Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development Model (RECID) Ecosystem Landscape Modeling System (Revised 5-26-06) The residential and commercial/industrial development (RECID) model simulates residential and commercial/industrial development for alternative futures. The model integrates six elements: (1) alternative futures; (2) historical changes in land cover and transition probabilities; (3) set of undeveloped parcels; (4) set of developable parcels; (5) total acreage required for development; and (6) the order and location of parcel development. 1. Alternative futures A subgroup of the Flathead Landscape Analysis Group (FLAG) developed nine alternative futures for Flathead County (see table below) by combining three annual growth rates (high, moderate, and low) for eleven industries between 2004 and 2014 and between 2014 and 2024 (see Appendix A), and three land use policies (unrestrictive, moderately restrictive, and highly restrictive) (see Appendix B) for the county. Land use policies, which are assumed to be constant over the entire evaluation period (2004 to 2024), specify the: (1) mix of new home types; (2) densities for home types; (3) setbacks of new homes and commercial/industrial facilities from wetlands and water bodies; (4) restrictions on residential and commercial/industrial development to protect other environmentally sensitive areas (national parks and wildlife refuges); (5) availability of infrastructure (roads, sewer, power, water, etc.); and (6) percentage of remaining farmland and forestland in conservation easements. Nine alternative futures for Flathead County Economic growth rates Unrestrictive Land use policy Moderately restrictive 2. High growth, moderately restrictive policies Highly restrictive High 1. High growth, unrestrictive policies 3. High growth, highly restrictive policies Moderate 4. Moderate growth, unrestrictive policies 5. Moderate growth, moderately restrictive policies 6. Moderate growth, highly restrictive policies Low 7. Low growth, unrestrictive policies 8. Low growth, moderately restrictive policies 9. Low growth, highly restrictive policies 2. Historical changes in land cover and transition probabilities Land covers in populated areas for 1985 and 2002 determined using 30m Landsat TM imagery (see Appendix C for 2002 land cover), were used to calculate transition probabilities of conversion of land from agricultural cover to built-up cover, and from forested cover to built-up cover. Normalized transition probabilities are 0.15 for conversion from forested cover to built-up cover, and 0.85 for conversion from agricultural cover to built-up cover.1 Transition probabilities are assumed to remain constant through 2024. These probabilities are used in determining the conversion of undeveloped land parcels to developed uses. 3. Set of undeveloped parcels Not all undeveloped land in Flathead County is available for development, even in the absence of development restrictions imposed by the three land use policies. About 80 percent of the land in Flathead County is publicly owned and, as such, cannot be developed. These lands include national and state parks, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas. Clipping out these public lands from Flathead County gives the ‘populated areas” map depicted in Appendix C. The CAMA database and 2004 orthophotography for populated areas of the county developed by Positive Systems and the Flathead County GIS Office are used to identify the set of undeveloped parcels that can be developed in the county as of 2004/2005, designated UP. Parcels in this set: do not contain residences or commercial/industrial facilities; comply with applicable building/zoning restrictions with respect to slope and type of soil, and geologic and environmental hazards; and are not in the designated 100-year floodplain and flood prone areas. Exceptions are that no more than 25 percent of the area of any new residential lot can be located within the designated 100-year floodplain in the West Valley area of the county. The second and third requirements are spelled out in the Flathead County Subdivision Regulations, and Flathead County Lake & Lakeshore Regulations.2 1 Normalized transition probabilities are determined by dividing the raw transition probability from forested cover to built-up cover (0.0049), and the raw transition probability from agricultural cover to built-up cover (0.0275) by the sum of the raw transition probabilities (0.0324). 2 These regulations are described at: result_url=redir%3Fsrc%3Dwebsearch%26requestId%3D5960791f05a36065%26clickedItemRank%3D1%26userQ uery%3DFlathead%2BCounty%2BPlanning%2Band%2BZoning%26clickedItemURN%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252 2F. 2 4. Set of developable parcels Since a land use policy restricts where development can occur, it prevents certain undeveloped parcels from being developed. The set of developable parcels for each land use policy is determined as follows: DPq = UP - OR - EPq (q = unrestricted, moderately restrictive, or highly restrictive), where: DPq = the set of developable parcels with land use policy q (represents the supply of land); UP = the set of undeveloped parcels that can be developed (discussed in section 3); OR = the set of parcels that cannot be developed due to other restrictions imposed by existing subdivision, lake, and lakeshore regulations (discussed in section 3); and EPq = the set of undeveloped parcels eliminated from development by land use policy q. Other restrictions on parcel development are assumed to be the same for all land use policies and are based on existing county regulations regarding: (1) lake and lakeshore protection; (2) home setbacks in the West Valley area; (3) setbacks of motor coach subdivisions from water bodies; and (4) home densities, setbacks, etc. in the North Fork Valley These regulations are spelled out in the Flathead County Subdivision Regulations, and Flathead County Lake & Lakeshore Regulations (see footnote 2). 5. Acreage required for development The demand for land with each alternative future determines the total acreages required for new residential and commercial/industrial development in response to economic growth. Home and residential land requirements. Additional homes required between 2004 and 2014 and between 2004 and 2024 for an alternative future are calculated using: (1) the increase in employment between 2004 and 2014 and between 2004 and 2024 determined using IMPLAN; (2) average number of workers per housing unit in the base year (2004) and the housing vacancy rate, which determines the number of homes needed by newly employed workers; (3) unemployment rate; (4) number of non-permanent residents; and (5) average number of nonpermanent residents per housing unit in 2004. [Should probably add an appendix that explains these calculations in more detail.] Consider how to calculate the acreages required for additional home types with alternative future 5. Suppose alternative future 5 requires 1,000 additional homes in Flathead County between 2004 and 2014. Based on the percentage of homes in each home type for alternative future 5 (see Appendix B), an additional 170 high density, 210 urban, 210 suburban, 160 rural, 130 exurban, and 120 agricultural homes are required. Converting each home type to its average acreage and 3 summing over home types gives the additional acreage that needs to be converted from other uses to the five home types between 2004 and 2014: High density: 170/7 = 24.29 Urban homes: 210/5.5 = 38.18 Suburban homes: 210/2 = 105 Rural homes: 160/1 = 160 Exurban homes: 130*7.5 = 975 Agricultural homes: 120*47 = 5,640 The yellow-colored values equal 1,000 times the decimal equivalent of the percentage of additional homes in each home type (see yellow highlighted values in section A, Appendix B), the fuchsia-colored values are the average densities (units per acre) for each home type (see fuchsia-highlighted values in section A, Appendix B), and the gray-colored values are the acreages required for the five home types. Hence, alternative future 5 requires the conversion of 6,617 acres from undeveloped parcels (undeveloped land zoned residential, agricultural land, and forested land) to residential uses between 2004 and 2014. Commercial/industrial land requirements. Additional acreage required for new commercial/industrial development between 2004 and 2014, and between 2014 and 2024 is determined by multiplying the increase in employment between 2004 and 2014 or between 2004 and 2024 estimated using IMPLAN by the average commercial and industrial acreage required per worker (see Appendix D). Suppose these calculations indicate that an additional 500 acres of land are needed for new commercial/industrial developments between 2004 and 2014 with moderate economic growth. 6. Order of parcel development Conversion of the set of developable parcels to residential and commercial/industrial uses depends on additional acreages required for new residential and commercial/industrial developments with an alternative future (see section 5 for detail), and the rank order of parcels for conversion to residential and commercial/industrial uses. The overall order in which parcels are converted is commercial/industrial first, and residential second. Subtracting the set of developable parcels converted to commercial/industrial uses from the total set of developable parcels determines the set of developable parcels available for conversion to residential uses. Parcel conversion to residential uses is done in the following order: (1) high density; (2) urban; (3) suburban; (4) exurban; and (5) agricultural. In other words, the set of developable parcels available for residential uses is converted to high density homes first, urban homes second, etc. After parcels are converted to a particular home type, those 4 parcels are removed from the set of developable parcels available for residential development before parcels are converted to the next home type. The procedure for converting developable parcels is based on development attractiveness scores (DAS), acreage requirements for an alternative future, and normalized transition probabilities. Calculation of DAS for parcels is described in Appendix E. Example: As determined earlier, alternative future 5 has the following hypothetical acreage requirements for land uses between 2004 and 2014: 500 acres for commercial/industrial uses 6,942 acres in residential uses allocated to home types as follows: 24.29 acres in high density homes 38.18 acres in urban homes 105 acres in suburban homes 160 acres in rural homes 975 acres in exurban homes, and 5,640 acres in agricultural homes. The set developable parcels available for conversion to a particular use (commercial/industrial or residential) is identified by imposing the land use policy for alternative future 5 on all parcels. DAS are then calculated for the set of developable parcels. Normalized adjusted DAS are then calculated for the set of developable parcels by combining the transition probabilities for conversion of forested and agricultural lands to built-up uses, and the raw DAS for those parcels. For example, suppose there are 100,000 acres of forested parcels and 150,000 acres of agricultural parcels available for development. First, parcels that do not satisfy the land use policy for alternative future 5 are excluded from the set of developable parcels. Suppose the set of developable parcels for alternative future 5 contains 75,000 acres of forested parcels and 100,000 acres of agricultural parcels. Normalized DAS for the set of developable parcels are determined as follows (for simplicity, only two parcels are in the set of developable parcels): Land cover for parcel Agricultural Forested Raw DAS Transition probability 0.40 0.85 0.85 0.15 Adjusted DAS (raw DAS x transition prob.) 0.34 0.13 Normalized adjusted DAS 0.72 0.28 Since the normalized adjusted DAS is higher for the agricultural parcel than the forested parcel (0.78 > 0.28), the agricultural parcel is more attractive for development than the forested parcel. This procedure integrates historical land cover changes, as reflected in the transition probabilities, with the development attractiveness of the parcel. Separate normalized adjusted DAS are calculated for the set of developable parcels for each commercial/industrial use and each home type. The set of developable parcels for each home type contains different parcels because of the order in which parcels are converted to home types. Five hundred acres of parcels are selected from the total set of developable parcels for commercial/industrial development 5 based on their adjusted DAS. Similarly, 24.3 acres of parcels are selected from the total set of developable parcels available for high density homes, etc. Appendix F describes how the ranks of developable parcels are used to select parcels for conversion. Five hundred acres of parcels are selected from the total set of developable parcels for commercial/industrial development based on their DAS. Similarly, 24.3 acres of parcels are selected from the total set of developable parcels available for high density homes, etc. Appendix F describes how the ranks of developable parcels are used to select parcels for conversion. 6 Appendix A. Consensus economic growth rates for industries with alternative futures Consensus growth rates were determined by combining the values specified by individuals in a subgroup of the Flathead Landscape Analysis Group. High, moderate and low growth rates, by industry, 2004-2014, Flathead County Primary Sector Annual average percentage growth rate High Moderate Low 0.25 0.22 0.15 Farming and Ranching Agricultural, 0.09 -0.14 -0.32 Forestry, and Fishery Mining 16 12 8 Construction 11 8 5 Manufacturing 7 5 3 (including forest products) Transportation, 4 2 0 Communications and Public Utilities Finance, 10 8 6 Insurance, and Real Estate (FIRE) Services 11 9 7 Government 10 8 5 Wholesale Trade 9 5 3 Retail Trade 9 5 3 Annual average 8.78 6.26 3.91 growth ratea a. Weighted average of industry growth rates with weights given by market shares in 2000. 7 High, moderate and low growth rates by industry, 2014-2024, Flathead County Primary Sector Farming and Ranching Agricultural, Forestry, and Fishery Mining Construction Manufacturing (including forest products) Transportation, Communications and Public Utilities Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (FIRE) Annual average percentage growth ratea High Moderate Low 0.13 0.11 0.08 -0.05 -0.07 -0.16 8 6 4 5.5 3.5 4 2.5 2.5 1.5 2 1 0 5 4 3 5.5 4.5 3.5 5 4 2.5 4.5 2.5 1.5 Services Government Wholesale Trade 4.5 2.5 1.5 Retail Trade Annual average 4.39 3.13 1.95 growth rateb a. Growth rates for 2014-2024 are one half of growth rates for 2004-2014. b. Weighted average of industry growth rates with weights given by market shares in 2000. 8 Appendix B. Consensus land use policies for alternative futures A consensus specification of land use policies was determined by combining information on the items listed below provided by two individuals (this is not a large enough sample to be reliable, but was the best that could be done under the circumstances). Some of the items in the original survey were modified or deleted after the two responses were obtained. 1. The mix of new home types for each land use policy is based on the following home types (zoning districts are shown in parentheses): High density homes have a density of 7+ units per acre (similar to R-5, RC-1 and RA-1). Use 7 units per acre. Urban homes have a maximum density of 4-7 units per acre (similar to R-3 and R-4). Use 5.5 units per acre (average of 4, 5, 6, and 7). Suburban homes have a maximum density of 2 units per acre (similar to R-2). Rural homes have a maximum density of 1 unit per acre (similar to R-1). Exurban homes have a maximum density of 1 unit per 5 acres (SAG-5) or 1 unit per 10 acres (SAG-10). Use 1 unit per 7.5 acres (average of SAG-5 and SAG-10). Agricultural homes have a maximum density of 1 unit per 20 acres per unit (AG-20), one unit per 40 acres (AG-40), and one unit per 80 acres (AG-80). Use 1 unit per 47 acres (average of 20, 40, and 80). For the unrestrictive land use policy, the percentage of new homes in each of the five home types should be: 1. 11 % in high density. 2. 11 % in urban. 3. 18 % in suburban. 4. 23 % in rural. 5. 21 % in exurban. 6. 16 % in agricultural For the moderately restrictive land use policy, the percentage of new homes in each of the five home types should be: 1. 17 % in high density. 2. 21 % in urban. 3. 21 % in suburban. 4. 16 % in rural. 5. 13 % in exurban. 6. 12 % in agricultural 9 For the highly restrictive land use policy, the percentage of new homes in each of the five home types should be: 1. 30 % in high density. 2. 28 % in urban. 3. 18 % in suburban. 4. 9 % in rural. 5. 8 % in exurban. 6. 7 % in agricultural 2. Home setbacks from wetlands A new home should not be constructed: 1. within 19 feet of a wetland with the unrestrictive land use policy. 2. within 106 feet of a wetland with the moderately restrictive land use policy. 3. within 240 feet of a wetland with the highly restrictive land use policy. 3. Home setbacks from water bodies A new home should not be allowed: 1. within 19 feet of water bodies with the unrestrictive land use policy. 2. within 77 feet of water bodies with the moderately restrictive land use policy. 3. within 204 feet of water bodies with the highly restrictive land use policy. B. Land use policies affecting commercial development 1. Setbacks of commercial structures from wetlands A new commercial structure should not be allowed: 1. within 29 feet of a wetland with the unrestrictive land use policy. 2. within 146 feet of a wetland with the moderately restrictive land use policy. 3. within 337 feet of a wetland with the highly restrictive land use policy. 2. Setbacks of commercial structures from water bodies A new commercial structure should not be allowed: 1. within 27 feet of water bodies with the unrestrictive land use policy. 2. within 150 feet of water bodies with the moderately restrictive land use policy. 3. within 297 feet of water bodies with the highly restrictive land use policy. 10 C. Land use policies affecting residential and commercial development 1. Land trusts for preservation of farmland, forestland and open space Suppose Flathead County establishes a fund for purchasing agricultural, forested and open space lands in the county from willing sellers (as of 2004) that are critical for protecting natural resources. Money and willing sellers permitting, conservation easements should be purchased on the following target percentages of critical agricultural and forested lands in each year: 1. 2 percent by 2014 and 4.3 percent by 2024 with the unrestrictive land use policy. 2. 4.8 percent by 2014 and 7.7 percent by 2024 with the moderately restrictive land use policy. 3. 11.9 percent by 2014 and 29.3 percent by 2024 with the highly restrictive land use policy. Once the agricultural and forested land parcels are determined, the above percentages will be applied to determine which lands cannot be developed due to conservation easements. 2. Protection of other environmentally sensitive areas, such as national parks, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas For the unrestrictive land use policy, new residential development adjacent to other environmentally sensitive areas is not restricted. However, land use in these areas must satisfy other restrictions imposed by setbacks from wetlands and water bodies for the unrestrictive land use policy, floodplain regulations, and restrictions on home types due to sewer accessibility. For the moderately restrictive land use policy, the only new residential development allowed within one mile of other environmentally sensitive areas is urban, suburban, rural, exurban and agricultural homes. However, land use must satisfy other restrictions imposed by setbacks from wetlands and water bodies for the moderately restrictive land use policy, floodplain regulations, and restrictions on home types due to sewer accessibility. For the highly restrictive land use policy, the only new residential development allowed within one mile of other environmentally sensitive areas is suburban, rural, exurban and agricultural homes. However, land use must satisfy other restrictions imposed by setbacks from wetlands and water bodies for the highly restrictive land use policy, floodplain regulations, and restrictions on home types due to sewer accessibility. Policy Home types allowed Unrestrictive policy high density, urban, suburban, rural, exurban, and agricultural Moderately restrictive policy urban, suburban, rural, exurban, and agricultural Highly restrictive policy suburban, rural, exurban, and agricultural 11 Appendix C. 1985 and 2002 land covers for Flathead County 2002 Land Cover 1985 Land Cover Class 1985 2002 Water 18336.87 19279.17 Coniferous Forest 251774.1 250184.9 Deciduous Forest 6304.5 6011.28 Cropland 23805.63 12740.85 Grassland/Shrubland 102169.3 102200.7 Barren/Rock 1474.47 2312.46 Urban/Built Up 4585.23 9426.87 0 5478.66 41.58 743.13 Standing Burnt Forest Ice/Snow 12 Appendix D. Commercial-institutional-industrial space and acreage requirements 1. Square feet per worker Total commercial, institutional, and industrial square feet per worker in Montana in 2000 = 737 + 493 = 1,230 sq. ft. per worker in MT in 2000 Source of tables: Nelson, A.C. 2004. Toward a new metropolis: the opportunity to rebuild America. Paper Prepared for The Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. 13 Arthur C. Nelson, A.C. 2004. Toward a new metropolis: the opportunity to rebuild America. Paper Prepared for The Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program, Footnotes from Appendix Tables 5 and 7: Based on footnote ‘a’, it appears workers is not the same as jobs. In particular, workers is less than jobs because of full-time and part-time jobs. 2. Acres per square foot of commercial and industrial space in Flathead County. The following data come from April 2005 CAMA database as determined by Richard Charrier of CARES. Parcels with buildings assigned and square feet known: Parcel Acres: 1,990.506 Parcels: 2,211 Mean Acreage: .900 Maximum Acreage: 104.929 Minimum Acreage: .012 Bldg Square Feet: 62,541,572 Mean Square Feet: 28,287 Maximum Square Feet: 965,725 Minimum Square Feet: 436 1,990.506/62,541,572 = 0.00003182 acres per square feet in Flathead County =. 3. Workers per job in Montana Equals the number of workers in 2000 in Montana from Nelson (2004) divided by the number of jobs in 2000 in Montana from BEA: Source: Nelson (2004) Appendix Table 5. Commercial and Institutional Square Feet Demand for Nation, Regions, and States Ranked by the Percentage of Square Feet in 2030 Built Since 2000: 14 Source: BEA. =30000&format=htm#a Workers per job in Montana in 2000 = 440,000/559,055 = 0.787. 4. Acres and square feet in commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities per job Equals sq. ft. per worker in Montana in 2000 (#1) x acres per square feet in Flathead County (#2) x workers per job in Montana in 2000 (#3) (1,230 sq. ft./worker)(0.0000318 acres/sq. ft.)(0.787 workers/job) = 0.03078 commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities per job in Montana in 2000 acres in (0.03078 acres/job)(40,000 sq. ft./acre) = 1,231 sq. ft. in commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities per job in Montana in 2000 These figures are used in IMPLAN to determine the amount of commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities per job. 15 Appendix E. Calculation of development attractiveness scores A. Overview of development attractiveness attributes and scores The attractiveness of developable parcels for residential and commercial development is determined based on development attractiveness scores (DAS) estimated using a two-step process. The first step determines a parcel’s location with respect to infrastructure, primarily sewers. Parcels are sorted into two categories: (1) sewer accessible parcels located within the current growth boundaries for incorporated cities (Kalispell, Columbia Falls, and Whitefish) and unincorporated towns in Flathead County; and (2) non-sewer accessible parcels located outside the current growth boundaries. Current (2003) growth boundaries have been determined for Kalispell, Columbia Falls, and Whitefish. Since growth boundaries do not exist for the unincorporated towns, pseudo growth boundaries are defined as the boundaries for the unincorporated areas. Allowable uses of developable parcels based on infrastructure are as follows: Parcel location Sewer accessible (in growth boundary) Non-sewer accessible (outside growth boundary) Allowable uses commercial/industrial high density homes urban homes suburban homes rural homes exurban homes agricultural homes Based on infrastructure, developable parcels can only be converted to commercial/industrial, high density homes, urban homes, and suburban homes in sewer accessible areas, and to rural homes, exurban homes and agricultural homes in non-sewer accessible areas. DAS for parcels where residential uses are allowed are calculated using a multiple attribute evaluation (MAE) procedure that incorporates five attributes: (1) maximum acceptable distance from a major highway; (2) maximum acceptable distance from the edge of town; (3) maximum acceptable distances from amenities (i.e., mountains, lake, river, preserve/park, golf course, ski resort, forest, and elevation difference); and (4) minimum acceptable distances from disamenities (i.e., industrial facility or park, mining facility, trailer park, edge of town, railroad tracks, and airport). Minimum and maximum acceptable distances vary by home class (combination of home type and tract vs. custom home). Quantification of the effects of these attributes on residential DAS is described in section B. DAS for parcels where commercial/industrial uses are allowed are calculated using a MAE procedure that incorporates two attributes: (1) maximum acceptable distance from a major highway; and (2) maximum acceptable distance from population centers. Quantification of the effects of these attributes on commercial/industrial DAS is described in section C. 16 B. Residential DAS Calculation of residential DAS for parcels is described in three steps, as follows. 1. Minimum and maximum acceptable distances for attributes and attribute weights are based on responses to a parcel suitability survey administered to developers, real estate professionals, planners, and others in Flathead County (see part D for attribute values and weights). 2. The DAS for a developable parcel is evaluated based on five major attributes. The following functions are used to quantify the effects of a parcel’s distance from positive attributes on DAS: Effects of distance from positive attributes on a parcel’s DAS are modeled assuming the DAS remains constant when the parcel’s distance from the corresponding attribute is less than the maximum acceptable distance, and then decreases exponentially with distance if the parcel’s distance exceeds the corresponding maximum acceptable distance. The effects of distance from major highway on DAS are modeled using: f(hi, h) = 1 for hi ≤ h, and f(hi, h) = e-( hi – h) for hi > h, where subscript i designates parcel i. This function indicates that, other things equal, a parcel’s attractiveness for development decreases when its distance from a major highway exceeds the maximum acceptable distance (h), and remains constant for distances below the maximum acceptable distance. The effects of distance from edge of town on DAS is modeled using: f(ti, t) = 1 for ti ≤ t, and f(ti, t) = e-(ti – t) for ti > t. This function indicates that, other things equal, a parcel’s attractiveness for development decreases when its distance from the edge of town exceeds the maximum acceptable distance (t), and remains constant for distances below the maximum acceptable distance. The effects of distance from amenities on DAS is modeled using: f(aik, ak) = 1 for aik ≤ ak, and f(aik, ak) = e-(aik -ak) for aik > ak where k refers to the lake, river, preserve/park, golf course, ski resort, or forest amenity attribute. Amenities are desirable attributes of parcels. This function indicates that, other things equal, a parcel’s attractiveness for residential development decreases when its distance from the amenity exceeds the maximum acceptable distance (ak), and remains constant for distances below the maximum acceptable distance. Distances from the seven amenity attributes are aggregated to obtain parcel i’s weighted average amenity attribute for home class r: 6 fiar = wkr f(aikr, ar) + werf(aier, aer), k Weights sum to one and the values of fiar range from 0 to 1. A plot of the functions for positive attributes excluding elevation difference is: 17 f(xi, x) 1 x xi x = h, t, ak. Effects of a parcel’s elevation difference on the DAS are modeled in the opposite way from other amenities. The effect of elevation on a parcel’s DAS is zero if the elevation difference is less than the minimum elevation difference and increases linearly as the elevation difference exceeds the minimum elevation difference. It is modeled using the following function: f(aie, ae) = 0 for aie ≤ ae, and f(aie, ae) = (aie - ae)* for aie > ae, where the asterisk indicates a normalized elevation difference (i.e., (aie - ae)* = [(aie – ae) - min (aie – ae)]/[max (aie - ae) – min (aie - ae)]). A plot of the function for elevation difference is: f(aie, ae) 1 ae aie Effects of disamenities on the DAS are modeled using the function: f(dik, dk) = e(dik -dk) for dik ≤ dk, and f(dik, dk) = 1 for dik > dk, where subscript i designates parcel i, and subscript k refers to disamenity k. This function indicates that the effect of a disamenity on DAS (i.e., f(dik, dk)) is constant when parcel distance from the disamenity exceeds dk and causes the DAS to decrease exponentially as the distance decreases from dk. A plot of f(dik, dk) is: 18 f(dik, dk) 1 dk dik The weighted distance of parcel i from disamenities for home class r is: 7 fidr= (1/7) f(dik, drk), k where dik is parcel i’s distance from disamenity k and drk is the minimum acceptable distance from the disamenity k for home class r. This function assumes that all disamenities have equal weight. Values of fidr range from 0 to 1. 3. DAS for developable parcels for home class r is: DASir = whrf(hir, hr) + wtrf(tir, tr) + warfiar + wdrfidr, where (omitting subscript r): wh = average weight for maximum acceptable distance from a major highway; wt = average weight for maximum acceptable distance from the edge of town; wa = average weight for maximum acceptable distance from amenities; and wd = average weight for minimum acceptable distance from disamenities; wh + wt + wa + wd = 1 for all home classes. Since weights sum to one and all of the attribute values (i.e., f(•)) are between 0 and 1, DASir is between 0 and 1. C. Commercial-institutional-industrial DAS DAS for commercial/industrial parcels that are sewer accessible are determined based on a parcel’s proximity to major highways and population centers (i.e., edge of town), and the relative importance of these attributes (i.e., attribute weights). Parcel distances from these two attributes are modeled using the same functional forms as used for major highway and edge of town for residential parcels. DAS for developable parcels in commercial/industrial uses are: DASic = whcf(hic, hc) + wpcf(tic, tc). Since whc + wpc = 1, and the attribute values (i.e., f(•)) are in the range 0 to 1, the commercial/industrial DAS are between 0 and 1. 19 D. Values of attributes and weights for development attractiveness scores3 Residential parcel attractiveness attributes and weights The attractiveness of developable parcels for residential development is evaluated in terms of four categories of home types (defined below), tract (spec) and custom homes (defined below), and five attributes (defined in section B). Four categories of home types (county zoning districts shown in parentheses) 1. High density and urban homes. High density homes have an average density of 7 units per acre (similar to R-5, RC-1 and RA-1), and urban homes have an average density of 5.5 units per acre (similar to R-3 and R-4). 2. Suburban and rural homes. Suburban homes have an average density of 2 units per acre (similar to R-2), and rural homes have an average density of 1 unit per acre (similar to R-1). 3. Exurban homes have an average density of 1 unit per 7.5 acres, which is the average of 1 unit per 5 acres (SAG-5), and one unit per 10 acres (SAG-10). 4. Agricultural homes have an average density of 1 unit per 47 acres, which is the average of 1 unit per 20 acres (AG-20), 1 unit per 40 acres (AG-40), and 1 unit per 80 acres (AG-80). Tract and custom homes Home types within the tract (spec) and custom home categories are: Tract homes Custom homes High density Urban Suburban ----- Urban Suburban Rural Exurban Agricultural Residential attribute values 1. The maximum acceptable distances in miles from a major highway (h): Home category High density and urban Suburban and rural Exurban Agricultural 3 Tract homes 0.625 1.17 (suburban only) Not applicable Not applicable Tabled values are averages based on two responses to the parcel suitability survey. 20 Custom homes 0.75 (urban only) 1.375 2.875 4 2. The maximum acceptable distances in miles from the edge of town (t): Home category High density and urban Suburban and rural Exurban Agricultural Tract homes 0.625 1.75 (suburban only) Not applicable Not applicable Custom homes 0.75 (urban only) 0.875 3.5 7.5 3. Maximum acceptable distances in miles from amenities (ak): High Density and Urban Homes Category Amenity Lake River Preserve/park Golf course Ski resort Forest Elevation difference (in feet) Tract homes (high density and urban) Maximum Relative acceptable importance of distance from “being near” the amenity the amenity 15.25 10.25 7.0 0.125 35 7.5 250 0.185 0.154 0.170 0.123 0.093 0.154 0.123 21 Custom homes (urban only) Maximum Relative importance of acceptable “being near” the distance from amenity the amenity 17.5 0.125 9.30 0.125 37.5 12.5 250 0.212 0.152 0.120 0.152 0.182 0.121 0.061 Suburban and Rural Homes Category Amenity Tract homes (suburban only) Maximum Relative acceptable importance of distance from “being near” the amenity the amenity Lake River Preserve/park Golf course Ski resort Forest Elevation difference (in feet) 17.5 12.5 8.0 5.1 35 7.5 250 Custom homes (suburban and rural) Maximum Relative importance of acceptable “being near” the amenity distance from the amenity 0.176 0.147 0.190 0.147 0.106 0.118 0.118 17.5 12.5 15.5 12.5 37.5 12.5 250 0.194 0.139 0.190 0.167 0.139 0.111 0.056 Custom Exurban and Agricultural Homes Categories Amenity Lake River Preserve/park Golf course Ski resort Forest Elevation difference (ft.) Exurban Maximum Relative acceptable importance of distance “being near” from the the amenity amenity 20 15 16.75 12.5 37.5 12.5 250 0.147 0.118 0.210 0.147 0.118 0.176 0.088 22 Agricultural Maximum Relative acceptable importance of distance “being near” from the the amenity amenity 9 17.5 18.0 15 40 10 250 0.121 0.091 0.240 0.152 0.121 0.182 0.091 4. Minimum acceptable distances in miles from disamenities (dk): Disamenity High density and urban homes Tract homes Custom homes (high density (urban only) and urban homes) 0.625 1.75 5.5 9 0.375 1.5 0.375 0.625 0.225 0.375 .225 0.5 1.5 1.5 Industrial facility or park Mining facility Trailer park Busy highway Commercial center Railroad tracks Airport Disamenity Suburban and rural homes Tract homes (suburban only) 3 10 1.5 1.25 2.75 1.25 3 Custom exurban homes Industrial facility or park Mining facility Trailer park Busy highway Commercial center Railroad tracks Airport 1.5 8.5 1 0.075 2.75 0.75 3 Custom homes (suburban and rural) 5.5 12.5 3 2.75 5.25 1.25 3 Custom agricultural homes 3 5 1.5 1.25 7.5 1.25 5.5 Each disamenity receives a weight of 0.143. Weights for residential attractiveness attributes Attribute Minimum acceptable distance from a major highway Maximum acceptable distance from the edge of town High density and urban 0.29 Weight Suburban Exurban and rural 0.29 23 Agricultural 0.32 0.18 0.13 0.32 0.29 0.16 Maximum acceptable distances from amenities Minimum acceptable distances from disamenities Sum 0.21 0.20 0.32 0.355 0.21 0.16 0.21 0.355 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Commercial/industrial parcel attractiveness attributes and weights 1. The maximum acceptable distance from a major highway is 0.75 miles. 2. The maximum acceptable distance from population centers is 5 miles. Maximum acceptable distance from: Major highway Population centers Weight 0.60 0.40 24 Appendix F. Procedures for selecting parcels for conversion to developed uses The order in which parcels are selected from the total set of developable parcels for a particular land use is based on their development attractiveness scores (DAS), which range from 0 to 1, and other factors. The set of developable parcels for a particular land use is divided into five groups. The first group contains developable parcels with the highest 20 percent of scores, the second group contains parcels with the next highest 20 percent of scores, etc. All developable parcels within the same group are considered to be equally attractive for development. For example, acreage required for new urban homes (24 acres in the hypothetical example) is randomly allocated to parcels such that approximately 80 percent of the acreage in parcels (19.2 acres) comes from the highest ranked group, and approximately 20 percent (4.8 acres) comes from the second highest ranked group. When all the parcels in the highest ranked group are developed, then the second highest ranked group becomes the highest ranked group and the procedure is repeated. Twenty percent of the land requirement is allocated to the second group because it is generally not possible for developers to acquire the most attractive land for development due to the unwillingness of owners to sell, inability to agree on price, and other factors. Acreage conversions to other home types and commercial/industrial uses are determined in a similar way. Once a parcel is converted to a particular land use, it is removed from the set of developable parcels for that use. This acreage conversion procedure was adapted from a landscape study by Steinitz et al. 2003. 25 26