BCC BPD Stage 2 Brisbane City Council 11 May 2012 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Prepared for Brisbane City Council Prepared by AECOM Australia Pty Ltd Level 8, 540 Wickham Street, PO Box 1307, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006, Australia T +61 7 3553 2000 F +61 7 3553 2050 www.aecom.com ABN 20 093 846 925 11 May 2012 AECOM in Australia and New Zealand is certified to the latest version of ISO9001 and ISO14001. © AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (AECOM). All rights reserved. AECOM has prepared this document for the sole use of the Client and for a specific purpose, each as expressly stated in the document. No other party should rely on this document without the prior written consent of AECOM. AECOM undertakes no duty, nor accepts any responsibility, to any third party who may rely upon or use this document. This document has been prepared based on the Client’s description of its requirements and AECOM’s experience, having regard to assumptions that AECOM can reasonably be expected to make in accordance with sound professional principles. AECOM may also have relied upon information provided by the Client and other third parties to prepare this document, some of which may not have been verified. Subject to the above conditions, this document may be transmitted, reproduced or disseminated only in its entirety. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Quality Information Document Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 Ref 60238110 Date 11 May 2012 Prepared by Richard Hancock Reviewed by Ralf Sieberer Revision History Revision 2 Authorised Revision Date Details 11 May 2012 Final For Issue D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 Name/Position Mark Gibbs Segment Lead – Water Resources and Coastal Management Signature AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Table of Contents Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Background 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Structure 1.4 Selection of Three Case Study Areas 1.5 Selection of the Two Drainage Systems for Detail Design 1.6 Potential Sea Level Change Impacts 2.0 Factors affecting installation and operation of backflow prevention devices 2.1 River factors 2.2 Drainage network factors 2.3 Groundwater factors 2.4 Reduction of Flood Storage 3.0 Review and Evaluation of Backflow Prevention Devices 3.1 Conclusions 4.0 Maintenance Schedule 5.0 Study Area Investigation 5.1 Outline of process 5.2 Site Inspections 5.3 Summary of Design guidelines 5.4 New Farm System A: James St 5.4.1 Options for installation of BPDs within project objectives 5.4.2 Recommendation 5.5 New Farm System B: Sydney St 5.5.1 Options for installation of BPDs within project objectives 5.5.2 Recommendations 5.6 Brisbane CBD Systems 5.6.1 Recommendation 5.7 Milton System A: Castlemaine St 5.7.1 Recommendation 5.8 Auchenflower / Toowong System A: Lang Parade 5.8.1 Recommendation 5.9 Auchenflower System A: Coronation Drive 5.9.1 Recommendation 6.0 Approvals 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Local Approval Triggers 6.3 Riverine Protection Permit 6.4 Prescribed Tidal Works/Tidal Works 6.5 Waterway Barrier Works 7.0 Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modelling 7.1 General 7.2 Site Conditions 7.3 Methodology 7.3.1 Hydrology 7.3.2 Hydraulics 7.3.3 Assumptions 7.3.4 Limitations 7.4 Hydrology 7.4.1 Model Set Up 7.4.2 Results 7.4.3 Verification 7.5 Hydraulics 7.5.1 Model Set Up 7.5.2 Results D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 i 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 8 9 9 9 9 11 11 12 14 15 15 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 AECOM 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 7.6 Modelling Conclusions Cost Estimates Concept Layouts Conclusions List of Abbreviations 33 33 33 34 35 Appendix A BPD Review Spreadsheet and Pictures A Appendix B Modelling Maps Catchment Maps Model Extents Levee Height Storage Extents B B B B Appendix C Head Loss Data C Appendix D Cost Estimates D Appendix E Concept Layouts E Appendix F Sample Maintenance Plans F List of Tables Table 1 Case Study Areas and Systems Table 2 Summary of Outcomes of Investigations Table 3 Case Study Areas and Systems Table 4 Summary of Review and Evaluation of Backflow Prevention Devices Table 5: Outfall details Table 6: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) Table 7: Outfall details Table 8: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) Table 9: Outfall details Table 10: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) Table 11: Outfall details Table 12: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) Table 13: Outfall details Table 14: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) Table 15: Outfall details Table 16: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) Table 17 Overview of review and potential triggers for each site Table 18 Model Parameters Table 19 Peak Local Discharges Table 20 Peak Local Discharges Table 21 BPDs for Each Trunk Line Table 22 Change in Water Levels Due to BPDs options D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 i iii 1 7 11 11 14 14 18 18 19 19 21 21 22 22 25 29 29 30 31 32 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report i Executive Summary Following the January 2011 flood event, the Independent Flood Response Review Board recommended that Brisbane City Council (BCC) study the feasibility of installing devices to prevent backflow from river flooding. BCC has subsequently commissioned the study in multiple stages. The Stage 1 investigations identified three case study areas at New Farm, Brisbane CBD and Milton, covering 8 discrete drainage systems. These are listed in Table 1. As a component of Stage 2 of the feasibility study, two of the eight systems in the case study areas (New Farm C: Moray Street, and Milton B: Cribb Street) were identified as suitable for initial installation of stormwater backflow prevention devices (BPDs) and were progressed to detailed design in February 2012. This report presents the modelling and concept design for the remaining 6 systems in the case study areas. Table 1 Case Study Areas and Systems Systems New Farm Case Study Area CBD Case Study Area Milton Case Study Area New Farm A : James St Milton A: Castlemaine St New Farm B: Sydney St Milton B: Cribb St Detailed Design carried out February 2012 CBD New Farm C: Moray St Detailed design carried out, February 2012 Auchenflower / Toowong A: Lang Parade Auchenflower A: Coronation Drive The objectives of this study are to: - Identify which of the stormwater drainage networks in the three case study areas that have the hydraulic capacity for retrofitting BPDs; - Investigate cost effective backflow prevention devices that will have minimum impact on flooding and will require low maintenance. Investigations have included: - A review of the previous phases of the study in Stage 1 and the detailed design undertaken for the two systems already completed - A review of the spatial data provided by BCC, particularly the relationship between outfalls considered likely to have contributed to backflow inundation, their associated levees and statistical and historical flood levels - Site inspections of outfalls which were accessible from public areas on dry land - A literature review of available, off-the-shelf BPDs, and consultation with suppliers to identify cost effective devices which require low maintenance - High level, desktop evaluation of statutory and regulatory approval requirements for the selected study areas - Consultation with appropriate, nominated Council staff - Investigation into constructability constraints (plant access, condition of existing structures, etc.) for each of the systems - Hydrological and hydraulic modelling of the systems to evaluate the impacts of installing BPDs on the probability of flooding within the catchments of the systems. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report ii A summary of the outcomes of the investigations are presented in Table 2 and explained in detail in the body of the report. This report also includes concept layouts for installation of BPDs in each system, which are presented in Appendix E. The conclusions of this Concept Report are as follows: - Hydrologic and hydraulic modelling of the systems has shown that: With penstocks on CBD 2 & 3, it is feasible to install either flap valves or duck bills to CBD1 & 4 with minimal increase in peak water levels (less than 50mm rise) during a local storm event. It is feasible to install either flap valves or duck bills to MR1 with minimal increase in peak water levels (less than 50mm rise) during a local storm event For systems NF1-2, NF4-7, MLT1-4 & AUCH1-3, installation of either flap valves or duck bills has a significant impact on peak water levels during a local storm event. The higher tailwater elevation scenario generally results in a greater increase in water levels than the lower tailwater elevation scenario. - Locations have been proposed for installation of appropriate BPDs for each system and concept layouts developed which are presented in Appendix E. - In general, flap gates installed on the outlet are the preference, due to low construction cost, ease of maintenance, and reliable operation in Council experience. Chambers are chosen when access to the outlet for construction or maintenance is difficult. Inline valves are chosen in order to avoid construction work at the outlet. Duck bills are chosen where siltation is an issue. Penstocks are chosen where zero head loss is necessary, or for very large outlets (e.g. over 2400mm), but the requirements for increased maintenance, activation and de-activation must be considered. - The exact alignments and pipe sizes, as well as location of other services will need to be confirmed at detailed design stage. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM Table 2 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report iii Summary of Outcomes of Investigations System Recommendation Notes New Farm A: James St: NF1 and 2 - Installation of penstocks fitted to headwalls of outfalls. - Large size pipes, so flap gates not recommended New Farm B: Sydney St: NF3-7 - NF3 be disconnected from the system, following on-site investigations Penstocks be fitted to the headwalls of outfalls NF6 and MF7 - Large size pipes, so flap gates not recommended Installation of penstocks in chambers on CBD1, 2 and 3 Installation of flap gate on the outlet of CBD4 - Large size pipes, so flap gates not recommended for CBD 1-3 Installation of penstocks to the headwalls of the outfalls of MILT 1, 2 and 2A. Installation of flap gates to the headwalls of the outfalls of MILT 3 and 4 - Large size pipes, so flap gates not recommended for MILT 1, 2 & 2A. Installation of a number of flap valves to a structure constructed across the outlet of Milton Drain to manage backflow to the level of the pedestrian walkway. Installation of a system of penstocks to provide protection from backflow above the level of the flap valve structure, including a penstock device to close off the pedestrian walkway during a flood event. - Need to provide access under bridge so penstocks provide protection in extreme events Installation of penstocks to the headwalls of the outfalls of AUCH 1-3 - Large size pipes, so flap gates not recommended - CBD - Milton A: Castlemaine St: MILT 1-4, 2A - - Auchenflower / Toowong A: Lang Parade: MR1 - - Auchenflower A: Coronation Drive: AUCH 1-3 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 - AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Project Background 1 Following the January 2011 flood event, the Independent Flood Response Review Board recommended that Brisbane City Council (BCC) study the feasibility of installing devices to prevent backflow from river flooding. BCC has subsequently commissioned the study in multiple stages. The Stage 1 investigations identified three case study areas at New Farm, Brisbane CBD and Milton, covering 8 discrete drainage systems. These are listed in Table 1. As a component of Stage 2 of the feasibility study, two of the eight systems in the case study areas (New Farm C: Moray Street, and Milton B: Cribb Street) were identified as suitable for initial installation of stormwater backflow prevention devices (BPDs) and were progressed to detailed design in February 2012. This report presents the modelling and concept design for the remaining 6 systems in the case study areas. Table 3 Case Study Areas and Systems Systems New Farm Case Study Area CBD Case Study Area Milton Case Study Area New Farm A : James St Milton A: Castlemaine St New Farm B: Sydney St Milton B: Cribb St Detailed Design carried out February 2012 CBD New Farm C: Moray St Detailed design carried out, February 2012 Auchenflower / Toowong A: Lang Parade Auchenflower A: Coronation Drive Figure 1 lists the reports which make up the outputs of the Stage 2 studies. The Summary Report provides a brief overview of all the studies and their conclusions. Figure 1 Flowchart of reports in Stage 2 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM 1.2 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 2 Objectives The objectives of the Concept Phase are: - Identify stormwater drainage networks in the three case study areas that have the hydraulic capacity for retrofitting BPDs; - Investigate cost effective backflow prevention devices that will have minimum impact on flooding and will require low maintenance. 1.3 Structure Throughout this report, the following definitions are applied: - An ‘area’ is taken to be a large geographical area, often based on suburb boundaries, which may include a large number of drainage systems - A ‘drainage system’ is taken to be a discrete system of pipes and / or channels which are connected together, and which can be investigated with respect to the flooding, drainage network and topographical features. This Concept Report presents the investigations undertaken on the remaining systems in the three case study areas. Investigations have included: - A review of the previous phases of the study in Stage 1 and the detailed design undertaken for the two systems already completed - A review of the spatial data provided by BCC, particularly the relationship between outfalls considered likely to have contributed to backflow inundation, their associated levees and statistical and historical flood levels - Site inspections of outfalls which were accessible from public areas on dry land - A literature review of available, off-the-shelf BPDs, and consultation with suppliers to identify cost effective devices which require low maintenance - High level, desktop evaluation of statutory and regulatory approval requirements for the selected study areas - Consultation with appropriate, nominated Council staff - Investigation into constructability constraints (plant access, condition of existing structures, etc.) for each of the systems - Hydrological and hydraulic modelling of the systems to evaluate the impacts of installing BPDs on the probability of flooding within the catchments of the systems. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM 1.4 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 3 Selection of Three Case Study Areas The three case study areas selected for examination for backflow prevention (New Farm, Brisbane CBD and Milton / Rosalie) were identified in the Stage 1 Investigation as set out in the MWA Pre-feasibility Study Report, which states that these areas were apparently inundated by backflows during the January 2011 flood event. The reasons for the selection of the case study areas were summarised as follows: - There was potential for backflows to have caused a significant amount of inundation of these areas during the January 2011 flood event. - The level of development in these areas is relatively extensive and long-standing, adding to the probability that the benefits of providing backflow protection are likely to outweigh the difficulties and costs. - They provide a range of scenarios for the various technologies to be assessed against during Stage 1of the investigation. - The preliminary assessments in the three case study areas will then provide a basis for more detailed assessments to be made during Stage 2, as well as a methodology which can be applied to classifying other areas apparently inundated by backflows in January 2011 - Council had previously undertaken drainage relief studies in each of these areas which provides guidance to the local drainage system’s characteristics and the extent to which each area may be subject to surcharging of the existing trunk drainage systems. (MWA, Pre-Feasibility Study Report) 1.5 Selection of the Two Drainage Systems for Detail Design The previous phases of the Backflow Devices Study investigated all the drainage systems in the three case study areas, through desktop reviews and field investigations. These investigations identified that the New Farm NF811 system and the Milton MLT5-8 system were feasible for installation of BPDs within the project objectives. These investigations were detailed in the Detail Design of Stormwater Backflow Devices - Concept Report. 1.6 Potential Sea Level Change Impacts While not specifically addressed in the pre-feasibility study, the impacts of a sea level rise due to climate change on the effectiveness of backflow prevention devices were examined. Although a sea level rise implies higher tide levels on average, this should not affect the operation of the backflow prevention devices, but it may mean they are effective in preventing backflow more often. Sea level rise could also mean that some areas become more suitable for BPD’s in the future. There is the possibility of higher river levels increasing the closing pressure on the devices, but current BPD specifications allow for a range of closing pressures. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM 2.0 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 4 Factors affecting installation and operation of backflow prevention devices In order to select the most effective locations and devices for backflow prevention, this study has assessed a range of factors for each drainage system in the three case study areas. These factors are discussed here in general terms, and where a factor is relevant to a particular location, the role of that factor in the selection process is addressed in the sections relating to that location below. 2.1 River factors In order to check that a backflow prevention device will function effectively in preventing river flood water from flowing up drainage systems, it is necessary to identify the relative heights of the levee between the river and the inundated area and the potential peak flood heights. For each area studied, the levee heights have been determined using aerial survey data provided by Council and these have been compared to estimated peak flood levels derived from Council’s Floodwise Property Reports. Other characteristics such as tidal levels, river flow velocities and siltation potential have been included in the assessment of appropriate backflow prevention devices. 2.2 Drainage network factors Identification of the drainage networks which may form a potential route for backflow has been carried out using data supplied by Council, combined with visual and surface inspections of the case study areas. Comparison of the topography of the catchments using contour data (0.25m vertical resolution) has been carried out to identify areas which may be below estimated peak flood levels. The locations of outfalls, inlets, manholes and other structures have been compared with contours to identify those which are on the river side of levees which informs the location of BPDs It should be noted that Council does not maintain information on private drainage connections, for instance roof water connections. It is conceivable that such connections may exist in situations where they could contribute to backflow inundation issues. Confirmation of this is outside the scope of this project. 2.3 Groundwater factors While BPD’s are designed to block the flow of water from the river into the stormwater drainage system, there are other possible routes which may cause backflow inundation. The MWA report in Stage 1 stated that, in the January 2011 Brisbane flood, “There appear to have been a significant number of instances where river floodwater backflowed either up the stormwater drains or overland and gained entry to the basements via service ducts (e.g. Energex), car park entrances or by bursting the basement walls under the increased hydrostatic pressure of water.” It is recommended that Council forward this report to utility authorities for their information. This project is focused on investigating backflow prevention devices, and so has not investigated the issue of water infiltration via service conduits, or due to increased hydrostatic pressure. It is recommended that Council forward this report to utility authorities for their information. It is understood that Council has been working to address such issues via building codes. Council has identified potential issues with infiltration of groundwater into the stormwater system during installation of BPD chambers which will need to be considered during the construction process. 2.4 Reduction of Flood Storage Installation of BPDs on a system prevents that drainage system being used as part of the flood storage volume for that flood event. Removal of this volume of flood storage is considered minor for the systems currently under consideration when compared with the volume of water stored in the main river system, and so any consequent D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report increase in the Brisbane River flood level is also considered to be minor. The flood storage would be captured in any flood event where the flood overtops the levee. Consideration should be given to the volume of storage removed by installation of BPDs on further systems when they are planned. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 5 AECOM 3.0 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 6 Review and Evaluation of Backflow Prevention Devices As part of the earlier phases of the Backflow Devices Study, a literature review was carried out of available on offthe-shelf BPDs, consultation with suppliers and with council staff to understand current practises, observed behaviour and previous history of BPD’s under council control. The results of that review are duplicated here as they have been used to inform the choices of backflow prevention devices in this concept report. Consideration has been given to the different types of BPDs available and their possible installation locations. Particular attention has been given to: - the head loss rating curve of the device (typically relating flow rate with head loss) - the ability to install the device simply and effectively - whether the device is best installed at an outlet or at some point further upstream - reducing required monitoring and maintenance of the device - the ability of the device to withstand high external pressures and high lateral velocities - suitability for installation in the intertidal zone - types of devices already installed within BCC - the procurement and installation cost of the device. The aim of this review was to identify a number of types of BPD which could be installed, in order to understand their operating parameters. This data has then been used in the modelling phase to evaluate the impact of installing different types of BPDs in the networks with respect to introduced head loss which may lead to increased risk of flooding from local storm inundation, as well as identify which BPDs would provide the highest efficiency and the lowest maintenance requirements. The addition of a valve to the drainage system reduces its capacity to convey stormwater, and this reduction in capacity is described in terms of a ‘head loss’. This head loss varies depending on how the device operates as well as operating conditions such as whether or not the device is submerged. Head loss data which has been used in the modelling was sourced from device manufacturers, and is included in Appendix C. The results of the BPD review and evaluation are presented in the spreadsheet included as Appendix A, including pictures of a number of the BPDs reviewed and a summary shown in Table 4. 3.1 Conclusions A number of suppliers, both manufacturers and distributors were identified, offering a range of devices. The devices can be separated into the types shown in Table 4. The self-regulating tide gate has been excluded as being overly complicated for this situation, leading to the potential for both high maintenance costs and a higher risk of damage from vandalism. None of the systems in the three case study areas are suitable for installation of an inflatable rubber dam due to the temporary nature of the dam. All devices will require assessment of the peak river height likely to be experienced by the device, in the form of the hydraulic pressure the device can withstand. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM Table 4 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 7 Summary of Review and Evaluation of Backflow Prevention Devices Device Type Flap gates Notes A number of options for material, hinges, installation Suitable installation environment Clearance below gate required to reduce likelihood of debris preventing gate from closing, resulting in increased construction cost in some cases. Large sizes (above 1800mm) subject to higher wear and tear due to movement of flap gate under normal river and tide conditions Poor experience with fibre glass, steel and single hinged. Better results with aluminium, double hinged. Effective when well designed. Low BCC experience Relative head loss Duckbill Vertical or horizontal opening Able to cope with some siltation in front of BPD so less requirement for vertical clearance below BPD. Some problems with debris preventing duckbill from closing High Penstock Vertical opening via manual control Requires decision to be made as to when the penstock is to be closed Requires manual control above gate Must be manually activated in flood situation and de-activated afterwards Requires more regular maintenance program to ensure gate is operational Not suitable where likely to suffer siltation under gate. Implications for high maintenance requirements need to be taken into account Zero Does not protrude from pipe May be suited to installation into existing manholes No information provided. Medium Insert fitted with rubber flap to provide one way flow Self regulating tide gate Gate has device fitted with flotation bulbs attached Easily subject to damage, so requires vandal free environment No information provided. Unknown Inflatable rubber dam Dam is inflated in place when required Able to dam large open outfalls Must be manually activated in flood situation and de-activated afterwards. Easily subject to damage, so requires vandal free environment No information provided. Zero as temporary Inline rubber flap D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM 4.0 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 8 Maintenance Schedule Reliable and efficient operation of backflow prevention devices can be affected by numerous events, such as mechanical damage due to wear or vandalism, debris or wildlife interfering with operation, sedimentation or sand build up from normal environmental processes. While some of these events are unavoidable, an appropriate maintenance schedule can reduce the likelihood of these events affecting operation of the BPDs leading to damage from floodwaters. Council’s current maintenance program for existing BPDs in tidal areas has been operating for many years. The maintenance is scheduled prior to ‘king’ tides for devices in the tidal zone, and as part of the response to major flood events. Maintenance inspections are carried out at the lowest available tide to allow best access to the BPDs. Maintenance inspections comprise a visual inspection of the hinges, seals and other parts, removal of debris or silt, and an assessment of the structure generally. For BPDs for floodwaters, further maintenance is recommended for the period at the end of the dry season, prior to the start of the wet season, as the wet season is when operation of BPDs is most important. Manufacturers will also recommend particular maintenance schedules and these should be provided to Council by suppliers for incorporation into their maintenance schedule. Examples of two plans provided by suppliers to Council are included in Appendix F. It is recommended that an initial inspection period, featuring more frequent visual inspections be implemented for the BPDs being installed in order to gain an understanding of the particular characteristics of the BPDs in these locations. A suggested frequency would be every 3 months for the first 2 years, with more frequent inspections if issues are discovered. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 5.0 Study Area Investigation 5.1 Outline of process 9 After consultation with council staff the stormwater systems within the study areas have been evaluated based upon their: - relationship of invert and surface levels to river heights and tidal levels - local tidal levels at the outfall location - frequency of inundation based upon the flood events that cause them to backflow, coincident flooding events and the tidal range - existing structure geometry that may allow for ease of installation - construction cost - ability to provide measurable reductions in back flow flooding to justify their installation Estimated flood levels have been sourced from BCC Floodwise Property Reports for properties near to the outfalls. Within each of the study areas, there are a number of shorter systems which do not contribute to the backflow process, because the inlets and / or outfalls are not within the river flood zone. A desktop review of these additional short systems has been carried out to exclude them. Assessment of conflicts with existing infrastructure and services has been carried out through a visual inspection and Dial Before You Dig enquiries. Details of conflicts are included for each system below. Further assessment of service conflicts will be required during the design phases. 5.2 Site Inspections Site inspections were undertaken to provide a better perspective of the site, and to identify design opportunities and constraints and/or limitations of natural or constructed features. The site inspections also identified existing site constraints including services, mangroves, trees, outlet structures and other council and community assets. Local, regional and citywide knowledge and context setting was also obtained from BCC. Initial site visits were undertaken within 2 hours either side of low tide on the 9th and 10th November 2011. Further site visits were undertaken as required on a number of other occasions. Access to outfalls was limited to publicly accessible sites on dry land. Site inspections were supplemented by photographic evidence provided by BCC. 5.3 Summary of Design guidelines The choice of valve and location is subject to a number of constraints that can be conflicting. Often there is not a single clear choice, but a number of choices with conflicting advantages and disadvantages, resulting in different costs and risks. Detailed consultation with appropriate, nominated Council officers has taken place to identify previous experience and future preferences. Council will need to decide whether the proposed concept layouts meet its needs. The following guidelines have been applied to develop the concept designs for the installation of BPDs, not necessarily in any order: - Head loss impact on upstream flooding in local storm events must be minimised - BPDs fitted to outlets are generally cheaper to install due to reduced construction works - BPDs only to be fitted to outlets where access for maintenance is feasible utilising Council’s existing maintenance resources. Generally this would require vehicular and personnel access to the outlet without additional equipment. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report - Where access to outlets is not suitable, BPDs should be fitted in chambers constructed at an appropriate location. - Selection of chamber locations should consider: Access to chamber for maintenance with minimum of traffic management, i.e. off roads etc. Suitable for excavation and construction of the chamber At a suitable point on the network to be effective 10 - Flap gates generally have lower head loss impact than duck bills, while inline valves are in between. Penstocks have zero head loss impact as they are fully open when not activated. - Duck bills are considered to be more suitable where there is a likelihood of silt, sand or sediment deposition - Inline valves are suitable where construction work at the outlet is difficult or where a valve on the outlet would be aesthetically inappropriate. - Flap gates larger than 1800 mm will be subject to higher wear and tear due to movement of flap gate under normal river and tide conditions, but may be necessary in some situations, for instance where the head loss impacts prevent use of a duckbill or penstocks are not appropriate. - Flap gates generally should have minimum 150mm clearance between the invert of the pipe and the surface of the apron to allow debris to fall out. - The mass of the device should be considered during detailed design, including assessing the suitability of the existing structure to anchor the device. - The visual impact of the devices has been considered, but it is recommended that alternative designs from suppliers be considered where the visual impact is a critical factor - Environmental impacts of particular valves, and construction requirements should be considered at detail design stage. In general, flap gates installed on the outlet are the preference, due to low construction cost, ease of maintenance, and reliable operation in Council experience. Chambers are chosen when access to the outlet for construction or maintenance is difficult. Inline valves are chosen in order to avoid construction work at the outlet. Duck bills are chosen where siltation is an issue. Penstocks are chosen where zero head loss is necessary, or for very large outlets (e.g. over 2400mm), but the requirements for increased maintenance, activation and deactivation must be considered. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 5.4 11 New Farm System A: James St Table 5: Outfall details Location Outfall type and size Outlet Invert Level A: James St: NF1 2100 RCP Unknown A: James St: NF2 3000 x 2100 RCBC -0.7 Table 6: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) 100 Year ARI 50 Year ARI 20 Year ARI 5 Year ARI 2011 Flood Height Levee Height 2.5 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.9 3.75 NF1 and NF2 are interconnected. Therefore any BPD on either of these outfalls would require a BPD on both or an integrated backflow prevention solution. Backflow from these systems contributed to a maximum flood depth of approx. 0.65 m and an average flood depth of approx. 0.40 m with an area of inundation of approximately 3.87ha in the January 2011 event. The upstream common trunk line that runs through the area of inundation is generally below Mean Sea Level (MSL). However the pipe depths vary at that location between 2.0 m and 3.5 m and have a slope of approximately 1:503. For the outlets (m AHD), HAT:1.65, MSL:0.10, MHWS:1.06. Both of outlets NF1 and 2 are considered suitable for installation of BPD’s attached to the face of the headwalls, providing minor repairs are undertaken to the face of NF1. Construction of a chamber upstream is possible under the end of Merthyr Road nearest the river. Construction work anywhere on these two pipes will be complicated by the large size of the pipes, the age and unknown condition of the circular brick pipe, as well as the pipes being partially submerged at all times. There are two gully inlets situated on the river side of the levee, between 2.5m and 2.75m, and one between 2.75m and 3.0m. Since the 2011 flood height at this point was 2.9m at least the lower two of these inlets would have been inundated. If BPDs are installed on the outfalls of NF1 and NF2, then these inlets will need to be temporarily blocked whenever they are likely to be inundated, such as when a flood level above Q100 is anticipated. This could be achieved with commonly available materials such as plywood and sandbags, which would be sufficient to restrict flow due to the low levels, up to 400mm in January 2011. Access to the area above the outlets is available from the Merthyr Road reserve, with the only infrastructure evident in the immediate area being BCC controlled, such as the ferry depot walkway above NF2. No service conflicts are immediately evident, but this would need to be confirmed before installation. 5.4.1 Options for installation of BPDs within project objectives Option Description Option One Penstocks fitted to headwall of outfalls Opportunities Option Two Construct chamber between end of Merthyr Road and river with penstocks fitted to pipes inside chambers Issues Short construction time Simple installation process Lower cost Good access to construction site D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 Floods above Q100 require field inlets to be blocked Activation and deactivation risks More complex construction Possible service conflicts Higher cost AECOM 5.4.2 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Recommendation - New headwalls cast in situ in front of existing headwalls to allow installation BPDs - Installation of penstocks fitted to headwalls of outfalls. NF1 - Concept layouts are shown in Drawing 60238110-4002 in Appendix E. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 12 AECOM NF2 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 13 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 5.5 14 New Farm System B: Sydney St Table 7: Outfall details Location Outfall type and size Outlet Invert Level NF3 525 RCP Unknown NF4 1650 RCP -0.69 NF5 1950 RCP -1.00 NF6 2100 RCP -1.6 NF7 3000 x 1500 RCBC ~-0.15 Table 8: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) 100 Year ARI 50 Year ARI 20 Year ARI 5 Year ARI 2011 Flood Height Levee Height 2.5 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.9 3.75 Outfalls NF3 to NF7 are identified as a single system, due to being connected either by overland flow, or via stormwater pipes, and therefore any backflow management strategy will need to take account of all of these outfalls. Backflow from these systems contributed to a maximum flood depth of approx. 0.90 m (in numerous locations) and an average flood depth of approx. 0.65 m with an area of inundation of approximately 23.23ha (approximately 1/3 of that is New Farm Park) in the January 2011 event. Outfall NF3 appears to be connected to a short system which may not be affected by backflow inundation. The GIS information received from BCC shows that the pipe is not connected to NF4, however, there are two upstream manhole structures and there is a small line from the NF4 system that would indicate they are connected, but could also be for roof drainage. Therefore it is inconclusive as to whether the NF3 system contributes to backflow flooding in the local area west of Grey St. It may also be possible to isolate this system to remove its potential impact on backflow. This will require further investigation to be confirmed. The pipe has a slope of approximately 1:60. The NF3 outfall is located approximately 2m underneath a concrete boardwalk, making access very difficult. Furthermore, the lower surface of the concrete boardwalk projects over the top of the pipe by approximately 40mm. The bottom of the pipe is similarly obstructed, although this may be loose material. Further investigation would be required to identify a method of fitting a BPD or extension pipe to the BPD. Access to the site itself is reasonable, via the public riverside footpath above. No service conflicts are immediately evident, but this would need to be confirmed before installation. Installation of a BPD upstream in a chamber or manhole is also possible. Outfall NF4 already has a single hinged, fibreglass flap gate installed, and NF5 has a double hinged aluminium flap valve installed, dating from the redevelopment of the site. While a visual inspection provided no evidence of damage, Council should confirm the current performance of these valves. There are a further two outfalls along this stretch of the river at New Farm, designated EW/7 located near the former easterly end of Sydney Street and EW/2 off Hollis Crescent. Both outfalls service short networks unconnected to others and unaffected by backflow inundation due to the relative height of the surface levels for these networks. Both already have a BPD fitted. These outfalls have not been considered as part of this project, but further information would be required from Council as to the current performance of these flaps which would inform the need for further investigation into bringing them up to current engineering and BCC standards. Outfalls NF6 and NF7 are located in New Farm Park and are interconnected at a manhole about 200 m upstream of the outlet. Both outfalls appear in good condition. At the time of site inspections in November 2011, both outfalls had lids, with small gates attached, presumably as part of the desilting operations being carried out from a work site in the centre of New Farm Park. The installation of these lids suggests that installation of flood gates would also be feasible. There is also potential to install BPDs in chambers under New Farm Park. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 15 Access to the site is straightforward from New Farm Park. No service conflicts are immediately evident, but this would need to be confirmed before installation. The trunk lines which run through New Farm Park are generally below MSL. However the pipe depths vary at that location between 3.0 m and 5.5 m and has a slope of approximately 1:626. For the outlets (m AHD), HAT:1.65, MSL:0.10, MHWS:1.06 5.5.1 Options for installation of BPDs within project objectives Option Description Option One Penstocks fitted to headwall of outfalls NF6 and NF7 Opportunities Option Two 5.5.2 Construct chamber under New Farm Park, between first junction and levee with BPDs fitted to pipes inside chambers Short construction time Simple installation process Lower cost Activation and de-activation risks Good access to construction site More complex construction Higher cost Recommendations - NF3 be disconnected from the system, following on-site investigations - Penstocks be fitted to the headwalls of outfalls NF6 and NF7 - Concept layouts are shown in Drawing 60238110-4003 in Appendix E. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 Issues AECOM NF3 NF4 NF5 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 16 AECOM NF6 NF7 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 17 AECOM 5.6 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 18 Brisbane CBD Systems Table 9: Outfall details Location Outfall type and size Outlet Invert Level CBD1 2700 RCP Unknown CBD2 1350 RCP Unknown CBD 3 1900 x 2000 RCBC Unknown CBD4 900 RCP Unknown Table 10: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) Location 100 Year ARI 50 Year ARI 20 Year ARI 5 Year ARI 2011 Flood Height Levee Height CBD1 / 2 3.9 3.2 2.1 n/a 4.4 3.75 CBD 3 / 4 3.9 3.2 2.1 n/a 4.4 4.75 The drainage systems in Brisbane CBD are based on a number of very old systems, dating back to at least 1875, modified and expanded over time. Because of this, the systems are interconnected and will require a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of BPD’s as a management strategy for backflow prevention. The CBD systems are interconnected, so all pipes in the system need to be considered to offer any protection to the area. CBD 1, 2 and 3 were not able to be located from publicly accessible areas, and have not been inspected, but BCC records show that they are located under the skyscrapers and boardwalks which have been constructed along the riverside. It is unlikely that access to these outlets will be appropriate for installation of BPDs CBD4 is suitable for installation of a BPD following removal of the gross pollutant trap currently attached to the outfall. The headwall is in apparently good condition, and there is good clearance around the pipe, which projects up to 0.5m. Access is possible from the public road above the outfall, footpaths on 2 sides or the access road to the adjacent hotel. CBD1, 2 and 3 will require BPDs fitted inside chambers upstream under the roads. CBD 3 appears to have a chamber suitable for installation of BPDs with some alteration. CBD1 and 2 will both require new chambers to be constructed. The levee height at the outfalls of CBD 1 and 2 of 3.75m is below the heights of both the 2011 flood and the 100 year ARI flood, resulting in reduced protection by BPDs. All CBD sites are located near a significant number of other services and confirmation of the location of these services will be required in the design process. 5.6.1 Recommendation - Installation of penstocks in chambers on CBD1, 2 and 3 - Installation of flap gate on the outlet of CBD4 - Concept layouts are shown in Drawing 60238110-4004 to 4007 in Appendix E. - D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 19 CBD4 5.7 Milton System A: Castlemaine St Table 11: Outfall details Location Outfall type and size Outlet Invert Level MILT1 2400 RCP -0.877 MILT2 3000 RCP -3.77 MILT2A 1500 RCP -0.013 MILT3 375 RCP Unknown MILT4 375 RCP Unknown Table 12: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) 100 Year ARI 50 Year ARI 20 Year ARI 5 Year ARI 2011 Flood Height Levee Height 5.4 4.3 3 n/a 6 8 The MILT1 and 2 system services a large area which stretches from the Brisbane River outfall to the Musgrave Rd-Enoggera Terrace intersection and to the Musgrave Rd-Petrie Terrace intersection. It is inconclusive from a study of the Council GIS data as to whether MILT3 and MILT4 are also connected to this system – this study has assumed they will require BPDs to be fitted. Backflow from this system contributed to a maximum flood depth of approx. 5.50 m (at rear of the Boys Town Business Centre) and an average flood depth of approx. 3.00 m with an area of inundation of approximately 15.32ha in the January 2011 event. The MILT3 and 4 system contributed to backflow inundation with an area of approximately 310 m2. There is little data available regarding the invert levels of the MILT3 and 4 system. For the outlets (m AHD), HAT:1.64, MSL:0.05, MHWS:1.06. MILT1, 2, 2A and 3 outlet at one headwall below the Bicentennial Bikeway. MILT 2 is a 3000 RCP which was completely submerged at the time of inspection, close to low tide. There is also a short 375 pipe which is a short connection to a gully inlet on the bikeway and does not contribute to backflow inundation and so no further action is recommended. MILT3 and 4 appear to be a roof water connection and further investigation is required to identify whether they contribute to backflow inundation or are connected to other systems. Both outfalls appear to be suitable for installation of BPDs on their outlets. Some services are apparent along the bikeway and the location of these will need to be confirmed during the design process. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM 5.7.1 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Recommendation - Installation of penstocks to the headwalls of the outfalls of MILT 1, 2, 2A and 3. - Installation of flap gates to the headwalls of the outfalls of MILT 4 and 5. - Concept layouts are shown in Drawing 60238110-4008 to 4010 in Appendix E. MILT1, MILT2 and MILT2A MILT3 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 20 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 21 MILT4 5.8 Auchenflower / Toowong System A: Lang Parade Table 13: Outfall details Location Outfall type and size Outlet Invert Level A: Lang Parade: MR1 Trapezoidal Channel (Area 29.7m²) -1.2 Table 14: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) 100 Year ARI 50 Year ARI 20 Year ARI 5 Year ARI 2011 Flood Height Levee Height 5.4 4.3 3 n/a 6.1 6.2 MR1 is the Milton Drain, an open, trapezoidal channel carrying runoff from a significant catchment. The levee at this point is the embankment carrying Coronation Drive, which narrowly avoided being overtopped in January 2011. The open drain runs under the Bicentennial Bikeway, Coronation Drive and the John Oxley building before changing to a closed pipe system under Kilroe Street approximately 300m from the river. The water level in the January 2011 flood event was very close to the bottom of the road deck at 6.1m. In order to provide protection from a similar level of river flooding, the installation of BPDs will be required to manage the flood up to this level. The pedestrian walkway underneath Coronation Drive will need to be maintained, which would constrain the design of BPDs. The level of this walkway is approximately RL3.0m near the door. Providing protection to the level of the walkway here would provide protection to Q20. Tide levels in this area are approximately (m AHD), HAT:1.68, MSL:0.04, MHWS:1.09, so protection to the level of the walkway would provide protection from tides too. The point at which Milton Drain passes under the John Oxley Centre may be suitable for installation of BPDs offering a lower level of protection. While accurate levels are not available at this location, it is estimated that the protection provided would be to a level of approximately RL 2.0m, before the water would overtop and run through the car park. This would provide protection above MHWS (1.09m) and HAT (1.68m), but it would not provide protection to the Q20 level of 3.0m. While this approach has not been recommended for this location as it does not provide sufficient protection, it may provide a lower cost, lower benefit alternative. In a major flood event, this system provides storage for a significant volume of flood water. It is recommended that Council investigate the impacts of removing the flood storage provided by this system on the river system as a whole. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 22 Detailed design of this BPD should incorporate sufficient study and design to appropriately manage the risk of failure of the device. 5.8.1 Recommendation - Installation of a number of flap valves to a structure constructed across the outlet of Milton Drain to manage backflow to the level of the pedestrian walkway. - Installation of a system of penstocks to provide protection from backflow above the level of the flap valve structure, including a penstock device to close off the pedestrian walkway during a flood event. - Concept layouts are shown in Drawing 60238110-40011 in Appendix E. MR1 5.9 Auchenflower System A: Coronation Drive Table 15: Outfall details Location Outfall type and size Outlet Invert Level AUCH1 3000 RCP -2.08 AUCH2 2 x 2100 x 1950 RCBC Unknown AUCH3 1950 RCP Unknown Table 16: Estimated Peak Flood and Levee Heights (m, AHD) 100 Year ARI 50 Year ARI 20 Year ARI 5 Year ARI 2011 Flood Height Levee Height 5.4 4.4 3 n/a 6.5 4.75 AUCH1 and AUCH2 are interconnected at Coronation Drive. The system services an area that extends up to Mount Coot-tha Rd and Frederick St. Flooding during the January 2011 event occurred mostly from the river overtopping at this location and extending past Kellett St. Backflow from these systems contributed to flooding in the park and at a few residential properties along Sylvan Rd. The flooding from backflow had a maximum flood depth of approx. 3.00 m and an average flood depth of approx. 1.50 m with an area of inundation of approximately 5.07ha in the January 2011 event. The trunk lines are generally below MSL downstream of Coronation Dr. However the pipe depths vary at that location between 4.8 m and 5.3 m. There was not enough information within the GIS data to comment on the general slope for the trunk system. For the outlets (m AHD), HAT:1.68, MSL:0.04, MHWS:1.09 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 23 AUCH1, 2 and 3 are all suitable for installation of BPD’s, having headwalls in good condition and straightforward access to the outfalls. It should be noted that the levee height of 5m is insufficient to retain the Q100 flood of 5.4m or the 2011 level of 6.5m. Because of this, installation of BPDs would provide protection against inundation in flood events up to Q50, but would be rendered ineffective if the flood level exceeds the levee height of 4.75m. However, any BPDs would remain effective if the levee height was increased in future. 5.9.1 Recommendation - Installation of penstocks to the headwalls of the outfalls of AUCH 1-3 - Concept layouts are shown in Drawing 60238110-4012 to 4013 in Appendix E. AUCH3 AUCH1 & 2 . D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 6.0 Approvals 6.1 Introduction 24 As part of the earlier AECOM Concept Report (Detail Design of Stormwater Backflow Devices Concept Report, 22 December 2011) a high level desktop assessment of the potential approvals triggers was undertaken for the study areas of Brisbane CBD, Rosalie/Milton and New Farm. This review investigated: - Local Approval Triggers (i.e. NALL, local heritage register) - Riverine Protection Permit - Prescribed Tidal Works/Tidal Works - Waterway Barrier Works A review of the remaining systems in the case study areas has been undertaken to explore the likely approval requirements for the installation of the proposed BPDs. Table 17 provides an overview of this review and any potential approval triggers for the relevant sites. 6.2 Local Approval Triggers Potential local approval triggers requires consideration of the following factors: - Impact to vegetation protected by Brisbane City Council Natural Asset Local Law (NALL) - Impact to a local heritage place - The proposed works being triggered assessable by Brisbane City Plan Overall the likelihood of the proposed works requiring a local approval or permit is considered relatively low, however Table 17 provides a high level consideration of these factors. In relation to the impact on NALL vegetation it is noted that it is assumed that there will be not loss of vegetation as a consequence of any BPD works. Where physical works not captured by the following section is required to be undertaken as part of installing the BPD’s (i.e works within pathways or road reserve) it is considered that item 1, table 4 of schedule 4 (Operational work by or on behalf of a public sector entity) of the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 can be reasonably applied, whereby these works cannot be made assessable. It is noted that in previous consultation with Council has confirmed the application of this section of the regulation suitable for the aforementioned purpose, however, where works are within a tidal area or on unallocated state land all relevant approvals are still required to be obtained by Council, as outlined in the following sections. 6.3 Riverine Protection Permit As works are proposed to be undertaken by a Local Government Entity the requirement for a Riverine Protection Permit is not likely to be triggered on the basis that the DERM Guideline – Activities in a watercourse, lake or spring carried out by an entity can be used, and the thresholds within this guideline are not exceeded. It is recommended that the DERM Guideline – Activities in a watercourse, lake or spring carried out by an entity be consulted throughout the detailed design and construction process to ensure that Council’s obligations and duties are undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the guideline. 6.4 Prescribed Tidal Works/Tidal Works The Brisbane River within each of the study areas is identified within a Coastal Management District; therefore where works are proposed within this area an application for Prescribed Tidal Works (PTW) will generally be required. Tidal works are taken to be ‘prescribed’ in the basis that they are wholly within a Local Government Tidal Area. Where an application for PTW is required the local authority, Brisbane City Council, is the assessment manager for the application. This remains the same, even when the PTW are proposed to be undertaken by or D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 25 behalf of the Local Government authority. Where an application for PTW is required a resource entitlement will be required to be obtained from DERM to support the lodgement of any application. As part of previous advice from Council it is understood that the Council’s historical drainage infrastructure is taken to be lawfully in place, and in light of this that the attachment of proprietary devices (such as the BPDs) to pipe or headwall and any associated works on the riverwalls, is classified as maintenance operations not requiring approval for prescribed tidal works. Works classified as maintenance would include minor modifications to a structural element in order to repair an existing outlet structure. Examples would include replacing a cracked apron with a new apron at a lower level, or building a new headwall in front of the existing headwall to limit disturbance to the rest of the wall where the headwall is cracked or uneven. Where the proposed works require the reconstruction of elements, or new elements it is considered that an application for PTW will be required. 6.5 Waterway Barrier Works It is possible that the proposed BPD’s may trigger the requirement for approval for Waterway Barrier Works (WWBW). This is only triggered where the BPD would be considered to limit fish access and movement along a waterway. While the risk of triggering this may be low it has been included for completeness as a specific application process with similar timeframes to the PTW application would be required to be undertaken and submitted to Fisheries Queensland (DEEDI). Table 17 Overview of review and potential triggers for each site Site (Pipe Label) Local Approvals Riverine Protection Permit Prescribed Tidal Works NF1 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline – Activities in a watercourse, lake or spring carried out by an entity (DERM Guideline) Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A NF2 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A NF6 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A NF 7 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A CBD 1 N/A N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline N/A Works are proposed within road reserve/pathway outside the CMD N/A CBD 2 N/A N/A Works should be undertaken in N/A Works are proposed within N/A D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 Waterway Barrier Works AECOM Site (Pipe Label) BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Local Approvals Riverine Protection Permit Prescribed Tidal Works accordance with the DERM Guideline road reserve/pathway outside the CMD Waterway Barrier Works CBD 3 N/A N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline N/A Works are proposed within road reserve/pathway N/A CBD 4 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A MILT 1 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A MILT 2 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A MILT 2A N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A MILT 3 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A MILT 4 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A MR 1 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A AUCH 1 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City N/A D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 26 AECOM Site (Pipe Label) BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Local Approvals Riverine Protection Permit vegetation assumed Prescribed Tidal Works 27 Waterway Barrier Works Council AUCH 2 N/A Identified NALL features – however no impact to vegetation assumed N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A AUCH 3 N/A N/A Works should be undertaken in accordance with the DERM Guideline Yes Application for PTW is likely to be required to be lodged with Brisbane City Council N/A 7.0 Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modelling 7.1 General Hydraulic models were generated to assess the impacts of the BPD’s on water levels within the local catchment for local stormwater events. As the purpose of the modelling was to assess the impact of BPD’s on local stormwater levels, this assessment does not report on local flood water levels for the storm events. Six stormwater pipe systems were assessed as part of the hydraulic modelling within this study. They are as follows: System Outfall New Farm A NF1 & NF2 New Farm B NF 3-7 CBD CBD 1-3, CBD4 Milton A MLT 1,2,3 & 4 Auchenflower/ Toowong A MR1 Auchenflower/ Coronation Drive A AUCH 1,2 &3 For the purposes of discussion these systems are referred to as systems NF1-7, CBD1-4, MLT1-4, and MR1 & AUCH1-3 respectively. 7.2 Site Conditions NF1 and NF2 are interconnected. Therefore any BPD on either of these outfalls would require a BPD on both or an integrated backflow prevention solution. Backflow from these systems contributed to a maximum flood depth of approximately 0.65 m and an average flood depth of approximately 0.40 m with an area of inundation of approximately 3.87ha in the January 2011 event. The upstream common trunk line that runs through the area of inundation is generally below Mean Sea Level (MSL). Outfalls NF3 to NF7 are identified as a single system, due to being connected either by overland flow, or via Stormwater pipes. Backflow from these systems contributed to a maximum flood depth of approximately 0.90 m (in numerous locations) and an average flood depth of approximately 0.65 m with an area of inundation of approximately 23.23ha (approximately 1/3 of that is New Farm Park) in the January 2011 event. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 28 The drainage systems in Brisbane CBD are based on a number of very old systems, dating back to 1875, modified and expanded over time. The levee height at the outfalls of CBD 1 and 2 of 3.75m is below the level of both the 2011 flood and the 100 year ARI flood, resulting in reduced protection by BPDs. The MILT1 - 4 system services a large area which stretches from the Brisbane River outfall to the Musgrave RdEnoggera Terrace intersection and to the Musgrave Rd-Petrie Terrace intersection. MILT1, 2, 2A and 3 outlets are located at one headwall below the Bicentennial Bikeway. MR1 is the Milton Drain, a trapezoidal channel carrying runoff from a significant catchment area. AUCH1 -3 system services an area that extends up to Mount Coot-tha Rd and Frederick St. Flooding during the January 2011 event occurred mostly from the river overtopping at this location and extending past Kellett St. Maps showing the systems, catchments and storage areas it are presented in Appendix A. 7.3 Methodology The methodology followed for the hydraulic modelling is as follows: 7.3.1 Hydrology - Assess catchment conditions such as slope and land use for the local stormwater catchment associated with the systems described above - Calculate the local catchment runoff using Brisbane City Council duration independent storms (DIS) using an XP-RAFTS runoff routing model - Calculate catchment runoff utilising the Rational Method as outlined in the Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM, 2007) - Compare peak runoff generated from the XP-RAFTS model to the Rational Method peak discharges to validate the XP-RAFTS model. 7.3.2 Hydraulics - Set up 2D-1D hydraulic TUFLOW model based on topographical data supplied by Council, trunk stormwater lines for each system, inflow hydrographs from the XP-RAFTS model and tailwater levels as per the discussion in section 6.5; - Generate model results for the existing system - Generate model results for scenarios which include various BPDs - Report changes in water levels due to the BPDs 7.3.3 Assumptions The TUFLOW hydraulic model was chosen to model the systems due to its ability to account for floodplain storage and 1-dimensional pipe flow in the same model. As mentioned above the trunk lines only were represented in the models. The inlets to the system were taken as the lowest pit location within the system. In order to adequately assess the impact of BPDs in upstream water levels, the inlets were assumed to have no impact on discharges in transferring flows from the 2d domain to the pipe network. This allowed the pipe capacity to be the controlling element in the upstream portion of the system. 7.3.4 Limitations Only the change in water surface elevation for areas already inundated in the existing case are presented in this report. Calibration data and a more detailed representation of roughness and hydraulic structures (including the pipe networks) would be needed to report flood depths, water surface elevations, and changes in overland flow paths due to local stormwater runoff. 7.4 Hydrology 7.4.1 Model Set Up The runoff from the local catchments was calculated using the XP software Runoff Analysis and Flow Training Simulation (XP-RAFTS) model. The rainfall hyetographs used to generate the runoff calculated by this model D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report were derived according to Brisbane Intensity Frequency Distribution (IFD) data and the BCC DIS. IFD data was calculated as per the methods outlined in the Australian Rainfall and Runoff manual (AR&R, 1989). As per the request from BCC the DIS was then generated using the Brisbane IFD data. Catchment parameters within the XP-RAFTS model were set as follows Table 18 Model Parameters Parameter Value General Storage Multiplication Factor 1 Initial Impervious Loss 0 mm Continuing Impervious Loss 2.5 mm Initial Pervious Loss 10 mm Continuing Pervious Loss 2.5 mm Impervious Area Manning’s (n) Coefficient 0.015 Pervious Area Manning’s (n) Coefficient 0.04 Average Catchment Slope NF1&2 3.1% NF3-5 1.6% NF6&7 3.1% CBD1-3 1.4% CBD4 2.6% MLTU_1 2.1% MLTU_2 3% MLTD_1 2.6% MLTD_2 3.6% MLTD_3 2.6% MR1 1.5% AUCH1 3.21% AUCH2 3.12% AUCH3 2.42% The catchments for all the stormwater system are presented in Appendix A. 7.4.2 Results The XP RAFTS models were run for the 2, 10 and 50 year Average Return Interval (ARI) events. Table 19 contains a summary of the peak discharges generated for each catchment modelled. Table 19 Peak Local Discharges Peak Discharge (m3/s) Catchment NF1-7 CBD1-4 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 Sub-Catchment 2 ARI 10ARI 50 ARI NF1&2 17.5 26.6 33.6 NF3-5 13.6 20.6 26 NF6&7 6.9 10.8 13.9 CBD1-3 26.1 38.9 48.5 29 AECOM 30 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report CBD4 2.1 3.6 4.9 MLTU_1 15.3 23.1 29.2 MLTU_2 9.46 14.5 18.5 MLTD_1 9.7 14.8 18.8 MLTD_2 5.6 8.6 10.8 MLTD_3 4.4 6.1 8.3 MR1 MR1 91.2 127.3 172.2 AUCH1-3 AUCH1 12.3 19.5 26.2 AUCH2 19.8 32.2 45.9 AUCH3 11.4 17.8 23 MLT1-4 7.4.3 Verification Rational Method calculations were undertaken to compare with the XP-RAFTS peak discharges. The purpose of this comparison is to ensure the XP-RAFTS peak discharges are within a reasonable range. Rational method calculations were undertaken using the methods outlined in QUDM for urban catchments and the same IFD data used for the hydrologic model. Table 20 shows comparisons of the Rational Method calculations to XP-RAFTS peak discharges. Table 20 Peak Local Discharges Catchmen t NF1-7 CBD1-4 MLT1-4 MR1 AUCH1-3 SubCatchmen t XP RAFTS Peak Discharge (m3/s) 10AR 2 ARI 50 ARI I Rational Method Peak Discharge (m3/s) Difference (%) 2 ARI 10ARI 50 ARI 2 ARI 10ARI 50 ARI NF1&2 17.5 26.6 33.6 12.2 21.1 33.3 22% 9% 7% NF3-5 13.6 20.6 26 9.5 16.4 25.9 30% 21% 1% NF6&7 6.9 10.8 13.9 6.7 11.5 16.1 30% 20% 0% CBD1-3 26.1 38.9 48.5 16.5 28.0 44.0 6% 4% 7% CBD4 2.1 3.6 4.9 2.6 4.5 7.2 36% 28% 8% MLTU_1 15.3 23.1 29.2 11.2 19.3 30.5 13% 15% 22% MLTU_2 9.46 14.5 18.5 6.9 11.9 18.8 26% 16% 4% MLTD_1 9.7 14.8 18.8 7.1 12.2 19.3 26% 18% 2% MLTD_2 5.6 8.6 10.8 3.9 6.8 10.6 26% 17% 3% MLTD_3 4.4 6.1 8.3 3.1 5.3 8.1 29% 21% 2% MR1 91.2 127.3 172.2 71.0 116.0 184.0 30% 14% 2% AUCH1 12.3 19.5 26.2 10.6 18.4 29.2 14% 5% 12% AUCH2 19.8 32.2 45.9 22.1 38.7 61.9 11% 19% 32% AUCH3 11.4 17.8 23 10.6 18.2 28.8 7% 3% 26% Table 20 demonstrates that the peak discharges generated by XP-RAFTS form majority of the catchment are matching with Rational Method discharges. However, for some of the catchment, XP RAFTS calculated peak discharges are higher or vice versa. This could be because a storage factor of one has been adopted for the modelling. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 7.5 Hydraulics 7.5.1 Model Set Up 31 The hydraulic model was set up to incorporate the storage areas and trunk stormwater lines up to the lowest pit for each of the six systems. The key hydraulic model inputs for these models are the inflows, tail water, topography and roughness. Inflow boundaries for the hydraulic models were taken from the XP-RAFTS model outputs. The hydraulic models for each system were run for the 2, 10, and 50 year ARI events. For each system and ARI event, two tailwater conditions were considered: 1. Low tailwater elevation equal to the Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) for each system. MHWS for NF1-7, MLT1-4 & CBD1-4 is 1.06 m AHD. Similarly, MHWS for AUCH1-3 & MR1 is 1.09m AHD 2. High tailwater elevation equal to the lowest pit elevation in the model. For systems NF1-7, MLT1-4, CBD1-4 , AUCH1-3 & MR1 the high tailwater elevation was 1.8m, 3.1m, 2.1m, 2.1m & 2.3m respectively. This tailwater condition was chosen as an extreme tailwater condition where local stormwater will still discharge from the pipe system. The topographic data for the hydraulic models was taken from the 2m digital terrain model supplied by BCC. The key Manning’s ‘n’ roughness values used in the model are as follows: - Roads 0.025 - Residential 0.100 - Hospital/Commercial 0.150 - Water 0.025 - Parkland 0.050 The model extents and trunk stormwater representation of the hydraulic models for all systems are presented in Appendix A The hydraulic models were set up for two key scenarios: 1) base case; 2) BPDs installed on the trunk lines. Table 21 contains details of the BPD installed on each of the trunk lines modelled as part of this study. Table 21 BPDs for Each Trunk Line System Trunk Line BPD1 (Scenario 1) BPD2 (Scenario 2) NF1-7 NF1&2 Flap Duckbill NF3-5 Flap Duckbill NF6&7 Flap Duckbill CBD1-3 Flap ( CBD 1 only) Duckbill ( CBD 1 only) CBD4 Flap Duckbill MLTU_1 Flap Duckbill MLTU_2 Flap Duckbill MLTD_1 Flap Duckbill MLTD_2 Flap Duckbill MLTD_3 Flap Duckbill MR1 MR1 Flap Duckbill AUCH1-3 AUCH1 Flap Duckbill CBD1-4 MLT1-4 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report System Trunk Line BPD1 (Scenario 1) BPD2 (Scenario 2) AUCH2 Flap Duckbill AUCH3 Flap Duckbill 32 Note: It is assumed that CBD 2 & 3 will have penstock valves installed. Losses for these devices were obtained from suppliers and are presented in Appendix B. For the duck bill BPDs losses for both submerged and unsubmerged flow were accounted for as appropriate. It was assumed that river velocity components were taken into account for the submerged scenarios. For the flap gates losses due to river velocity for the two systems analysed were considered negligible. This is due to the outlets being perpendicular to the Brisbane River. Therefore velocity vectors due to high river flows were assumed to be perpendicular to the outlets and therefore create negligible resistance on the opening of the flaps. For pipes larger than 2.5m diameter and the box culverts and channel, outlets were modelled with multiple combinations of smaller diameter valves and losses in each outlet were calculated accordingly. For all BPD scenarios, flow in the negative direction (back flow) for the pipe systems was disabled to account for the effects of the BPDs. For the existing scenarios, however, back flow was allowed as to represent the existing conditions. 7.5.2 Results The hydraulic models were run for the 2, 10, and 50 year ARI events for both high tailwater and low tailwater conditions. Table 22 shows a summary of the water level increases due to the duck bill BPD and flap gate BPD installation options at the outfalls. Table 22 Change in Water Levels Due to BPDs options Increase in water level (mm) System NF1-2 NF4-7 CBD1-4 MLT1-4 MR1 AUCH1-3 Rainfall Event Low Tailwater BPD1 BPD2 (Scenario 1(Scenario 2Flap) Duck bill) High Tailwater BPD1 BPD2 (Scenario 1 (Scenario 2 – Flap) Duck bill) 2 yr 0 0 0 0 10 yr 0 0 0 0 50 yr 125 130 0 80 2 yr 5 10 5 15 10 yr 5 40 5 20 50 yr 240 280 0 80 2 yr 0 0 0 40 10 yr 0 0 0 0 50 yr 0 0 5 15 2 yr 0 5 0 5 10 yr 115 120 115 115 50 yr 60 60 150 165 2 yr 30 30 20 20 10 yr 5 5 0 0 50 yr 5 5 5 5 2 yr 0 5 0 560 D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 33 Increase in water level (mm) System Rainfall Event Low Tailwater BPD1 BPD2 (Scenario 1(Scenario 2Flap) Duck bill) High Tailwater BPD1 BPD2 (Scenario 1 (Scenario 2 – Flap) Duck bill) 10 yr 5 400 5 800 50 yr 70 85 40 550 The results presented in Table 22 demonstrate that the proposed BPDs (flap valves or duck bill) for CBD1-4 and MR1 will have an acceptable impact on water levels (less than 50mm rise) due to local stormwater runoff. However, for systems NF1-2, NF4-7, MLT1-4 & AUCH1-3, the backwater caused by installation of either flap valves or duck bills will have a significant impact on flood level up to 800 mm. It should be noted that the tailwater level used in the high tailwater scenarios for both sites is considerably higher than the HAT (1.65 m AHD for NF8-NF11 and 1.64 m AHD for MLT5-MLT8). This therefore represents a combined river flood or storm surge and local flood condition. In this condition the outlet will be submerged. It should also be noted that for submerged flow many assumptions regarding losses were made such as the accuracy of supplier data and the assumptions stated in Section 7.5.1 regarding river velocities. 7.6 Modelling Conclusions The following conclusions can be drawn from the hydraulic modelling: - It is feasible to install either flap valves or duck bills to systems CBD1-4 & MR1 with minimal increase in peak water levels (less than 50mm rise) during a local storm event. - For systems NF1-2, NF4-7, MLT1-4 & AUCH1-3, installation of either flap valves or duck bills has a significant impact on peak water levels during a local storm event. - The higher tailwater elevation generally results in a greater increase in water levels than the lower tailwater elevation. 8.0 Cost Estimates Cost Estimates are presented in Appendix D. 9.0 Concept Layouts Concept Layouts are presented in Appendix E. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM 10.0 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report 34 Conclusions The conclusions of this Concept Report are as follows: - Hydrologic and hydraulic modelling of the systems has shown that: With penstocks on CBD 2 & 3, it is feasible to install either flap valves or duck bills to CBD1 & 4 with minimal increase in peak water levels (less than 50mm rise) during a local storm event. It is feasible to install either flap valves or duck bills to MR1 with minimal increase in peak water levels (less than 50mm rise) during a local storm event For systems NF1-2, NF4-7, MLT1-4 & AUCH1-3, installation of either flap valves or duck bills has a significant impact on peak water levels during a local storm event. The higher tailwater elevation scenario generally results in a greater increase in water levels than the lower tailwater elevation scenario. - Locations have been proposed for installation of appropriate BPDs for each system and concept layouts developed which are presented in Appendix E. - In general, flap gates installed on the outlet are the preference, due to low construction cost, ease of maintenance, and reliable operation in Council experience. Chambers are chosen when access to the outlet for construction or maintenance is difficult. Inline valves are chosen in order to avoid construction work at the outlet. Duck bills are chosen where siltation is an issue. Penstocks are chosen where zero head loss is necessary, or for very large outlets (e.g. over 2400mm), but the requirements for increased maintenance, activation and de-activation must be considered. - The exact alignments and pipe sizes, as well as location of other services will need to be confirmed at detailed design stage. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM 11.0 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report List of Abbreviations Abbreviation Meaning ARI Average Recurrence Interval AUCH1-3 Auchenflower Drainage Outlets 1-3 BCC Brisbane City Council BPD Backflow Prevention Device CBD (Brisbane) Central Business District CBD1-4 Central Business District Drainage Outlets 1-4 DBYD Dial Before You Dig DEEDI Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation DERM Department of Environmental Resource Management FRRB Independent Flood Response Review Board HAT Highest Astronomical Tide IDAS Integrated Development Assessment System m metres m, AHD metres, Australian Height Datum MHWS Mean High Water Springs MILT1-8 Milton Drainage Outlets 1-8 MR1 Milton Rosalie Trapezoidal Open Channel Outlet MSL Mean Sea Level MWA Max Winders Associates NALL Natural Assets Local Law NF1-11 New Farm Drainage Outlets 1-11 PTW Prescribed Tidal Works Q100 Interchangeable with 100 year ARI flood RCBC Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe WWBW Waterway Barrier Works D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 35 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Appendix A BPD Review Spreadsheet and Pictures D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM Appendix A D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report BPD Review Spreadsheet and Pictures A-1 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Appendix B Modelling Maps - Catchment Maps - Model Extents - Levee Height Storage Extents D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM Appendix B D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Modelling Maps B-1 AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report B-2 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Appendix C Head Loss Data D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM Appendix C D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Head Loss Data C-1 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report KEY fl – RCP with flap valve installed; db - RCP with duckbill valve installed; dbsub - RCP with duckbill valve installed under submerged conditions; nl – RCP flow with no losses due to valves applied; sa – 50% of RCP flows for sensitivity analysis; ws – RCP with wastop valve installed D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 E AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report F AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report G AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report H AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report I AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report J AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report K AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report L AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report M AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report N AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report O AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report P AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Appendix D Cost Estimates D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM Appendix D D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Cost Estimates D-1 AECOM D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report D-2 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Appendix E Concept Layouts D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM Appendix E D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Concept Layouts E-1 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report Appendix F Sample Maintenance Plans D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 Appendix F D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 Sample Maintenance Plans MAINTENANCE MANUAL ALL-RUBBER DUCK BILL CHECK VALVE D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report F-1 INDEX MAINTENANCE Line pressure should flush the valve clean of debris in most cases. Periodic inspections for trapped debris should be conducted. In vacation seashore areas, quart size plastic bottles have a tendency to float on top and not flush through except during a major storm. A feathered 1” x 4”, 1-1/2” x 12”, or suitable plank inserted into the bill of the valve and turned 90 degrees is a simple method of clearing the Check Valve of small debris which may be trapped between the lips. CAUTION: Sharp objects should not be used on the Check Valve as there is a chance of cutting the rubber and damaging the protective fabric covering. Any gouges in the cover wrap that occur should be sealed to safeguard against ozone or chemical attack. This is best done with rubber cement or a good brand of silicone or polyurethane rubber sealer made by the major manufacturers. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report F-2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL MARINE GRADE ALUMINIUM FLAP GATE D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012 AECOM BCC BPD Stage 2 Stormwater Backflow Devices Feasibility Study Stage 2 - Remaining Systems in Case Study Areas - Concept Report F-3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FLAP GATES Prior to Operation 1. The flap gate should be brushed off to clear all dirt, grit, grout etc particularly around the seal faces. A high pressure wash down with clean water is also recommended. 2. Ensure the flap gate is clear of any obstructions that could impede in its range of motion or prevent the lid from seating and sealing. 3. Ensure the flap gate seats evenly and tightly around the perimeter of the seal and there are no gaps. General Operation 1. The primary function of the flap gate is to prevent backflow of water and upstream flooding. 2. The flap gate will open automatically when the upstream water level is higher than the downstream water level. The degree of opening will be dependent on the difference in these water levels and the discharge flow rate. 3. The flap gate will close automatically when the downstream water level is higher than the upstream water level. 4. The flap gate will also automatically close with no water upstream or downstream. 5. To minimise and dampen slamming of the lid due to wave impact a lid mounted bucket has been incorporated into the design. The rising tide will fill the bucket via the four fill/drain holes and provide temporary additional weight to the lid. As the tide falls the bucket will empty automatically via the four fill/drain holes. General Maintenance 1. The front mounted lid bucket should be cleaned out thoroughly every 3 months ensuring the bottom fill/drain holes are not obstructed. 2. Hinge pins and bushes should be inspected and cleaned at 6 monthly intervals. 3. It is recommended that the flap gate be washed down and cleaned from any sediment and debris build up at 12 monthly intervals. This opportunity should also be used to inspect seals and other components for wear and damage and check bolt tension. 4. Upon each inspection it is important to ensure that the flap gate will open and close fully and seat correctly and tightly onto the seal. Any build up of sediment in front of the flap gate restricting it from opening should be removed. D:\687296142.doc Revision 2 - 11 May 2012