Executive Order of the Government of the Republic of Mari El

Executive Order
of the Government of the Republic of Mari El
November 6, 2014, No. 527-r
On confirmation a plan of high-priority measures for creation of industrial
park “Southern”
1. To confirm an enclosed plan of high-priority measures for creation of
industrial park “Southern” (hereinafter – the plan).
2. Executive persons of the plan should send information about its execution
to the Ministry of industry, transport and road facilities of the Republic of Mari El
every quarter, not later than the 10th day of the month following the accounting
3. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mari El, minister
of industry, transport and road facilities Vyacheslav P.Pashin should control
execution of the Executive Order.
Acting Chairman of the Government
of the Republic of Mari El
Nikolay Kuklin
The Executive Order of the Government
of the Republic of Mari El
November 6, 2014, No. 527-r
of high-priority measures for creation of industrial park “Southern”
Executive body
Legal groundwork for creation of industrial park “Southern”
Preparation and introduction of changes to legal Ministry of industry, transport
regulatory acts of the Republic of Mari El and
and road facilities of the
municipal institution “Medvedevo municipal
Republic of Mari El, Ministry
district” for creation of industrial park
of economic development and
trade of the Republic of Mari
El, administration of
municipal institution
“Medvedevo municipal
district” (on agreement)
Preparation and signing of agreement on
Ministry of industry, transport
cooperation for creation of industrial park
and road facilities of the
“Southern” between executive body and
Republic of Mari El,
municipal institution
administration of municipal
institution “Medvedevo
municipal district” (on
Development and confirmation of documents on Ministry of industry, transport
Period for performance
As required
1st quarter, 2015
2015-2016 years
activity of industrial park “Southern”
and road facilities of the
Republic of Mari El
Preparation and open contest holding for
Ministry of industry, transport
selection of administration company
and road facilities of the
Republic of Mari El
Conclusion of Investment agreement on
Ministry of industry, transport
creation of industrial park with municipal
and road facilities of the
institution and administration company
Republic of Mari El
Development of agreement on industrial and
Ministry of industry, transport
production activity of residents in the territory
and road facilities of the
of industrial park “Southern”
Republic of Mari El, Ministry
of economic development and
trade of the Republic of Mari
El, administration company
(on agreement)
Financing of a project for creation of industrial park “Southern”
Inclusion of construction document
Ministry of economic
development for construction of industrial park
development and trade of the
“Southern” into the republican target investment
Republic of Mari El
program for the year 2015
Financing of a project by budgetary and nonMinistry of economic
budgetary sources
development and trade of the
Republic of Mari El, Ministry
of industry, transport and road
facilities of the Republic of
Mari El
Participation of a letter of request of the
Ministry of industry, transport
Republic of Mari El for creation and
and road facilities of the
2015 year
2015 year
2015-2016 years
4th quarter of the year 2014
1st quarter of the year 2015,
then - annually
after performance of the point
development of industrial parks in the contest of Republic of Mari El, Ministry
the Ministry of economic development of the
of economic development and
Russian Federation for grants from federal
trade of the Republic of Mari
budget for state support of small and medium
entrepreneurship by the regions of the Russian
Organizational measures for creation of industrial park “Southern”
Assure compliance of characteristics of a
Ministry of industry, transport
projected industrial park “Southern” to the
and road facilities of the
standards of the Association of industrial parks
Republic of Mari El, Ministry
in Russia
of economic development and
trade of the Republic of Mari
El, administration company
(on agreement)
Posting of a land plot for construction of
administration of municipal
4th quarter of the year 2014
industrial park “Southern” to the cadastral
institution “Medvedevo
municipal district” (on
Preparation and holding of a contest for
Ministry of industry, transport after performance of the point
development of construction documents for
and road facilities of the
construction of industrial park “Southern”
Republic of Mari El
Correction, preparation and taking of documents administration of municipal
2015 year
of territorial planning, rules of land utilization
institution “Medvedevo
and building with holding of public hearing
municipal district” (on
procedure (about placement of industrial park
Marketing promotion of industrial park “Southern”
and realization of measures for attraction of residents
Industrial park “Southern” promotion program
Development of presentations about industrial
park “Southern”
Placement of information about industrial park
“Southern” in media for subjects of small and
medium entrepreneurship
Search and attraction of residents
State and municipal support of residents and
administration company of industrial park
“Southern” in accordance with legislation
Ministry of industry, transport
and road facilities of the
Republic of Mari El, Ministry
of economic development and
trade of the Republic of Mari
El, administration company
Ministry of industry, transport
and road facilities of the
Republic of Mari El, Ministry
of economic development and
trade of the Republic of Mari
El, administration of
municipal institution
“Medvedevo municipal
district” (on agreement)
Ministry of economic
development and trade of the
Republic of Mari El
Ministry of industry, transport
and road facilities of the
Republic of Mari El, Ministry
of economic development and
trade of the Republic
of Mari El
Ministry of industry, transport
and road facilities of the
Republic of Mari El, Ministry
of economic development and
2nd quarter of the year 2015
2nd quarter of the year 2015
2016-2017 years
trade of the Republic of Mari
El, administration of
municipal institution
“Medvedevo municipal
district” (on agreement)