Initiative Action Plan: Meta-Analysis to determine what conservation interventions are effective and under what conditions Name of Initiative: Meta-Analysis to determine what conservation interventions are effective and under what conditions Primary Purpose & Key Outcome(s) Expected (if the Initiative will last more than 1 year, include 1 year outcomes) To further the science underpinning conservation investment decisions. There is a dearth of data driven analyses to advise on the appropriate conservation interventions / strategies to implement in different contextual circumstances for a better probability of conservation success. Using examples of where conservation Outcomes have been realized in areas facing some degree of threat, this study aims categorize contextual variables to isolate the driving forces behind conservation success. Results will give conservation practitioners empirical support for programmatic decisions on where to direct conservation funding. [Initial thoughts were to use forest cover as a proxy for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services as the Outcome measure in forested biomes, but the exact definition of the question and dependent variable will be for the group to decide based primarily on the availability of suitable data]. Preliminary Thoughts on HOW you’ll measure success of the Initiative At one year, funding for the analysis should be secured and the process of further defining the problem and variables should have started. Success will be measured by: 1) funding secured (yes/no); and, 2) clear definition of the problem and categorization of context variables (yes/no) Over the longer term, success will be measured by the degree to which results are used to inform programmatic decisions across conservation funders and implementers. Key Stakeholders (those who will need to adopt, support or implement this Initiative, have impact on its success) To implement – stakeholders to provide data sources and analysis capabilities. Team with additional support will work to define the question and categorize variables. Once analysis is completed, results need to be communicated broadly across the conservation community and adopted into programmatic decisions by conservation funders and implementers. Planned Integration, Communication with other Community Measures The Team. If determined, Key Responsibility Current Members Andrew Rosenberg / Hari Balasubramanian (CI) Tom Kelsch (NFWF) Alex Moiseev (IUCN) Mark Zimsky (GEF) Elizabeth Kennedy (RA) Barry Gold (GBMF) Laura Hattendorf (Mulago) Members we want to add, invite to join us. International NGOs / agencies (data sources) University researchers (data synthesis) Sponsor(s) of the Team Conservation International (Hari Balasubramanian) Key Resources Needed (technological, financial, human capital, other sponsorship) - Data - Flexible funds to bring the right group together - Propose an NCEAS working group? A Preliminary Theory of Change for the Initiative Key Actions Identify the key actions you will take to achieve success on this Initiative. Focus particularly on how you will LAUNCH this Initiative to mobilize your team to move forward and the actions/next steps you’ll take in the next 3 months. Include the first meeting/call/activity you’ll do following the Summit. Identify the other major activities you’ll do over the lifetime of the Initiative. Completed by Who’s Responsible Reconvene to pinpoint specific conservation effectiveness theme (e.g., forest conservation, overfishing) June 15, 2010 Hari Identify key stakeholders, who have data or can provide expertise in analysis, around research theme June 15, 2010 Core team Frame research, agree on definition of Outcomes (i.e., what success looks like for the selected theme), categorize independent variables Aug 1, 2010 Broader team Synthesize / analyze data Aug 1 – Feb 1 Results presented in various formats April 1 Uptake and incorporation into programming Team members that developed this Initiative are: Alex Moiseev Elizabeth Kennedy Barry Gold Tom Kelsch Laura Hattendorf Mark Zimsky Hari Balasubramanian Andrew Rosenberg