life in a bad enterprise, and an institutional factor, i.e. the lack of market opportunities, lack of infrastructures and limited interest of local development institutions. Yet, the utilization of remittances for education, improvement of living standards and health need to be considered as important tools to increase households labor productivity, which indirectly increases growth and may encourage investment. 20 Nevertheless, there is a small share of remittances dedicated to fund productive investments, and a considerable number of migrants engage in small start-ups upon return. Many policy measures and incentive schemes can be set up to keep the migrants attachment to the homeland, increase their entrepreneurial and managerial skills, encourage their involvement in the development of the home country through remittances, productive investments, technology and knowledge transfer, business contacts, commercial networks and education and training. Higher volumes of formal remittances can help the development of a more efficient financial system, and improve the country’s infrastructure. 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