Progress Report of Compliance with Gender Action Plan, DMF, and

Progress Report of Compliance with Gender Action Plan, DMF, and Grant Covenants
As of August, 2012-October,2012
Project Title :
Flood Damage Emergency Reconstruction Project (FDERP)1
Project No. :
Type of Project (Loan/ TA): Loan 2852 & Grant 0285
Approval and Timeline: March 2012 – December 2015
Gender Category:
Mission Leader:
Mr. Nida Ouk
Project Impact:
Economic and social recovery from the 2011 floods in project provinces
Project Outcome:
Restoration of critical public and social infrastructure assets necessary to restore livelihoods
and access in project provinces that will secure that social infrastructure services against
future flooding. Assets are rebuilt back to their original standards or better.
Document 1: Progress of Gender Action Plan Implementation
Document 2: Status of Compliance with DMF
Document 3: Status of Compliance with Grant Covenants
The project was approved by the board on 27 March 2012, with effectivity date of 14 May 2012 and estimated project duration from Jan 2011 – Dec 2015, with estimated
project completion date 31 March 2015. The total investment cost is estimated at $ 60.25 million, which is from ADF $55 million and Australian grant $ 5.25 million. The project
is implemented in provinces (BMC, BB, Kg. Cham, Kg Thom, Prey Veng and Siem Reap).
1) Progress of Gender Action Plan Implementation
Progress to Date
Issues and Challenges
(This should include information on period of
(Please include reasons why an
Activities, Indicators and Targets,
actual implementation, sex-disaggregated
activity was not fully implemented, or if
Timeframe and Responsibility
qualitative and quantitative updates (e.g.
targets fall short, or reasons for delay,
number of participating women, women
beneficiaries of services, etc.))
Output 1: National and provincial roads damaged by floods (including bridges and culverts) rehabilitated and reconstructed
(July 2012)
Contractors will prioritize and report
on the use of local unskilled labor:
 MPWT-CW1 2km of detour road in Prey
Veng province, Krong Prey Veng Bridge
PK88+000 in Prey Veng
MPWT-CW3 Koh Rokar Bridge in
Kampong Cham
Awarding of contracts for the Project
Contractors started only in May 2012;
Contractors were oriented in the Training
Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming
organized by ADB-CARM on 5 July 2012
on the LGAP targets and activities
including the use of local unskilled labor.
During rainy season, most people
especially women are busy with
farming works.
Women workers were hired from villages
near the construction site. Female cooks,
however, are not available for they joined
with their husband working in other
Responsibility: MPWT
Time: Year 2012
At least 30% of unskilled labor hired
will be women (through conditions in bid
Responsibility: MPWT
For the second quarter (August 2012October 2012), result of site visits and
interviews with the resident engineers and
site managers show that: an average
percentage of unskilled women hired for
the three (3) subprojects (CW1, CW2 &
Regular monitoring of the project site
must be done to ensure contractors
implement the loan covenants
including the LGAP
Workable areas are limited during
CW3) is 25.76%.
Time: Year 2012
rainy season. Percentage of unskilled
worker was cut down.
CW-1: August 2012-30.33%
September 2012-40.00%
October 2012-30.33%
Or a Total percentage of 33.55%
CW-2: August. 2012-20.00%
September 2012-40.00%
October 2012-10.72%
Or a Total percentage of 23.57%
CW-3: August 2012-20.25%
September 2012-20.25%
October 2012 -20.00%
Or a Total percentage of 20.16%
Contractors will uphold the Core
Labor Standards, including not
employing child labor
Over-all: Percentage of women (unskilled
worker) in August 2012 is 23.53%, 33.41%
in September and 20.35% for October.
Thus the total percentage of unskilled
women workforce mobilized from August to
September 2012 is 28.47% and 20.35% for
October 2012.
No “child labor” was availed of by the
contractors during sit visits
Regular monitoring of the project site
must be done to ensure contractors
implement the loan covenants
including the LGAP.
Responsibility: MPWT
Time: Year 2012
Men and women will receive equal
pay for equal work
Responsibility: MPWT
Unskilled men and women were hired and
received equal pay for same work. More
unskilled women were hired and received fair
payment. The percentage of unskilled women
hired is acceptable.
Time: Year 2012
Regular monitoring of the project site
must be done to ensure contractors
implement the loan covenants
including the LGAP.
As also observed, there is separate
toilet for women and men.
Output 2: Rural roads damaged by floods (including bridges and culverts) rehabilitated and reconstructed (June 2012)
Contractors will prioritize and report
on the use of local unskilled labor
Responsibility: MRD
Time: Year 2012
At least 30% of unskilled labor hired
will be women (through conditions in bid
Responsibility: MRD
Time: Year 2012
Awarding of contracts for the Project
Contractors started only in June-July 2012;
Contractors were oriented in the Training
Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming
organized by ADB-CARM on 5 July 2012
on the LGAP targets and activities
including use of local unskilled labor
The 30% unskilled labourers should be
women was strongly emphasized during
the Training Workshop on Gender
Mainstreaming organized by ADB-CARM
on 5 July 2012.
Construction in the FDERP roads has not
yet started as of reporting period.
Regular monitoring at the project
site must be done by the PDRDs
to ensure that the contractors will
really implement the loan
covenants including the LGAP.
Comments/observations should be
discussed immediately with the
contractors to implement
corrective/preventive measures.
There are some communes where
women have no experience yet in
road construction. LBAT training
may be conducted in areas where
most of the women have no
experience yet road construction.
Contractors and the commune
council, and supported by the
PDRDS/SEO should have open
communication so that more
women will be given the
opportunity to work. Inventory of
unskilled men and women
interested to work in the project
must be given by the commune
/village council to the contractor for
possible hiring when construction
Contractors will uphold the Core
Labor Standards, including not
employing child labor
Responsibility: MRD
Time: Year 2012
Men and women will receive equal
pay for equal work
The contractors were oriented on the Core
Labor Standard (no child labor and equal pay
for equal work policy) during the Training
Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming
organized by ADB-CARM for
MPWR/MRD.MOWRAM on 5 July 2012
Responsibility: MRD
Time: Year 2012
Any community-based rural road
maintenance demonstration activities, if
selected for inclusion in the project, will
prioritize, build capacity for, and report
on women’s participation
Responsibility: MRD
Time: Year 2012
Update on this will be included in the
next reporting schedule.
Construction has not yet started as of
reporting period.
Monitoring of LGAP was emphasized
by the Training facilitators during the
Training Workshop on Gender
Mainstreaming organized by ADBCARM on 5 July 2012.
Update on this will be included in the
next reporting schedule.
Construction has not yet started as of
reporting period.
Stakeholder consultations with the
commune/village officers and/or public
orientation about the project were
conducted in June 2012 with the
MRD/SEO, PDRD and consultants
(social safeguards, labor and gender
Update on this will be included in the
next reporting schedule
Output 3: Irrigation facilities rehabilitated and reconstructed (August 2012)
Contractors will prioritize and report
on the use of local unskilled labor
- Awarding of contracts for the Project
Contractors started in late June 2012;
Responsibility: MoWRAM
- Contractors were oriented in the Training
Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming
organized by ADB-CARM on 5 July 2012 on
the LGAP targets and activities including
use of local unskilled labor
Time: Year 2012
- It was found that women workers were hired
from villages near by construction site,
except cooks they followed their husband
from other provinces and some contractors
have used their own mobile unskilled
workers. It mean men workers been trained
and will move with company.
At least 30% of unskilled labor hired
will be women (through conditions in bid
Responsibility: MoWRAM
Time: Year 2012
3.3. Contractors will uphold the Core Labor
Standards, including not employing
child labor
Responsibility: MoWRAM
- Based on the site visit and interviewed with
site managers, it shown that an average
percentage of unskilled women labor hired
for the subprojects CW1, CW2, CW9,
CW10/11, CW12 is 36 % (75 unskilled
female workers were hired out of 209
- In construction work female workers are
responsible for collecting stone for slope
protection, grass planting, steel assembly,
transport concrete, cleaning site and do
supplementary work like cooking and
No child labor found during the visits
- Based on the result of site visits and
an interview with site managers, it
shown that some site mangers
known and some don’t know about
gender requirement in the loan
- Some Project contractors are not
yet oriented on the LGAP during the
project implementing
- Lack of communication between
constructors and local authority for
mobilizing unskilled workers
- In some places, it is hard to find
construction work because most of
unskilled women are migration to
Phnom Penh or to Thailand for job
because the labor cost earned from
construction work is low and short
It seems constructors know very well
about child labor prohibited
Time: Year 2012
Men and women will receive equal
pay for equal work
Responsibility: MoWRAM
Time: Year 2012
Irrigation canals will only be selected
for rehabilitation if they have functioning
Farmer Water User Committees
reflecting women’s concerns
Responsibility: MoWRAM
Time: Year 2012
There is slightly different payment between
male and female worker (15,000 riel and
17,000 riel/day). Different payment because
of different responsible between 2 of them,
example: female workers only collect stone
and put in bags than men workers will
carried those bags to the site. Explained by
the site managers.
- Only 4 out of 9 sub-projects have formed
FWUCs. The rest will be formed after
construction is completed. In the 4 FWUCs
only 3.15% of women participated in the
committee ( 3 female out of 107 members of
FWUCs ) .
- It was found that females workers
who are providing breast feeding to
their child were allowed to stop
early and start a bit late.
- It was also found that in the site
there is no toilet build due to nature
of work is not long in one place and
always moved..
Reasons why less women in the
FWUCs because it is a voluntary
- FWUCs did not follow an action
plan. Group meeting always
- Knowledge of FWUCs members
on gender is limited. They needs
more help
Output 4: Project managed and monitored efficiently
Each PIU will have at least one
woman on staff
Responsibility: Each Ministries (MRD,
Time: Year 2012
Each Ministry’s Gender
Mainstreaming Action Group will be
encouraged to participate in project
activities (particularly any gender training
or orientation)
Each PIU has assigned one female staff to be
a gender focal person, and at least currently
there are 2 female staff (11%) out of the 18
PIU staff in MPWT, one female staff (3.6%) out
of 28 PIU staff in MRD, and 2 female staff
(5.7%) out of 35 PIU staff in MoWRAM.
- 3 SEO staff of MRD were attended the
orientation meeting on roles and
responsibility of SEO office by an
international social development and
safeguard expert
- 2 SEO staff of MRD and one each Gender
All of them need to be given more
orientation about gender
mainstreaming/LGAP implementation
and monitoring.
Need to sustain capacity
building for the SEO and
engage them in LGAP
Only 2 officers of the SEO
Responsibility: : Each Ministries (MRD,
Time: Year: 2012
Mainstreaming Action Group of MPWT and
MoWRAM were attended Gender training
workshop in July 2012 organized by ADB
All PIU staff will participate in training
on gender mainstreaming in
infrastructure projects
Responsibility: Each Ministries (MRD,
Time: Year 2012
Training workshop on Gender mainstreaming
in construction Sector was organized by ADB
CARM together with an international and
national consultants on July 5, 2012 for the 3
PIUs to increase their knowledge on Gender
mainstreaming in construction as well as to
attain higher quality of LGAP implementation
and monitoring, and to mitigate adverse project
impacts on gender achievements. There were
38 participants (8 women) from PIU’s staff at
national and provincial levels, ministries’
gender focal persons, consultants, and
constructors attended.
The mission suggested having refresher
training workshop at least once a year during
have official appointments (Mr.
Ly Kihour and Mr. Venghuy; 2
officers have no “parkas”
The Gender Mainstreaming
Action Group in MRD must be
involved also in all activities
related to LGAP
implementation (not just the
Need for the Gender focal
persons of each IAs, PDRDs,
PMoWRAM, DPWTs to be
involved on regularly
monitoring the LGAP to ensure
that the contractors will comply
with the loan
covenants/provisions as
stipulated in the signed
Capacity building for the PIU
must be sustained particularly
on LGAP monitoring.
It is important that 100% of the
SEO officers should have
common understanding of the
discussed during trainings
organized by ADB and the
consultants of KCI/MRD so
that they could re-echo to the
PDRDs, and/or the MRD’s
Gender Mainstreaming Action
Committee updates related to
the project implementation
A national labor and gender
specialist will be hired for each PIU to
support LGAP implementation,
monitoring, and reporting
Responsibility: Each Ministries (MRD,
Time: Year 2012
 During the stage 2 implementation, the
project has hired one national social and
gender consultant intermittently to monitor
the implementation of LGAP, provide
capacity building to PIUs, and prepare the
progress of LGAP implementation.
 During stage 2 and 3 of project
implementation, MRD has engaged one
international social development and
safeguard expert intermittently and one
national labor and gender specialist
intermittently from second quarter of 2012 to
third quarter of 2014.
 Similarly MoWRAM has engaged one
national labor and gender specialist
intermittently from third quarter 2012 to first
quarter 2015.
 Though gender specialist were recruited for
the MRD and MoWRAM respectively, the
overall, timeframe of their service input is
very short (2 person-month) relative to the
whole project cycle from 2012 to 2015. In
this regards, it this suggested that the
ministries assign experience staff to assist in
monitoring LGAP implementation, or the
length of their service input should be
Involvement of the SEO and
PDRD in LGAP monitoring is
imperative to ensure the
contractors’ compliance of the
LGAP and loan covenants.
MRD: The consultant (national
labor and gender specialist’s time
for monitoring LGAP is very
limited). Only very few project
areas/rural roads could be
monitored. Even time to orient the
PDRD on LGAP monitoring is
limited. The time for consultation
with the local community residents/
leaders about LGAP
implementation is also too short.
MPWT & MoWRAM: Gender focal
persons wee oriented on LGAP
 For MPWT, an international environment
specialist will help the gender focal person in
LGAP monitor during her assignment.
PIUs will collect sex-disaggregated
data in project performance and
monitoring indicators or project
management information system
Responsibility: PIUs, gender focal
persons and constructors
Time: Year 2012
The PCMU will ensure that LGAP
progress updates are included in
quarterly and annual reports
Responsibility: All 3 Ministries (MRD,
Time: Year 2012
 The SEO/MRD were oriented on the new
LGAP Monitoring form (with Khmer
translation), the PDRDs and Engineers
involved in project monitoring to gather sexdisaggregated data.
 PDRDs/SEO Officers were provided a copy
of the new LGAP Monitoring form during the
Orientation/training conducted on 19 June
2012 and 05 July 2012, and field
visits/orientation conducted by the KCI/MRD
consultants in 5 provinces with FDERP on
20-22 June 2012 (with the SEO officers)
 Based on the field visit on 18-20 to MPWT &
MoWRAM, it was observed that unskilled
women were hired to work at the
construction sites and sex-disaggregated
data was collected by PIUs and
In progress
 The PDRDs and the SEO need to
be given time to fill-in the required
information with sex-disaggregated
data (based on the LGAP
monitoring template).
 Hands on training will be of great
help. The national labor and
gender specialist could assist the
PDRDs in the next monitoring
2) Status of Compliance with Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF)
Design Summary
Performance Targets and
Progress to Date
(This should include information on period of actual implementation, sexdisaggregated qualitative and quantitative updates (e.g. number of participating
women, women beneficiaries of services, etc.). However, some would be in process so explain what has happened towards meeting this target.
Output 1: National and provincial
roads damaged by floods (including
bridges and culverts) rehabilitated and
 At least 30% of unskilled labor
hired are women
Output 2: Rural roads damaged by
floods (including bridges and culverts)
rehabilitated and reconstructed
 At least 30% of unskilled labor
hired are women
Output 3: Irrigation facilities
rehabilitated and reconstructed
 At least 30% of unskilled labor
hired are women
For the second quarter (August 2012-October 2012),
result of site visits and interviews with the resident
engineers and site managers show that: an average
percentage of unskilled women hired for the three (3)
subprojects (CW1, CW2 & CW3) is 25.76%.
Findings also show that women workers were hired from
villages near the construction site. Female cooks,
however, are not available for they joined with their
husband working in other provinces.
The 30% unskilled laborers should be women was strongly
emphasized during the Training Workshop on Gender
Mainstreaming organized by ADB-CARM on 5 July 2012.
Construction in the FDERP roads has not yet started as of
reporting period.
- An average percentage of unskilled women labor hired for
the subprojects CW1, CW2, CW9, CW10/11, CW12 is 36 %
(75 unskilled female workers were hired out of 209
Output 4: Project managed and
monitored efficiently
 PIUs in each IA will collect
sex-disaggregated data
 All PIU staff will participate in
training on gender
mainstreaming in
infrastructure projects
 MRD: The PDRDs and the SEO need to be given time to
fill-in the required information with sex-disaggregated data
(based on the LGAP monitoring template).The national
labor and gender specialist could assist the PDRDs in the
next monitoring period.
 MoWRAM & MPWT: Based on the field visit on 18-20, it
was observed that unskilled women were hired to work at
the construction sites and sex-disaggregated data was
collected by PIUs and constructors.
 Training workshop on Gender mainstreaming in
construction Sector was organized by ADB CARM
together with an international and national consultants on
July 5, 2012 for the 3 PIUs. There were 38 participants (8
women) from PIU’s staff at national and provincial levels,
ministries’ gender focal persons, consultants, and
constructors attended.
3). Status of Compliance with Loan Covenants
Reference in the Loan
Major Covenants
(This should include information on period of actual
implementation, sex-disaggregated qualitative and quantitative
updates (e.g. number of participating women, women
beneficiaries of services, etc.). However, some would be in
process - so explain what has happened towards meeting this
1. LA, Schedule 5, para. 7
Human and Financial Resources to Implement
Safeguards Requirements
The Borrower shall make available necessary
budgetary and human resources to fully implement the 
EMP, the RP, and the LGAP.
One male national labor and gender
specialist was hired by MRD to support the
SEO/MRD in implementing LGAP.
100% of the PDRds with FDERP were given
orientation about the LGAP for FDERP
(targets and activities);
SEO/PDRDs were advised to orient the
Reference in the Loan
Major Covenants
(This should include information on period of actual
implementation, sex-disaggregated qualitative and quantitative
updates (e.g. number of participating women, women
beneficiaries of services, etc.). However, some would be in
process - so explain what has happened towards meeting this
contractors who will win in the bidding on
the LGAP for FDERP, and strictly monitor its
compliance. Monitoring forms were
introduced to the SEO/PDRDs.
One Female national gender specialist was
hired by MoWRAM to support the Gender
focal person in implementing LGAP.
 An international environment specialist will
help the gender focal person in LGAP monitor
during her assignment.
2. LA, Schedule 5, para. 8
Bidding Documents and Works Contracts
The Borrower shall ensure and cause each of MPWT,
MRD and MoWRAM to ensure that all bidding
documents and contracts for Works contain provisions
that require contractors to:
a. Comply with the measures and requirements
relevant to the contractors set forth in the IEE,
the EMP, the RP, and the LGAP, to the extent
they concern impacts on affected people
during construction, and any corrective or
preventive actions set out in a Safeguards
This is an on-going process.
The said provisions were stipulated in
the bidding contracts.
Regular monitoring at the field/project
site will be done by the PDRD/SEOMRD, DPWT-MPWT and PDWoRAM
Reference in the Loan
Major Covenants
(This should include information on period of actual
implementation, sex-disaggregated qualitative and quantitative
updates (e.g. number of participating women, women
beneficiaries of services, etc.). However, some would be in
process - so explain what has happened towards meeting this
Monitoring Report;
b. Make available a budget for all such
environmental and social measures; and
c. Provide the Borrower with a written notice of
any unanticipated environmental, resettlement
or indigenous peoples risks or impacts that
arise during construction, implementation or
operation of the Project that were not
considered in the IEE, the EMP, the RP, and
the LGAP.
3. LA, Schedule 5, para. 9
Health, Gender and Labor Standards
The Borrower shall ensure and cause each of MPWT,
MRD and MoWRAM to ensure that any bidding
documents for Works contracts includes provisions to
require the contractors to (a) use local unskilled labor
and prioritized employment of women and the poor
based on targets set forth in the LGAP; (b) provide
equal pay for equal work; (c) provide the timely
payment of wages; (d) comply with all core labor
standards and the applicable labor laws and
regulations, including stipulations related to
employment; and (e) not employ child labor.
Contractors were oriented on the LGAP
targets and activities, core labor standards,
and its strict compliance.
The LGAP targets/activities will be
monitored and reported on a quarterly basis.
Public orientation about the FDERP, LGAP
targets and activities, core labor standards
and inventory of unskilled laborers (men and
women) were discussed with the
commune/village councils by the KCI/MRD
consultants during field visits in the 5
provinces with FDERP on 20-23, 2012 (with
the SEO).
Reference in the Loan
Major Covenants
(This should include information on period of actual
implementation, sex-disaggregated qualitative and quantitative
updates (e.g. number of participating women, women
beneficiaries of services, etc.). However, some would be in
process - so explain what has happened towards meeting this
 Contractors were oriented on the LGAP
targets and activities, core labor standards,
and its strict compliance.
 The LGAP targets/activities will be
monitored and reported on a quarterly basis.
4. LA, Schedule 5, para1.0
Safeguards Monitoring and Reporting
The Borrower shall cause each of MPWT, MRD and
MoWRAM to do the following:
c. If any unanticipated environmental and/or
social risks and impacts arise during
construction, implementation, or operation of
the Project that were not considered in the
IEE, the EMP, the RP, or the LGAP, promply
inform ADB of the occurrence of such risks or
impacts, with detailed description of the event
and proposed corrective action plan;
d. Report any actual or potential breach of
compliance with the measures and
requirements set forth in the EMP, the RP, or
the LGAP promptly after becoming aware of
the breach.
This is an on-going process.
Updates will be reported in next LGAP
Quarterly Progress Monitoring in
October 2012.
Reference in the Loan
Major Covenants
(This should include information on period of actual
implementation, sex-disaggregated qualitative and quantitative
updates (e.g. number of participating women, women
beneficiaries of services, etc.). However, some would be in
process - so explain what has happened towards meeting this
5. LA, Schedule 5, para. 18
Gender and Development
The Borrower shall ensure and cause each of MEF,
MPWT, MRD, and MoWRAM to ensure that the
preparation, design, construction, implementation and
operation of each Subproject comply with all
measures and requirements set forth in the Labor and
Gender Action Plan (LGAP).
This is an on-going process.
Updates will be reported in next LGAP
Quarterly Progress Monitoring in
October 2012
Challenges in Implementing the LGAP:
o Majority of the participants attended consultations meeting are men. In the commune/village councils, the officers are predominantly
men. Women’s involvement during consultation meetings is essential as we could ask them directly about their perception about
the project, their willingness to work in the road reconstruction project, what support (e.g. LBAT Training). It is also an “empowering
experience” for women to participate during meetings, and above all to have access to information that the consultants (with the
SEO/PDRDs) disseminate to the communes/project areas.
o Less women participate in the FWUCs
o Understanding of constructors on gender concept is still limited
o Lack of communication between constructors and local authority for mobilizing unskilled workers
o During wet season, most people especially women are busy with farm works, hence, there is less available unskilled workers that
can be hired for the project. On the other hand, there is also limited work that can be done during rainy season (August-October).
Attaining the 30% women in the unskilled labor is quite difficult.
There is a need to sustain conducting stakeholders’ consultations, and encourage more women to attend meetings; conduct focus group
discussions with women; conduct LBAT if most of the women in the project areas do not have or have limited work experience in road
reconstruction projects. There is also a need to orient commune/village councils, contractors, PDRDs, and other technical people the
importance of gender mainstreaming; orient them on the LGAP (activities and targets), etc.
- For new mandate 2015 the FWUCs selected process should be separated between men and women candidates to ensure women
candidate will be selected.
- An orientation of LGAP must be broadly to constructors who win the bidding process
Project Contractors should be well-oriented on LGAP on the commencement of the construction works. MPWT Project Manager
should remind the Project Contractors to closely coordinate with the Gender Focal Person relative to LGAP Implementation.
Budget should be allocated for Gender Monitoring Activities such as field visits, hiring of National Gender Specialist to provide
assistance to the Gender Focal Person during the project implementation.
The Gender Focal Person has been trained on LGAP M&E with the checklist of works/actions to be undertaken, hence, the Gender
Focal Person is responsible for giving LGAP M&E checklist to Project Contractors for LGAP data collection.