Prepared for the City of Calabasas, CA Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? 1 Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Hot Asphalt Asphalt Emulsion Yes - Rainbow Surface or Brown Suspension Visually Observable - No Testing Required Crumb Rubber Yes – Black, solid material Visually Observable - No Testing Required Asphalt Concrete (Any Type) Yes - Rainbow Surface or Brown Suspension Visually Observable - No Testing Required Liquid Asphalt (tack coat) Asphalt Products Cold Mix Acids No Bleaches No Detergents Yes - Foam TSP No pH Acidity Anions (acetic acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrogen chloride) pH Meter Acidity Test Kit Residual Chlorine Chlorine EPA 150.1 (pH) EPA 300.0 (Anion) Cleaning Products Solvents California Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction January 2003 SM 2310B (Acidity) SM 4500-CL G (Res. Chlorine) Visually Observable - No Testing Required Phosphate EPA 365.3 (Phosphate) VOC None EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) Phosphate No DRAFT Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 2 of 8 Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Portland Cement (PCC) Yes - Milky Liquid Masonry products No 1 Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Visually Observable - No Testing Required pH pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit Alkalinity Methyl Methacrylate Sealant (Methyl Methacrylate - MMA) No Laboratory Cobalt EPA 150.1 (pH) SM 2320 (Alkalinity) EPA 625 (SVOC) None EPA 200.8 (Metal) Zinc Portland Concrete Cement & Masonry Products Incinerator Bottom Ash Bottom Ash Steel Slag Foundry Sand Fly Ash Municipal Solid Waste No Mortar Yes - Milky Liquid Visually Observable - No Testing Required Concrete Rinse Water Yes - Milky Liquid Visually Observable - No Testing Required Aluminum Calcium Vanadium Calcium Test Zinc Acidity SM 2310B (Acidity) Alkalinity Non-Pigmented Curing Compounds California Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction January 2003 EPA 200.8 (Metal) EPA 200.7 (Calcium) pH No DRAFT SM 2320 (Alkalinity) pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit EPA 150.1 (pH) VOC EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) SVOC EPA 625 (SVOC) Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 3 of 8 Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? 1 Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Aluminum Aluminum Sulfate No EPA 200.8 (Metal) TDS Meter Sulfate TDS Sulfate Sulfur-Elemental Fertilizers-Inorganic 4 No EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Sulfate Sulfate EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Nitrate Nitrate EPA 300.0 (Nitrate) Phosphate Phosphate EPA 365.3 (Phosphate) Organic Nitrogen None EPA 351.3 (TKN) Potassium None EPA 200.8 (Metal) TOC EPA 415.1 (TOC) Nitrate Natural Earth (Sand, Gravel, and Topsoil) EPA 160.1 (TDS) No Landscaping and Other Products Fertilizers-Organic Laboratory EPA 300.0 (Nitrate) No Nitrate Organic Nitrogen EPA 351.3 (TKN) COD EPA 410.4 (COD) Yes - Cloudiness and turbidity Herbicide Visually Observable - No Testing Required Herbicide None Pesticide Pesticide Check lab for specific herbicide or pesticide No Alkalinity Lime pH California Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction January 2003 DRAFT pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit SM 2320 (Alkalinity) EPA 150.1 (pH) Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 4 of 8 Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Paint Yes Paint Strippers 1 Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Visually Observable - No Testing Required VOC None EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) No COD Resins No EPA 410.4 (COD) None SVOC Sealants No COD EPA 625 (SVOC) None COD Lacquers, Varnish, Enamels, and Turpentine Thinners No VOC No Portable Toilet Waste California Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction January 2003 None EPA 625 (SVOC) COD EPA 410.4 (COD) VOC None EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) SVOC EPA 625 (SVOC) VOC EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) No None Yes EPA 601/602 or EPA 624 (VOC) SVOC COD Portable Toilet Waste Products EPA 410.4 (COD) EPA 410.4 (COD) Painting Products Solvents Laboratory EPA 410.4 (COD) Visually Observable - No Testing Required DRAFT Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 5 of 8 Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Category Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory None EPA 200.8 (Metal) Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Aerially Deposited Lead3 No Petroleum Yes – Rainbow Surface Sheen and Odor Other No Contaminant Specific Contaminant Specific Contaminant Specific Chlorinated Water No Total chlorine Chlorine SM 4500-CL G (Res. Chlorine) COD None EPA 410.4 (COD) Phenols Phenol EPA 420.1 (Phenol) SVOC None EPA 625 (SVOC) Chloride Chloride EPA 300.0 (Chloride) TDS TDS Meter EPA 160.1 (TDS) Cations (Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium) None EPA 200.7 (Cations) Contaminated Soil 5 Line Flushing Products Adhesives Dust Palliative Products 1 Adhesives Salts (Magnesium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, and Natural Brines) Antifreeze and Other Vehicle Fluids Vehicle Batteries Fuels, Oils, Lubricants California Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction January 2003 Lead No No Visually Observable - No Testing Required Yes - Colored Liquid No Yes - Rainbow Surface Sheen and Odor DRAFT Visually Observable - No Testing Required Sulfuric Acid None EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Lead None EPA 200.8 (Metal) pH pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit EPA 150.1 (pH) Visually Observable - No Testing Required Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 6 of 8 Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Category Construction Site Material Polymer/Copolymer Soil Amendment/Stabilization Products 6, 7 Visually Observable? No Straw/Mulch Yes - Solids Lignin Sulfonate No Psyllium No 1 Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Organic Nitrogen None EPA 351.3 (TKN) BOD None EPA 405.1 (BOD) COD None EPA 410.4 (COD) DOC None EPA 415.1 (DOC) Nitrate Nitrate EPA 300.0 (Nitrate) Sulfate Sulfate EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) Nickel None EPA 200.8 (Metal) Visually Observable - No Testing Required Alkalinity Alkalinity SM 2320 (Alkalinity) TDS TDS Meter EPA 160.1 (TDS) COD TOC None COD Guar/Plant Gums No TOC None EPA 415.1 (TOC) EPA 200.8 (Metal) Calcium pH Meter Alkalinity or Acidity Test Kit Calcium EPA 200.7 (Calcium) Sulfate Sulfate EPA 300.0 (Sulfate) None EPA 200.8 (Metal) pH No EPA 415.1 (TOC) EPA 410.4 (COD) Nickel Gypsum EPA 410.4 (COD) EPA 150.1 (pH) Aluminum Barium Manganese Vanadium California Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction January 2003 DRAFT Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 7 of 8 Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Attachment S Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Category Construction Site Material Visually Observable? Treated Wood Products Pollutant Indicators 2 Suggested Analyses Field 3 Laboratory Total Chromium EPA 200.8 (Metal) Arsenic Ammoniacal-Copper-ZincArsenate (ACZA) Copper-Chromium-Arsenic (CCA) 1 Total Chromium Copper No Ammoniacal-CopperArsenate (ACA) Zinc Copper Naphthenate Creosote Yes - Rainbow Surface or Brown Suspension Visually Observable - No Testing Required Notes: 1. 1 If specific pollutant is known, analyze only for that specific pollutant. See MSDS to verify. 2. For each construction material, test for one of the pollutant indicators. Bolded pollutant indicates lowest analysis cost or best indicator. However, the composition of the specific construction material, if known, is the first criterion for selecting which analysis to use. 3. See,, and for some of the test kits 4. If the type of inorganic fertilizer is unknown, analyze for all pollutant indicators listed. 5. Only if special handling requirements are required in the contract documents for aerially deposited lead (ADL) 6. If used with a dye or fiber matrix, it is considered visually observable and no testing is required. 7. Based upon research conducted by the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the following copolymers/polymers do not discharge pollutants and water quality sampling and analysis is not required: Super Tak™, M-Binder™, Fish Stik™, Pro40dc™, Fisch-Bond™, and Soil Master WR™. California Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction January 2003 DRAFT Pollutant Testing Guidance Table 8 of 8