An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance NHS Trust An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE guidance Version: Ratified by: Date ratified: Name of originator/author: Name of responsible committee/individual: Name of executive lead: Date issued: Review date: Target audience: V.3 March 2012 Page 1 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4 2 Purpose .................................................................................................................... 4 3 Explanation of Terms ............................................................................................... 4 4 Duties ....................................................................................................................... 5 4.1 4.2 Duties within the Organisation ............................................................................................... 6 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities .................................................. 6 5 Process for Identifying Relevant Documents .......................................................... 8 6 Process for Disseminating Relevant Documents ..................................................... 8 7 Process for Conducting an Organisational Gap Analysis ......................................... 8 8 Process for Ensuring that Recommendations are Acted Upon Throughout the Organisation ................................................................................................................... 9 9 Process for Documenting any Decision not to Implement NICE Recommendations 9 10 Equality Impact Assessment ................................................................................. 9 11 Monitoring Compliance with the Document ....................................................... 9 11.1 11.2 12 12.1 13 Process for Monitoring Compliance ....................................................................................... 9 Standards/Key Performance Indicators ................................................................................ 10 References .......................................................................................................... 10 Guidance from Other Organisations ..................................................................................... 10 Associated Documentation ................................................................................ 11 Appendix A - Process Flow Chart for Managing the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance ................................................................................ 12 Appendix B - Nominated Committee and Lead Individuals (Example) ........................ 13 Appendix C - Template for an Action Plan Following an Organisational Gap Analysis (Example) ...................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix D - Template Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance ....................................................................................... 15 V.3 March 2012 Page 2 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Review and Amendment Log Version No Type of Change Date Description of change V.2 Annual review Mar 2011 Update to section 12 ‘References’ V.2 Amendment Mar 2011 Addition of amendment log Addition of example of definition Addition of examples of associated documents V.3 Annual review Mar 2012 Update to section 4 ‘Duties’ Update to include reference to NICE Pathways Update to Appendix B V.3 Amendment Mar 2012 Change to format contents page including automated Please Note the Intention of this Document This document has been developed with the aim of providing a model document template. However, any documentation subsequently produced must follow its own rules and include details of all the requirements set out in sections 1-13, where relevant. The organisation may use this template and adapt it to reflect procedures within the organisation or alternatively use a document already in existence. Whichever approach is used the organisation must ensure it is compliant with the minimum requirements of the relevant National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA) Risk Management Standards. a To assist the organisation, areas have been identified in the margins where the section within the template document relates to the minimum requirements for the criterion in the relevant NHSLA Risk Management Standards. It is important that the document should follow any pre-existing guidance within the organisation in relation to style and format of documentation. Please note that a template document entitled An Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents can be found on the NHSLA website which may provide the organisation with additional guidance. V.3 March 2012 Page 3 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance 1 Introduction This section should state the reason the document has been developed. A clear process to respond effectively to NICE guidance brings benefits to patients ensuring that the care provided is both clinically and cost effective. It helps the organisation to meet standards set by the Care Quality Commission. The process supports the organisation’s governance framework and provides assurance to the board. 2 Purpose Within this section the organisation should provide the rationale for the development of the document. It should include a description of how the organisation intends to ensure that the process for managing risks associated with the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of compliance with NICE guidance is managed in the most effective way. As a minimum the document should include details of each of the minimum requirements within this process, as identified in the NHSLA Risk Management Standards. The document must describe the organisation’s whole systems approach to managing NICE guidance. It must ensure that there are clear procedures in place to inform and support all those involved in the process. A process flow chart could also be developed and may be included in the appendices Appendix A. 3 Explanation of Terms This section should list and describe the meaning of the terms used within the context of this document. The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) An independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill health: Technology appraisals Recommendations on the use of new and existing medicines and treatments within the NHS. Medical technologies evaluation programme Medical technologies guidance is designed to help the NHS adopt efficient and cost effective medical devices and diagnostics more rapidly and consistently. Interventional procedures Guidance which evaluates the safety and efficacy of such procedures where they are used for diagnosis or treatment. Clinical guidelines Recommendations based on the best available evidence on the appropriate treatment and care of people with specific diseases and conditions. V.3 March 2012 Page 4 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Public health guidance Recommendations on the promotion of good health and the prevention of ill health. NICE quality standards NICE quality standards are a set of specific, concise statements that act as markers of highquality, cost-effective patient care, covering the treatment and prevention of different diseases and conditions. Derived from the best available evidence such as NICE guidance and other evidence sources accredited by NHS Evidence, they are developed independently by NICE, in collaboration with the NHS and social care professionals, their partners and service users, and address three dimensions of quality: clinical effectiveness, patient safety and patient experience. NICE Pathways NICE Pathways is an online tool for health and social care professionals that brings together all related NICE guidance and associated products in a set of interactive topic-based diagrams. Visually representing everything NICE has said on a particular topic, the pathways enable people to see at a glance all of NICE's recommendations on a specific clinical or health topic. NHS Evidence NHS Evidence, provided by NICE, is a free service supporting the information needs of frontline staff working in health and social care. Users can access a comprehensive evidence base, including systematic reviews, accredited guidance and patient information. The web portal provides access to more than 170 reliable sources simultaneously including the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, British National Formulary and the Cochrane Library: NHS Litigation Authority The NHSLA is a Special Health Authority, and is part of the NHS responsible for handling negligence claims made against NHS bodies in England: Care Quality Commission (CQC) Independent regulator of health and social care in England: a 4 Duties It is expected that the organisation will have nominated or appointed an individual or individuals to coordinate and report on the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of NICE guidance. This person(s) is often known as ‘the NICE manager’ and will often do this as part of their clinical governance role. The document should also include an overview of the responsible committee, management lead, individual and departmental roles and levels of responsibility for the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of NICE guidance. The following list is for guidance only and is not exhaustive. V.3 March 2012 Page 5 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance 4.1 Duties within the Organisation Give an overview of the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for the implementation of the organisation’s process for the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of NICE guidance. It should not be a detailed explanation of processes. The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: Chief Executive This section should state that the chief executive is ultimately accountable for the implementation of this organisation-wide process. Nominated/Appointed Lead for the Dissemination, Monitoring of NICE Guidance (NICE Manager) Implementation and This section should identify the post holder who is the nominated/appointed lead person for the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of NICE guidance. This section should detail the duties and how the post holder will fulfil those, including time-scales where appropriate. This post holder’s duties may include a responsibility to: horizon scan and forward plan in relation to NICE guidance; disseminate guidance to key groups; coordinate implementation and action plans (including financial plans); ensure uptake is monitored/compliance is audited; maintain a database of organisational responses to NICE guidance; and produce regular board reports. Further Duties within the Organisation This could include: medical director; committee leads; committee secretaries and could be supported by a table in the appendices - see example at Appendix B. All Staff This section should define the responsibilities of all staff. It should emphasise the individual responsibilities of all staff in relation to complying with the objectives of the organisation. 4.2 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities Trust Board For effective implementation of the Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance there must be active support from the most senior members of the organisation. Organisations should detail how the chief executive and the nominated directors are to gain assurance that this document is being implemented within the organisation. There must be effective cooperation at all levels of the organisation in order for this process to be successful. V.3 March 2012 Page 6 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Accountable Committee for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance This section should identify the committee/group (normally the board or clinical governance committee) which will have overall accountability for the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of NICE guidance. The section should include: how this committee/group links with all the other relevant committees; the role of this committee/group with regards to ensuring continuous development of this document; the role of this committee/group with regards to receiving summary reports; how this committee/group communicates both up to board level (if it is not the board fulfilling this function), and down to the local management levels; and how this committee/group facilitates organisational learning and improvement as a result of the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of NICE guidance. It would be considered good practice for the organisation to develop terms of reference for all committees/groups including accountability, responsibility, authority, membership (including identified co-opted members and deputies) meeting schedule, quorum etc. Responsible Committee for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance This section should describe the duties and responsibilities of the committee/group for the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of NICE guidance. This group may be nominated/appointed by virtue of their position but it should be multidisciplinary in nature with representation of all professions. The committee/group will: V.3 work with the NICE manager to provide overall coordination, planning and monitoring of guidance implementation; identify appropriate clinical leads for each specific NICE guidance to work with the NICE manager; this could be supported by a table in the appendices; ensure an organisational gap analysis takes place when NICE guidance is issued; review and agree dissemination and implementation plans, and consider if the identified action is adequate and appropriate; review and agree plans to monitor uptake/audit implementation of NICE guidance; monitor progress against agreed dissemination, implementation and audit plans; March 2012 Page 7 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance b 5 establish links with other organisations in the local health community to reduce duplication and facilitate joint planning; and ensure that activities in relation to the implementation of NICE guidance achieve compliance with the standards of other bodies (for example Care Quality Commission). Process for Identifying Relevant Documents This section should detail how horizon scanning will take place and how decisions will be made as to whether new NICE guidance is relevant to the organisation. It should also identify the process for recording decisions not to implement NICE guidance. Resources that may help are: 6 NICE forward planner Link NICE email bulletins Link NICE Pathways Link NHS Evidence Link Process for Disseminating Relevant Documents This section should detail how guidance will be disseminated to both individuals and groups/committees within the organisation. Resources that may help are: c 7 NICE slide sets Link NICE quick reference guides for clinical guidelines (can be downloaded from the same website page as the NICE guideline). From October 2011, for new or reviewed clinical guidelines, quick reference guides will be replaced by information on the relevant NICE Pathway Link. Process for Conducting an Organisational Gap Analysis This section should detail how the organisation will assess NICE guidance in relation to current practice to determine where actions are needed to implement the recommendations within the guidance. The process should describe how an action plan is developed. This could be supported by a template for an action plan – see example at Appendix C. d NICE produce a range of support tools that can help with this activity including costing and baseline assessment. These resources are available at: V.3 NICE service planning Link NICE baseline assessment tools Link March 2012 Page 8 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance 8 Process for Ensuring that Recommendations are Acted Upon Throughout the Organisation This section should detail how action plans are monitored and how this is then evaluated through the use of clinical audit or measuring uptake through routinely collected data. It is not expected that audit is undertaken in relation to every piece of NICE guidance. The document should detail how topics are prioritised and audit results are acted upon. Resources that may help are: d 9 NICE audit support Link NICE service planning Link Process for Documenting Recommendations any Decision not to Implement NICE This section should detail the process for recording reasons guidance has been judged to not be applicable. These decisions may be recorded in the organisation’s risk register or other similar document as well as at the patient level through patient records which can be audited. These decisions should be reviewed periodically as changes or provision of new services may lead to previously inapplicable guidance becoming relevant to the organisation. Resources that may help are: 10 NICE baseline assessment tools Link Equality Impact Assessment The organisation should identify who will undertake the Equality Impact Assessment which is required to consider the needs and assess the impact of this document in accordance with the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents. The Equality Impact Assessment Tool found at Appendix E of the Organisationwide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents could be completed and form part of the body of the document, but as a minimum a statement should be included within the document to demonstrate that an Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out and that the document does not discriminate, highlighting any areas of good practice or risk areas requiring attention. e 11 Monitoring Compliance with the Document 11.1 Process for Monitoring Compliance This section should identify how the organisation plans to monitor compliance with the Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance. As a minimum it should include the review/monitoring of all the minimum requirements within the NHSLA Risk Management Standards. The following list is a guide to issues which could be considered within this section and should be added to where appropriate: V.3 Who will perform the monitoring? When will the monitoring be performed? March 2012 Page 9 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance 11.2 How are you going to monitor? What will happen if any shortfalls are identified? Where will the results of the monitoring be reported? How will the resulting action plan be progressed and monitored? How will learning take place? Standards/Key Performance Indicators This section could contain auditable standards and/or key performance indicators (KPIs) which may assist the organisation in the process for monitoring compliance. 12 References This section should contain the details of any reference materials reviewed in the development of the procedural document. Listed below are some useful sources of reference material: V.3 12.1 Guidance from Other Organisations Darzi, Lord (2008) High Quality Care For All: NHS Next Stage Review Final Report Department of Health website provides further information: Health Service Circular 2003/011 The interventional procedures programme: working with the National Institute for Clinical Excellence to promote safe clinical innovation (2003) Chief Medical Officer Annual Report Learning how to Learn: Compliance with Patient Safety Alerts in the NHS (2005) National Quality Board: NICE Quality Standards (2010) The NHS Constitution: The NHS belongs to us all (2010) Health Foundation (2009) Rising to the challenge: Using evidence about what works to improve quality and save money National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) website provides the full list of NICE guidance, quick reference guides, resources to support implementation, and further information: Legal Context of NICE guidance (2004) How to change practice (2010) How to put NICE guidance into practice: A guide to implementation for organisations (interim) (2011) March 2012 Page 10 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance 13 Associated Documentation This section should provide a cross reference to any other related organisational procedural document(s). The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: V.3 Audit Risk register Communications Risk assessment Risk management process Improvement March 2012 Page 11 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Appendix A - Process Flow Chart for Managing the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Organisation to develop Process Flow Chart V.3 March 2012 Page 12 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Appendix B - Nominated Committee and Lead Individuals (Example) Role in NICE process Member of committee/group Lead individual Executive lead Trust Board Medical director NICE manager Multidisciplinary NICE group (Coordinator) NICE manager Pharmacy representative Multidisciplinary NICE group Head of pharmacy Medical representative Multidisciplinary NICE group GP Nursing representative Multidisciplinary NICE group Nurse consultant Allied health professions representative Multidisciplinary NICE group Patient representative Multidisciplinary NICE group Finance representative Multidisciplinary NICE group Management accountant Secretary to multidisciplinary NICE group Multidisciplinary NICE group Clinical governance administrator NICE clinical lead (surgery) Ad-hoc member of multidisciplinary NICE group NICE clinical lead (cardiovascular) Ad-hoc member of multidisciplinary NICE group V.3 March 2012 Page 13 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Appendix C - Template for an Action Plan Following an Organisational Gap Analysis (Example) Recommendation (detail all Compliance recommendations from the guidance) (Yes/No/Partial) V.3 Action Required March 2012 Responsibility and Timescales Monitoring Arrangements Date Action Completed Page 14 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Appendix D - Template Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance NHS Trust An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE guidance Version: Ratified by: Date ratified: Name of originator/author: Name of responsible committee/individual: Name of executive lead: Date issued: Review date: Target audience: V.3 March 2012 Page 15 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 18 2 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 18 3 Explanation of Terms ............................................................................................. 18 4 Duties ..................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 4.2 Duties within the Organisation ............................................................................................. 18 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities ................................................ 18 5 Process for Identifying Relevant Documents ........................................................ 18 6 Process for Disseminating Relevant Documents ................................................... 18 7 Process for Conducting and Organisational Gap Analysis ..................................... 18 8 Process for Ensuring that Recommendations are Acted Upon Throughout the Organisation ................................................................................................................. 18 9 Process for Documenting any Decision Not to Implement NICE Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 18 10 Equality Impact Assessment ............................................................................... 18 11 Monitoring Compliance with the Document ..................................................... 18 11.1 11.2 12 12.1 13 Process for Monitoring Compliance ..................................................................................... 18 Standards/Key Performance Indicators ................................................................................ 18 References .......................................................................................................... 19 Guidance from Other Organisations ..................................................................................... 19 Associated Documentation ................................................................................ 19 Appendix A Analysis Report Template ..................................................................... 19 Appendix B Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents ...... 19 Appendix C Version Control Sheet ........................................................................... 19 Appendix D Plan for Dissemination .......................................................................... 19 Appendix E Equality Impact Assessment Tool ......................................................... 19 Examples of the Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents, Version Control Sheet, Plan for Dissemination and the Equality Impact Assessment Tool can all be found within the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents on the NHSLA website. Appendix B in the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents contains a flowchart to assist with the process for the creation and implementation of procedural documents. V.3 March 2012 Page 16 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance Review and Amendment Log Version No V.3 Type of Change Date March 2012 Description of change Page 17 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance 1 Introduction 2 Purpose 3 Explanation of Terms 4 Duties 4.1 Duties within the Organisation 4.2 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities 5 Process for Identifying Relevant Documents 6 Process for Disseminating Relevant Documents 7 Process for Conducting and Organisational Gap Analysis 8 Process for Ensuring that Recommendations are Acted Upon Throughout the Organisation 9 Process for Documenting any Decision Not to Implement NICE Recommendations 10 Equality Impact Assessment 11 Monitoring Compliance with the Document V.3 11.1 Process for Monitoring Compliance 11.2 Standards/Key Performance Indicators March 2012 Page 18 of 19 An Organisation-wide Document for the Dissemination, Implementation and Monitoring of NICE Guidance 12 References 12.1 13 Guidance from Other Organisations Associated Documentation Appendix A Analysis Report Template Appendix B Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents Appendix C Version Control Sheet Appendix D Plan for Dissemination Appendix E Equality Impact Assessment Tool V.3 March 2012 Page 19 of 19