It`s Not What You Say, It`s How

It’s Not What
You Say, It’s How
You Say It!
Verbal/Body Language
Part I
Theme: Proper verbal
1. Students will be able to demonstrate the concept
of how emphasis on certain words has the ability to
change the meaning of an entire sentence.
2. Students will understand the importance of good
and bad body language in relation to
Receiving Messages
People receive messages from each
other in three ways:
1. From the words they hear
2. From the feelings shown by the other’s tone of voice
and inflection
3. From the way they act when they say the words
Example of showing emphasis and
how it can change the meaning.
“You look nice today.”
Monotone, not much feeling
“You look nice today.”
You look nice as opposed to anyone else in the room
“You look nice today.”
As opposed to your personality you have a nice look.
“You look nice today.”
Usually you like a rat.
“You look nice today.”
Finally, today you look nice.
Example continued
“We need to talk”
“We need to talk”
The two of us need to talk alone rather than in front of
other people.
“We need to talk”
Monotone, not much feeling
Something important to discuss, immediately.
“We need to talk”
Talk versus play, sing, scream, etc…
Body Language
Body language also conveys meanings.
What are some appropriate and
inappropriate body languages we give out?
Belching, farting, eye rolling, crossed arms, not
looking at speaker, yawning unnecessarily, putting
head on desk and sleeping, slouching, feet on
furniture, staring at ceiling, looking out window,
turning sideways in desk.
Body Language
Research shows that in face-to-face
communication, 70-90% of the message
is conveyed non-verbally. If a person
says one thing and sends a different
message with non-verbal behavior, the
non-verbal message is what the person
really means. It is always the true
Non-Verbal Messages
There are four components of non-verbal
Eye Contact: This is looking the person in the eye.
Posture: This is how you hold your body.
Special Distance: This is how far you are from the person. About 2½
to 3 feet is considered appropriate in this country today.
Facial Expression: This is literally “the look on your face.”
Talking about Body Language
Please remember that no matter where you are, you
represent Cook Campus.
One of the reasons we have you walk on your break
and ask that you don’t hang out in front of the school
is so our community doesn’t label you or Cook based
on choices you may be making during break.
Anytime large groups of teens hang out and some are
smoking, everyone gets labeled.
Human Nature
Based on human nature (everyone tends to
stereotype) please respect yourself, your
peers, and your school enough to represent
in a positive light.
Yelling swear words in public.
Smoking in highly visible places: Shari’s corner, main
street, etc.
Acting rude in public.
These are behaviors that “scream” for others to stereotype
you in a way that isn’t really who you are. When it comes
time to ask for money to keep Cook going, these behaviors
come up as examples of why money should not be invested
in Cook. When the administrators at the district office drive by
Shari’s during the day, they take notice of who is standing
there and then address the administrators of those schools
about why their kids are hanging out, screaming, yelling,
cussing, etc.
If a school can’t keep there kids attending and reflecting
positive behavior, the school will be shut down.